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Messages - endtime11

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Thank you, I feel better knowing that someone else experiance's this same thing I have noticed since 1990 I was 9 years old and after my mother noticing it first she then started to point it out to me and I have seen it ever since then, like you I dont see it as much as maybe some people but It does have it's high's and low's on its frequency; Furthermore I do believe it to be a sign from God and sent to those who are meant to notice maybe certain intelligent people, dont know. thanks again, Jonathan DJPhaze Argiri. :-\  ::)

When  i  decided to look at this phenomenon up  on google, And discovered I  am  not the only  one. I  am  still  wierded out by  this. As of a year ago  I  feel  that  it is a sign from  god or a warning that  2011 turning to 2012 is when to be expecting his return, To be ready   the bible says that  we won't know the day  and the hour, We will  know when it's near. 11 and 7 is a special #

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