Author Topic: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's  (Read 33013 times)


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2013, 08:36:16 PM »
Wow!! Everything all of you said is so interesting. It seems as though we are all very kind people who would never hurt others and that we are in tune with our spirituality. It's almost like theres something w're missing. It would be very interesting to see what would happen if we were ever all together. Since I've been researching this, I've discovered there are thousands if not millions of people (depending on who's writing) all around the world who experience this.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2014, 03:03:36 PM »
Pointman and steve i have enjoyed reading your words and ideas, everything exists on a frequency i have always believed this, i can see several vibration frequencies, we exist on one, spirits on the other, and other beings in another, i know sounds crazy,but have always been able to see on diff vibrations, always. Will look at the secret, but i think its very similar to something my daughter sent me few christmases ago which i only browsed through as i was very busy, then ofcourse i forgot about it till now. Thoughts are real and can make things real i know that, but i wonder if we are suppose to use it or suppose to live with what we have til we get a sign, i noticed we all are open minded too. Most people have inate psychic ability and sometimes along with this comes ESP, we all have this, we all know we have something akin to this, so thats 1 thing in common:) that song remains my favorite so far this year,maybe we are cracking the code now,it feels good not to be alone in this stay in touch, kindness and love, angel x


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2014, 08:00:04 AM »
how we can be sure we wanna "wake up"-"crack the code"? do we know whats real? maybe we supposed to sleep that its part of being human and if we change (more then we already have) its just to mix up the code and make it even hard to fulfill our task i dunno I don't fully trust the 11 .. and advice you to do the same we don't know jack about it where it comes from and more..
we can wake up to any realty who says its the light&love one?(I think the 11 is about crossroads in life a warning sign to be better that you can do much more then you does )
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 06:30:51 PM by A1 »
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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2014, 12:02:38 PM »
I respectfully disagree A1, and please don't take offense. I believe in an Infinite Intelligence and good always trumps evil. Always! Even if we don't see it or understand it.
All 11er's are picking up some sort of transmission and it is our duty to decode it or we wouldn't have become aware and/or awakened to it.
I keep making note of the similarity to what we are experiencing and what people in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind experienced. Something compelled those people to get to where they were supposed to be, where they were meant to be. I know it's fiction, or science fiction, so I'm nor suggesting aliens are on there way to pick us up and take us away. I, for one, cannot deny 11's because it is so constant.
 For three years on average I see 11 minutes after the hour twice daily. that means over a three year span I've seen 11 after more than 2,190 times. That's phenomenal! It has to mean something, and since I believe in God, although I don't practice any kind of organized religion, it just has to mean something. We need to crack the code, we as a group should feel compelled to crack the code for our benefit and the benefit of others.
It would be great for others who have never spoken up to do so...please.
And for those like A1 who speak, thank you for your input!                          11erSteve


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2014, 11:09:30 PM »
I agree and disagree in a way, but what i love about this post and topic is the fact that we are all sharing ideas among st each other.

When i see 11:11...i tend to think of something a little deeper.  If you really look at it, its like a reflection of yourself.  The best way i can describe this is that out of all the repeating numbers we see, no matter where we see them and how...11:11 itself is interesting.  Its the one series of numbers that can still be identical if you view it from a mirror.

So sometimes i wonder if its trying to get our attention to look more deeply in ourselves and get to know our inner self better than we do.

Metaphorically, if you stood in front of a mirror and saw your can think of 11:11 and view yourself, the guy thats looking into the mirror, is the physical side of things...our reality.  The guy in the mirror is simply a reflection of ourselves...our inner self that we dont know very well.

i dont know if that makes any sense and i apologize if it sounds a little ludicrous.  But like everyone else here thats sharing ideas, i want to understand whats going on too.

A1...i agree in a way about how you think 11's could be a harbringer of bad things to come...but i also see 11's when good things happen as well.  11:11...its like duality.  One set of elevens for good, the other side...bad. Simply put :)

Agamie, i totally agree with what youve said as well.  Ive always viewed myself as  a good person and now that ive gone through this personal change within myself, i feel that im a better person with a positive attitude thats infectious.  im not preachy or anything like that in reality, im just myself...but i feel like a new and improved version of myself.  its almost like i even feel like..age is just a number. i kinda feel like im forever young!

Well....time to get going and blow off some steam. Call of duty beckons! haha.

earlier today, i put up a new blog post. Its not about the Laws of attraction...not just yet. My post explains why.

