Author Topic: Another Phase of Human Evolution  (Read 14638 times)


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Another Phase of Human Evolution
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:40:39 AM »
Welcome all new 11er's,

We are happy to hear from you!  There are thousands of us out there but only a few are brave enough to speak about and investigate the mystery of the 11 prompts.  First and foremost we are all "normal"  and should never think otherwise.  We are a diverse group on this forum from all walks of life.  The mystery of WHY and for What purpose do we receive these prompts has always been the question.  My personal feeling is that God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha and all other ascended masters are reaching out to us in an attempt to bring GOD back into our lives.  The Universe speaks to us in numbers....11's, and other repeating numbers and is desperately trying to get our attention.  If you look at the state of the planet right now, it's no wonder we are being prompted to change it.  We can start by " Prayer" and as John Paul Jackson has stated we could use prayer as " Spiritual Warfare" to change this planet.  If all 11er's prayed to God everyday we might have the power to effect change for the better.

To recapitulate the characteristics of 11er's,

Common Factors in the 11 Phenomenon:

1.  Most 11er's have some level of psychic ability and or awareness of spirit
2.  Most of us feel as though there is something more to do on this planet
3.  Most of us feel as though we are different in some way and don't fit in somehow
4.  Some of us see it as a warning that something bad might happen (personally or globally)
5.  Recognizing patterns/coincidences

In other words,

Feelings of being separate or misunderstood?

* Frustrations and dissatisfactions with the "normal" world?

* A deep feeling, thinking, and introspective nature?

* A driving need to contribute to creating a better world?

* A powerful longing for something more?

Yes, even in chaos there is order.

BRIDGE!  I am happy to hear that I am not the only one who is getting an increase in the prompts and repeating numbers.  Something is Up!

MISDEVIO,  Carl Jung spoke about synchronicity .....coincidences .....even he said to pay attention to synchronicity!  And you are right...I now believe that the prompts are GOOD and BAD ! 

Melbell....there is something up with those Blood Moons...for sure.  Maybe the increase in prompts is trying to communicate that something is on the horizon.

Dred,  thanks for all the links you send.  They are quite interesting.

Leon, you are not crazy...this phenomenon is quite common and NORMAL.

So PRAY 11er's....PRAY everyday.  Pray for peace everyday.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2015, 12:11:57 PM »
Greetings 11er's,

MISDEVIO in response to your post..this is a great forum to participate in even though just a few of us actually contribute.  So....I was like you when I first discovered the 11's.....I just had to know what it was all about.  I still need to solve this mystery...and I am working on it! 

Today, I was baking cookies and just as I placed them in the oven I glanced at the microwave to activate the timer and of course there was an 11:11 on the microwave clock in my face.  The 11:11 immediately turned to 11:12.  This happens frequently.  At the time, I was thinking about someone in the family who recently passed.  I believe this may have been a hello from spirit.  So as usual, I shake my head, smile, and say hello.  I keep a very accurate diary of my experiences with the 11.  I have come to the conclusion that spirit is communicating with me. I truly believe that some of us receive sign gifts which Jesus spoke about.....he has given all of us the ability to receive signs.....we just need to pay attention. 

For all the 11er's who celebrate Easter.....All we need do is follow Christ, for in Christ will all our queries be solved. Happy Easter everyone.



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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2015, 12:13:34 PM »
You know....I couldn't do this if I's unbelievable....check out the time of my post......unreal.



