Author Topic: Something is up  (Read 27559 times)


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Something is up
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:23:02 PM »
Hello quiet 11er's,

I will break the silence .....ocean response to your concern about the 11:11's normal for 11er's to routinely see it.  However, something new to share.....we have all said the prompts are becoming more and more frequent....they have been for me as well.  I see 11:11 am least a few times a week.  I had lunch with friends today...they are also 11er's and I asked them if they have seen the prompt lately.  They stated that not only have that seen the prompts .....they are more and more frequent and they are not sure why. They also stated that they thought "something is up....something is going on" but they could not pinpoint exactly what's happening.  We all agreed that there was something going on with the collective consciousness on this planet.  What it is we don't quite know.  We did agree that whatever it is cannot be good.

Ocean breeze......what is going on in your life right now.  Could there be a reason why spirit is prompting you?  Give it some thought....any other signs or number sequences?



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2015, 06:34:01 AM »
As my ears seem to be bothering me more then usual tonight, I have to say I have had an unusual amount of 11's recently, It is almost at the point I can't walk near a clock without seeing a number pattern, and I walked past lots and lots of clocks cleaning buildings for work.  I feel like  I need more sleep recently this last weekend I think I slept like 12 hours in one night.  Ya I feel something is up as well.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2015, 01:40:06 PM »
We all agreed that there was something going on with the collective consciousness on this planet.  What it is we don't quite know.  We did agree that whatever it is cannot be good.
Something is up. The signs are everywhere. The repeating numbers, in the news, strange happenings all over... I believe ultimately things will work out for the good, but in the meantime we need to pray for the good people of this world.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2015, 10:34:44 AM »

In response to your post:  I think all 11er's have the ability to change the world just by taking the time each day to say a little prayer for world peace.  We have been gifted with the extraordinary ability to change things and I think that as a group we are able to become one with all other 11er's.  As Dred says, it's all about becoming ONE and until we learn that we're all connected nothing will change on this planet.

I have been receiving an extraordinary amount of 11:11 prompts lately but what has surfaced in addition to that really concerns me.  As of the past few weeks I have also seen 333 sometimes as many as 3 times a day.  Some are on license plates, some are on clocks but it is increasing.  I am paying attention.  Is this an angelic warning that end times are near?  Is this a trumpet call?  I don't know.  333 is symbolic of the trinity.  Something is on the horizon and I am not sure what it is.  Maybe we'll come to our senses and change things for the better? 


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2015, 10:45:37 AM »

Not sure what happened but I lost the last part of my post so I will try again.  Maybe it's divine intervention who knows.  But what I said was that the world is currently imploding.  Russia's Putin ( who I think is the Antichrist is gearing up for a massive conflict).  He's been patiently waiting for the planet to become a mess before he strikes and he now sees a good opportunity.  Venezuela is a mess...a 14 year old boy shot in the head for protesting?  And of course there are all the other conflicts throughout the world. 

So what can we do as 11er's?  We can PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE EVERYDAY.  11er's UNITE.  LET's Change it....PRAY!  I am going to be optimistic and visualize world peace everyday.  VISUALIZE PEACE!



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 08:38:24 PM »
Ha!  Very interesting Dred I guess I need to learn how to speak Chinese.  It's not enough that they have been poisoning us and our pets...but now world currency?  Checkmate! 



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2015, 11:11:17 PM »

Are you aware that John Paul Jackson passed away last month?  For those of you not familiar with him, he was the host of  He was only 64 years old.  I really liked him.  So much of what he said was true.  He is with us in spirit now.  I don't know why, I felt compelled to look him up on YouTube tonight only to discover that he passed.



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2015, 10:54:23 AM »
Its something like the new version of the movie with keanu reeves in the day the world stopped,when he is talking to his counterpart who has been on earth for 70 years.
When the chinese guy says to keanu they feel it coming but do not know what to do about the world coming to an end even the writers of the movies seem to be catching on somthing is coming and maybe to pray for world peace is a good start,i also have been seeing a lot more 11s much more than ever befour,and also 3s are coming into the picture also.All i think we can do right now is pray and hope i think were getting real close to and awakeining and im not to thrilled about all this zombie show latley somebody getting ready to let some kind of virus loose by mistake or accident???.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2015, 01:37:47 PM »

You said, "For example..Saturday was the blood moon.. The third in its series... It also started Passover... It's very interesting that on the eve of the blood moon that funky deal with Iran came to fruition...

I've been seeing things's like a puzzle that's coming together and Gods revealing all the by one... We are in the eleventh hour."

