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Messages - isitus

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« on: November 26, 2012, 02:02:52 AM »
I see multiples of 11...22...33...44...etc.

« on: October 31, 2012, 04:02:24 AM »
I have seen a lot of theories and very specific references to experiences posted but I wonder what some commonalities or "themes" might tie our experiences together.  Perhaps then, we can see the pieces of the puzzle start to fit together.

Themes or patterns I have noticed personally associated with see eleven's are:
- I see the number eleven most frequently in times of world strife (i.e. major terrorist attacks, disasters, etc.)
- I also see them when a major transition is about to occur in my life or more broadly.  It isn't necessarily good or bad, just a transition.
- When I see clusters of elevens day after day, it can be followed by a decision to do something that just comes to mind out of the blue and may be a decision that leads me to do something that is out of character for me.
- I also seem to have stronger than normal emotional responses to personal and/or world events.
- My intuitive abilities are magnified.

What are your "themes"?


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Could be somthing to do with the rapture
« on: October 31, 2012, 03:40:15 AM »
Well, like everyone else, I have seen the number eleven for many years.  I do agree that it is somehow a guiding icon but I am not sure what.  I am intrigued by the notion that it's related to the Myan calendar.  However, I don't think we can reach any conclusions without comparing common patterns that are shared between us.


I know how hard it is to remain sober, having grown up with an alcoholic mother.  Keep taking it one day at a time.  Very interesting quote from Edgar Cayce.  Seems to fit with how "connected" I have increasingly been feeling over the past year.  I am not "religious"  because I think religion is more about control and judgment of others than spirituality. I meditate and pray but I do so alone and directly to the universal spiritual energy, I believe to collectively be "God".

All we can do is follow what feels right for each of us.  Some days, like today, all I saw were factors of eleven at at the end of the day, my daughter found out she was accepted into medical school. Are the two connected? Is it synchronicity?   It feels that way, but I really couldn't tell you.

I think we all must interpret the phenomena for ourselves in the context of our lives, rather than looking for a single specific meaning.  It seems like it is a general ringing of a bell to say "Stay tuned in. There is more to come." I believe it is telling us that what we need will find each of us.  It may not be what we think we want but it may be what we need.

Hi Phoenix911,

I am new to the site and was surprised to see one on this topic.  It's reassuring to know others are having  similar experiences.

I can only surmise by your "handle" that you began noticing "11's" on or before 9.11.2001.  I began noticing them just casually months before 9/11 for the first time.  I mentioned this to my wife and she shrugged and thought I was making too big a deal about nothing.  I began researching number eleven through numerology, mythology, etc.  I never got a satisfactory answer. I started having dreams that were disturbing about conflict but nothing directly related to the attacks.  The night before, I had a terrible night's sleep and then saw the attacks on television from the west coast.  It was horrifying, especially because I grew up in NYC and watched the towers being built.

Long story short, I still was seeing the number  eleven everywhere, on clocks, addresses, receipts, etc. and I began having vivid dreams about attacks being planned.  Many did not materialize but some did.... the bombing of the train station in Madrid, the planning to hijack and blow up a Metro North train..... a plan that was thwarted.

The elevens seemed to disappear periodically, or as you said, maybe they were there and I wasn't paying attention. Either way, they started coming back in focus over the last year.  It was not just seeing them, but having them occur at specific junctions or shifts in my activities.  I  see it on the clock when I get into and out of my car, when I walk into the house or go to bed, hotel room numbers, etc.  The most prevalent is seeing eleven and factors of eleven on clocks.  I think it is related to time for me.  I agree that it is meant to remind us to be watching for signs.  In my opinion, it may be a major shift in the world, politically, militarily, economically, continuing dramatic weather pattern changes and other "natural" disasters.

I believe that when I am strongly drawn to respond a certain way to something,  I should follow my "instincts" or "guidance" and not ignore it.  I guess that I am a bit of a fatalist in that I think it is leading those who are intuitive, psychically gifted or otherwise more aware to follow the signs in a direction that is right for each of us.

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