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Messages - JTM1221

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:45:36 AM »

My name is Jared Morrell and I'm a newbee on the site.  The number 11 surrounds me too & in reading your last post, Mike, it has been everywhere this past week.  I also wake 2 or 3 times a night and am greeted with the number 11.  When asking others what time it is, it almost always ends in "11".  When buying groceries from the store this happens as well.  I could keep going and going; but, I think we all know that it doesn't stop appearing.

I was raised in a non-denominational Pentecostal church until I was 18 yrs old.  After this, I ran from God and tried to deny God's existence...  I am now 30 years old and I've seen & experienced too much to doubt that there is a God.  Anyways, I am not here to preach, I am here to share my thoughts and see if we can't find an answer to this phenomenon.

Let me ask any of you these questions, if I may: 

1.  Do you ever notice the "11" when you are at a cross road and have to different path's you can take? 
2.  Do you ever notice "11" when you are about to do something you probably shouldn't? 
3.  Do you see it when you are doing something to help another person? 
4.  Does it give you goose bumps & make the hair on your arms stand up when you see "11"?

I answer yes to all of the above & I have a feeling that you can as well.  And when I say "you" - I am referring to you reading this.

I mentioned Mike's name earlier, b/c I had just finished reading his last post...  Thank you for reading this and lets see if we can't figure this out.

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