Keep up the discussions folks, this post is very thought provoking.  11er Steve, welcome to the community :)

Also, i have another video about the alignement of 2012.  Not only do i still maintain the frequency of the galaxy changed as i mentionied when i talked about the law of vibration, but it might also shed some light on why we are having accelerated weather...massive earthquakes, Typhoons, extreme cold and snow....(remember when DALLAS of all places froze over???)


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2014, 07:48:32 AM »

When i see 11:11...i tend to think of something a little deeper.  If you really look at it, its like a reflection of yourself.  The best way i can describe this is that out of all the repeating numbers we see, no matter where we see them and how...11:11 itself is interesting.  Its the one series of numbers that can still be identical if you view it from a mirror.

So sometimes i wonder if its trying to get our attention to look more deeply in ourselves and get to know our inner self better than we do.

Metaphorically, if you stood in front of a mirror and saw your can think of 11:11 and view yourself, the guy thats looking into the mirror, is the physical side of things...our reality.  The guy in the mirror is simply a reflection of ourselves...our inner self that we dont know very well.

i dont know if that makes any sense and i apologize if it sounds a little ludicrous.  But like everyone else here that's sharing ideas, i want to understand whats going on too.

you got my thought right there! i know what you talking about... 11 also mean remember past life in order to get on the track of your destiny/faith
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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2014, 08:01:40 AM »
11:11 is my favorite 11 number. I get up every morning around 3:30 am and I saw 4:11 already. It's going to be another fantastic day.
   These latest posts show some real unification between A1, Anagamie, Pointman19, and myself. Other readers are not excluded, I just cant list them because they remain nameless.
Regardless, I very much agree with the last two posts that A1 and Pointman have written, and I spend so much time thinking about being an 11er I'm going to comment again.
   The only point of contention is this association of 11 and something bad. I just don't see it and more importantly I don't feel it.
Here is a quick story. I was watching a movie online one morning and I have my computer on a desk in the walk-in closet of my bedroom. I had the monitor set on full screen to see the movie so no clock was visible in the room I was in. Part of the way through the movie I started to get this really funny feeling. Really intense. Within seconds I thought it might have been connected to 11 and when I opened the closet door I looked at the clock on the table next to my bed and it was 8:11 am.
So with much thought, I cannot help but think that when we see 11 it is the Universe saying "I'm right here. I am a real thing and I am here to work with you, to be your companion." Every day when I see 11 it's like a reminder that we are supposed to work in conjunction with the Universe.
Pointman and I are firm believers in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and we are believers in the Law of Attraction. In my heart of hearts that is what I think 11 is all about. It's a connection with the Universe. And I think the best way to work in conjunction with the Universe is to follow your feelings.
   The Secret and the Law of Attraction are new concepts in using thought to manifest things into your life. We already do it whether or not we are aware of it. Now that some of us are aware if the Law of Attraction we use it to our benefit.
   So what's the connection between The Secret and being an 11er? The Universe!
I think a trait that we all have is that at the core we are all really good people. I know I am, I don't even step on ants if I can avoid them.
   Keep the posts coming. Love to all, 11erSteve PS My email address is available here so use it if you have questions.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2014, 11:12:32 AM »
speaking of 11's and your story, take a peek at your post count :P

sorry, couldnt resist


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2014, 11:36:46 AM »
     I wanted to be still and quiet for a while and try to tune in to the frequency that is beaconing.  Steve mentioned the "feeling" and was presented the 11 to give conformation that his radio was tuned to the 11 frequency.  My experiences are that I can not force the 11 to happen, it seems to surprise me every time, yet when it happens it seems right.  If that makes any sense?  When I consciously think I have the "feeling" and seek the 11 it is not there, but when I am awoke from deep sleep for no reason and look at the clock in the middle of the night to 11 past the hour, the "feeling" is there only for a moment then passes.  I know this sounds like rambling on but like Steve was stating in above post, I do not think this has a negative implication.  I am yet unable to confirm this due to the fact i have had 11 presented prior and during both positive and negative life experiences.
     Take this for example, I work as firefighter/EMT.  Every time we get a page to an emergency the page is time stamped. There are many times that this is time stamped 11 past the hour. Would you consider this a positive conclusion that we are on the way to help, or negative that something bad is happening? Personally, I have seen 11 while behaving in positive behaviors and during negative behaviors.  The only consistent effect of the presentation of 11 is that I then am made aware of my currant behavior.  Has this made me change my behavior in the moment?  I can't say that it does.
     I like the information given about vibrations and frequencies.  This some how makes some sense to me, but I feels like i can not quite tune in.  Have you ever been on a long road trip in the car and been out in the middle of nowhere in the wee hours of the night and can only tune in to one station on the radio, but as you move the dial over the frequency it only gives a sample of clarity as you move the dial over it.  You can never get the station to tune in clear. So you are constantly sliding the dial back and forth over the frequency only to hear it for a moment.  We know it's there, but why wont our radio stay dialed in to the frequency?  Something is interfering.  What is the interference?  Physical attributes such as mountains, solar flares, weather?  Are there physical blockages to our radio station? I feel there is but I can not put my finger on what it could be.  Or, is it spiritual blockages?  What ever the interference is I just want to get this station dialed in and enjoy the song that is playing in full.  It is so frustrating to only hear snippets of this tune that is call to the soul!

