Author Topic: Possible Advice?  (Read 4016 times)


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Possible Advice?
« on: July 06, 2016, 02:32:15 PM »
Hey folks, im sorry this isnt really 11 related but i was hoping some people out thre may be able to help me or provide some advice i can look into.

I just started getting back into my research on Ancient History and have started to write new articles. My problem is getting the info "out there" to more than 80-100 views a day.  Ive tried going to websites that have similar interests as i do and i will leave very detailed information and then include a link to the blog i have.

i did some research on the site first (ancient is one of them) and saw other people would post links to other websites with an article about the same topic of discussion and those get through with no problems.  I was looking into an article about the 30 great marvels of Puma Punku and left some very very detailed information that wasnt even in the article, so it was a detailed response and not some canned response and then a link to my blog. But they seem to mark me as spam regardless, even clearly when its not.

Does anyone have a way to where i can better promote my projects?  I'm at a loss but i really believe that i have some great thought provoking articles and i leave comments open so anyone can start a debate or discussion.

If anyone can lend a helping hand and point me in the right starting direction, id be hugely grateful.  This blog is going on year 4 and has almost broke 40,000 views, but i truly think it could be much much greater than that. Maybe my layout and design is terrible?


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Re: Possible Advice?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2016, 12:50:29 AM »
I don’t see any good reason for them not to let those posts up. If it happens a lot I would do a search for spam email addresses and check to see if yours is on any lists. Its always possible you get a couple of these guys reporting it and it could be showing up on a spam list/filter even though you didn’t do anything wrong. Either way it is probably a matter of some people worrying you are going to take visitors away from them. Some people don’t play well with others. Lol. You could always send a friendly email and see if they will answer why they didn’t allow them. But some sites have multiple people monitoring them and one might not know what the other is doing. But always a chance you will get some responses. Like I said, I don’t see any valid reason. I see it as adding value to the conversation.
You can try to make some short posts before putting up any with a link. At least that way you will know you were good until you posted those. Spam is a big problem with forums and blog comments. I was getting about 100 spam signups a day before I started using a spam filter for the forum. I always worry that it will inadvertently keep some people from making it in. But if you just let anyone post without anything you wind up with tons of spam posts that include some really vile stuff. Some of the spammers use bots to sign up to forums and even post I think. Even with filters some still get through, but only once in a while is there any posts and I can at least manage those when they happen. I probably lost some good people because I would go through these one by one trying to weed out the obvious spammers and if I didn’t check it every few days I would have hundreds to go through and got weeks behind sometimes. Unfortunately you have both extremes with some forums where they do what they do to you and then those who let anything through. If you have been on any of those sites it isn’t a pleasant experience reading through the crap to get to the good posts. 

As far as marketing the blog in general I must say I am guilty of not doing well in that area. Haven’t been able to advertise so I have just relied on people looking for what we are talking about. I at least had the benefit of being one of the very first sites where the theme of the site was the 11 phenomenon. Not sure if it was the first or not. Quite a few other sites mentioned it, but it was more of a small part of the sites as opposed to the central theme.
You are free to open up a thread on here and put up a summary or whatever of your posts and link to them. Once it is picked up by Google you will probably pick up some new followers. And hope for an eventual snowball effect. You could open topic/topics in Current Events/Political/Conspiracy Theories. That really doesn't quite fit what you are doing, but I could add "Ancient History" to the description or even add that as a category in "Other Unexplained Mysteries/Phenomena or "Life/General/Everything Else." Whatever you think works. Would be happy to do it.  If you could get a few sites to let you do similar things or some guest articles or something it would add up. I would try to do unique content if you do it on multiple sites to get the maximum benefit and less chance of upsetting the Google. But no matter I wouldn’t let those who cut your posts off get you down. Keep doing what you are doing with trying to nudge people to the site with comments... You’ll just have to accept that some are going to keep them out for whatever reason.
There is one thing I would advise to be careful to not do. I had a WordPress blog that wound up getting clobbered by Google. Had a lot of completely unique posts and was gaining steadily with traffic. One thing that happens with blogs is that they create a lot of duplicate pages with tags and dates and such even though you only posted once. I decided to do some research and I tweaked some files such as .htaccess and robots… Shortly thereafter the posts were ranking badly and many dropped out completely. Eventually tweaked my way back where it was and got most of the pages indexed (took a long time), but never gained the love back. I can’t say for sure this is what happened but the timing of it and there was no other explanation I could come up with.  So if I do a new blog at some point I will pretty much go with default settings and just let Google sort the duplicate content themselves. They know how these blogs work and most people don't get too sophisticated and don't have problems. In my case I may have confused the Google robots by trying to be a little too against the grain without knowing enough of what I was doing. Lol. I've never been too big on conforming. Maybe it will pay off someday. Lol.


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Re: Possible Advice?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2016, 12:44:48 PM »
Thank you very much for the detailed response, Gene.  I, too, have never been that good at conforming either lol.  But i was thinking the same as you are in regards to comments and such, it really adds value to the conversation and possibly some other ideas may spring about.

Maybe, though, sometimes, my ideas may be way too far out there.  One that many people arent quick to warm up to is a discovery back in 1888 in minnesota of a giant skeleton, about 10-15 feet tall.  The features of the cranium...and the way its buried, mirrors the Moai on Easter Island. Im still making my case but im getting a very crafty idea on why Easter island even exists what its purpose was.  The skeletons facial structure and burials matches Easter island.

Anyways, i always like a good discussion when it comes to ancient history. Plus all the good conversation that comes in a forum topic may actually help me decide my next article i write. 

Thanks again Gene, i will keep at it and hopefully someone out there will allow me to contribute to the discussion and possibly promote my articles as well.