Author Topic: What are your experiences with the number 11?  (Read 152931 times)


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2012, 05:18:15 PM »
Dear Phoenix911,
Thank you for your kind words about my dad.  I miss him terribly and feel so alone in the world without him.  He was certainly one of my best friends.   He was so interested in why I kept seeing the number 11 and did his own research into this number. He was a good man.   I also feel it is something positive, seeing the number 11, and it is almost like a friend that greets me everyday.  I hope someday we will know what it is about and hope it is something that will better the world we live in.  It seems that people start noticing the number by way of digital clocks and then it expands out into other areas.  It would be nice to know what we all have in common and why we are the ones that see this number.  I have just accepted it as part of my life right now and hope for some truths later as time passes by. 
Take care and thanks again. 


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2012, 07:31:22 PM »

I feel your loss and my prayers are with you.

What I felt whilst reading your reply is what I feel that is within this 11 phenomenon experience and, what I feel deeply, is the common denominator that links and is linking us all. That being a 'bond', a bond that is growing daily and is uniting those of us who are experiencing this. I believe that what is happening is for the greater good. The way we have all become aware (or are being made aware) appears to be through the same pattern in general, from which it then expands in pretty much the same way and leads us to a site like this of Genes'. We are all being made aware of something by the way of digital means in this digital age, my hopes are the same as yours in that one day we will know, (that's if we don't already know sub-consciously or deep down) and I hope too that it's for the better world that, I think, most of the world craves. Your father was a good man indeed to believe, understand and research your experience, I empathize with you feeling alone, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2012, 03:03:49 AM »
Hey everyone. Has been happening to me as long as I can remember. Thought it was part of OCD, but apparently not so much. I really want to talk about all the details, but I feel that the messages are very personal and to be treasured. I would talk about it if it was face to face, though. I am just a bit nervous shall we say about posting this stuff online. I'm sure people are watching.

Let me say that I was born in the early 90's, so maybe that explains why it's been happening for as long as i can remember. I was very young when 9/11 happened.  :'( I get scared when I see that time specifically as a prompt. Very eerie. Many things in my life add up to eleven or factors of eleven. So scary, but I don't know if it's a bad or good type of scary. I would lean towards good, actually. Just have a feeling we are all meant to do great things. Leaders, maybe?? Or to spread a message of peace? Something along those lines??? Past couple years have been a crazy transitional period for me. So many changes! I thought they were just normal since I am young, but something inside me feels like it is 'awakening' it is so hard to explain. Only those who have it happen to them can understand the feeling I think. The rest will think that we are crazy. If it were just me or only a couple people, maybe. But not with this many. I am sure some of them aren't genuine (a few crazy followers), BUT I have a hunch that the vast majority of us are telling the truth. These are not coincidences. I believe god is sending us all a message. Perhaps our angels, too?  :)

I wish we could all chat in person. Though in a way, I feel that we (those of us experiencing this) are all very connected as it is. A very special connection. I wonder if we are ever prompted at the same time in similar ways. :) It's so interesting, isn't it? I still wish I could let all my info out, though. :( I have so much to tell that I feel like I am going to explode. Like I said previously, this does feel like I am 'waking up'. Anyone agree??


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2012, 07:25:01 AM »
Hi 11Clouds,