I picked up on the CERN thing as soon as Dred posted it...Dred has this unique ability to zoom in on things like that so I really pay attention......I can't help but wonder what CERN is REALLY about....and I also picked up on the IRAN BS.....and when you start to put the pieces together there is no doubt that something is up!

I will be traveling extensively in the next few months and I don't know why but I want to be home at the beginning of's just a strong GUT feeling but I have learned to pay attention to my intuition. 

You make some very interesting points in your posts......your power of observation is very strong Melbel.



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2015, 08:42:46 AM »

I have always been surrounded by Jewish people and currently have many friends who are Jewish.  Interesting....I am interested in hearing about what you learned.  But I have always been surrounded by Jewish friends even as a child in high school.  My best friend was a Jew and I often attended all the Jewish holidays with them.  When I was a kid I always doodled ( I was a deep thinker back then!) and one of the things I always doodled was the Star of David.  I often looked back and wondered why the heck I kept drawing the Star of David on everything when I was Catholic at the time.  I no longer consider myself longer have any respect for the Catholic religion with all it's secrets, politics, and money but now consider myself spiritually independent.  I have no love for organized religion. Perhaps I was a Jew in a previous lifetime?  Who knows...but I have been and probably always will be surrounded by Jewish friends.

What are your thoughts on this?  You have piqued my interest!



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2015, 05:49:31 PM »
ISLBZ....I read your post.  First, many of us are seeing more and more 11's than ever before.  They are increasing in the number of times we observe them.  I was not clear on what you were seeing.  Are you seeing 11:11?  Is that what you are referring too?  Don't be afraid of the prompts....the universe is definitely talking to us.  The 11:11 phenomenon will probably be labeled the mystery of the century.  Most of us though believe it is Universal Intelligence speaking to us....of course no one knows for sure what it is trying to tell us.  I believe it is the 11er's who will ultimately change this planet.....we will be the movers and shakers......most of us are good people. are spot on!  Give and you shall receive....I did it just the other other.  I brought a traffic flag man a cold ice tea and some cookies and he said to me " Ma'am you have a good heart.  God is in you."  It's hotter than hell in Florida and you know this guy was only making minimum wage for doing that awful work.  It was the least I could give.  A smile and some cold iced tea.   What he said was more than I could give him.  He brought a smile to my face.

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I saw an elderly fellow eating alone in a restaurant.  He looked very lonely and somewhat sad.  We asked the waitress to add his meal onto our ticket and not tell him we did it.  When she told him someone in the restaurant paid for his meal he had a big big smile on his face. 

All you need to do is just a little something....a smile, a kind word....a coffee etc.....Mother Teresa once said, " If you can't feed a hundred people then just feed one."   April 30th is International Pay It Forward Day.....more on that later....for now maybe all 11er's will join us in doing something kind for someone.

For those of you who haven't noticed...( I am being facetious here LOL) things are heating up in the Middle East....we have ships very close to Yemen....another one sent today.  I can only hope and pray that we don't become involved in a huge confrontation with Iran.  Things are not looking good folks.....not looking good at all.

Where in the world is Gene?  Gene are you out there.  We love your feedback!!



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Re: Something is up
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2015, 06:04:23 PM »
Hi Lin! I'm still alive. How is that for a quick response? I saw the post at 5:55. I have been busy with the latest battles, but am still with you all. When I see repeating numbers it not only reminds me that there is more to this world than meets the eye, but also of the great people here on the site. You are right about giving. If you can't give you can always pray. I believe it will come back at some point even if it is much later. If kindness doesn't win out in the end then there isn't much in this world worth being born for. There has to be a bigger purpose than the day to day headaches... 

I will try to catch up tomorrow with some posts and do my best to not be away so long in the future. God bless you all. Keep pushing on!


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2015, 01:01:28 AM »
Russia is all over prophecy, as is China. Of course, Israel is at the heart of everything. China and Russia are invested in terrorist nations so it is not possible to go after the likes of Iran without ruffling major feathers. All things coming together as foretold.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2015, 01:05:23 AM »

I wasn't aware of it at the time. I had heard he had been sick, but thought he had gotten through it. You are right, he is with us in spirit now. It was a series of coincidences that led me to find some of his work. And of course I don't believe they were coincidences.


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Re: Something is up
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2015, 02:09:59 AM »

I picked up on the CERN thing as soon as Dred posted it...Dred has this unique ability to zoom in on things like that so I really pay attention......I can't help but wonder what CERN is REALLY about....and I also picked up on the IRAN BS.....and when you start to put the pieces together there is no doubt that something is up!

CERN = 3 + 5 + 18 + 14 = 3 + 5 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 4 = 22 =11 11