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Numerology / Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« on: April 04, 2015, 12:13:34 PM »
You know....I couldn't do this if I's unbelievable....check out the time of my post......unreal.


Numerology / Re: Another Phase of Human Evolution
« on: April 04, 2015, 12:11:57 PM »
Greetings 11er's,

MISDEVIO in response to your post..this is a great forum to participate in even though just a few of us actually contribute.  So....I was like you when I first discovered the 11's.....I just had to know what it was all about.  I still need to solve this mystery...and I am working on it! 

Today, I was baking cookies and just as I placed them in the oven I glanced at the microwave to activate the timer and of course there was an 11:11 on the microwave clock in my face.  The 11:11 immediately turned to 11:12.  This happens frequently.  At the time, I was thinking about someone in the family who recently passed.  I believe this may have been a hello from spirit.  So as usual, I shake my head, smile, and say hello.  I keep a very accurate diary of my experiences with the 11.  I have come to the conclusion that spirit is communicating with me. I truly believe that some of us receive sign gifts which Jesus spoke about.....he has given all of us the ability to receive signs.....we just need to pay attention. 

For all the 11er's who celebrate Easter.....All we need do is follow Christ, for in Christ will all our queries be solved. Happy Easter everyone.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:22:35 PM »
Oh for crying out loud!  Note the time I sent my last post!  7:11:29.....9 and 2 equals 11.  I can't get away from it either.....!!   It never ends!!!!    LOL


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:11:29 PM »
That's Namaste and LOVE to all 11er's!!


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:10:25 PM »
MISDEVIO, you said in a previous post, "Ive come to the point that there may be 2 different sides to this 11 thing. Meaning there may be a good/bad sides to this !"   

Yes, I have now come to realize that there are good and bad sides to the 11 phenomenon.  For the most part, I think it is good.  I feel as though I am being contacted by spirit and various messages are being communicated.  Some of those messages have been good....and some bad!  I have had enough prompts to get my attention.  I keep an accurate diary of each prompt or repeating number and the circumstances under which I saw it and what is going on around me. 

I receive support from members of this forum along with two other friends who also receive the prompts.  My husband ( who is not an 11er) fully supports me because he realizes that I possess some psychic ability which he has observed first hand.  He does not doubt me at all. 

However, I am cautious about speaking of the phenomenon around some family members.  I have four brothers who would have a blast if they knew about this!  LOL.  I am sure they would label me the WooWoo sister or better yet, "the Witch Sister."  So I would never discuss any of this with them.

So I hope I have answered some of your questions.  But know this.....there are many of us out there....I believe thousands...perhaps millions that experience the 11's all the time.  Something is up and we are being prompted to take note.  There is no doubt in my mind that receiving the prompts from a universe made of numbers is one more step in human evolution.  The Universe is talking to us.....and I think we all need to bring God back into our lives.  NOW!

Namaste and live to all 11er's,

Numerology / Another Phase of Human Evolution
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:40:39 AM »
Welcome all new 11er's,

We are happy to hear from you!  There are thousands of us out there but only a few are brave enough to speak about and investigate the mystery of the 11 prompts.  First and foremost we are all "normal"  and should never think otherwise.  We are a diverse group on this forum from all walks of life.  The mystery of WHY and for What purpose do we receive these prompts has always been the question.  My personal feeling is that God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha and all other ascended masters are reaching out to us in an attempt to bring GOD back into our lives.  The Universe speaks to us in numbers....11's, and other repeating numbers and is desperately trying to get our attention.  If you look at the state of the planet right now, it's no wonder we are being prompted to change it.  We can start by " Prayer" and as John Paul Jackson has stated we could use prayer as " Spiritual Warfare" to change this planet.  If all 11er's prayed to God everyday we might have the power to effect change for the better.

To recapitulate the characteristics of 11er's,

Common Factors in the 11 Phenomenon:

1.  Most 11er's have some level of psychic ability and or awareness of spirit
2.  Most of us feel as though there is something more to do on this planet
3.  Most of us feel as though we are different in some way and don't fit in somehow
4.  Some of us see it as a warning that something bad might happen (personally or globally)
5.  Recognizing patterns/coincidences

In other words,

Feelings of being separate or misunderstood?

