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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2014, 10:51:36 AM »
This survey has some depth and is totally worth your time. They are only Yes and No answers to fifty plus questions.

Im glad this test was posted...because it seems a pattern among us could be finally be showing itslef.  With the Jung Typology the previous two responses...i, too, am INFJ.

(Introvert- 33%)

(Intuitive- 88%)

(Feeling- 38%)

(Judging- 1%)

i get master numbers even in my score results lol. Anyways, i was reading the description of the rare INFJ traits and i have to agree on its description of that personality type as it nearly nails me to a T.  Its pretty accurate, especially the claim of withdrawing, even from people you know or care about, because you need to "recharge your batteries".  I literally JUST went through that.

Id like to see more 11ers take this survey and see what personality result you get. This isnt your Facebook "Which steven speilberg charecter are you? I got Indiana Jones!" type of test. So give it a  shot and let us know what you score.  Thers no good or bad to this, so theres no pressure.  We may finally have a kind of connection amongst us. 

Thanks for emailing me and giving me the heads up on this Steve!


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2014, 12:32:27 AM »
I took the survey and it came back as INTJ, but I was tied on the thinking/feeling part and it said "marginal or no preference." Since there were several questions that I thought I could have answered either way on I decided to do the test again. I didn't intentionally switch any answers, but instead gave them some more thought. The second time it came out INFJ, but again it was a very close call. It was also very close on judging/perceiving, but came back the same both times. Maybe I will try it again sometime when it is not so fresh in my mind and see how it goes. I actually believe I took this survey in the past, but don't remember the results of it.

I think it is interesting that we are getting very similar results. With so many people experiencing this phenomenon I assume that it will cover people of all different personalities, but we may be on to something here in at least 1 frequent common thread among us. I suspect there are more than just the personality types, but it is fascinating. Maybe some of it boils down to being open-minded. If you think everything is always a coincidence in life then you may not be able to perceive some things that are happening around you. Maybe it just takes a lot longer for some people to stop and consider the possibility that something big is happening.

Hopefully we can get more people to try the survey. Its free and no email signup... Thanks Jcp267 for recommending it.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2014, 09:42:50 AM »
Hey Gene,

Just thought I'd let you know, when I first took the test I was essentially on the same boat. The test initially came back INTJ, but when I took it again in a more of a conscientious manner I would get INFJ. I think it boils down to the personality description.. You will feel like you have a connection with one description over the other in terms of how well it describes you. Mines was most certainly the INFJ personality. Moreover, I cannot proclaim the accuracy of an online test, only that the majority of people who take it are quite amazed at the results. I too believe that being an 11er has a much more profound meaning than this, but hopefully this could lead to a piece of this puzzle we are trying to solve. I'm glad to hear positive feedback from you guys!


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2014, 12:41:13 AM »
I think it boils down to the personality description.. You will feel like you have a connection with one description over the other in terms of how well it describes you.

You're right. I looked at both descriptions and while they both had things that were correct, the INFJ definitely is the most accurate!


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2014, 10:59:12 AM »

moderate in all.

Seems about right to me.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2014, 12:45:21 PM »
My mother, former girlfriend and my two neighbors all know that I am an 11er and have been hearing about it from me for years now. None of them are seeing 11 after.
I don't doubt mikehancho11's story and have no comment on why this is happening.
Personally for the past couple of weeks I an seeing 11 after way more than usual. 3 to 4 times a day instead of twice. Sometimes 5 times a day.
All I am sure of is that it is some kind of transmission. I think it comes from source energy. The energy that created us. I think there is enough information in 11 for us to figure it out but lately, even with the typology test that suggested that we take, very few have bothered to do so. I even emailed others here to take it and they don't respond. It makes me wonder if there are really fewer true 11ers here than the 540+ that say they are. There seems to be a dozen or so 11ers here that are continually interested in figuring this phenomenon out. The rest, not so much.
On June 9th Trafford publishing will have my new book "Sherpa" available for sale online. It is not a book about mountaineering. It is a think book that metaphorically treks from advanced base camp and summits three peaks, Problem solving, deleting a secondary form of ego(for our own good) and the final topic the power of giving. Then back to advanced base camp.
But that's not the end of the book. The last chapter, which just happens be chapter 11 by happenstance( I'm sure all understand), I expose myself to readers that I am an 11er and I mention more than a few times. I am hoping that other 11ers who don't know they are 11ers, will join or that maybe someone somewhere can help us figure this thing out. It has to mean something, and I'm reaching out to anyone who will listen.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2014, 08:50:26 PM »
There seems to be a dozen or so 11ers here that are continually interested in figuring this phenomenon out. The rest, not so much.

