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Messages - Pointman19

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« on: December 28, 2013, 10:28:08 PM »
This is really really interesting!  i honestly thought i was the only one that felt that strongly when it came to the song "calling" me...

For anyone else that hasnt heard it, you truly should listen to it.

(i just watched the video...did anyone notice the channel number on the that Snowed-out station??)

I cant help but go over what you just brought up there, steve. You said that we can all pretty much agree that 11 is a transmission but what is it were supposed to gain from that?  When i saw that snowed out station on channel 11, i saw the metaphor.  Its a station thats being transmitted, but we cant watch/understand it...totally snowed out. (metaphorically lol)

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« on: December 26, 2013, 01:06:30 PM »
An interesting verse i heard in that song was "My freinds and i have cracked the code" but it didnt seem to go with the rest of the song.

First time i heard this song, i felt a strong connection to it

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What does 11:11 mean to you, personally?
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:53:59 AM »
I dont think i could have proof to something thats spiritual and based on faith.  But there are at times, what seems to me at least, that some of the prompts relate to some things i find very personal in my life. Certain dreams that can have profound meaning...yet i cant truly understand what im being told.

We may be specks in the grand cosmic scheme, but im not sure what you mean by being at the bottom of a petri glass. I have a couple of ideas, but could you expand on what your meaning?  I think were being guided, like...a path can be molded and shaped for us to go, i feel thats what the prompts are for. To remind us that were not alone and to kind of guide us on to what were thinking at that moment in time.  If i see numbers that repeat, such as say, 22, 33, 44. its like the calling card of a particular entity or spiritual gaurdian.

 But as creatures of free will, its up to the individual to decide where to go in life and what road to take when you reach that fork in the path

When i see them repeat such as 222 or 3333, thats when i would get a little confused, but i always had this gut instinct like it was some kind of message.  I tried googling things like numbers that repeat in a row in sets of 3 and even 4 at times and i think i found a link that kinda helped.

Other than that, all i can say so far, and ive done so much digging on this...that this could be something that is, indeed, spiritual.  Ive come across what i thought were many different theories, some way off, some just silly sounding...but thats what some people who newly start to expeirence things like these do to try and understand what and why this phenomenon is happening to them.  It starts with 11:11 or 1:11 as a wakeup call. Some people aknowledge it, some consider it further, but most try to brush it off as coincidence.  The people that truly want to try and understand are the ones that search for answers.  Its the answers that seem the most logical to yourself, because this journey is something to personal to everyone.

11 Phenomenon Forum / What does 11:11 mean to you, personally?
« on: November 17, 2013, 08:24:43 PM »
Hey 11ers!  its been a minute since i started a new topic.

     i read something while i was over on the 1111 angels board that made a lot of sense about how we all expeirence the number sequences, but how it seems to differ in meaning from person to person.

Honestly, this response was probably one of the best i ever read so far.  Read this quote, and possibly, tell me your thoughts on it.

Have a good day, friends! 


Also I'd like to add my opinion on attempting to create a one-size-fits-all definition for what these number sequences mean. This is only my personal belief based on intuition and nothing more and it should be taken with a grain of salt. I've never known the best word to use to accurately describe these unseen forces which appear to be intervening helpfully in our daily lives with these coded messages. For my own purposes I tend to refer to them somewhat vaguely as entities. You may choose to call them angels, guides or midwayers etc. To each his/her own.

Anyhow, I don't believe that these ethereal entities are interested in telling us what to believe or imposing their views upon us. I believe they do however know exactly what we are thinking and they compose their messages to us accordingly. I believe that they customize their messages based on the personal beliefs of every individual. In other words, if you have a particular understanding of what 11:11 represents to you, stick to it. Even if it happens to run completely contrary to what others believe or what you have been previously told. These entities are sentient and appear to know the difference and as a result "they" will adapt their message to each individuals working beliefs. I repeat for emphasis. They appear to know what you know. But if you tend to become dubious in your interpretations and keep changing your mind about the definitions of these sequences you will only complicate matters for yourself and the entities involved.

Think of it like Morse code. The sender and receiver of these codes must be in constant agreement as to what the signals mean in order for the transmission of the message to be successfully communicated. If you keep changing your mind along the way the message will inevitably become lost in translation.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Check this out
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:13:25 AM »
i couldnt agree more!  Ive definetly been trying to do my part when it comes to spreading happiness and thats been my goal for the past month or so now. 

