Author Topic: What are your experiences with the number 11?  (Read 152951 times)


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What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:41:55 AM »
What are your experiences with the 11 phenomenon? What brings you here?

The number 11 has been getting people's attention to the point of becoming a worldwide phenomenon. There is also huge historic significance behind this number. Feel free to post your personal experience with the number 11, 111, 11:11 and so on. You are not alone.

To check out the main site go to You can view my own experience, as well as learn more amazing facts and explore the meaning behind this amazing phenomenon.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 10:03:22 PM by Gene »


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 10:43:49 PM »
It started over a year ago.  It began with me looking at the clock and always finding it 11:11 no matter what I was doing.  Then my receipts were $11.11, or $22.11, all multiples of 11.  So I began to show my best friend all of my 11's, she originally thought I was crazy.  However, the following things add to 11 for me:
* My employee ID adds to 11
* My SSN adds to 11
* My Driver's License adds to 11
* My Employee parking # adds to 11
* Hotel rooms I am given add to 11 (on vacations)
* My B-day adds to 11
* My maiden name has 11 letters
* My married name has 11 letters
The list goes on to become so random.  It sounds crazy, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.  My husband's firestation adds to 11, this list goes on and on......


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2010, 01:47:53 AM »
It started over a year ago.  It began with me looking at the clock and always finding it 11:11 no matter what I was doing.

That is basically how it started with me about 7 years ago. The clock, receipts, license plates. All in streaks that defied probability. At first it was amusing and then it became downright annoying. It would go away for a while and come back in a big way. At one point I decided that either I was crazy or this had to be happening to other people. If it was a sign from a higher power why would I be the only one in the world to experience. So I did a search for something like I keep seeing the number 11 everywhere and was amazed by the number of other people who was having the same experience! Since then it has grown as a phenomenon.

When you look at all that along with all the occurrences in history relating to the number 11 it is incredible. When you consider 2012 approaching and all the speculation over that we can expect 2011 to have major significance and/or days with the number 11 and of course the months of 11/2011 and 11/2012.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2011, 12:16:48 AM »
me and my friend seem to like have this telepathy thing were we say the exact same things at the exact same time and do the same things, listen to the same music AT THE SAME TIME, etc. if thats not weird enough, we were talking and i said that i ALWAYS see 9:11 everywhere! on the clock, on random items, etc.. then he told me that he ALWAYS sees 11 and its been happening to him for the last 2 years.. the exact same for me. so now we see it EVERYWHERE. and i mean everywhere. ITS INSANE. the only time we look at clocks it will be 9:11 or have 11 in it or be a number sequence that adds up to 11 or even 9:11. and then we are noticing it in out phone numbers and then my first name+last name= 11 letters. my first name+middle name= 9 letters. my address adds up to 11 and then 9. we read signs that add up to 11 or 9. we call eachother at times that have 11 or add up to 11 or 9. its like its EVERYWHERE sooo many more places than i have already mention! so then we started thinking about numerology.
well my name number is 9.

my density number is 3.

my personality number is 8.

and my soul urge name is 22.

and if you look density number(3)+personality( 8 )= 11 and you have the name number
(9) left. and then 22/2=11.
my friends name number is 1.

density number is 6.

personality is 4.

and soul urge is 11.
so you see he already has 11 but then his name(1)+density(6)+personality(4)=11 also

it seems to be following us. and were getting very freaked out because no one believes us. but now we've found this website so we know weren't alone.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2011, 12:23:28 AM »
i also forgot to mention that it seems like a always manage to look at the clock when it is changing. and when it changes it adds up to 9 or 11 or it has 11 or 9 in it. ALSO! my friend who i was just talking about recently realized that i was born at 9:45 and he was born at 9:54. both of which add up to 9.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2011, 10:17:45 PM »
Hello all

Wow I don't know where to start. I guess since about 2004 both my husband and I have been plagued with 11:11. Our marriage date subconciously was 11.12.2004 (1+1+1+2+2+0+0+4 = 11).When we went on our honeymoon our room number was 2211, every restaurant we went to directed us to table 11, at the amusement park my husband had a go at the shooting duck game and his booth was number 11 (we didn't discover this one until we watched the home video back). Now our honeymoon was in Phuket and we were there for 11 days. We left Thailand the day before the Tsunami hit and are very lucky that we did because our hotel was located right on the beach front. Since that time my husband and I see 11 everywhere and seem to catch the time at 11:11 often, too often to not wonder - WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME!!! My husband also had a heart attack on the way to a restaurant on our anniversary on the 11.12.2008, and doctors can't determine exactly how it happened because when they had a look inside his heart, it was normal without any blockages, low blood pressure, no cholesterol, not overweight and no heart problems. He was 33 at the time, the same age Jesus was when he passed. I am happy to report that my husband is in great shape and hasn't had any problems since.