     Well, what is all you feelings to this viewpoint?

11ers unite!


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2014, 08:08:14 PM »
I have to write again today and respond to mikehancho11. first of all I want to thank Mike for a few things. First for jogging my memory because it had slipped my mind that I too have woken up in the middle of the night, for no reason, only to see that it was 11 past the hour. I had totally forgotten. The other thing I want to thank you for is commenting here and for the job you do.
As a firefighter and EMT you are clearly a person who puts the needs of others before your own and I wonder if that is a trait that we all share in common. I'm that way too.
Here's my slant on your time stamp when it shows 11. As I mentioned in my last post I believe 11 after is a communication or a transmission from the Universe. When you see 11 on your time stamp or anywhere else, I think it just means the Universe is here for you. It wants to buddy up with you. To guide you. Whether your time stamp says 11 or not the Universe is with you at all times. And again I just don't see 11 as a negative thing. Ever!
When you get feelings, pay attention to them. Read them if you can. I was on a hike by myself in Hawaii once and just after I began the hike I got an unusual feeling but I kept on walking, deeper and deeper into the forest. I walked for a long time and kept getting this unusual feeling but I kept on until I walked up on a wild sleeping boar. The sound I made walking on the trail was enough to wake the animal and it jumped up and ran away from me. He was a big one too! I turned around and went back to my truck. On the hike back to the trailhead I didn't have that odd feeling anymore. The feeling that I experienced was the Universe warning me that there was trouble ahead. Of that I have no doubt. See how it works?
In closing I have had many emotions connected with 11 past the hour.
  Now, when a day goes by and I don't see it I'm a little sad, even though that rarely happens. When I do see it I'm elated and it always brings a smile to my face. Keep posting everyone...Please! 11erSteve with love.


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2014, 02:46:10 PM »
Im with you guys all the way, all the way.........


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2014, 12:22:11 PM »
Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's. It was a bold idea but I don't think a survey will get us anywhere. There is little feedback from others so I have taken the time to read every post. From that all I can say is we are a diverse set of people.
Of around 540 members only about 70 people have contributed but the majority remain silent. More than once did people have the same feeling, about finding out who we are, but with little feedback no conclusion can be made.
I had three or four questions for people but after that I don't know how to connect the dots, don't know what to ask.
Something is happening to us as a group as I still see 11 after the hour twice a day, on average, and have for three years now.
I feel very good about being an 11er and hope to figure out what's up with this strange phenomenon. Peace! 11erSteve 


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2014, 05:58:19 PM »
I don't think the answer is something we can actually prove, and because of how the 11's can seem to come and go in waves to people makes me want to think it is something that can come and go as well.  This is why I have liked idea of the 11's can be  a que for a spiritual presence.  I've lived a very happy go lucky life and things always seem to fall in place for me, sometimes to well, making me suspect the idea of another force watching over me.  As I read through others posts I see examples of the same coming from others as well.  One thing I wonder though is why we as 11'rs notice the 11 phenomenon and not others.  In example I'll have a friend call me and it will be a 11 time, and  I notice it but the friend won't. 


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2014, 08:34:40 PM »
I am very big into personality types that are pertinent to the Myers-Briggs test. I will post a link to the most accurate Myers-Briggs test I have encountered yet! Everyone, and I mean everyone who takes this test is absolutely amazed at how well this describes their own personality. Perhaps we may have similar personality traits and that could possibly help us to understand why we all have the same experiences. I posted this in my experiences with the number 11 thread, but I think posting it on this thread will be a bit more appropriate.

I am an INFJ, which is apparently the rarest personality type. See what kind of personality type you are and maybe you can learn something meaningful about yourself and possibly why we all share the same experience!


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Re: Some thoughts on finding out who we are as 11er's
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2014, 10:25:46 AM »
Wow! Hey 11ers, please take this test, I did and the results were fascinating. It turns out that I am an INFJ too, just like Jcp267. Much thanks to you Jcp267 for bringing this to our attention.
My description was three pages long and over and over it accurately described just the personality type that I am. Fascinating! I haven't found out this much about myself since I took an IQ test.