Author Topic: Something is up  (Read 27558 times)


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2015, 09:26:05 PM »

You are right!  I have been saying that right along...if we all put our heads together we might be able to figure out what Spirit is trying to tell us.  The problem is there are only a few of us out of thousands of us willing to solve this mystery of the century.  We can't do it alone, we need others to provide feedback on their experiences.  There are many members on this forum who read our posts but don't participate.  It would be great if we could get others to help us understand this.

Something is definitely up.  I was not aware of the military conducting special trainings during the summer.  I have intuitively felt that I should be home at the end of August and no later.  Something is telling me to be home before September.

I had two 333's today.  Both on license plates.  One was in Florida and the other in Connecticut.  The 11's have increased and I am seeing them more so than ever.  I'm not sure what will happen in the near future but my gut is telling me it won't be good.  Maybe I will have another one of my pre-cognition dreams like I had a week before 9-11.  If I have one, my friends on this forum will know immediately.

I keep reminding myself of Mark 11:22....Jesus said......Have Faith in God.



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2015, 09:24:01 PM »

I decided to respond to your post on this topic because I believe something is definitely on the way but I am not sure exactly what it is yet.  I can only put some of the pieces of the puzzle together to surmise what it might be.  I read the Harbinger and was blown away by the "coincidences" discussed by the author.  I believe we receive signs all the time but we (the general population) are too busy to notice them.  The signs are there........when will we pay attention?  We have ignored God and we are paying the price.  It is that simple.

As for Venus and Jupiter....I was unaware of the alignment but after reading your post I did some research.  No doubt this alignment and the brightness of Venus (Lucifer) is very unusual.   VERY STRANGE.  Not just that, Regulus, the star that is the "heart of the Lion" is just above Venus and Jupiter.  Regulus is Latin for "prince" or "King."  Well...who is the Prince or King in biblical times?  Jesus of course.  Does this alignment signal the coming of Christ or does it signal the coming of the antichrist?  There is no doubt in my mind that it's a sign.

You can also bet that the Vatican and their LUCIFER project on Mt. Graham knows something about this alignment of Venus and Jupiter and they are not telling us.  They have been waiting for an alien savior for quite some time.   In fact, Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin who, before his death in 1999, hinted at something like imminent extraterrestrial contact more than once.

Venus...the bright morning star...aka Lucifer and Jupiter the priests.....put it all addition, the Pope is visiting the U.S. For the World Meeting of Families Sept. 25-27 (Philadelphia)...and I would be willing to bet that he won't just be visiting Philadelphia......perhaps a trip to Mt. Graham that they will keep secret?

Something important may just happen in the month of September....every seven years there is another important sign .......and we don't pay attention. 

So I do believe that we are receiving many signs.....the planets and the alignment with the moon and the stars....are just one of many.  Look into the sky tonight and you will get a good view of Venus and Jupiter side by side with Regulus just above them.   The website that Mel provided provides a good overview with pic's.



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2015, 08:59:42 PM »
I like Mark 1:11 ....posted by Forum member ihopes and I also like Mark 11:22... Another favorite.  Interesting that you posted 1:11 especially since I see 1:11 constantly lately. 

Dred......that address is on the other side of the state.  I am nowhere near it.  I wonder if the entire company are 11'ers or just the owner?  Mel is a lot closer to that place....

I'm still perplexed about the 9/23/2015 date in google maps which zeros in on CERN.  What's up with that?  Can you solve that mystery Dred?  I know you can do it....

And where is 11er Steve?  Must be that mountain air in Montana......