I don't know it's all a bit freaky if you ask me.

Could we be getting signs of impending disaster? It is also strange that both my husband and I see it seperately and when we are together. Is it important that all the people that see this message need to find eachother? I am a very spiritual person and I can feel it in my soul that this Phenomena is very important. So hello to all my fellow 11:11 people and I hope we can discover this mystery together.

All the best,


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2011, 05:17:36 PM »
What are your experiences with the 11 phenomenon? What brings you here?

Well about 4-5 years ago is when I first noticed this happening to me.  I had a friend of metaphysics who I talked with a lot and mentioned this to them.  They were not suprised because they also felt I had a special enlightenment.  I did not really look to much into it then, however it has started again.  I have always been able to connect with my family in thoughts but only thought that was a normal thing cause we were family.

Recently I discovered this was happening between me and a friend too.  Ok so maybe there is something unique about me I thought.  Well I am interested in learning all I can about my phenonmenon.  Looking online thats how I came across your site and many others.  So I began my journey to discover all about me and train my senses to receive and communicate on a more concious level.  

I see the numbers on my digital clock and watch and car clock a lot at least 3-5 times a day.  Often I wake up and there it is.  Or jsut decide ok what time is it oh wow thats so strange again I see it.  Its like at the exact moments I think to look at a clock anywhere I am I see some combination of 1:11, 11:11, 3:33, 5:55, 2:22, Ive even seen it on my odometer on my car no kidding. and just yesterday I was looking at some meat and wow... it cost $11.11 and that was a markdown.  

Looking on a site I discovered 2 angels over my birth date Ayoa and Nanael.  And Nana is my grandma name too.  :D  So now I'm glad I chose that from the thoughts in my head to be Nana after learning this.
I am piseces and that seems to be a very sensitive and intuitive time to be born in which does fit my personality very well.  

I have not done any adding up numbers or numerology stuff but after reading the messages here makes me want to do so now.  But one thing I wanted to add is that I started first wishing for the entire time I was looking at the numbers on the clocks.  Then I was not sure who was calling my attention to this phenomenon so sometimes I would say I pray.. etc. instead of wish.  And sometimes I felt an urge to pray for the safety of my family members at this time too.

After reading about this phenomenon maybe being contacted by angels trying to communicate with me perhaps there was a reason after all.  Now I hope to really learn to talk to my angels to get the full message and direction of the contact.  And if I am to have a special reason on this earth I dont want to miss it.  Do you?

Well it will be nice to talk to others who are like me.  I hope we can discover our purpose in this life.

note: I apologize if it took a while for you to be approved to post. We had to start the forum back up from scratch.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 05:51:55 PM by 11:11.333 »
I am a receiver too...
Nana el


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2011, 05:42:21 PM »
It started over a year ago.  It began with me looking at the clock and always finding it 11:11 no matter what I was doing.

That is basically how it started with me about 7 years ago. The clock, receipts, license plates. All in streaks that defied probability. At first it was amusing and then it became downright annoying. It would go away for a while and come back in a big way. At one point I decided that either I was crazy or this had to be happening to other people. If it was a sign from a higher power why would I be the only one in the world to experience. So I did a search for something like I keep seeing the number 11 everywhere and was amazed by the number of other people who was having the same experience! Since then it has grown as a phenomenon.

When you look at all that along with all the occurrences in history relating to the number 11 it is incredible. When you consider 2012 approaching and all the speculation over that we can expect 2011 to have major significance and/or days with the number 11 and of course the months of 11/2011 and 11/2012.
hi gene do you ever think something big good or bad may happen on 11/11/2011?
I am a receiver too...
Nana el


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2011, 08:44:12 PM »
Hey All

I guess to get on with the journey of discovering what this all means and why we are chosen to see this phenomena, if you can please tell us all a bit about yourselves.

For instance:

I am in my early thirties - I am a virgo - I was born in Sydney Australia - My interests are of a creative nature (dance, music) - same with my husband - I am the odd one out in my family - so is my husband - Mostly people really find it easy to be friends with me - I have always had a fascination with stars, planets, mythology - I am a middle child - I have had supernatural experiences as a child and teenager - sometimes I feel like I move things subconciously with my brain or energy or something (sounds crazy I know) - My background is Eastern European. Maybe this will spark something in someone else. Would love to hear about you.