Thats at least, i think i can say without a shadow of a doubt, is at least the one very big similarity amongst us

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Check this out
« on: November 09, 2013, 11:28:46 AM »
I used to be one that was never the religious type...i believe in God of course and others but just not the way the worlds main religions put it.  Its a tough thing to describe at times, because when you see the numbers (for me, its still...11 and 44 and 444's) that it could be a way of communication between something thats spiritualistic and yourself.  They reach out, so ive kinda taken it, by finding something thats personal to that individual.

Keep your eyes, ears and heart open and dont dismiss it when you see something, like what you said with the tens, that is personal to you.  Maybe, because you've become more religious lately and you receive taht newsletter, thats how this "spirit" of some kind finds a way to get your let you know your not alone in your experiences.  Dont be afraid to ask your spirit gaurdian to for help or comfort...or both.  I know, i know....this is a far far cry from what i thought before, huh? :P

Well, i know that doesnt help much, at least for now...

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Similarities?
« on: November 08, 2013, 08:10:37 AM »
oddly enough...tons of views, no responses. I had a couple where a freind said he wanted to tell me something..but he never got back to me.

I started a new blog called ElevensRunAmok at the same site,  I guess we'll see what happens...kinda hoping i can reach out and connect to other 11ers

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: My whole story on 11
« on: November 02, 2013, 10:45:25 AM »
Ok, im glad i waited a little bit before answering this one...but ill explain the best i can.

I know that ive had some real "crackpot" theories since ive joined these boards.  When i started this was on October 6th and continued on throughout the month.  I kinda awoke to the whole thing i July-ish.  At the time i posted this, its when i started doing some heavy research on whatever i could find.  Its very difficult to find anything on all of this, because everyone whos having this expeirence is looking themselves, for answers.

i was trying to fit peices together...for what i now consider spiritual, i chalked it up to another phenomenon at the time of this post.  i wanted to delete all of this...but now that ive re-read it all, its like watching a child going from crawling to walking, while touching every outlet and putting every object i find on the table or floor in my mouth :P

I was very confused too and was trying to find answers to what i dont understand, needless to say, i really dont think its "Aliens" anymore lol.  Ive been coming more and more to the conclusion that we all have some kind of spirit guide and the numbers are a way of communicating with us on a personal level.  Again, this is a hard one to explain, but i think ill spare everyone the large blocks of text today haha :P  But to be honest for a second, do any of us...really feel like were "alone" while were on this journey of self discovery?

Everytime i come to this forum, i feel like everyone is waiting for a new post and waiting with baited breath...whats the next person going to say...can i relate to it in some way...

We all need to keep talking and sharing ideas! Look at my posts of rambling lol, we all have to start somewhere when it comes to an understanding of what were going through ;)

If you dont mind me asking, hows your journey gone so far Angamie?

Sending you all my best,

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Similarities?
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:39:42 PM »

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Similarities?
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:30:01 PM »
A time on the clock that sticks out...aside from 11:11 or 1:11....9:11. Don't like that one.

i get that all the time, it really makes me scratch my head...always random, but always on 11...from 1:11 to 9:11. This pretty much happens all the time, every day.  Also, the intensity of 3:33 or anything that ends in (*):44 has been coming up A LOT.  Ive been scouring the web and i found a guy on youtube that goes into great detail about his experiences. He see's the 11's as well but according to him, its 333 that dominates his numerical daily life.  I like his videos as he seems to have some really good insights and ideas.  Its a quick watch if your interested.  He doesn't seem "disconnected" from reality and he tries to sound as genuine as possible when it comes down to understanding it all. What more amazing, not one comment mocks him. In contrast, its people all experiencing the same thing.  The more and more i look into this phenomenon, the more i see were not alone...but when it comes to understanding it...we feel alone in a way.

Ive also pretty much caved and decided to do a blog article about this as well.  As i always do with my blogs, ill be approaching this from a neutral stand point.  Since i started my blogs right around the beginning of the summertime (come to think of it, thats when the 11's started.....), im quickly approaching 5,000 views world wide.  I know that may not sound like much, but to be honest, i never realistically thought id get more than a couple hundred.  Since its starting to really pick up some steam, maybe i can reach out to others out there that are going thru the same thing and i can get some comments or maybe some messages sent to my inbox.  Fingers crossed!! 

