Author Topic: Eleven I have found you.  (Read 13773 times)


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Eleven I have found you.
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:55:29 PM »
Hi guys,

From 2013 onwards I have consistently seen multiples of eleven 11,22,33,44,55 etc.
By some coincidence I'm a fan of the band TOOL.

I've read that TOOL are believers of the mystery Babylon thought schools.
Around 2013 I was heavily involved in mind altering hallucinogens around the same time the multiples started appearing.
I have never seen any entities or felt any 'presences' while under the effects of these hallucinogens.
My goal is and always has been to compile a comprehensive idea as to how and why this reality behaves the way it does and what essentially brought it forth, to its current state.

Anyway, there is a song called 'Jimmy' by TOOL. The lyrics are as follows:


What was it like to see
The face of your own stability
Suddenly look away
Leaving you with the dead and hopeless

Eleven and she was gone
Eleven is when we waved goodbye
Eleven is standing still
Waiting for me to free him by coming home

Moving me with a sound
Opening me within a gesture
Drawing me down and in
Showing me where it all began, eleven

It [Incomprehensible] to realize
That you are the voice
That's been calling me back home

Under a dead Ohio sky
Eleven has been and will be waiting
Defending his light and wondering
Where the hell have I been?

Sleeping lost and numb
So glad that I have found you
I am wide awake and heading home

I wish that I could see you

Turn and run to play
Dreams are fading
Carry my ancient soul

Carry me into the light aim your body heavenly
Enduring a memory, I'll come to your light
Hold your light, hold your light where I can see it

Hold it high

Hold your light
Eleven, lead me through each gentle step
By step by inch by loaded memory

I'll move to heal as soon as
Pain allows so we can reunite
And both move on together

Hold your light
Eleven, lead me through each gentle step
By step by inch by loaded memory

Till one and one are one
Eleven so glow, child, glow
I'm heading back home

What are your thoughts Eleveners?

Big lion

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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2016, 09:32:36 PM »
Wow, the song is as big a misty as me seeing 11 all the time.


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2016, 02:00:18 AM » called 'Jimmy' by TOOL. The lyrics are as follows:

...What are your thoughts Eleveners?

This is a fascinating song to look at. I heard it before but I don’t think I looked directly at the lyrics. I did some research and it is said that the song was referring to Maynard James Keenan mother suffering an aneurism when he was 11. But if you look at the lyrics you can see that there is a lot going on in that song and it seems to point to an understanding that the number 11 has a very significant meaning behind life.

People are always looking for meanings behind songs, whether they are the intended meaning, dual meanings, or they strike a personal cord. I think this has two meanings that come together and I suspect it was intentional. You pretty much have to be an 11er to pick up on the second meaning.

There are a couple of paragraphs from one post that jumped out at me on You can see the rest of it and other people's comments there.

El = god
Eleven = El-Even = God comes from balance
God = Higher frequency of light and conscious awareness

…Yet, Eleven is also a significant number in relation to the activation of DNA and entering into higher frequency vibration, evolving into higher consciousness. Awakening comes through healing and the creation of balance, 11.

The whole thing really works together amazingly. Some of the things that really jump out to me from the song are:
Moving me with a sound.
Opening me within a gesture.
Drawing me down and in,
Showing me where it all began,
It took so long to realize that
You hold the light that's been leading me back home.
I am wide awake and heading home.
Hold your light,
Hold your light,
Eleven. Lead me through each gentle step by step
By inch by loaded memory
'Til one and one are one, eleven,
So glow, child, glow.
I'm heading back home.

Here is another Tool song that is interesting from a spiritual perspective:


We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment
We are choosing to be here right now
Hold on, stay inside...

This holy reality, this holy experience
Choosing to be here in...
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in...
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion


In this holy reality, in this holy experience
Choosing to be here in...
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in...
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion

Twirling round with this familiar parable
Spinning, weaving round each new experience
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing
A chance to be alive and breathing

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
All this pain is an illusion


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2016, 10:56:30 AM »
I think the entirety of tool through the ages is an overall reflection of the bands journey through experimentation with mind bending drugs and the
subsequent spiritual effects.