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2015, 06:05:44 AM »
From what I've heard through conspiracy/alternative media channels is Cern on 9/23/2015 is supposed to fire up full power.  Also as stated by Cern themselves they are trying to make miniature black holes.  This is a bad idea, because Hawkings recently theorized that Black Holes could be portals to other dimensions.  So Cern is trying to open miniature black holes or portals to other dimensions.  What happens when they do this?  Do they open the flood gates like opening Pandora's box?  I don't know, it could very likely just be all hype, as well Cern has stated a number of times in the past that they would fire on a specific date and then they had set backs due to mechanical gliches or what not.  Cern could very likely be the modern day Tower of babel.  But I don't want to scare you to death or anything this is just what I know from my own digging.  I do think Cern knows what they are playing with though.  Hence the 666 in the Cern logo, and the statue of Shiva at the entrance.   If this is it how it goes then so be it, but I don't believe that it is time yet for that kind of chaos to brought upon the world.  I hope 9/23/2015 is all hype, our government doesn't have the guns yet, they don't have syria yet, they don't have WW3 yet.  There are more things that have to be put in place before a global world order is put in place.  As for the Popes 9/23/2015 visit I think he will pave the path  for these things, he will put out  the call for the new world order, and the push for a 1 world religion, and push for climate taxes, as well as completely go against the churches beliefs in announcing forgiveness to abortion and acceptance of gay marriage he's basically going against church doctrine to say he's saving all.  I think the Pope's visit will be the big news of the day pay attention to what he says. Remember No one will know the date or the time. 


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2015, 06:12:12 AM »
Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis did a show on Cern in reguards to the 9/23 hype over it.  If you would like to know more about what is going on with Cern they go much more in depth to the topic then I could here on the forum.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2015, 11:13:43 AM »
Thank you Dred and Lin. Without your constant input I would be long gone. We are a special group, contributors or not. We are so special that I find it a bit maddening that there isn't more dialog.
I have had a rather interesting few weeks. If you keep current you all know that I have recently moved to Montana (the best decision I may have ever made) There are buffalo right outside my window this morning. So as I am setting up house I intentionally didn't plug in any clocks. I've never cared too much about what time it is, because I always know when it is time to crack open a beer, or six! Even with few clocks in my world I still see 11 after 2 or 3 times a day. The clocks that are always in my face are the clock in my truck and the one in the lower right corner of my computer monitor. Even though these are primarily the only clocks I see I still see 11 after in other areas, like the bank in town. It tells you the time and temp. When I pick up my mail in town on occasion I see 11 after on the banks clock.
I got a permit to pull 10 cords of wood from the forest from the Forest ranger station and they ask you to keep a logbook of your wood. When my truck is loaded I get my logbook out and fill in the date, how much wood I got and the time. A couple of times when I look at the clock to see what time it is for the logbook... you guessed it was 11 after.
Dred knows this better than anyone, we often see 11 after when we begin or finish something. When I'm done with my wood cutting for the day and see 11 after I sit and think what a wonderful experience it is being an 11er. For me it's like being watched over. I've always thought that it is a sign of accomplishment or reaching a status of approval by a higher power, the power that created us. You guys know that I've written a couple of books and instead of keeping the royalty money for myself I've given it all to charity. I think that the higher power greatly approves of this kind of behavior and I think that's why I'm an 11er!
Since I have fewer opportunities to see 11 after, but still see them regularly I have to admit that the 11's I see are 7:11, 9:11 and 1:11. For the past two months those have been the only 11's I've seen. Especially 9:11. Hmmmmm!

About the conference calls I've missed a lot of them because I am unsure of which Saturday they are so I have a suggestion. I think we should have a conference call every Saturday and more that a few hosts. This is not a criticism of how things are currently handled. Thank you Mel for getting the calls up and running, its just that I wouldn't expect you to conduct every conference call especially if we went to every Saturday.

What do you think you guys! I think every sat would be awesome and I would be happy to host.
Love you all, even the new members. Please contribute. 11erSteve

P.S. my new email is: Holler if you wish.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2015, 07:52:06 AM »
Steve today I was thinking about beginning and ending 11's and the then the line from the bible popped in my head.  I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end.  Just food for thought.  heh.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2015, 10:20:08 AM »
Its funny you bring that one up dred...I was doing a tradeshow booth in Dayton Ohio for my job and this unbelievably kind cleaning lady seemed to gravitate towards me.  When she would come near the booth, she would always have somehting nice to was like this weird...connection to a person i had never met before.

