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Topics - Jcosta

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11 Phenomenon Forum / I Never Knew
« on: August 18, 2016, 11:06:13 AM »
Hello fellow "eleveners",

I just joined this group, and am pleased to find a place where I can share with others this apparently growing phenomena, without people thinking I'm crazy, or at least delusional. Not that anyone has outwardly expressed that, but you can almost see it in their eyes, hence, politely humoring me.

As a disclosure, I'm an independent filmaker and artist when I'm not working my day job, so it is understandable for anyone to conclude that I am susceptible to having a vivid imagination due to my creativity. Of course, I hope that by joining this community, that you allow me the benefit of the doubt.

I can't recall exactly when I started experiencing the very familiar, "I looked at the clock, and I keep seeing 11's. After all, patterns are hard to distinguish until it keeps happening repeatedly over a course of time.

Once I discovered it, I then took the time to find patterns through out my life and was amazed that 11 had been a huge part of my entire life. I never knew...

Ok, this one I admit is a stretch, but please go along with me. I was born on Feb. 21st. If you break down the individual digits of 21 you get, 2 -1. Eleven is comprised of "two ones". If you're still not convinced I don't blame you.

My first familiar address was growing up in the Bronx residing in a project building. We lived on the 11th floor.

My shoe size is an 11 wide. Well, actually 11 1/2 but who cares about that other number.

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