Author Topic: I Never Knew  (Read 7621 times)


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I Never Knew
« on: August 18, 2016, 11:06:13 AM »
Hello fellow "eleveners",

I just joined this group, and am pleased to find a place where I can share with others this apparently growing phenomena, without people thinking I'm crazy, or at least delusional. Not that anyone has outwardly expressed that, but you can almost see it in their eyes, hence, politely humoring me.

As a disclosure, I'm an independent filmaker and artist when I'm not working my day job, so it is understandable for anyone to conclude that I am susceptible to having a vivid imagination due to my creativity. Of course, I hope that by joining this community, that you allow me the benefit of the doubt.

I can't recall exactly when I started experiencing the very familiar, "I looked at the clock, and I keep seeing 11's. After all, patterns are hard to distinguish until it keeps happening repeatedly over a course of time.

Once I discovered it, I then took the time to find patterns through out my life and was amazed that 11 had been a huge part of my entire life. I never knew...

Ok, this one I admit is a stretch, but please go along with me. I was born on Feb. 21st. If you break down the individual digits of 21 you get, 2 -1. Eleven is comprised of "two ones". If you're still not convinced I don't blame you.

My first familiar address was growing up in the Bronx residing in a project building. We lived on the 11th floor.

My shoe size is an 11 wide. Well, actually 11 1/2 but who cares about that other number.


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Re: I Never Knew
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2016, 11:33:54 AM »
Sorry, I'm replying to my own post. I lost part of it since apparently I exceeded the word count. Remember, I'm a Newbie.  ;)

I'll pick up here: Oh, it's 11:11 as I'm typing this, btw.

When I first joined the USAF, my first day of basic training was April 11. After serving a stint at Eglin AFB, I was assigned to the 11th Strategic Group in England.

I lost my mother a few years ago in November; the eleventh month of the year.

Last year, I had back surgery, on August 11th.

Understandably, a skeptic will say that if anyone looks hard enough in their life time, you'll see patterns anywhere. This is true since I didn't notice the pattern until I started looking. But I ask, what prompted me to look in the first place?

Once I noticed the very familiar pattern of 11's that keep popping up on my digital clocks, license plate numbers on the road, airport gates, cell phones, etc., I can't deny that this is more than just coincidence. Besides, I no longer believe in coincidences.

All I know is, I don't fear this phenomena since I understand that we human beings have a natural tendency to fear the unknown. Actually, I am more intrigued than anything else and like many of you, am looking for a deeper meaning.

I love reading your individual stories and can definitely relate. I hope we can all find the answer together.



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Re: I Never Knew
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2016, 09:35:59 PM »
Dear Jcosta (newbie),

Welcome to the 11 forum!  Happy to have you join us.  You ended up here the same way we all have ended up on this forum.....being bombarded with 11's everywhere.  It's incredible isn't it?  I think we all wonder if the 11's have always been there but one day we wake up and see them everywhere.  It's almost as though we are being nudged into paying attention....paying attention to when, how, where, and most importantly "why" we see this pattern.

For me, it's been like spirit has my back.  Everytime I see an 11:11 something significant happens.  May I recommend that you keep a running log everytime an 11 shows up in your life?  Then look back at it a year or two down the road and you will definitely see a pattern of prompts that will be exclusive to you and your life.  You will eventually figure out what it is you are being told.  I just recently examined my log of two years and found an amazing, astonishing pattern.  I think I now see what has been going on.

A while ago I wrote a list of commonalities that were exclusive to 11er's.  One of the commonalities was that many 11er's are psychic to some degree.  I believe some are more psychic than others but never the less....we all have some psychic ability.  We all have a strong intuition as well..  We have the ability to pay attention to things that most people never see.  I also believe that many of us (and there are thousands, perhaps millions ) have the ability to tap into our high selves.  And we all see other repeating  numbers such as 333, 444, 555, etc....and a recent post stated that 44 was prevalent in his life.  This number means something exclusive to him.  (by the way....thank you for that gematria website...I looked up 333 and the first message was "kundalini"......spiritual awakening.  I'm awake alright!  :-*

Maybe most people have the ability but aren't aware of it or are too busy with life to pick up on it.  In addition, many people just aren't spiritually aware and are unable to tap into their high consciousness.  Either way, we welcome you to the forum.  I hope other newbies will share their experiences.

How did the back surgery go on August 11th?  I get 811 all the time and it's one of the other repeating numbers that drives me crazy.  Just as an FYI...if you ever.....I mean ever.....get an 11:11 in a Doctors office and are scheduled for surgery don't do it!!  I got a major 11:11 in a Doctors my face...big 11:11 on a clock and stood there wondering why??  Why why why??  I went ahead with my was a warning folks....a big huge major warning.  The Dr. botched my surgery and I am paying dearly.  So if you get an 11:11 in a Dr's office?  Run,

I am going to throw this question out there again....anyone have any strange experiences with owls?  I have had a few and I'm at the point where I am shaking my head in disbelief now.....they are spiritual messengers for sure.

P.S.  that ringing in the ears is common for most 11er's....we all get it to some degree.  No one knows what it means.....but we all get it.

Welcome and Namaste!
Lin 8)


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Re: I Never Knew
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2016, 01:25:03 PM »

Just as an FYI.....I just read that the number 44 in numerology is the "safety and security" number.  (Source is:  The Number Woman by Hillary Carter).  I know you were seeing a lot of that number so I thought I would pass this info on.



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Re: I Never Knew
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2017, 08:08:20 AM »

Just as an FYI.....I just read that the number 44 in numerology is the "safety and security" number.  (Source is:  The Number Woman by Hillary Carter).  I know you were seeing a lot of that number so I thought I would pass this info on.


Thanks Lin! I tried to buy the book but it isn't available in Australia :( could you elaborate a little more? How did Hillary determine this  :o ?


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Re: I Never Knew
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2017, 01:54:25 AM »
Hello Lin,

My apologies for the delayed reply and thank you for reaching out. Also, sorry to hear about your botched surgery on 11/11. My heart goes out to you on that one.

My back surgery did have its own complications, although it did enable me to get back on my feet after 5 months. Fortunately, and rather recently, I have been going through acupuncture therapy which has helped me a lot. You may consider this as an option for your own pain if you haven't already.

Anyhow, you are spot on with your "intuitive" suggestion. As s Pisces, I've always had a heightened sense of people's emotions. I had to learn how to detach without forgoing empathy for my fellow human beings.

Like most Pisces, I am an artist and independent filmmaker. It is during those times that I am in "creative mode", that 11's seem to be everywhere. I saw 3 of those on my digital clocks today alone. I don't believe in coincidence so have ruled that out completely.

Thank you again for sharing your own story and hope you have a full recovery from your pain. I can certainly relate.

Take care.