Author Topic: What are your experiences with the number 11?  (Read 152934 times)


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2011, 05:41:28 AM »
Thank you, I feel better knowing that someone else experiance's this same thing I have noticed since 1990 I was 9 years old and after my mother noticing it first she then started to point it out to me and I have seen it ever since then, like you I dont see it as much as maybe some people but It does have it's high's and low's on its frequency; Furthermore I do believe it to be a sign from God and sent to those who are meant to notice maybe certain intelligent people, dont know. thanks again, Jonathan DJPhaze Argiri. :-\  ::)


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2011, 10:49:00 PM »
How strange that I stumbled across this site, today, July 11th after the news of yet an other death in my family on an 11th. And my father and I had just been talking about the way 11 pops up for us in glaringly obvious ways.

My birthday is September 11th (I'm a Virgo and 22 years old), my 13th birthday was the day of the September 11th attacks, the birthday of my first and only other love in life was born on October 11th, I went into labor for my daughter on April 11th (though she was born on the 13th) My mother died on August 11th, I found my neighbor dead in his apartment and he had died on an 11th, and my dear Uncle died today July 11th.

My father and I notice 11's all over more than most people we know. He also has an eerie ability to predict plane crashes and hasn't been wrong once (he dreams of the event). Though he can't ever tell where it is (so he has no way of preventing anything) but he can describe in detail everything, down to the number of passengers and the model and colors of the plane.

I affect electric items and feel electricity in the air before and during thunderstorms (I get covered in goose bumps and get itchy) I can't wear watches as they stop once on me for a bit, and if my blood touches soil/plants they die or if a drop gets on a candle it wont light. Both electrical streams and fire react to me and radios get "fuzzy" when I get too close. I always have an unsettling dream before someone I know dies, and I shouldn't have been surprised at the news of my Uncle's sudden death today and I had "one of those" dreams last night.

I also seem to draw animals, especially ones that need a loving place to spend their last few years. Every dog and cat in our neighborhood up and moved into my house as I was growing up and lived out their last years with me. After a while everyone just accepted it (even my mildly annoyed parents). Insects don't sting our bite me and I often rescue hornet and bee hives when people need them removed. I handle the insects themselves as well, you would be amazed how careful a hornet can be when licking syrup from a kind human hand.

Its wonderful and fascinating to see I'm not the only "odd one" out there.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2011, 02:01:04 AM »
It all started about 8 months ago.

everytime i would look at the time it would be 1:11, 2:11, 6:11 and so on. At first i was a little worried so i did some research to see what it means. i found so very interesting facts about it, then when i found out that i wasnt the only who so it, i was stoked.

I tried to tell a couple of my closest friends, but they just laughed and said i was mad. then it got even worse. it appeared everywhere i looked but only when i wasnt completely thinking about it. i would simply glance out the window in the car at a licence plate and it have the number 11 in it, i would look at a house number and it would be number 11. on average, i see it about 6-7 times a day, everyday.

Most recently tho, ive seen other numbers such as 22 and 33 appear, so far only on a digital clock. what these number mean i dont know.

Since im only 16, i believe i have many more years ahead of me of seeing these numbers.

if anyone has any idea what they could possibly mean, please, tell me


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2011, 12:26:43 AM »
I'm having the identical experience. I'm not afraid but it must mean something. If it was something i'm sure my radar would be going off. Steve Bighouse ...


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2011, 11:00:58 PM »
I tried to tell a couple of my closest friends, but they just laughed and said i was mad. then it got even worse. it appeared everywhere i looked but only when i wasnt completely thinking about it. i would simply glance out the window in the car at a licence plate and it have the number 11 in it, i would look at a house number and it would be number 11. on average, i see it about 6-7 times a day, everyday.

Most recently tho, ive seen other numbers such as 22 and 33 appear, so far only on a digital clock. what these number mean i dont know. if anyone has any idea what they could possibly mean, please, tell me

I think that is the common response from people who have never had something like that happen to them. Very hard to understand.

