Author Topic: Sounds like an OBE  (Read 6995 times)


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Sounds like an OBE
« on: December 12, 2014, 07:22:34 PM »

Yes, I'm back and I have been doing a tremendous amount of personal research on the 11:11 phenomenon and I think I am getting somewhere with this.  As for your sounds to me like you had an OBE...for those who don't know what this is it's an Out of Body experience.  I keep a detailed log of my dreams and when I see the prompts I write down the exact date and of course the time.  On September 18th I had a dream that the clock was stuck on was as if time stood still at that very moment.

If your dream was could have been an OBE.  It may be that spiritually you may have progressed quite a bit.....don't discount that dream and keep a log going forward.  Good to be back in the forum....yes, the 11er's are truly my family.

And a special welcome to Diane!  Thanks so much for sharing your story.  I too have learned to pay attention when I see the prompts....and yes sometimes they are indeed a warning that something good or bad is about to happen.  So I pay special attention now when I see them.  Please continue to contribute.....everyone has something interesting to offer. 

Without dialogue we may not be able to solve this great mystery of the 11's.....anyone out there seeing 811?  I am getting that a lot lately....more so than 11:11 and I am trying to figure out what it is telling me.  Help! 

I think one thing we all have in common is that we are all far more spiritually advanced than the average person.  I continue my personal quest for an answer!

Namaste and love to all 11er's
PS I missed ya and like the new format



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Re: Sounds like an OBE
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 10:42:37 PM »
Yes Lin I see 811 and 1118 often.   Just got up to go to the store next door 20 mins ago looked at the clock as I walked out the door it was 811.  I don't know the  reasoning for the number 8 but this I've gotten  a lot of 8's mixed in with my 11 phenom.  I chalked it up as this year was an 8 path year for me in concerns to Life path numbers you can also figure out what your year path is.  Don't know if you ever listen to coast to coast to am on late night radio, but they have  a guest who comes on fairly often Glynnis Mccants who goes discuss's numberology Life path number and your year path.  Also in numerology the number 8 as Glynnis puts it encourages financial security.  again not saying this is what the 8 is about but its a start.  But very interesting to say the least that you ask about us seeing 811 not 20 mins after I had just seen it.  The coincedences around this phenomenon never cease to amaze me.  Happy to see you posting.  Namaste to you my friend.


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Re: Sounds like an OBE
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2014, 12:10:10 AM »

Great to have you back! I will have to look into outer body experiences. With the exception of near death experiences, I've never really given much thought to out of body experiences. This was definitely something different from the average dreams. A good while back I was getting similar type dreams(OBE's?) for a time. I was able to clear my mind and kind of focus and get them. I was able to see some things in detail that I could not begin to match while awake. But major distractions came and I think I allowed that to block things. I think a dream log is a good idea. Will need to keep it near the bed because some dreams seem as though I couldn't forget them, but by morning they are mostly gone. That never ceases to amaze me.


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Re: Sounds like an OBE
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2014, 04:54:14 PM »

On September 18th I had a dream that the clock was stuck on was as if time stood still at that very moment.

...anyone out there seeing 811?  I am getting that a lot lately....more so than 11:11 and I am trying to figure out what it is telling me.  Help! 


I was surfing on Roku a few nights ago looking for something different and came across a guy named John Paul Jackson. I believe it was on the Daystar network. The video was called The Mystery of Dreams and Numbers, so of course that got my attention (a video link below). What especially got my attention when watching it were the numbers related to your post. 

You had mentioned you saw time stand still at 11:11 in your dream on September 18. Jackson said in the video that the number 18 means new life or abundant life in the Hebrew language. You also mentioned that the number 8 keeps coming up for you with the number 11. In the video he says that the number 8 on its own represents a new beginning. I thought it was interesting that I stumbled across this soon after responding to your post.

Jackson mentioned we should be seeking out answers to mysteries. He also noted that 1/3 of the Bible is devoted to dreams and visions and brought up how the average person spends 1/3 of their lives sleeping. He also commented that if these are the last days/end times that God will speak through his Word, signs, wonders, dreams, visions, and prophecy. I don’t know how accurate his dream interpretations are, but he said a couple things that were related to your post that really jumped out and the timing just couldn’t be ignored. Also, the general things about dreams and numbers are very interesting and really hit home with what many of us are experiencing.

I found the video online:
Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Dreams and Numbers:


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Re: Sounds like an OBE
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2015, 12:48:03 PM »
Hi Gene, I just watched the link you posted from Dec.12, 2014, which John Paul Jackson spoke about dreams, numbers, and how they pertain to the Bible ! I was elated to know that there is a true Bible (trinity) believing man that speaks of this and counsils others on this ! Ive only ever found the negative/demonic sources when Ive researched this.
  Not only am I an 11er but Ive had visions and dreams for 20 yrs or more ! And,.....Im a saved believer of Jesus Christ !
Lately Ive been seeing other number patterns in my normal day to day ... Im trying to Not get upset about it when it occurs because it really has frusterated me in the past.
  Ive done my best to go back and read older posts from you all, and I feel a bit sad that I missed out on all of the conversations and realisations of what we are going through and expieriencing .
  Ive had more dreams lately, but they dont include numbers that Ive noticed ? But they do seem to be significant to me and those I share it with.
Hope to see you post sometime time soon ! You seem to have good insight !
  Thanks for your time,


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Re: Sounds like an OBE
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2015, 01:41:32 AM »
Hi Misdevio,

I have had a spike in dreams lately, but haven't been able to put a handle on it. A lot of them are bad dreams and I don't remember much of them. There is a battle even for our minds when we are asleep. But I think these dreams we are having will become clearer in the months ahead along with other things people on the site are experiencing. The mysteries of this world are starting to be revealed to those of us who are awake. For now we just have to hang our hats on the fact that we are called and know it is not life as usual in this world. Big things are happening.