All the best,


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2011, 12:47:14 PM »
I also see 11's on digital clocks all the time.  I noticed that 911 in New York happened on the 11th.  The latest tsunami in Japan happened on the 11th.  Has anyone else noticed disasters that happen on the 11th?


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 02:35:11 AM »
i also forgot to mention that it seems like a always manage to look at the clock when it is changing. and when it changes it adds up to 9 or 11 or it has 11 or 9 in it. ALSO! my friend who i was just talking about recently realized that i was born at 9:45 and he was born at 9:54. both of which add up to 9.

The number 9 from what I have been able to gather Biblically has a meaning of completeness/finality/judgment. "My wrath" has the numeric value of 9 if you add up the individual digits/numbers of the letters.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 02:50:42 AM by Gene »


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2011, 01:43:20 AM »

hi gene do you ever think something big good or bad may happen on 11/11/2011?

Hi Nana. With everything that has happened relating to dates with the number 11 I definitely would not be surprised if 11/11/11 has huge significance. I wouldn't predict anything because these things tend to happen when you don't expect them and 11/11/11 is so obvious. I know my radar is definitely up. I do believe that from November of this year (11/11) until say 1/11/12 we are going to see some amazing things. I do not know what. In addition to seeing the elevens that so many people have been seeing, I tend to catch 11 just as it is turning to 12 on the clock. This happens about 75% of the time within a second of glancing at the number 11 and has been happening for a number of years now. Of course 2012 is the year so many people have been pointing to. Its an amazing time to be alive and a good time to say our prayers.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 01:47:01 AM by Gene »


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2011, 05:27:25 AM »
When  i  decided to look at this phenomenon up  on google, And discovered I  am  not the only  one. I  am  still  wierded out by  this. As of a year ago  I  feel  that  it is a sign from  god or a warning that  2011 turning to 2012 is when to be expecting his return, To be ready   the bible says that  we won't know the day  and the hour, We will  know when it's near. 11 and 7 is a special #


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2011, 07:39:03 AM »
I have been experiencing the 11:11 phenonomen for over 15 years. I also see 33 and 22 several times throughout the day.
I too thought I was the only one up until recently when I did a google search and see there are many other people also experiencing it.
The number 11 is very prevelant in my life, from my birthdate, phone number, house numbers I have lived in, my name, my kids date of births and their names, I lost a good mate on the 11/11, the list goes on...
I went on a bit of a quest searching for answers and came up with all sorts of mysteries including the Rh negative blood. As most of you will already know Rh positive blood CAN be traced back to the Rhesus monkey but those with negative blood, like myself and others, cannot be traced back to anything...
Well not here on earth.
I have learned about Comet Elenin. The earthquakes that have happened when it's been in alignment with the earth and sun. I have even learned some history on the Sumerians and other ancient races.
I have seen spirits Includ. an Angel as a child, UFO's and even a bigfoot as a child. (there were 2 other witnesses)
I seem to be a magnet to these things... and also to animals. I attract all kinds of strays, from birds to dogs, cats and even lizards.
My thoughts on the 11:11 phenonomen is that it IS a wake up call of the changes to come....


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2011, 12:07:32 AM »
When  i  decided to look at this phenomenon up  on google, And discovered I  am  not the only  one. I  am  still  wierded out by  this. As of a year ago  I  feel  that  it is a sign from  god or a warning that  2011 turning to 2012 is when to be expecting his return, To be ready   the bible says that  we won't know the day  and the hour, We will  know when it's near. 11 and 7 is a special #

From Revelation 11:11-12

Revelation 11:11 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.
Revelation 11:12 And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them.

When you consider seeing 11 going to 12 so frequently and such an incredible end times event in Revelation 11:11-12, it does give pause for thought. The two people mentioned here are the two witnesses who some believe could be Moses and Elijah. It happens halfway through the tribulation. It also similar to the rapture which is believed to happen prior to this:

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

The Bible says nobody knows exactly when the Lord will return, so I would not make any such date predictions. I do think that the sign of 11 going into 12 could have multiple meanings. Given the significance of the number 11 in the world, this particular 11-12 sign, along with 2012 being on everyone's radar; I do think something significant could happen somewhere in late 2011 or early 2012; Or it could be the end of November to early December in 2011 or 2012. I think these are dates that have to be considered. Could be a world changing event(s) of some kind. Certainly a good time to be aware and alert; to have our eyes fixed above and beyond. These signs must have a reason.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 12:13:31 AM by Gene »