Ill post a link to it in the forums here when i finish

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Similarities?
« on: October 21, 2013, 09:57:57 PM »

Id like to help in any way i can, i know we all have our way of seeing things when it comes to this number.


33, OH, US

The short version. I felt like i was "woken up" to this over the summertime.  Like you, i always try to be a good person and help people if its warranted or needed.  I like to provide moral support where its needed or if i see someone who may be feeling down, i feel compelled to cheer them up. Even if its at my own expense :)  im goofy like that, i kinda have a magnetic personality. Not to sound conceited, but its hard not to get along with me. Im just very down to earth (haha if you can beleive that after some of my posts!)

I keep this kind of thing to myself and always have since i noticed it. I dont run around with a tin foil cap screaming the sky if falling :P  On the outside, im just like everyone else.  Like you, ive also had my fair share of hardships...maybe more than the average person...maybe...
I had come to a crossroads over the summertime happened right when i started noticing the 11's but at that time, i never even thought it had an affect on anything.  I had two choices, keep going down the dark path of depression due to my hardships or truly try to find enlightenment...someway...somehow....

I chose enlightenment and then shortly after, i had an "11 explosion". I wanted to learn more about it...why and where there others that seen the same thing and to my surprise, theres thousands of us worldwide!  We all have one thing in common...we all truly dont understand whats going on with this.

I DO feel this is very spiritual and thats what compels me to keep trying to understand more about it.  It sounds like your just getting started!

My advice and thoughts....i feel like something is trying to tell me something...but i cant understand what and thats what gives me this intense curiosity about it.  While you search for your own truth, or what may lead you to what ever you may find out in your investigations...never rule out the illogical.  I know thatll be hard..but tell yourself...seeing 11 and other numerical combinations way way more than statiscaly very illogical and confusing.  Dont rule anything out, take it all in because i think this personal to all of us in our own ways.  but theres one thing that binds us all together, and its we feel that we need to come together in some way...but its hard to even understand that when we all still dont know why its happening to us, personally, in the first place.

Were all here to try and help.  Keep a small pocketsized notebook with you, take never know what youll find or forget :)  Id like to help in any way i can

I also stumbled on this site as i started my own personal quest of understanding this phenomenon a small while ago. Maybe this will help you as is did me....

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: My whole story on 11
« on: October 18, 2013, 04:13:17 PM »
other than my previous reply, i havent posted in here for a week or so.  Ive been trying to piece some things together to get a bigger picture or scope of things.  I know some people think i may look too closely and sometimes the numbers happens to show up because im subconsciously willing them to do so...but i still maintain that this isnt the case. 

Since i "woke up" over the summer when it came to 11 and other numerical anomolies, ive kept a notebook and i have always added to my experiences as i tend to forget things very quickly.  As i was reading the post by Caribbean, i noticed that some of the things he posted closely coincides to what ive been after pouring over my notes, i decided that maybe i should put up what i "think" ive come up with so far in regards to all of this.  I could be right, or wrong..or maybe just on the right track so to speak.  I mean, whatever i type about this is really up to interpretation.  Everyone has their own beliefs, and ill never dispute what anyone on here has come to believe.

First things first.  The phenomenon that is revolving around this number 11 seems unique to that person.  Its almost like you have a guide in a way, that tries to help or point you in the right direction. Wether you listen to this "guide" or not is up to you...but ive realized that the ones of us that do pay attention and keep it in mind, whatever the numerical warning (or prophecy, how ever you look at it) we end up not regretting it.

I think that when we noticed the anomalies the most is when their seems to be some kind of drastic change in our world events, or something that truly affects or lives and changes it, wether its for the good or the worse.  I think, once, someone had said that sometimes, the only reason that we see the numbers when it comes to huge events (like my prediction was about the government and the number 17) is only because i am trying to find the numbers and the if im trying to fit the numbers in there somehow.

All i truly can say about this in my defense (and trust me, i never viewed that persons opinion as a reason to get defensive) is that i honestly never look for the numbers...its almost as if they find me.  I tend to see them so often that i truly try to not look for any of them...they just pop up there...somehow.
If you go back to the bible and the verses that are associated with some of the things we quoted...the numbers also seem to either be in regard to a huge event or a very important fact.  In a previous reply, i had showed the numerical coincidences and how they had lined up with the great flood.  Carribeans quote on Genesis 6:2 is mostly about Noah and how he was the last of Gods "perfect" beings.  At the time of the flood, there had been so many crosses in the breeds of humans that i truly think the reason God called forth the flood was to removed those cross breeds (such as Giants, for one...the result of angels mating with humans).  But keep in mind, these were no ordinary angels as the bible references them to Satan and his followers.  For those that may not known, yes, Satan was once an angel that had fallen from grace.  This instance of the Angels mating with humanity is one of those instances that had him cast out.