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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2015, 02:34:02 PM »
   Numbers, numbers, numbers!
  Well Misdevio I too see 12's a lot. And for that matter 10's too! Sometimes I see 10 after the hour and a moment later I see 12 after. I think its the same thing as seeing 11 after.
   So many times I see 11 after and I think to myself, "You're always here with me aren't you?" And it is. I feel like it's some kind of communication or maybe it's a symbol of achievement. For having good intentions. But the numbers keep coming no matter what.
   When I was in Denver recently I knew they would accompany me as they did and do when Lin travels. As it does fro all 11ers.
   Misdevio also mentioned that right after seeing an 11, the clock clicked over to 12. I had the opposite thing happen to me in Denver. I saw 10 after then before I could turn away it clicked over to 11 after. I swear it's always with me and I'm fine with that. In a way I live a charmed life. I am dirt poor but sometimes I get things by surprise. For about a year now, because I'm more prone to receiving I get more stuff. It's usually small stuff but once in a while I get something really cool. Something I think I deserve. And that all starts with giving. For me in my life giving is the currency used to get what you want and sometimes to get what you deserve.
   For me, in my life giving and receiving in balance and all the good things that come from it are some how connected to the frequency of the 11's that keep showing up throughout the day. Day after day. Week after month after year after year.
    The posting times are curious aren't they. A person can time their posts but I don't and I don't think anyone else does either. Lately I've gotten mirror image numbers and like Lin, have posted at 11 minutes after the hour. Sometimes post times add up to 11 too! Again I think these are connected with another dimension. Somehow we are attune with something very powerful and I love being a part of whatever this phenomenon is.
   Keep on contributing...if you have something quirky happen let us know about it.
   C U Guys later, 11erSteve


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2015, 12:50:39 PM »
Hello, Lin, Steve and 11ers !
   Lin,  actually Im Not new to seeing or being an 11er ! I have been for 7-8 years now, however Ive had No One to relate to this with me . Which left me feeling like Im in the (crazy zone !) I know what we are all seeing and going through is Very Real !

   I have known for a long time that I have the gift of discernment. This gift is biblical truth/ or non-biblical truth and such.  I think this is why I had such a hard time with becoming an 11er, Due to the fact that its such a mystery to us all.

  I have had visions and dreams both in the prophetic manner for the most of 20 yrs. now . I dont always understand them, but the Lord usually guides me to the right person to convey my dream and or vision.

  Im not sure if anyone is familair to the movie Heaven Is For Real ? My son whom is now 22 had heart sugery at birth and again at 4yrs. My son spoke of the very simulair experences . He drew pictures in crayons and told me about eating at a very large table in Heaven and soooooo much more ! He at times would tell me about Heaven, but he also talked about the battle in the end times and drew pictures as he was riding on a white hores in battle and there were doglike wolves hiding aroung to attack. My son was 31/2- 4 yrs old. I knew there was no way I had taught him anything of this matter at such a young age. As he got older he wrote poems that were far beyond any of his teachings of Jesus !

As I prayed the other night I felt as though the Lord confirmed my 11 thing and it was good to fellowship with other 11ers, and I need not to worry or spend time trying to understand it... but that we will know when its the right time to know ! Until then be mindfilled and know that He is in control of whats to come. We will rise when He sees fit, there will be no worry, for those who know His Name and belongs to Him will rise in His name Jesus Christ .

 I truely hope Im sharing this with 11ers that have an open heart to Jesus . Im putting out what the Lord has given to me. Im sure it sounds "off" to some, but I managed to pour out my heart for this is what I know !

Happy Easter- He Is Risen- Jesus Christ
Blessings to all and your family
  I welcome any and all comments and feedback....Misdevio


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2015, 06:23:41 PM »
I hope everyone had a great Easter, sorry haven't been posting much been working more and I've barely had time in my life for sleeping lately.  Just wanted to say of course it's a good thing to share in fellowship with other 11'rs, not just 11'rs but your fellow man.  Live by the golden and love your neighbor simple sutff for life, but it makes all the difference cause when you live this way in life the world opens doors for you.  I think this could be what being an 11'r is about.  When you work with god he works with you, and I haven't met a 11'r yet that doesn't seem to be living by these rules.