Foremost I think the concept of duality is key, and key to what we may be experiencing.

It's funny that you mention El - Even. It almost makes me think that this balance between duality is something we (eleveners) all may have and not know?

Another thing I should mention is feeling right before I sight an eleven. I feel the need to be deeply introspective followed by an almost magnetic pull in sensation to look at the time, it feels slightly odd at times - like when one day dreams and is presented with the thought rather than the thought originating from within the mind.


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2016, 08:54:00 AM »
like when one day dreams and is presented with the thought rather than the thought originating from within the mind.

Almost like looking in a mirror of your own thoughts before you think it. 

Thats the one very interesting thing about 11:11, you can write it down, hold it up to a mirror and it'll still be 11:11.  So what are the 11's really trying to say?

For people who feel that intuitional tug to look at the time, or you feel someone is going to call and five minutes later (and in some cases for many poeple, MUCH quicker than that), that person calls.  Thinking a phrase in your head (for example, "Looking at the world through rose colored glasses") and then you hear somone on the TV say "You never get bothered do you? Its like you look at the world with rose colored glasses"

Its almost like our thoughts are "mirrored" into reality. 

So i know that the great majority of people here and reading these posts have this same expeirence, but cant describe or explain it.  Is it true, just by noticing this phenomenon of your  thoughts being projected into our own realities, that we as people, people who have awakened to something greater....does this mean our thoughts have more power than we ever realized?

Let the search down the rabbit hole begin!

I apologize in advance if my response derailed your post OneandOne.  But your line of thinking is quite deep, and i enjoy that because it engages my line of thinking as well.

So if our thoughts are mirrored into reality, then that means that the more positive the thought, the more positive is reflected into OUR realities.  The more negative the thought, the more negative our reality becomes.  Our realities are reflected back to us by what were thinking....And thats would be the Universal Law of Attraction. 

This would be an  interesting experiment to some.  I have tried this, i know the law of attraction is a real thing.  I could try to explain it with personal experiences but i dont think anyone wants to read a novel long post :P

Anyone is always welcome to PM me if they ever want to try and engage in this universal law, i would be happy to help you get started.  Just remember, your intent that goes along with your thoughts, will eventually be refelcted back to you as well.


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2016, 11:44:12 AM »
Hello Pointman19,
I really enjoyed reading your post, and you are so spot on about our thoughts being mirrored into reality, as I was reading your post I got major chills, so I know it was affirmative (does that make sense?) . It's been happening a lot lately to my daughter and I, I will be thinking about someone and the next second or so they call or text, or I'll be saying something and the TV will repeat it, like if I watch Jeopardy, the answer will pop in my head the second before they say it. I think it's pretty awesome. I know my daughter has the same intuitions and we can communicate without even saying anything to each other. I know what she is thinking, like if she wants to go outside and play or if she wants a drink of water, I find myself answering her questions before she even says anything. we are really close already and these instincts make us even closer.
 Constantly 11


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2016, 07:17:45 AM »
Hello Constantly.

I dont doubt anything you said.  Myself and my youngest brother (there's three of us) have the same connection.  We could finish sentances and had the same interests in the Unknown as i did.  We started to realize how close we were psychicly  linked and decided to play a game of paper rock scissors to put it to rest and see if this was all in our heads.

I think we went nearly 9 times with the picking the same thing.  I dont know who got freaked out more...because after five times, you start to notice somethings up. You stop being radom with the choices and start thinking about his predictability of what he'd pick.  So....whos the predictable one if you pick the same things four more times?

