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Messages - Ms Intrigued

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« on: July 18, 2014, 10:07:28 AM »
Wow!  My heart is actually racing a bit...feelings of tightness in the chest...and no...I'm not having a heart attack. I think I'm having a form of "connection anxiety". Not meaning anxiety in a negative manner, more like a very strong surreal feeling. I stumbled upon this forum last night and haven't had a chance to sit down and read through many posts. I read a few last night, and had a very restless sleep with some very bizarre dreams. I awoke this morning with my mind racing about my "11" experiences and those of the others I read about. One thought kept coming into my mind repeatedly, and that was that we are like the people in "Close Encounters". I had not read the post to which I'm replying until just a few moments ago.  As I started reading it, I literally began to have the physical reaction I described. I think we are all in need of some straight forward and clear understanding of why we are having these experiences....

Ms Intrigued...and bewildered

As a "Newbie", I am writing this with feelings of nervousness and insecurity. My experiences in seeing the number 11 began about two years ago. I would awaken from a sound sleep to look at the clock and find each time that it was 11 minutes after the hour. This happened for several nights in a row, occurring several times through the night. I didn't think too much about it at the time, but now realize that those initial experiences triggered a heightened awareness of seeing the number 11. As time passed, I began finding myself being drawn to look at different clocks throughout the day, and each time, it would be 11 minutes after the hour. It didn't happen every hour, but frequently enough that I began to develop a bit of apprehension about it when it did happen. I went for several months keeping my experiences to myself, mainly out of fear that others would think I was losing my mind. After about 9 months, I decided to share my experiences and feelings about them with my husband. Fortunately, he didn't have me sent away for a mental/psychological evaluation, but did seem to think I was making something out of what he considered to be mere coincidences. I noticed that after I talked to him, the experiences seemed to stop for about a month. I began checking the clock on purpose, just to see if it was possibly 11 minutes after the hour. During that month long period, the entire situation seemed to cease. Finally, about a month later, I awoke at exactly 2:11, then 3:11, then 4:11, and then again at 5:11, all in the course of one morning. Needless to say, I was a bit freaked out. At that point, I began to wonder if there was some spiritual connection. Wondering that made me even more nervous, but it just seemed to keep popping up in my mind. I actually even wondered if one of my deceased family members was trying to send me a message, and perhaps I had upset them by sharing my experiences with my husband.  Even as I just typed that, I realize how crazy it must sound. I am just so befuddled by it all.  Since then, my sightings on clocks have continued on a fairly consistent basis, occurring at least twice a day and some days up to six or seven times a day.

I will say that finding this forum has given me at least some sense of well-being in realizing that I'm not alone in these experiences. I've shared some with a few of my close friends and other family members but none of them seem to know what to say in response.  I just wish I could find a clear purpose for what's happening.

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