I think you are right that a lot of members probably aren't really 11ers, although many people simply don't like to post on forums. I have had a number of people email me and tell me their story and say they are going to post, but don't follow through. Sadly, we would probably have 50,000 members on the site who are not legit if I didn't weed out the spam. 90% of signups are obvious spammers and I delete dozens on an average day.

Pretty much everyone who makes it to the site come through searching for this phenomenon or by someone recommending it. I haven't been in a position to promote the site through advertising. Perhaps someday I will be able to. But the numbers do grow nonetheless and this thing does not appear to be letting up. I suspect it will keep gaining momentum. The great thing is that we have some really great members here. People who seem to be great representatives of this whole experience.

I am hoping that other 11ers who don't know they are 11ers, will join or that maybe someone somewhere can help us figure this thing out.
I have done searches before and was surprised to see how many people remarked on Twitter and such that they saw 11:11 again and similar things. They talk about it being their lucky number and stuff like that. Many people are in that mode where they think it is just happening to them and that it is just a passing coincidence. So I have no doubt you will enlighten some people when they read about this. As I said, most people come here looking for this so the site isn't likely to be enlightening a lot of people who aren't already very curious, except probably for the occasional straggler who stumbles on the site.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2014, 08:33:08 AM »
I think this is a good time to respond to a few things that have been on my mind lately.
First I'd like to thank Gene for developing this web site. I'd hate to think where I'd be if I were going through this alone for all these years. I find it comforting that I'm not alone. Thank you Gene.
Even though I don't know any of you personally I feel great compassion for anyone who is spooked by being an 11er, or going through tough times.
Pointman19 and I exchange private emails once in a while because when I read his posts I can connect with the guy. I like the way he thinks and speaks. he is grounded in reality and like a lot of well adjusted people here at 11phenom., life can be tough to take. Nobody knows that better than me.
Pointman19 and I are huge believers in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I've watched this DVD at least 25 times and I can assure you that the Law of Attraction is a very real thing. In the DVD, on Netflix and hulu plus, it is said that thoughts become things, and they do, good thoughts or bad. I used to think "No matter what I just can't win." and I couldn't. I also used to think "No matter which way I turn I'm blocked" and I was. Those bad thoughts became my reality. I used to know a guy, a conspiracy theorist, who thought the world was out to get him and he attracted just those kind of people. Once he was riding his bike and some stranger came out of the bushes and clubbed him with a 2 x 4. Months later he got into a business with a crooked partner and when things fell apart he was taken to court and lost the case and now owes his former business partner about $50,000.  He attracts bad things with his thoughts and once I knew this I kept, and still keep, my distance from him.
Gene and bridge66 is this what is happening to you? Is your mindset bringing the reality you experience? It's surprisingly easy to change it. One thing that is suggested in The Secret is to write down everything you love. I did this and I filled up three pages in a notebook. I listed everything I could think of like my cat, certain tools that I love to use and make things easier to do, my car, I listed friends, places, caramel corn, people I knew in the past, a girl I was in love with in Jr High school, pancakes and bacon and on and on. Somehow it puts you in a loving frequency and things begin to turn around. They also suggest that you make a vision board with pictures of thing you want. You can also put notes or checks that you write to yourself for large amounts of money on the board. the vision board is a tool used to help bring these things into reality. just this past week I removed all of the checks and tossed them and replaced them with a note that reads, "I don't want anything, I appreciate all I've been given so far. Thank you!". Gratitude is much appreciated by the Universe! I would strongly suggest that anyone who reads this post to watch The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It will turn your life around and you'll obtain abilities you may not know that you have. I'm sure Pointman19 will back me up on this.
Looks like this is turning into a novel so bear with me please. When I wanted to conduct a survey of 11ers to see what we have in common, it was a good idea but with little response no conclusions can be made. Pointman19 and his mom are both 11ers and so is Mikehoncho11 and his son. Maybe that's the place to start. What characteristics do you people share? If there is a pattern then maybe that could be a starting point of understanding. There have to be patterns. Something that you have in common. maybe my idea was too big and it might be better to start off small. I'd love to hear from pointman19's mom and mikehoncho11's son. How about a little dialog?
My real name is Steve Casagranda and I live in Portland Oregon. I have no problem being out in the open about myself and being an 11er. This past week I had a user name created for me electronically and it came up with stevecasa11! No kidding.
I mentioned that pointman19 and I exchange emails. the last one I sent, well, I really bared my soul to him and tomorrow I am going to tell you all just exactly what I think being an 11er is all about. I have always felt that the number 11 is enough information to crack the code and a thought I had this past week is starting to make sense to me. In part I do think we 11ers are like the people in Close Encounters of the Third Kind although I don't think spaceships are on their way to earth to pick us up and take us away. If they are I'm calling Shotgun! Hahahaha. I think everybody has to agree, we are picking up on some kind of transmission.
In closing I mentioned a book that will be published soon through Trafford Publishing. As part of the deal I made I get 6 hardback copies, 24 softback copies and 60 eBooks. I will be offering an eBook to any 11er who wants one free of charge. Anyone who wants a book or wants to speak with me privately please contact me through 11phenom,. It's easy to do. If you want a book I'll need your address but if you don't want to do that I could send it to your place of business. Or you can get a copy through Trafford or on The book is titled Sherpa. Available online June 9th. I've made my book kind of like a trip to up into the mountains and we travel to three different peaks and then back to advanced base camp. With as much humility as I can muster I really like the idea of being a spiritual guide. A Sherpa. Sherpa Steve. Hahahaha, love you guys!