* Frustrations and dissatisfactions with the "normal" world?

* A deep feeling, thinking, and introspective nature?

* A driving need to contribute to creating a better world?

* A powerful longing for something more?

Yes, even in chaos there is order.

BRIDGE!  I am happy to hear that I am not the only one who is getting an increase in the prompts and repeating numbers.  Something is Up!

MISDEVIO,  Carl Jung spoke about synchronicity .....coincidences .....even he said to pay attention to synchronicity!  And you are right...I now believe that the prompts are GOOD and BAD ! 

Melbell....there is something up with those Blood Moons...for sure.  Maybe the increase in prompts is trying to communicate that something is on the horizon.

Dred,  thanks for all the links you send.  They are quite interesting.

Leon, you are not crazy...this phenomenon is quite common and NORMAL.

So PRAY 11er's....PRAY everyday.  Pray for peace everyday.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti

Spirituality /Religion/ Prophecy… / Re: Something is up
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:11:17 PM »

Are you aware that John Paul Jackson passed away last month?  For those of you not familiar with him, he was the host of  He was only 64 years old.  I really liked him.  So much of what he said was true.  He is with us in spirit now.  I don't know why, I felt compelled to look him up on YouTube tonight only to discover that he passed.


Spirituality /Religion/ Prophecy… / Re: Something is up
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:38:24 PM »
Ha!  Very interesting Dred I guess I need to learn how to speak Chinese.  It's not enough that they have been poisoning us and our pets...but now world currency?  Checkmate! 


Spirituality /Religion/ Prophecy… / Re: Something is up
« on: March 17, 2015, 10:45:37 AM »

Not sure what happened but I lost the last part of my post so I will try again.  Maybe it's divine intervention who knows.  But what I said was that the world is currently imploding.  Russia's Putin ( who I think is the Antichrist is gearing up for a massive conflict).  He's been patiently waiting for the planet to become a mess before he strikes and he now sees a good opportunity.  Venezuela is a mess...a 14 year old boy shot in the head for protesting?  And of course there are all the other conflicts throughout the world. 

So what can we do as 11er's?  We can PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE EVERYDAY.  11er's UNITE.  LET's Change it....PRAY!  I am going to be optimistic and visualize world peace everyday.  VISUALIZE PEACE!


Spirituality /Religion/ Prophecy… / Re: Something is up
« on: March 17, 2015, 10:34:44 AM »

In response to your post:  I think all 11er's have the ability to change the world just by taking the time each day to say a little prayer for world peace.  We have been gifted with the extraordinary ability to change things and I think that as a group we are able to become one with all other 11er's.  As Dred says, it's all about becoming ONE and until we learn that we're all connected nothing will change on this planet.

I have been receiving an extraordinary amount of 11:11 prompts lately but what has surfaced in addition to that really concerns me.  As of the past few weeks I have also seen 333 sometimes as many as 3 times a day.  Some are on license plates, some are on clocks but it is increasing.  I am paying attention.  Is this an angelic warning that end times are near?  Is this a trumpet call?  I don't know.  333 is symbolic of the trinity.  Something is on the horizon and I am not sure what it is.  Maybe we'll come to our senses and change things for the better? 

Spirituality /Religion/ Prophecy… / Something is up
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:23:02 PM »
Hello quiet 11er's,

I will break the silence .....ocean response to your concern about the 11:11's normal for 11er's to routinely see it.  However, something new to share.....we have all said the prompts are becoming more and more frequent....they have been for me as well.  I see 11:11 am least a few times a week.  I had lunch with friends today...they are also 11er's and I asked them if they have seen the prompt lately.  They stated that not only have that seen the prompts .....they are more and more frequent and they are not sure why. They also stated that they thought "something is up....something is going on" but they could not pinpoint exactly what's happening.  We all agreed that there was something going on with the collective consciousness on this planet.  What it is we don't quite know.  We did agree that whatever it is cannot be good.

Ocean breeze......what is going on in your life right now.  Could there be a reason why spirit is prompting you?  Give it some thought....any other signs or number sequences?


11er's guess what....