Basicly, what im getting at, is if the numbers can coincide with major events back in the past..why cant they have the same association in today's society or even the worlds.

I also think i have found some meaning in the numbers as well...but this is up to interpretation of course.  You dont have to follow what i type here next, it might not be what you believe, but its become what ive come to believe.

The numbers that hold the most meaning, seem to go from 1 to 7. Those are the ones i get the strongest "feelings" about. This doesnt work for eight or nine, and i get no experiences or so much as a scant feeling when it comes to those ones.  The way i came about as to find meaning to them was that whenever a certain number combination popped up...i "looked around" and saw what was going on at that very moment. Whether it had to do with what was going on in my personal life or even something in the world.  Heres what ive come up with.

When i say number combinations, they never seem to come as one number by itself...such as 1,2,3 and so on. They always appear, to me, as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, and 77. The only exception is that can also show up as 111 or 1111.  Anyways, the meanings....

11's or 11:11 or 111- A positive sign.  Such you are on the right track, or on the verge of discovering something you may be looking into, or maybe something that is good to come.  Ive also noticed 11's showing significance when it comes to hope or inspiration.  (Such as the story of an indian girl named Malala.  She was 11 when she publicly came out against the Taliban and said women should earn an education as much as men.  A few years later, they had tracked her down and shot her in the head.  The girl survived and the doctors said it was a mircale she did...most people would never live after having a bullet removed from their brain...especially the part she was shot in.  To this day, at age 16, she continues to spread her message in defiance of the Taliban..even earning her a nobel peace prize.  Young women the world over, in different countries and cultures, stand up and believe in her message, inspiring them to yell "I AM MALALA!!") It was 3:33 am as i first heard and started documenting this story...and what i think the 3's stand for will be coming up shortly...

Another instance of 11 being a sign of hope is a story about Diana Nalad (sp?) and her 110 mile swim across the ocean at 64 years of age.  What she has done has been inspiration to many as it proves it doesnt matter how old you long as you have the will and the spirit....the belief in yourself that you can accomplish what 99% of everyone said that she could not, that you CAN do anything if you put your mind to it.

Ive heard and read of many people claiming that 11 is a bad sign or omen....its my belief that its being perceived in the wrong way perhaps. One example is when Carribean had said that he noticed the 11's before his car broke down for good.  I know that can be viewed as how it can be a bad omen...but look at it this way, because you paid attention to what you thought could be a message of some kind, you reacted sooner than you normally would have and had something done about the situation...and now your in a better one because of it ;)

22's- The possibility of being confronted with a great truth

33's- To self educate or to have a self-revelation

44's- Acceptance.  or a complete realization of something

55's- Protection

66's-  A great evil

77's- Holy, Good, or knowing that at that point in time...your not alone (but then again, i feel that once youve been "woken up"when it comes to the numbers, your never truly alone.  I just feel that when there are sevens in pairs or more, that i feel to be in the presence of something "good" more strongly than other times.

17-  A warning or Prophecy

Like i said, thats all up to interpretation or you could think im just completly nuts...but i truly feel, deep down, that im on to something.  Ive always been a rational and logical thinker and i know all of this really does defy all ration or logic...but...i cant explain it.  I just feel that im definetly on the right track. 

Best of luck as you all undertake your own personal journeys to come to some kind of understanding.  I still think i have much to learn, much much more!

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: My whole story on 11
« on: October 17, 2013, 02:18:35 PM »
Hi Caribbean,

     i dont find your post preachy or long-winded whatsoever.  And if were, kind of, on the same page..ive been seeing some coincidences with the bible when i get the "feelings" about the numbers.  Latley, its been 44 ive been seeing everywhere...or combinations like 4:11, 9:11, 11:11 and things that add up to become 11 or 111.

Like you, i try to find the answers as matter how "weird" society thinks them to be.  When it comes to your tale here, what you believe has a lot to do with some of the conclusions ive come up with as i continue to research the phenomenon....and if thats if you can really call them "conclusions".  Every time i think ive found an answer, it turns out to constantly change...or lead me in another direction to research about.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: My whole story on 11
« on: October 08, 2013, 01:04:11 PM »
I just had one more thought on the Genesis 11 reference.  Are we (11") actually building our own "tower of Babel".  Think about it, we now with the use of the internet and computers can break language, cultural and ideological barriers.  Will we soon be scattered?