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2014, 09:22:59 AM »
Luv that freakin post time steve lol, 8:33:08  8+3 are 11 mirror image 83 38.  Don't know if any of the rest of you notice this stuff but it trips me out to check out everyones post times to see how in tune their 11's are.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2014, 11:23:13 AM »
   Okay everybody here it goes. I'm going to tell you all what I think 11 means.
I have to refer to a Higher Power, God, the "Force" or whatever you want to call it. I need to discuss religion in order to get my idea across. But just briefly. I am not promoting any kind of religion, especially any organized religion and I just need to say this up front so that nobody is offended. I need to explain the religious evolution I've gone through in order to get my thoughts across.
   I was raised a Catholic and for all my life I've believed in God. The Catholic religion, after a while, didn't wash with me because in a way I think that the Catholic religion discriminates against women. There has never been a female Pope nor priest. Catholics are led to believe that if you do certain bad things here on Earth you could go to hell forever, but God loves you! (how ironic) That doesn't make sense to me either. In short there are many organized religions that are so steeped in tradition that they can no longer keep pace with todays society and the followers drift away. Although I gradually left the Catholic religion I very much believe in a Creator, and always have, and lead a life of peace and love. At first I was led to believe that God was a man and then I wondered if God could be a woman, because women bear fruit so to speak, then I thought maybe God was a man and a woman, a couple, because it takes both to produce. Now I believe in something even more updated, source energy.
   About two years after realizing that I was an 11er I stumbled across The Secret By Rhonda Byrne and I started to investigate some of the people who spoke about the Law of Attraction to validate the ideas presented in The Secret. Not many people know that there were 2 versions of the same DVD. One version, which is difficult to find, starred Esther Hicks. She is not in the current version of The Secret.
   Esther Hicks proclaims to be a channel who can communicate with a spiritual being named Abraham from another dimension. If you watch a video on YouTube titled "The Secret behind The Secret, Part 2", you can watch her go into her "zone" and when interviewed, Abraham, from this other dimension, speaks through her.
   I know that I may lose some of you because this sounds so preposterous, but I believe that we live in a world where anything is possible, so bear with me. When I watched this video, along with Part 1 and 3, I really scrutinized everything, like what was asked and the answer, facial expressions and Esther's eyes as she spoke. Sometimes the eyes are a give-away when people don't tell the truth. The depth of the answers led me to believe that this was not a put-on. I cannot say if this is a hoax or not, I kind of don't think so. It's way too elaborate to be a hoax, although it could be. Whether Ester Hicks can communicate with another dimension or not isn't the point.
   I really think that source energy, this other dimension, is the real thing.  My current beliefs in spiritualism run along the lines of "the Force" in  Star Wars. In that six movie saga, "the Force" is mentioned again and again. I think we all know that "the Force" was an invisible entity that the Jedi Knights could tap into that allowed them to do things that others, not trained in the Jedi arts, could do. Magical, mystical things. When aligned with "the Force" the Jedi were almost invincible, and even if they lost a battle or battles they always won the war. ALWAYS!