I don't know much about the numbers 22 or 33. There are a couple interesting things that may or may not mean anything.

*The Hebrew alphabet, also known as the Jewish script, has 22 letters. It is often referred to as the building blocks of creation.

In regards to the number 33 there are some interesting things on Wikipedia:

*The number 33 was discovered to lead to the essential meaning of life (the Bible) in Dan Brown's 2009 novel "The Lost Symbol".

*The number 33 is pretty significant in mathematics and religion according to the Wikipedia article.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2011, 03:15:05 AM »
For me it started about 5 years ago checking the time at 9:11 and 11:11 and remained the same until maybe 2 years ago then it was 11 past any hour but not all the time. It gets a bit scary sometimes, just yesterday I was watching the NASCAR series in the united states when car number 83 (8+3=11) lost control on turn number 11, I thought ok bit weird, I probably could of predicted that haha, but then in the following lap car numbers 56 (5+6=11) and 11 crashed on the exact same corner, that's when I googled why do I keep seeing the number 11, I found this forum but didn't get the chance to join because my other half came inside to tell me to listen to a specific radio station which was discussing this phenomenon about the number 11 and they think it's to do with steering people through life in the right direction, I personally don't know what to believe, but when that was over, I sat back down on the couch watching NASCAR again and as soon as I sat down car number 74 (7+4=11) crashed.. I always see 11's..


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2011, 05:35:06 PM »
I was watching the NASCAR series in the united states...

I missed those, but I did a quick search after reading your post and learned that Truex 56 (5+6=11) crashed on turn 11 this year (2011)  for the second straight year at Infineon. Hamlin (#11) was involved in this year's crash in turn 11 and also involved in another crash with Truex last year at Infineon on the front stretch after lap 66. If I were those two I think I would stay clear of each other for at least the rest of 2011. Lol.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2011, 07:07:35 PM »
This whole 11 thing has been happening to me for about 6 to 7 months now. I started noticing the number 11 popping up everywhere mostly on digital clocks. I wrote it off as a weird coincidence but then it wouldn't stop and started to scare me. Too me it kind of felt like a warning or something but I didn't know what for. I told my friend about it and she told me it was lucky to see 11:11 and to make a wish? I don't know if anyone else has heard that. So every time I saw it I'd wish for some thing.. lol. After a while I continued to see it and then it stopped. A couple nights ago I was laying in bed watching tv I glanced at the clock on the tv then glanced down to my stereo, the time wasn't set on my stereo but it said 1:11. I laughed and walked into the kitchen to make something to eat, I glanced at the clock on the stove which was set ( didn't say anything regarding 11 ) then I looked over at the coffee maker which wasn't set and it then said 11:11. So that night it kind of creeped me out I then said thats enough I wanna see if theres anything on the computer that I could look up to tell me what this means and I found myself not being the only person having this problem.. Its odd and sometimes scarey but cool. I really wanna know what this 11:11 thing is trying to tell me.
Your dealing with a leo woman : ) .


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2011, 07:58:35 PM »
I have had plenty of experiences with the number 11. I wanted to find out more so I googled "11" and up came the wickapedia and I'm a believer in god and all things biblical. And on the wikapedia page there is a religious link for the number 11. I clicked on it and it says acts 2-14 and when I looked it up in my bible it was like a explanation of what to expect. People might not see it as I do but like I said I'm a believer in signs and all things holy. I think the world is coming to an end. I also think it will start this year not next. I don't believe the world could end in one day. It will be the beginning of the end this year. I do believe that. What does everybody else think?? Sorry to anyone who I might offend..


