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Topics - WesleyE

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11 Phenomenon Forum / 11'ners?
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:26:01 AM »
I am totally blown away by this. I've been noticing 11 minutes past the hour now for close to a year and just the other day decided to google it to see if I was the only one. I typed in "eleven minutes past" and noticed that Google had finished my sentence. My first reaction was " what the F...," is this real? On that day before I googled it, I noticed 9:11, 11:11, 12:11, a picture on my Facebook of the twin towers and after I googled it dawned on me that my sons soccer jersey is #11. Goose bumps the size of golf balls. What does it mean? So many questions. It's exciting and spooky at the same time. Is it positive or negative? Are we the positive to a negative? What's next and will we know? Is this the only forum, are there meetings held?

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