Her kindness seeemed so genuine, like i could truly feel the goodness coming from this woman.  Then i read the label on her shirt for the company she worked for...

It was Alpha and Omega Cleaning Services....and it turned out, that day was her very first day at the job....

**cue spooky yet cool suspense music!**


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2015, 09:05:46 PM »
Good to hear from the "old timers" on the forum and great to hear from some of the Newbies!!

So I would like to discuss the Pope....and his visit to the US.  I am going to sound a little cynical here so bear with me.  I can't help but think this visit is nothing but window dressing and that there is a much deeper agenda here that we are not seeing.  So I ask all of you to be critical thinkers.  In addition, do you really think that he's travelled all this way and is not going to visit MT. Graham and his LUCIFER project?  Really?  As usual it will be a "secret" ....the Vatican is known for keeping secrets.  Not just that, are you aware that the telescope is built on sacred Native American ground?  And that there have been disputes with the Native American people regarding this?  And that the Native Mericans have reported extraterrestrial activity on that mountain?  There is nothing in the mainstream media about this....NOTHING!
As if that isn't enough the Pope canonized a man who allegedly tortured native Americans....all on this visit.  And, quite frankly not surprising to me.  Moreover, as I write this another one of his priests is sitting in a jail cell for raping a minor.  This Priest won a million dollars in the lotto years ago.  So my contention is this:  shouldn't Pope Francis clean up the Vatican before he tries to clean up the world?

I have visited the Vatican and I can tell you that the opulence and wealth is incredible.  So I ask this:  why isn't the Vatican doing more to help with poverty and hunger on this planet?

Another secret:  there is a statue in the courtyard of the Vatican.  It is a pinecone mounted on a staff.....many have made the correlation with the pineal gland in our brains which is shaped like a pine cone.  When we die it is said that the soul exits from the pineal gland.....what does the Vatican know that they're not telling us?   SECRETS GALORE.



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2015, 10:06:17 PM »
One more quick thing 11er's,

I find it interesting that the Pope will be here just in time for the Blood Moon......during a Shemitah year.  They call Mt. Graham the "Pope Scope."  Hmmmm.......

Dred, meant to comment on CERN.  I knew if anyone could find the info it would be you!  I agree.....opening another dimension through a wormhole or otherwise is certainly of major concern.  Who knows what will happen with that.  Perhaps the Nephilim will return to the planet.

11er Steve....Montana must be beautiful.  Nice to hear from you.  And yes, we do enjoy a certain camaraderie with each other on this forum.....however, I am not so sure I will be able to participate in the conference call every Saturday.  I do find the dialog quite interesting though.  Things are being said during the calls that are not mentioned on the forum....interesting stuff to explore.   Maybe I could join you once a month?  I am quite busy these days.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2015, 04:13:44 AM »
Guess what Jason I've said this before not sure if you remember but I am a Janitor as well.  Janitors are salt of the earth people there is something to be said of people who will happily serve others which Janitors do. 

Lin interesting you bring up the Lucifer project the other day when listening to art bell he interviewed a man named David Jacobs who wrote a book they walk among us.  Apparently this guy has interviewed some 1100 UFO abductee's and put them under hypnosis and believes that there are alien Hybrids already among us and that it has been going on since 2003.  Now crazy as that sounds this guy has been doing his work out Philadelphia where the pope happens to be visiting.  Now Art doesn't upload his interviews to youtube because he likes to sell a subscriber service to stream his show's but I did find another interview someone else did of David Jacobs on youtube which covers the same stuff as Art did.  If anyone is interested in listening.