I really enjoy hearing stories like yours! It brings up memories i hadnt thought of in quite some time :)


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2016, 08:36:46 AM »
Hey all.
   Well there seems to be another lull in the forum. It's understandable, especially if you've been a member for a long time.
   Over the past year I've had an increase in seeing 11 after. Even with only 3 clocks in my life a still see 11 after like crazy, and I'm no closer to conclusion than before.
   I've mentioned that I seem to either be starting or stopping / finishing something when I see 11 after and that has never changed over the years. I don't question it much anymore I just accept things as they are and feel good when I spot an 11.
   For any of you new members want I'm sure copies of Sherpa are available for free. Look up Sherpa in the forum column and download the book if you like.

Lynn might you email ?
K...bye, 11erSteve


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2016, 10:19:46 PM »

I dont doubt anything you said.  Myself and my youngest brother (there's three of us) have the same connection.  We could finish sentances and had the same interests in the Unknown as i did.  We started to realize how close we were psychicly  linked and decided to play a game of paper rock scissors to put it to rest and see if this was all in our heads.

It's interesting you mention this Pointman, around the same time I started seeing 11s I had weird things happening like that too. For instance, I would always be thinking about people before they call on the phone or something that I would do daily (watch Simpsons for example) where I would be thinking about an episode and later on, it would play that night.

I honestly have no idea how to explain it, it really screwed with my world view at the time.


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2016, 03:00:03 AM »
I don't question it much anymore I just accept things as they are and feel good when I spot an 11.

Yeah, things are quiet. I feel exactly the same about accepting seeing 11 and feeling good (reassured). I'm betting most people are still seeing it. Maybe just not a lot to say because of a lack of progress on what is going on. Or maybe forces are consuming their time and energy to distract from furthering the understanding of the mystery. I've been getting a lot of 123, 234 lately along with the usual 11, 111... Hopefully everyone is alright out there. I know Lin was looking at a couple more surgeries. Prayers still going out for her.

Had some new signups waiting who hopefully didn't fly away because of waiting on me. I still expect some kind of a breakthrough, in revelation of this mystery and/or public awareness. I think eleveners are and will remain a select group, but also think many more will come to know about it. There are a lot of people who know something is going on at some level. There are many on the internet who post at 11 past the hour with wishes (11:11 wishes) and so on. Some very famous people in fact. But many no doubt think it is an internet meme and such. Or think they are experiencing this mostly on their own. Like the majority of us did. It was driving me crazy for a decent amount of time when I decided to do a search on the internet to find out I wasn't alone.

~Wishes~  ;D


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Re: Eleven I have found you.
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2016, 10:27:35 PM »
Hi gang,

Wanted to ask if anyone has been seeing more of 44 or 22 lately? It seems 44 and 22 are all I see now and of course 37.

So I plugged the numbers into a gematria calculator.

The only 3 results with 44, 222 and 37 are amazingly:
like kiel and baalbeck

So I went deeper.

Like and Kiel are anagrams.

"having the same characteristics or qualities"
"with, together"
"to please, be pleasing, be sufficient"
"an equal, a match"

Ki -
Goddess of Earth, Pillar of creation, dualistic feminine
Ki -
An abbreviation for the biblical Book of Kings
El -
For the Canaanites and the ancient Levantine region as a whole, Ēl or Il was the supreme god, the father of mankind and all creatures.

On the basis of its similar name, several 19th-century Biblical archaeologists attempted to connect Baalbek to the "Baalgad" mentioned in the Hebrew Scripture's Book of Joshua,the Baalath listed among Solomon's cities in the First Book of Kings, the Baal-hamon where he had a vineyard, and the "Plain of Aven" in Amos.
The etymology of Baalbek has been debated indecisively since the 18th century.Cook took it to mean "Lord of the Beka"and Donne as "City of the Sun".Lendering asserts that it is probably a contraction of Baʿal Nebeq ("Lord of the Source" of the Litani River).Steiner proposes a Semitic adaption of "Lord Bacchus", from the classical temple complex.
A few miles from the swamp from which the Litani (the classical Leontes) and the Asi (the upper Orontes) flow, Baalbek may be the same as the MBK NHRM ("Source of the Two Rivers"), the abode of El in the Ugaritic Baal Cycle

I'm going to add more to this but I have to go to work.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 10:29:51 PM by OneandOne »