Author Topic: Curious  (Read 3997 times)


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« on: April 27, 2017, 09:35:47 PM »

Hello Gene & Elevener's, Like many of you I am here because of my frequent encounters with the number 11. I do not have an explanation for why I seem to be prompted to look at something displaying the number 11 without consciously thinking about it so often it caused me to wonder if other people experienced the same thing. I am grateful to have found that I am not alone and I am also curious to find what it all means. This brings me to ask the question whether there is anything else that is similar about the members? Please forgive me if this has already been investigated. I haven't read all the posts yet. I am wondering if there was a way that information about members (for example date of birth or where people live) could be looked at to see if there is a pattern of some kind that might show whether we are seeing this at random or not. I realize this would be a big job & perhaps someone has a better idea. I am not knowledgeable enough to know if there is a program that would be able to look for patterns and come up with something like a graph used in recording statistics. Maybe if enough people were interested members could fill out a survey (?) Like others who have posted, the 11:11 prompt seems to come & go. For a while it will go quiet & I start to think maybe I was imagining things. Sometimes months would go by & then it will start again with even more frequency. When I have tried to explain what happens most people will fob me off as just trying to make it happen by thinking about it. That is not the way it happens at all. I sincerely hope I haven't offended anyone by posting this when I haven't contributed anything before. Sometimes I get ideas in my head & this is one of those times I am simply sharing my thoughts. The people (or person) behind the scenes that make this site possible are very much appreciated, Thank you. (Gene?)


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Re: Curious
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2017, 02:13:12 AM »
If we could come up with a good group of questions it is always possible we could find some kind of pattern with the people who are experiencing this. I wouldn't think most people would want to disclose much personal info on the web so in regards to things like birth date we might want to come up with numbers like a life path number and those kinds of things. Or do the survey anonymously. We might need to reach out to other websites and posters who are also with us on this since, as you can see people have really quieted down on here. I wonder if many have had this stop for them? I doubt it, but maybe some have. It seems from casual observation that background is very diverse. I have seen people all over the internet with a good number that I know I share few things with other than having these experiences. There are some famous people who are part of this. I am sure hiding somewhere beneath the surface are similarities or patterns though. And despite any differences we are all called who are going through this.

Good to hear from Steve and Lin as always. Hope all is well with you and everyone who may be reading this. I have been watching videos on Lin's recommendation on Damon Berry's "Knowledge of Forever Time." They really makes you think about things. A lot of things you see in a different light and you realize there are many mysteries that we really still don't understand. Even some that we thought we had answers to. I will also have to start listening to Raymond Moody on near death experiences that Lin also suggested. Another incredible thing that just can't be logically explained away...