Author Topic: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's  (Read 33012 times)


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Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« on: December 25, 2013, 10:11:18 AM »
I started seeing 11 minutes after the hour sometime in 2010 and it has never let up. I'm not much for tattoos but I got the number 11 tattooed on the back of my neck a week ago because 11 and I are so tight. I usually see 11 after, twice a day and my record is eight times in one day. I see 11's in a lot of other places too but I only count the clock connections!
It was only four days ago that it has been a year since 12-21-2012 and even though nothing physical happened I do believe that we entered a new era. Since there were so many 11's connected with that date I can't help feel that we are a special group of people, with a destiny.
If you are an 11er then we are all picking up on some kind of transmission so I think we all share some kind of character or characteristics that make us who we are as a select group. Are you familiar with the song Royals by Lorde? She sings about a group of people who have their own ideals and I think we are a group of people who have our own ideals too.
We might make some headway in identifying who we are if someone compiled some statistics about us, and I am willing to give it a try.
Through contact me with some information that you would like to volunteer about yourself and since I recognize patterns I may be able to sort out some of what we are all about.
In fact since we are all gifted in one way or another please contact me with what you are gifted with, and something in general about your character.
For example if I were to make a statement about myself I would say that my gifts are problem solving, pattern recognition, I'm good with numbers, I have a deep memory and potential for learning new things.
My personal characteristics are that I am harmless, I never set out to do bad things in fact I an just the opposite, I try to do only good to others even if I don't know them/you. I retain certain forms of ego but I have disconnected from other forms of ego that have allowed me to grow and evolve.
Catch my drift? please feel free to contact me with any information you would like to volunteer.
Thanks Steve (11erSteve)


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2013, 01:06:30 PM »
An interesting verse i heard in that song was "My freinds and i have cracked the code" but it didnt seem to go with the rest of the song.

First time i heard this song, i felt a strong connection to it


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2013, 11:46:29 PM »
So glad you mentioned that. That's exactly what I'm trying to achieve, I'm trying o crack the code but since 11 is the only transmission, what can we make from that? I think if we all work together we can crack the code. Thanks and love. Steve


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2013, 09:15:11 AM »
I searched the royals to find the song and download it as it seemed to be callin me somehow, im angel and if you read my posts you will find some details about me, you may use them to compare or any way you see fit, i began to ignore the 11s and 3s and 4s but they came back to me double fold, id be interested in your input, many thanks Angel


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2013, 10:28:08 PM »
This is really really interesting!  i honestly thought i was the only one that felt that strongly when it came to the song "calling" me...

For anyone else that hasnt heard it, you truly should listen to it.

(i just watched the video...did anyone notice the channel number on the that Snowed-out station??)

I cant help but go over what you just brought up there, steve. You said that we can all pretty much agree that 11 is a transmission but what is it were supposed to gain from that?  When i saw that snowed out station on channel 11, i saw the metaphor.  Its a station thats being transmitted, but we cant watch/understand it...totally snowed out. (metaphorically lol)


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2013, 10:53:26 AM »
Thank you so much Pointman19 for the heads up concerning Lorde's video on YouTube. I have seen that video before but I never saw the 11 on the TV screen, until you pointed it out. That truly gave me the chills. This kind of a clue is exactly how we can crack the code, by enlightening each other.
I'll tell you the most astounding thing I have experienced with 11's. One day I was watching a movie on my computer using the full screen mode which blocks the tiny little clock in the top right hand corner of my monitor. All of the sudden I got a very strange feeling, very strong. It was so intense that my first thought was maybe it had something to do with 11. There were no clocks in the room I was in so I reached for the door from where I was sitting and the clock on the table next to my bed was 8:11am! The same thing happened about a month later, again while watching a movie in full screen mode and when I opened the door the clock on the table next to my bed was 10:11pm !!!
Please be aware of your feelings as they may be some kind of an indicator.
If you have any more thoughts on the subject please post them, whoever you are.
I know this much, we have all been tapped for something and I'll bet that one characteristic is that we all share is being open minded and awake to something or we never would have recognized 11 to begin with!


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2013, 11:19:07 AM »
Hello Angel. I feel very connected after reading your posts. I too have a great respect for advanced cavitation's of the past. You should watch a DVD called The Mysteries of Chaco Canyon. They were great astronomers just like the Mayans. You can get a copy off eBay. It is fascinating.
Your idea to read your posts has given me an idea. I think that I'll read as much as I can about everybody and see if it gels into something.
What shook me about your posts is that I too feel like something great is on the way. Longbefore I became aware of 11's I felt that something really great was going to happen for me or to me and I'll patiently wait for that day to arrive.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2013, 04:04:43 PM »
Theres two sides to every coin, such as 1 and 1..i think its means a duality of sorts.  Basicly youve got the physical reality that we experience on a daily basis and then you have the spiritual side.  Two totally different kinds of realities, both really do exist but the thing is were so hard wired in todays society to see only one thing and thats whats right in front of us.

Its almost like the spiritual is bleeding into the physical, its a hard thing to explain but ive had things occur in the physical side of things that are very very hard to explain.  We all live in an age where the motto is "Seeing is believing", but now, it seems a kind of vibrational shift has occured.  See, everything is vibration, when you break everything down to its very core. Even we, humans, are vibrational.  The thoughts we emit have a vibrational frequency depending on emotions (this has been scientifically proven).  The lower your mood, the lower the frequency and the higher the mood, such as love, joy, things of that nature...project a higher frequency.