Also as I said the pope would pave the way for the global world order and here it comes, at the UN they anounced a 15 year plan to eradicate poverty.  This is so in your in your face NWO 

Also the Pineal gland is very important! Our water is flouridated to calcify our pineal glands so it doesn't work.  You must fix your diet to uncalcify your pineal gland.  I have started this and the diet change alone is great just for living a  healthier life, be more vegetarian, eat avocado's, take curcumin, apple cider vinegar as well, don't drink tap water, there are lots of youtbue videos out there for help decalcifying your pineal gland I suggest everyone looks into it.  This is a video I used to help me get started on it, while I didn't follow all the steps I just implemented the ones I was comfortable with making the change with. I do feel my pineal gland now, and I look younger and am a lot healthier for it, I am not sure if it is fully uncalcified or not as living in utah I still have to bathe in flouridated water but I don't drink it,  I only drink distilled water I buy from the store.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2015, 09:40:16 PM »

I believe the Mandela effect is like déjà vu.  I have experienced déjà vu many how do we explain that?  The video link you provided for the Mandela effect is the video on how to decalcify the pineal gland.  Please resend.  I am interested in viewing it.

As for the UFO/extraterrestrials who walk among us.  I truly believe that they are here and more are on the way.  I also believe that the Vatican is aware of this but they choose not to tell anyone.  I recently came across an astrophysicist ....Dr Rudy Schild who I mentioned in a previous post.  He is one of the few people in academia who believes in extraterrestrials and UFO abductions.  An interesting book to read is " the Dual Soul Connection" ---the Alien Agenda For Human Advancement written by Suzy Hansen...with notes by Rudy Schild.  I came across Dr. Schild on my trek through the Green. Mountains of Vermont....he spoke at the 31st Meeting of the Elders and it was quite interesting.  I just stumbled onto this meeting quite by accident...but then again there are no accidents are there?  I believe there are human/extraterrestrial hybrids on the planet.  How do you think we have advanced so far in our technology in such a short period of time?  We've had help that's how.

Just about every ancient society has spoken about flying discs and chariots of fire bringing kings to the earth.  In fact, the. Buddhist monks at that meeting I attended specifically stated that their ancestors spoke of kings coming from the sky.  They have been here and they are here now.

A few more comments on the Pope:

Did you know that the Vatican (St. Peter's Basilica) was struck by lightening (twice) on the night Pope Benedict resigned?  .......11er Steve take note!

Did you know that Pope Frances with the help of two children released two doves for peace and both doves were immediately attacked?  One dove was attacked by a black crow and the other dove was attacked by a seagull.   Hmmmm.....if that isn't a sign I don't know what is.

And just as a side note.....when. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel he was so fed up with the corruption and abuse of power by the Pope in that day ( I believe it may have been Pope Julius) ...he actually embedded a fresco of a woman giving the fig over the door where the Pope would enter the chapel.  The fig in that day would be the equivalent to giving someone the middle finger in our day.  Among early Christians, it was known as the manus obscena, or "obscene hand".[1]

"  In the middle of the wall across from the throne area in the Sistine chapel, Michelangelo painted a woman.  He subtly inserted the woman giving the "fig" gesture over the front door of the chapel.  This was recently discovered as the frescoes were cleaned.  Every time the Pope entered the Sistine Chapel he received the fig. "
(Secrets of the Sistine Chapel).

Enough on the Pope.  The Blood Moon is tomorrow night.......I'll be watching how about you?



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2015, 03:27:34 AM »
I'll be up I'm always up all night heh.  Is this Blood moon visible in US?  I thought it was just supposed to be visible over Jerusalem or something.  Thought I heard that.  Another thing interesting about all the popes recent speeches is he kept telling all his followers to pray for him.  I think he knows his life is in danger from the evil crap he is doing.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2015, 08:53:03 PM »

Anyone getting 999?  I am getting this number a lot lately.....111 Is popping up a lot too.



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2015, 04:38:35 AM »
I usually get my numbers from clocks so I don't get 999's but i do get 111 222 333 444 often, almost 11 after the hour every hour, 1111, 1221, I also get my birth time 117 or 1117 and if it isn't 11 after the hour I'm seeing it's 17 after the hour or 25 after the hour like my brithday 325.  So many of my numbers involve my birthdate or time, like I'm being told to remember my time coming here, or if there is a purpose to the timing I came?  I'm not sure.