Well wouldn't you know it....we stopped at Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve in Phoenix Arizona and low and behold one of the first Petroglyphs I zoomed in on was a fish (bones) and next to it a perfect 11 11.  So I wonder what that meant way back when?  Today the fish symbol is used by Christians to identify Christ or God....Christians using the fish symbol were acknowledging that Christ was Alpha, the first. He was around at the beginning of creation (John 1:1 — “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”). ---creation

 I thought this was quite interesting and had to share it with you.  See... I can't get away from it.....if you live in Phoenix or plan to visit be sure to stop by to see this! 

BTW....welcome back to the forum 11er Steve!  Glad you are back.


Hello 11er's and welcome Lizzy!

Thanks for sharing Lizzy....I don't think you are causing the 11's to show up in your life.....they are just is not just coincidence.  You do share many of the same characteristics of the 11er's and I have said before that it is spirit or source trying to communicate with us in some way.  It is more than coincidence....after a long trip one time I walked into my bedroom when I arrived home and my alarm clock was flashing 11:11 pm.....right in my face.  It was like, welcome home Lin!  It happens at weird times....and in very weird ways.  But now I really pay attention....usually something is going on.

I am in Arizona right now and wanted to go to Mount Graham to visit the Vatican Observatory but it won't be open to visitors until May!  I wanted to ask the Jesuits about their L.U.C.I.F.E.R project and the expected time of arrival for our alien savior but it looks like I won't be able to talk to them right now!  Oh time.

Off to the dessert.....beautiful but dangerous at times....just like life in general.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:40:43 AM »
Oops!  Sorry 11er's I should have mentioned one other thing.  I said some of the things 11er's have in common are the following:

11er's have a lot in common in that we all seem to have some psychic ability and/or awareness, we all feel like there is something else we need to do on this planet, we all seem to feel as though we don't fit in and are different.

One other thing 11er's have reported is that some see it as a warning and state we should really pay attention when we see it.  I agree it can be a warning or just a nudge that says spirit is with you.  The last time I saw the 11's in droves was in appeared everywhere and I didn't pay attention.  Shortly thereafter we lost a very close 39 year old family member who died suddenly and without warning.  I should have seen the signs..... they were everywhere.  I couldn't prevent that death but now I really pay attention when I see it.  I don't view death as a negative but nevertheless the loss of that person in the physical dimension is overwhelming.  I was surrounded by spirit at the time it was unfolding.

To recap the commonalities:

1.  Most 11er's have some level of psychic ability and or awareness of spirit
2.  Most of us feel as though there is something more to do on this planet
3.  Most of us feel as though we are different in some way and don't fit in somehow
4.  Some of us see it as a warning that something bad might happen (personally or globally)

Did I miss anything?

Love all of you,

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:16:53 AM »
More than just coincidence!  The numbers are communicating with us.....but at this point I believe that the numbers may communicate something different to all of us.  The question to ask when you receive the prompt is what was I thinking or doing at the time I received the prompt?  What is going on in your life?  If you read my previous posts you will see that it is more than just, when my realtor called to tell me she had a property I might be interested in at 1111 Keyway Rd.  I have had many experiences like that....when I checked out a book at the library on how to teach children to meditate it was 11:11 am on my receipt....and I could go on and on.

Yesterday I received 333 pm and woke during the night last night only to see 333 am again on my alarm clock.  Spirit is trying to communicate with me or, reassure me that everything will be ok in my life no matter what happens!    :-\. Again, I can only tell you how I have received the prompts.  Each one of you have had your own unique experiences.

In addition, I believe that we are evolving spiritually .....not all of us of course but many of us are evolving spiritually and the 11 prompts are reminding us that we are all one on this planet, we are all connected with each other and we all need to look out for one another.  11er's have a lot in common in that we all seem to have some psychic ability and/or awareness, we all feel like there is something else we need to do on this planet, we all seem to feel as though we don't fit in and are different.

My personal feeling......we are the people who will change the status quo....maybe in very small ways but we are the people who will ultimately make a difference and changes things for the better.  Even if it's just doing one small good thing a day for you or someone else.  Know that spirit is beside you....

Question everything my fellow 11er' I hope I've helped you with some of your questions Mouser.  I have participated long enough to see a pattern on this forum.  You are not alone there are many of us out there!!

Namaste and love to all 11er's,

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