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2015, 07:51:35 PM »
Hello 11ers ! Just checking in to read the latest posts. I have come to a resting point with seeing 11, meaning that Im not so frustrated with this . I see it acknowledge it and move on !
  My last prayer with the Lord really put my mind at ease. And quite frankly I was surprised myself by my feeling content and easy each time I experience seeing 11 in any and all manners.
  Dred, Im very happy to read your post. Its very refreshing to read likeminded comments and I feel like Ive finally connected with a group that maybe gets what Im talking about !
 I also wanted to mention that Im Not a Bible thumper ! Although I talk about Jesus and the Lord quite often in my posts, Im not the person that goes around Preaching all the time. Actually Im a bit ashamed to say that some of my co-staff would most likely be surprised to know that Im saved and and believe in Jesus Christ ! I do share The Word when I see fit and feel led to do so. I mention this due to the fact that I feel this 11 thing is directly related to The Lord, but Im not a Loopy Bible Thumping Holy Roller...! And most people don't want any religion pushed on them.

So far it seems to me that 11ers are good people. Im sure we have more in common than we are aware of ??!!

Good day to all, Misdevio

Big lion

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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2015, 09:35:46 AM »
it was a joy for me to find this wen page. I myself have been seeing 11's for about 2 years now. I also believe that this is not for everyone but those that have been chosen to do the lords work (what ever that means to you). I also believe that we are different because we are getting a direct communication for the Most High. I'm not sure what this all means but in my hearth I know its something good.
so glad to know that I'm not alone. I hopeful by sharing our experiences we can all get something to help each of use figure out what this all means. we all have our own journey in life but the destination is all the same at the end of the day. their is 1 universal goal for us all just different parts of the pie.
God bless and lest continue to share!



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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2015, 10:01:03 PM »
Hi 11er's,

Long time no talk....what is going on in your lives?  I'm sure the 11's and other repeating numbers are still in your's never a dull moment with me. Dried it was good to hear from you and as usual you sent a great YouTube Video of Mark Passio who discusses the 11:11 phenomenon (he is an 11er as well).  If you haven't watched it please do so now.  He also talks about the Tarot 11 card...the Justice card.....very interesting.....and equates this card with Natural Law.  Interestingly enough....I just took a class on Tarot so this was quite timely.....and of course not a coincidence.  Thanks for sending Dred....I don't know how you do it but you find some interesting stuff.

Kiwi in New Zealand....welcome to the forum and yes it's been very quiet lately.  I think most people are afraid to talk about the 11:11 because it scares them.  The people who have written about their experiences on this forum are the brave ones....we are examining what this all means and I think most people feel as though it is a good thing....not bad.  So thank you for sharing.

I met someone a few days ago who told me that she has been seeing 11:11 for 40 years!  So I don't think it is something new at all.  The reason I think people are seeing this number is because we are being do teach as Dred change the planet......and as Mark Passio says...some of us will answer the call and others will remain asleep and do nothing.  I have chosen to do something and I know I have more to do.  He also stated what I said a while back and that is we are experiencing another phase of evolution.  We are evolving and spirituality is just one more ring on the evolutionary scale.

So Kiwi...what is going on in New Zealand?  Do you have problems with terrorists trying to gain access to your country?  Is it still a safe place?  There are not many safe places to travel too anymore.  I think my days of traveling to Europe are over.  It's become a very dangerous and violent world. 

Kiwi, please read the posts under this topic.  A list of commonalities of 11er's was compiled a while ago and if you think other info should be added please let me know.  You are not alone my friend.....we are with you.  Feel free to contact me at anytime with any concerns.  My email is attached to my profile.  I am here to help!

Hey!  Where are all the old timers on this forum?  Where are you guys?  Gene it's always good to hear from you.  You post interesting information.  Please keep posting!



