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Topics - ewkatie

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11 Phenomenon Forum / I think I had an epiphany
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:46:37 PM »
I've been seeing 11 A LOT lately. Today I was going through the TV guide when I came across the history channel. The show they had on was something about aliens. It caught my eye and put it on. They started talking about these star beings that came to Earth to influence humans with technology. It interested me since there was talk about 11ners being light workers or like star beings. Perhaps we're their people sent here to help influence the humans that live on this planet and 11 is our sign to wake us up and remember our purpose of being here? Later that night I was listening to music and started thinking about this theory, and the next song that came on was E.T by Katy Perry. Funny coincidence, right? Clearly this isn't 100% correct on what the 11 meaning is. I feel like 11 could be a sign from a different life form or it could be signs from God and his angels warning us about the apocalypse. Either way, it's obvious something is happening here.

11 Phenomenon Forum / My 11 Story??
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:48:30 PM »
 Hello everyone! I'm super excited that I'm finally a member here since I've waited 3 months for the confirmation!(:
Anyways, aside from the shade, I am honestly so happy to be in this forum with people that shares the same experiences I have. I am of a young age since most of you guys on here seem to be 30+, I'm 16 but I'm pretty wise and very open minded. I don't want to write a 30 page essay on my 11 experiences and ideas so I'll just briefly go over it and if anyone's interested in more details then I will extend my post.
So basically I have somehow had 11 in my life from some way. In numerology my spiritual number is 11, my first letter of my name is the 11th letter. Those are some of the tiny things, there are more major events around 11 in my life. When I turned 11 the first major thing happened in my life, I moved from one state to another. Not that big looking back now but as of then it was. Then on March 11th 2011 I started "dating" this guy. I was 12 so the dating was complete bs but it still remains in my memory. I "dated" this guy for 5 months and then for some random reason he made a post to me saying it was 9-11. Since then I saw 9:11 non stop like even for random things. I remember in my 8th grade year my friend and I would make fun of it and say it was the day I was going to die. It continued until I only saw 11. I kept seeing it throughout the past 3 years. It wasn't until this year that it really became noticable from on the clock to addresses to phone numbers to anything that had something to with numbers I saw 11. I've had a lot of bad things happen in the past 2 years and I feel like the 11 is a reminder to stay positive. I also believe that it may be a sign from angels and God. Take note I am not religious. I didn't grow up in a strict Christian house hold. During the summer of 2014 I guess you could say I've become more spiritual and more connected to God and angels? It's honestly hard to explain so I'll skip this. Another weird thing that happens is my dreams and thoughts. I have very vivid dreams where I die fighting or some random person shows up and I know when I wake up something is going to happen. Example, 2 months ago I had a weird dream about Grandma she just randomly showed up and the rest of the day I couldn't shake the feeling something was going to happen to her so I told my mom. Then 2 months later I had more dreams about her and then I got a phone call saying that she is very ill and is about to die. I've also had more psychic things happen but I won't go into detail. With my thoughts I keep having reoccurring thoughts that there is going to be a war and that us 11ers are going to help fight it with Jesus and other angels. The weird thing about this is that after I had all these thoughts I randomly watched Heaven Is For Real (I'm not even into sad sappy movies or God so this was unlike me) and I looked up what the boy said and he talked about a war happening and his dad will fight in it with the angels and Jesus and that's basically when I started crying. I've also had angels talk to me in dreams. This sounds so crazy, I know. I asked angels to protect me because I felt evil in my room and in my dream Angels showed up and said that they are always protecting me. I've had this dream maybe 3 times? Each after asking for their protection.
This post has dramatically gone off topic from 11 to weird things in my life. So yeah I felt like sharing since none of my friends really understand!!! So thanks for reading i guess (:

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