   It's almost the same message in The Secret, that you can manifest your thoughts and desires into reality. One thing that is stressed in The Secret is that "thoughts become things!" They do! I have manifested many things in my life, even before I ever saw The Secret. It is an innate ability that we all have but I think most people don't even know they possess such incredible power's. I didn't until a couple of years ago. After watching The Secret, and knowing how to get into the right frequency, I have been able to manifest a couple of things that astound me, and I'm not special. I am just like you, whoever you are. Thoughts become things and you need to do as Mike Dooley says and that is to "Choose your thoughts carefully." If you have bad, negative thoughts then that's what manifests. If you think good positive thoughts then that's what manifests too, so choose your thoughts carefully.
Your thoughts are the way to communicate with this other dimension, source energy.
   More than twenty years ago I wrote a book on problem solving and when I was writing the last few pages I had a stellar idea so I ran with it, and as far as I'm concerned, that idea made that book happen. It brought everything full circle. When that idea popped into my head, I believe that it was a prompt from source energy.
   That idea wasn't mine, I had plans to end that book differently. To end that book the way I did, it had to have come from source energy, through me. And again, I'm not special. I have always considered that to be a one way communication, or a transmission, from a Higher Power and I had the choice to accept it or reject it. I am ever so thankful that I ended that book the way I did. It was really the only way to end that book and I've been blessed ever since.
   That brings me to where I want to expose my concept of being an 11er. Can we all agree that picking up on 11 after the hour is a transmission? It sure seems that way to me, or it wouldn't keep happening over and over and over. Yesterday I saw 11 after 6 or 7 times. It seemed that every time I turned around there it was, like a lost puppy following me everywhere I go, and I'm fine with that. It makes me feel special and as a fellow 11er, you are too! It has to have some meaning.
Some may believe that the number 11 isn't enough information to draw a conclusion. I believe differently. It's all the information we need!
   If you drew a line between the number 11 and divided the two numbers you would have two ones, one on either side of the line. To me this represents us (Earthlings) on one side of the line and source energy on the other.
   In The Secret, Bob Proctor explains that if you put your hand under a certain kind of microscope, you would see nothing but vibrational energy, the same energy that created us, and I whole heartedly agree. If that is so, then that means that we are one with the Universe or our Creator, just in different dimensions. One with source energy! And since we are one entity in two dimensions when you remove the line between the two ones we end up with 11! Does this make any sense to you? It's so hard to explain but to me it makes prefect sense because it doesn't work with any other number. When a line is drawn the middle of the number 11 we have separation, because of the two dimensions. When the line is removed we are one with source energy!
   For a long time now, I've felt that when I see 11 after the hour, it's source energy communicating messages like "I'm right here with you and I am a real thing." or "I'm a real thing and I am here to guide you." or "We are one, unify with me in a symbiotic relationship." Again it's so hard to explain. But one thing I am absolutely certain of is that we 11er's are picking up on some kind of transmission or communication from another dimension.
   I feel a very special bond with all 11er's, even though I don't know any of you personally. And if any of you are planning on calling the Funny Farm, I wear a 38 long straitjacket! Hahahaha!
   Please trust that everything I say comes from the heart and all that I say are my true feelings.
   Peace and love to you all! 11erSteve