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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2015, 12:21:02 PM »
Hello members both new and old,
   Kiwi, please tell us all about yourself in connection with 11's. Its been too quiet here lately.
   I haven't been contributing lately because there is always too much conversation about other topics like toe Popes visit and other things.
   A while back when the Aztec calendar changed...nothing notable happened. Recently there has been a lot of talk about the 4 blood moons and nothing notable happened again. As it does with all of these kind of events. It would be great if something happened. It would be great if something came along and shook us up a bit. Nothing devastating just something that got us to wake up, so to speak. But alas these events come and go and nothing happens here on Earth. If I were you I'd expect more of the same.
   A long time ago I tried to see if there was anything that we all had in common but with little input from others my thoughts went no where. Unless you guys are making progress with your conference calls I hold out little hope of a consensus.
   Speaking as a realist, I doubt that we will ever figure out why we see 11's the way we do. It's a true phenomenon and we are just caught up in it.
   For years I've been chasing my tail about why things are the way they are and I still can't figure out why I see 11's the way I do. Anymore I'm happy just being an 11er. I still see 11's and just feel connected or reminded that somethings afoot when I see them.
   I've always felt that being an 11er is a sign of achievement and that for some reason we have become awakened to something. I've also felt that something  is trying to communicate with us and it's only through this 11 channel  that we are contacted. It's like a phone ringing and I can't answer because I don't know how to. If I figure out how to I'll let you know. Until then people I wish you all the best.


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2015, 01:21:50 AM »
Great post as always, Lin. You are right about many being afraid to talk about this. Many people find there way here, but a small percentage post. I think a part of it is that the experiences are so similar that people may feel it redundant at times to talk about their own experiences. "Justice" is an interesting word given where everything is in the world. I think there is something to that. A day of reckoning or change (for the better).


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2015, 01:37:30 AM »

I think many people put too much emphasis on single events, such as the Mayan calendar. But the thing that stands out to me is that so many signs point to something. They can't all be the "big one," but I think they all point to the same time period. So much is condensed in such a short time with these signs. It seems like a long time when we are at the edge of our seats, but really it is the blink of an eye when you look at overall history. I think the events in the world are all tied to it. It would be nice to just have the whole experience "solved" so to speak, but it is clear now that it wasn't meant to happen overnight. It is disappointing, but, again, things (signs and events) really are happening quickly, just not yet that great moment or end transformation we are all waiting for.

Does anyone think time is speeding up? It seems so to me. Talking about actual time now.


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2016, 04:59:54 AM »

I just found these posts. Thanks for trying to communicate with me, you all sound like nice folks.

11erSteve, I posted one of my experiences in the 11 forum not long ago. There will be more to follow.

Lin, NZ is fulfilling its obligation to the dark-side by amassing large amounts of government debt at an alarming rate, but so far no terrorists. And other than that its still beautiful, still safe to visit.


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2016, 10:44:06 PM »
Hello again fellow 11er's,

I just had to reply to two posts....the first was from Mostgauche....thank you for posting.  We welcome all thoughts and ideas.....and I thought your comment  " Follow 11 and you will find rewards"  was great!  Yes, I do find rewards and information from the 11''s a sign gift.  Read my posts in this topic...we have all be given sign gifts.

My contemporary 11er friend goodness we have come a long the mystery of the century solved?  No....but we have discovered some commonalities....some basics to this phenomenon.  Read my posts again in this topic...I listed all the things most of us have in common....

EL. God in Hebrew


( Michael Bernard Beckwith..........

Steve.....I saw saw 7:11 and 4:11 today.....I just take note what I am thinking when it happens.  I mostly get 8:11 and as of the past several weeks or so, bombarded with 333 and a few 11:11's as usual. here is what I think........LET GO!  STOP THE RESISTANCE.........all is the way it should be.....stop dwelling on the numbers.......don't dwell on it....just be accepting of it.  Take note of it and be done with it.....accept that it is spirit communicating and that's all that it is.  You are being guided, cared for and loved.........ACCEPT IT! 8)

Gene, WHERE ARE YOU?  Where in the world is Gene?

XOXO to all 11er's around the world


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Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2016, 01:24:01 AM »
Hi Lin. I am alive. I appreciate your concern. Just going through some stuff.

Reading some of these posts is really blowing my mind. Just responded to 11erSteve about 7:11 and 8:11 and now I am reading this. These aren't times that have really gotten my attention, until a couple nights ago in a big way...

Hope you are well.
