Author Topic: Keep it to ourselves?  (Read 37398 times)


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Keep it to ourselves?
« on: May 08, 2012, 12:47:21 PM »
I'm glad to have found that this is not just happening to me!  Why is it happening? I don't know, but I do know that all the people around me think I'm nuts.  I probably should have kept it to myself.  I sometimes wonder if this is just a subconscious awareness of the number 11 that your eyes are drawn to.  Even though you are not actively looking for the numbers your brain is prompted to pick out the number 11 and bring it to your conscious awareness, thus, making you think it is more prevalent than it really is. 
If this theory holds water, there should not be any common link to all of us that keep seeing 11.  So, what is the common link to all of us?

What ever it is or is not, maybe we could start a Thread that compiles some of this information?


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 02:14:22 AM »
Hey mike
Im currently a psychology major student and just like you,  this whole theory with the subconscious and selective attention has undoubtedly ran through my head countless times. Yet seeing 11 has occurred way too often for me to conclude that these theories have links to my experiences. Iv been experiencing this for a couple of years now but with a much much greater intensity only this year. How long have you had yours for and what sort of research if any have you done thus far ? :)


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2012, 08:18:56 AM »
Hey Jay,

This has been happening to me for about a year now.  Lately it has been very intense and occurring on average of 2 - 4 times a day.  I now get even more due to the fact that I now have "helpers" pointing out every eleven in sight!  That is why I should have kept this to myself.  As far as research, I do not have any formal eduction in Psychology but did have one class in college.  This "theory" is the one thing I can make sense of.  There just seems too many other random "new age" ideas to the cause of this phenomenon.


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2012, 11:17:17 PM »
Hey mike

I totally get your "helpers" hahaha it is as if they are making fun of you huh, been there bro haha.... In terms of research, mine had very little to do with psychology. More like, i looked up the internet and you tube videos stuff like that. Began to seem more spiritual than anything else.


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2012, 04:56:04 AM »
Hi there. This is my first post on any forum as its not really my thing but have been fascinated by the fact that this is happening to so many of us and I have no idea why. I liked your idea about trying to find a common link between all of us but have no idea how you achieve it. Dont really have anything useful to add other than like most people on this forum I am looking for an answer to the plague of no 11!


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2012, 10:18:39 AM »
I will start it off with some basic info.  I just don't want to start some data base that some creeps will use to hurt anyone.  So, I would like people to be careful of what info they post.

Age - 43

White male

Born again Christian / raised Catholic

Born and raised in the U.S.A / Month of April / Aries

See 11's more and more with no idea why!  ???

Maybe with this basic info it could start a direction of things in common?


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2012, 03:42:01 PM »
Yes, I am not that good at divulging personal info but basic info as follows.
Age - 48
White female
Raised a Christian, no longer attend church but have always been aware of the bigger picture if that makes sense.
Born and raised in England/august/Leo
Started being aware of 11 and 911 for the past couple of years, find it slightly annoying now because I don't know what it means.

Its good to share with others who seem to have the same frustrations. maybe we will find the answer eventually 


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2012, 12:29:18 PM »
age 23
Born Hindu, Currently Agnostic Freethinker with much interest in world religions


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2012, 10:13:15 AM »
 I just have to chuckle at our enormous data base.  Between Shazz, Jay and myself, I don't see anything in common, except the 11 disorder. ;D


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2012, 10:48:47 AM »
hahahahaha well it was a good initiative bro !

hey mike have you seen this website before ?


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2012, 04:42:17 PM »
Thanks Jay, that is a interesting web site. I don't agree with that philosophy but I do think that people have the power themselves to make  positive changes in their own lives.  I always thought it sad that some people think that others know what is right for them and charge them money to tell them that.  I do agree with the "luck" section of the web site.  Don't keep people with bad behavior around you, it will only bring bad stuff back to you.  I would just call that  good common sense or would that be considered bad common sense?

Count for the day so far:  4 - 11's

Best for one day:  11 -11's

Who can beat that?  anyone?


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2012, 01:59:42 AM »
Hey mike

i agree with you on that and i couldnt wrap my head around the fact that they were charging of it.
We will just know when we are supposed to i guess.
Id give my days count but i just woke up ....


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2012, 03:33:12 AM »
Hi everybody,

I love reading you all :). I've been seeing the 11 and 11:11 for 7, 8 years. I tried to speak to people around me but the comments I received from them were very disappointing. So I gave up speaking about 11:11. I started looking for the 11phenomenon in internet and was surprised to see so many people going through the same thing.  ???
I did some research on internet on global awakening. I saw a few youtube videos of Pane Andov (very good), Dolores Canon, etc. They speak a lot about dimensions (interesting!), the Pleiades and genetic codes. They say that our genetic codes are programmed before we are born by the Pleiades or other galaxys.
From what I understood, the '11 people' are to help others raise their conscience to a higher frequency(love) to help save our Mother Earth.
Thank you all for writing your experiences. Speaking about our experiences makes us stronger !

I wish you all a very pleasant day
Love you all


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2012, 10:25:06 AM »
Hi Lisa,

Good to hear from more 11ers.  I don't know if that term has been officially coined but it sounds cool.  Boiling down your research, I agree that  Love wins in the end!

Have a great day and may it be filled with the 11ers awareness of Love thy neighbor!


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2012, 01:20:42 AM »
Hey guys

Yeahhh... I have come across all that Lisa mentioned and with regards to dimensions', I felt that it resonated within me maybe because my childhood religious teachings incorporated some of these ideas as well. Except for Pane Andov & Dolores Canon.. iv yet to check them out :). feeling that name :)

Cheers people !