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2011, 11:36:23 AM »
You could be right! I've been experiencing the 11 phenom for a long time. I saw 11 minutes after the hour 6 times yesterday. It may be the 11th hour for us on Earth, I dont know. I've always encouraged people to talk more about the subject because it migth be possible to make something of it. Over the past year and a half I've seen 11 past the hour so many times I'm sure it's a sign...but of what?
Steve Casagranda


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2011, 02:22:55 AM »
Well my birth day is 1/11/83, I've seen 11:11 everyday sense 2000, my numerology is 11, plus my lil sister was born 1 year 1 month and 1 day apart. Lol! When I seen that number for a week back in 2000 I knew something had to b up with this number.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2011, 10:49:19 AM »
About a year and a half ago, I started having this strange occurrence, where I would look at the clock and it would be 11 after the hour.  It was more frequent with seeing 9:11 and then gradually started to be all different hours throughout the day.  Most of the time I would not even think about and still manage to look at the clock at 11 after.  I started thinking that it had something to do with the 9/11 attacks and there might be something else coming.  So I guess I thought it was some type of message I was suppose to figure out but that has not happened.  I even started using the different times as lottery numbers but that did not work.  It has gotten to the point where I will see 111 on a license plate or something to do with 11 on a sign or tv and it has become more frequent, that I look at the clock at 11 after, especially seeing 9:11 and 11:11.  I still do not know what to make of it but it has become very annoying to me.  Some guideance as to what it all means would be helpful.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #27 on: November 01, 2011, 01:28:24 PM »
Don't apologize for your beliefs. NONE of us know what we're being told but we ALL agree we've been "chosen" and to be ready.  After over a decade of this, I'm READY!


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2011, 08:57:52 PM »
Hi seb1971,

Kirikmoreau is right. None of us really know what's truly happening but, it's real. My experience is the very same as yours, it all started 6 years ago for me with 9's & 11's and all the combinations leading to, around and from it and it's lead to more beside but nothing greater than what's been written about here or anywhere else on the net, globally. It appears we have all shared the very same awakening albeit with slight variations. My understanding has become clear in the last few weeks that I'll sum up in this very simple sentence..

.. after having read copious amounts about this wonderful phenomena; the only real connection to what feels like 'truth' is in the book of Revelations (all of it) heightened by verses 11:11 & 11:12. The entire bible satellites around this revelation and there's so much that's connected to the numbers we're seeing. I feel this is our gift of warning, the wake-up call to the 11th hour. Our last chance, so to speak, to get things right with God.

I have noticed a few similarities though with all who are experiencing this phenomena:-

1. All who are experiencing this are indeed very nice people with an inner being of warmth, love and care and sincerity and a sense of God in their hearts

2. The experience is uniting a large amount of people in almost a brother/sister bond, like it's bringing us together

3. God is at the heart of what we are all experiencing, what's of God is good.

4. Globally, the timing seems to be right that this is happening now, in relation to Revelations and to the global situation.

From my personal understanding we are being given our last chance to make things right with God, personally and globally. All my personal research on this and my gut feelings point to this. Which is good news, in the long term. This is our 11th hour, our last chance.
So, seb1971, don't worry too much, do not be afraid. Although we are all having our experience, albeit with slight variations, holistically we are all experiencing the same thing for the same reason. We wont know what that is for sure until the time is right for us all to know but, we all have our instinct telling us. Personally, the Holy Spirit is working within us. I do feel we must put ourselves right with God before that time arrives, before it's too late.

I found my inner peace with this once I realized and felt God's truth in Revelations and the experience is getting stronger week by week. It will be normal for you to want to do your own research and look for answers and you should. However, should you read more about the book of Revelations and study more on the Holy Spirit I'm sure you'll reach the same conclusions.

God bless you seb.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 11:09:26 AM by phoenix911 »
There's no doubting this phenomenon is real.....


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2011, 09:32:51 PM »

Billy Graham has written a few books that fit in with all that's happening, if you read them they may help you.

The Holy Spirit
Storm Warning

Read these three small books, in the order given, whilst reading the book of Revelations will, I hope, help you as they have helped me to understand and gain a foothold to what we are all experiencing and what we have to do whilst we still have the time, given to us by the Grace of God.


« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 11:21:15 AM by phoenix911 »
There's no doubting this phenomenon is real.....