Now to to get to ahead of myself, as im going on the physical side of things and not the spiritual, The universe itself has its of vibrational frequency.  The only thing that i can attribute this kind of "awareness" change is actually due to the 2012 winter solstice.  I know everyones tired of hearing about this but there is a shred of truth to something about it.  On that date, every planet lined up in a straight every planet out there has its own vibrational frequency and the earth is no different.

Like a tuning fork to piano strings, when all those planets lined up, the universe "sang" a different frequency.  As humans, were are able to feel that kind of a vibrational shift, but its only the few that try to dig deeper to find the truth of what that means to mankind.  Ive noticed that some feel nothing, ive also seen people who notice something different...but they leave it at that.

Then you have people like us, on these forums..that try to dig and find a deeper meaning to things. 

For 33 years, ive always been a very rational and logical thinker.  After the shift of 2012 and then over the summer of 2013...i started noticing something very very different. And it wasnt just noticing, it was more like "Feeling"...and thats the incredible thing. The further down the rabbit hole i went, the further i found out that a lot of this transcneds logic...and we have to begin to accept that there are things we cant percieve with the five senses going on...and just because we dont see/hear it with our own eyes and ears, doesnt mean that something doesnt exist.  (dog whistles for example...just because we cant hear the higher frequency with our own ears, it doesnt mean that the sound thats created doesnt exist)

Thats the point of where im at so far....The law of vibration seems to be in accordance with the laws of attraction.  If you let go of logic and believe in the power of what your mere thoughts can project...the results can amaze you, as they have myself.  If you want to try and get an idea about the laws of attraction, check out this video...


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2013, 04:12:00 PM »
ah man, i was literally one second away from my last post being at 4:04pm and 44 seconds!

Theres more at work than i can fathom, but aside from the laws of the universe, theres always synchronicity at work as well....and i think thats where the spiritual side comes into play. But i dont want to shove to much information at once.  The journey down the rabbit hole to understand the 11's and other repeating numbers is something we have to find out ourselves...and then once we all get to a certain point and accept the truth that there is something else greater at work that we cant totally understand...thats when we can truly begin to help each other.

And that journey starts with digging deep within yourself, connecting with your "inner self".  And accept that there something youve known all along. Even I dont completley know what that is...but the further down you dig, the more you discover the spirtual side of things..and thats where the true journey begins.

Ill continue to try and help any way i can. As you can see, ive been researching this heavily and have drawn my own conclusions. But its up to you, the person of free determine what you want to believe and what you have faith in :)


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2013, 06:01:55 PM »
Wow Pointman19 I have to tell you that I stumbled across The Secret last July and it has truly changed my life. I've probably watched it twenty times or more. Rhonda Byrne and her panel of experts have hit the nail on the head. The Law of Attraction is a real thing and it is an innate power that we all have within us. Without knowing it I used the Power of Attraction in the past to write a book and I got a newer car the same way. After watching The Secret I have been able to manifest other things too. Once I manifested something overnight. Wow I am so blown away that you are a believer in The Secret. I consider myself a Secret Agent and apparently you are too. You have aptly named yourself Pointman.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2013, 09:04:41 PM »
Angel, I made a typo in my last response to you. The word cavitation was supposed to be civilization. And please go to YouTube and look for a video called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. It'll knock your socks off. Thanks and Love 11erSteve


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2013, 09:27:29 PM »
I myself have just begun to apply the law of attraction a couple of months ago. I figured...ive got the positive attitude and ive got the spiritual faith, the love and joy i try to show all human beings (even if they treat me shitty, i still let it slide like the water off a ducks back). Let me tell you, in my line of work...that takes a LOT of practice and will power, specially over the holidays.  So the way i saw it, what have i got to lose in trying the LoA..if anything, it wont work if its bogus right?

But besides being in retail and working a register for the time being, once i let my thoughts become more of happiness and inner peace..ive noticed that not once, not even during the winter holidays...did i get one..single..rotten...customer.

I dont know about anyone else, but thats pretty incredible. Still to this day and since the beginning of November, ive had the kindness ive shown come back to me tenfold and ive yet to have one single negative customer.  i just wanted to start small, kind of like a "prove it to me" kind of situation. But instead of my motto being "Seeing is believing", i turned it around and put utter and complete faith in "Believing is seeing". And ive yet to be dissapointed.

Im a pretty humble guy, i dont ask for much in my life. I honeslty dont really want much in my life...Money and Materialism is not what brings me happiness.

And thats one step in "cracking the code" ;)


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2013, 12:05:18 PM »
Ditto Bro, I can't tell you how meaningful your posts are to me. I couldn't have written your last post any better. It's exactly how I feel and what I experienced after watching The Secret.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2013, 12:35:58 AM »
Thanks so much, i really appreciate all the input and i like to help the best i can. I, too, am still learning about this amazing phenomenon that revolves around numbers, primarily 11.

Like you, im a creative writer and i have a blog that ive been putting my ideas into.  Its not your typical blog where i talk about what i ate and how this person irritated me at work ;)

The one im working on now, is a deeper explanation about the Laws of Vibration and how it relates to everything weve been talking about, just in deeper detail.  Im in the middle of finishing it up now, ill put the link up to it when i finish.  I always appreciate any input because its better when more than one mind contributes to this information.  And that goes for any registered user or guest that browses upon this thread.

Peace and love,



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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2013, 01:34:45 AM »
This is from my blog i have named ""

And here is my newest post concerning the laws of vibration