This is great insight on your part!  Thats something i never considered, but it would make sense if you look at it from a bigger perspective. Its definitely not in the realm of the impossible.

You know, i think anyone who just happens on the sight wondering what the 11 hooplah is all about and started reading the post topic...theyd probably think were crazy....but to me, this make perfect sense and definitely something to ponder, that's for sure.  This is the reason i like the forums here so much, such great ideas can come about and it can completely make you see things from a different perspective

and about the sneak peek comment...your definitely right. I too question why this kind of knowledge or insight would be available to us if we can do nothing to prevent it. Maybe, over the course of time, that answer will be revealed when the time is right from the powers that be

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: My whole story on 11
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:56:53 AM »
Mike...i think ive stumbled onto something MAJOR.

but sadly, it doesnt have anything to do with the verses you asked me to look up. As i read last night, i started from the begginning and read beyond the verses you asked me to look at....and i think ive found something that may help all of us.

This may sound farfetched, but bear with me and hear me out...its about 11:17

Somewhere buried in these topics, i ran across a user that said he not only noticed 11's but the number 17 pops out as well.  i, myself, have not noticed this but that doesnt mean it hasnt taken root as something to keep in mind in case it needs to be brought up in the future....And im glad i did.

It seems 11:17 has been popping up a lot recently. I had responded to a post in here about movies with 11 in it. i wont repeat the whole thing, but if you get a second, take a read and it will lead you to my next observation.

As i was reading up on Genesis last night upon Mike's request, i felt compelled to contiue reading further and i came across something....something that does, indeed, have a mention of 11 and 17.  ill do a couple of verses prior to what it leads up to and then the verse that deserves some attention...and suprise suprise, that verse is Genesis, chapter 7, verse 11 of the Old Testament  i know a lot of us dont follow this kind of thing, or it may not be your lets read it like its goes

(7) And Noah went in, and his sonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes wives with him, into the Arke, because of the waters of the flood

(8) Of cleane beasts, and of beast that are not cleane, and of fowles, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth

(9) They went in two and two unto Noah and the Arke, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah

(10) And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the Earth

now here is where 17 is mentioned and its the 17th day of a special event.

(11) In the sixe hundredth year of Noahs life, in the second month, of the seventeenth day, the same day, were all the fountains of the great deepe broken up, and the windows of heaven opened

There was a reason i felt compelled to write all this down...when it comes to 11 and 17. October 17th of this year is when the US officially defualts and cant pay its bills. In terms of the economy...this can cause an epic collapse of catastropic proportions and i dont exaggerate on this.  If the government shut down contiunes (and the feeling i get when i think and type this is so strong, that i cant ignore it), not only will this affect the US and send us into a recession of epic proportions that makes the great depression seem like a mouse fart. (i dont want to make this ALL sound so doom and gloom, i hope the mouse fart made you giggle...but i know, its no laughing matter....)

But as i was saying though, not only will this effect america, but it will greatly impact the worlds economy, since all economies are based off the treasuries.

Mike...i think this was a message of warning that only we 11ers could see.  I think when it said the windows of heaven opened up, i dont think that meant that god came down and helped the flood waters receede.  I think it means that, if this comes to pass, we will be very closely watched by "God" see what we will do and react.  Will we panic or will our government come to its senses and realize the impact the shutdown is having on the people.  As of November 1st (the 11th month), the military will no longer be paid...if and when everything starts back up again, they will get their pay and the back pay. But as of the 1st (11-1......111), their paychecks will cease.  Also the families of the soliders that have, god rest their souls, died in afganistan have already recieved a second call from the government (today, as of 10-8) that they will not recieve the death benefits because the government can not afford to while everytihing is shut down.

On the 1st, social security, medicare and medicaid will be put on hold.  They cant afford to send the checks and they cant cover the medical costs of doctor visits and procedures....All of this could be the modern day "flood" of 2013.  i dare not wonder what comes next if the shutdown continues to December 1st...

This could be our not saying were in end times...but i am saying, that were trying to be told of the calamity that is about to occur if the government doesnt end this.  I dont want to say anything about all the politics, i dont want this derailed.  As im about to post this, its 7:56

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