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2014, 02:14:05 PM »
Dred, and others. If you look at the numbers at the top of my most resent post the numbers add up to 11!
I didn't plan that, it just happened. I don't think it could be planned, to post at a specific second. Just more proof for me that the communications keep coming from different directions, like the computer generated user name I was given last week. (See the post I wrote on Saturday!) Steve


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2014, 12:05:01 AM »
You ever ask a question then look at what time it is for an answer?  Such as  a simple yes no question?  Or better yet, have an idea about something you aren't sure of but by checking the time it can confirm it for you? 


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2014, 02:58:41 PM »
Me too ,what does this mean ?


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2014, 06:05:58 PM »
I'm not sure tbh, I like to think there is something I am communicating with through the numbers at times.  Nice to know I'm not the only one though, cause regular people would think of this kind of action as crazy.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2014, 05:07:19 PM »

I would be grateful to get an ebook copy of your book when it is available. I am sure I will enjoy it.

Thanks for the tip on the The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I have a bit of the chicken or the egg thing going on, but yes, you are right on about negativity and it is something that I have dealt with since a young child. It is a vicious cycle given that it was instilled at such a young age. When your own mother is the most negative person you have ever known in your entire life it is a tough one to break free from. This negativity was outwardly directed at the rest of us and is probably engrained at some level. I have always tried to keep a positive attitude and seek out upbeat people/writings, but when the bad luck is relentless it is so hard to escape. I have always been easy to please and grateful for anything that came my way, but when it becomes a struggle for survival even that can be difficult. You become consumed with the problems and that leaves little time for much else. After a while you just believe that this is the hand you were dealt and you just hope there is a greater reason behind it and that eventually a rainbow will appear after the hurricane. But it has been a long hurricane. When I look back at things it is hard for me even to believe the luck. But it is like the 11 phenomenon, you pretty much have to go through it to believe its even possible. After a while you know just how improbable it all is, yet it keeps rolling on nonetheless.

I have never stopped fighting, but it really zaps your strength and taxes your health. A couple years ago my girlfriend was diagnosed with MS. While thankfully she is doing well, things have really come unraveled. I can tell you she doesn't deserve all this. It is to the point where we are attempting to find a lawyer to represent us because of repeated illegal actions by our landlord. It is someone who purchased the house after we were here and has a history of being a slumlord, among other things. One person we talked to said that the judges in our area tend to go against the tenants. So then of course all you can think of is "of course." The person who owned when we came here was a wonderful human being, but was getting up there in age so he sold. Unfortunately our options are few given everything else, which I won't go into. I can't believe I am even writing this. I have always been a rather private person so this is way out of character for me. I normally do not open up about personal things, even on the internet, but I suppose the timing of your post is no coincidence either. Just writing this seems to have a bit of a therapeutic effect. Hopefully when I hit the post button that it does not immediately wear off. Lol.

I have read stuff about family curses and I think perhaps that may have been the beginning of it. This is in the Bible as well. I definitely believe there is something to what you are saying based on all the testimonies regarding the law of attraction, but obviously as a young child I had no choice in what I was dealt. I knew at a pretty young age that much of the parental stuff wasn't normal, but I'm not sure how much of a difference that knowledge made. I had a pretty good amount of friends, but was shy and suffered a lot from a lack of confidence. So I suppose I have some extra work to do. perhaps the techniques you mentioned and the Secret will help move things beyond just old fashioned positive thinking. It is inspiring to see where people such as yourself have overcome such things, especially when there is such an incredible common bond among us. It is also inspiring just to see such a great group of people who have received this 11 phenomenon "calling." I hope bridge66 reads your post and is able to make good use of the information. My prayers go out to him and everyone else out there, especially those going through very hard things. There must be a reason for all these wild occurrences, otherwise they would not be so far beyond improbable...