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Messages - seymour421

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:44:45 PM »
I guess we're all waiting for someone with the exact answer we can believe with references to confirm that, ” Enlevener’s,”  have some special connection with intelligence.  I never talk about my experiences for fear of being viewed as a nut case so this is a special forum to me and I'm sure it's special to readers also who share this 11 experience.  Since all of our experiences are so familiar, it would be redundant for me to repeat similar experiences.  OK, we're all seeing the number 11 frequently enough that we can't deny something is or someone is reaching out to us.  

My purpose here is to offer possibilities as I continue to seriously put some dedicated time into researching this 11 experience for all of us.  No one has offered anything concrete for explaining the "Why," in all of our lives as it's connected to the #11.  It's all speculation so far from reading other posted messages here and the rest of the world is no help either or we would have Googled it a long time ago and from what I can see that's exactly how we all got here on this forum.

So let me at least offer my own speculative answer, a possibility for you to consider along with all the other members who've posted their experiences and explanations.  My slant on our collective experiences is that we ARE connected, not only to each other but to a very little known thing that is best described as the "Universal Intelligence."  Sorry but my reference for this is just like yours, we have none except for our personal experiences confirming we were a part of something much greater than ourselves.  Some learned of this special connection at an early age, like me, and others may describe their awakening as recent but we've all been convinced it's real and it's driving us all to the brink of frenzied curiosity trying to figure it out for what it all means.  

When I post another message here again, it will always be something to build on and hopefully we can all get some answers over time.  I will add just one last suggestion for a possibility.  If you do get any answers,  it will a "Hiss," as in a snakes hiss.  A very subtle and extremely gentle communication.  It won't be dramatic and it won't be loud.  It should be obvious by now what we're all experiencing is meant to be conveyed slowly over time and it's personal.  "Personal," as in one on one with the greatest of all intelligence.  It's being hissed forth to you and I echoing what we already know.  This is the "Eleventh Hour," in time and truth whether you believe it or not rings out repeatedly over time.  

When you get to the point of realizing the significance of the #11, you'll know exactly what it's all about the same time the rest of us do.  We'll all say out loud, "Oh yeah, this is it, this is what the #11 means and it makes perfectly understandable sense!"  And the mystery will end.  My personal gut feeling is, if we knew what it was all about ahead  of time and exactly what it means, we'd probably be shaking in our shoes in fear and that's why I think it's still a mystery.  We can't handle the truth all at one time and neither can  the rest  of the world.  Lastly, I’m convinced we all have a connection to each other and we need to figure exactly why and how.

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