I understand how you may feel about sharing your experiences. Like you, I believe that for most of us, the experiences are as much personal as they are global and, through my own experiences, I understand that there will be many personal events that will be linked to this phenomenon. Although the phenomenon appears to have it's simplicity it also holds a deep level of complexity that makes it very difficult to explain in writing how and why it is happening to us individually.
Normally I don't have difficulty in writing about things as writing is something I enjoy but; when it comes to writing about this it's got to be one of the hardest things I've done because of the level of personal and very private connections in my life to these experiences, some of which, from years back with hindsight.
I believe that what we're all experiencing is as much personal as global, which makes me believe that there could only be one cause. Gods cause. It's that cause alone that helps to remove most of the fear within me but, not the fear of Gods wrath. Although a level of acceptance has been reached I still hold that fear, deep down, so I personally relate to your fear 11Clouds and I'm certain that most of us here would feel some fear to some extent. However, I really do believe that acceptance of this phenomenon is important. At the moment, none of us can do anything so we should do nothing as yet except staying awake to the signs, remain alert, sharing and connecting our experiences with others. The reason I say this is because I personally believe that what is happening is a forewarning from God. Everything that is happening globally fits in with the promises made to us through his word and things are speeding up so I believe we are getting closer by the day. I sense that the biggest key to all of this is the uniting of so many people for the same cause so remaining connected is vital; although as to what level we each share of our personal experiences is down to the individual's comfort levels.
I'm betting there's not many of us who can explain clearly and precisely our personal experiences that don't make us sound weird so I can understand the frustration of not being able to express them in person, face to face. It would help release so much that is pent-up inside and perhaps, to some extent, help towards understanding our personal experiences and help towards acceptance. Our individual experience of this phenomenon goes very deep and personal; it's like an 'inner knowledge' we have but yet to understand. I have only a gut feeling, perhaps a fear, as to what this phenomenon is all about.

You're right 11Clods, I'm certain that only those who are experiencing this can understand and it's a wee bit scary putting our personal accounts on the net like this. I do feel though, that the more people who do, the more we will connect with each other and perhaps lead to understandings; something I do believe is important. I have a sense that the unity and bond that is being created through this phenomenon is a vital element and a wonderful thing and, perhaps, only a select number are chosen for very specific reasons, although there appears to be a vastly growing number of us, in proportion to global population, a small amount.

In respect of what you said 11Clouds, I would like to offer you, and anyone on this site, the freedom to message me confidentially and privately here or at my email address listed on my profile.

Thank you for sharing 11Clouds.



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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #49 on: January 09, 2012, 01:26:13 AM »
Anyone hearing buzzing in their ears? Has it ever stopped and came back or does it stay there? If you are also having this experience, why do you think it's happening? I don't understand as of yet. If it is an unrelated issue (i.e. no one else here is hearing what I am hearing), then maybe I should go to the doctor.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2012, 07:17:36 AM »
Could that be tinnitus? I've suffered from that for the past 15 years and it comes and goes in varying strengths

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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2012, 03:09:51 AM »
11 Clouds,

As Phoenix mentioned, it could be tinnitus. I believe there are a lot of possible causes for that. Many are not serious, although rarely it can signal something more serious. I believe that most people get occasional ringing in the ears. In most cases it goes away after a short period of time. If you are concerned it is something beyond normal and are able to see a doctor it wouldn't hurt. One less thing to worry about.

I have to mention that when I was thinking of a reply to your question I had a definite ringing in my left ear that I had not noticed earlier at all before then. Perhaps it was there before that and I didn't notice it. Probably simply a coincidence, lol, but with everything else going on I wouldn't discount it completely after that. Unless it happened regularly at specific times or something I wouldn't make much of it as some kind of phenomena though.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2012, 03:30:04 AM »
I also feel it is something positive, seeing the number 11, and it is almost like a friend that greets me everyday.  I hope someday we will know what it is about and hope it is something that will better the world we live in.

11 Dogs,

Welcome to the forum. I know what you are saying about it being like a friend that greets you everyday. It often happens to me at times that I am frustrated by things that I cannot really control. It often seems to be like an angel telling me that better days are coming. I know these things sound crazy to people who have not experienced all this with the number 11. Those people should keep in mind that most people who started experiencing this did not know such a thing even existed until it started happening to them at such an incredible rate. It is not like other phenomena such as UFOs or ghosts where everybody has heard of them. It is somewhat understandable how someone who has heard of something many times might wake from a dream or something and imagine something happened or saw something unusual and let their imaginations run wild. The 11 phenomenon is so unusual in this regard that it seems it would be hard to ignore even by people who do not experience it.That being said it is now happening to so many people there are no doubt a lot of people now hearing about it prior to experiencing it. Even those people will know when it happens in earnest that it is far beyond a heightened awareness of this phenomena.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2012, 03:57:23 AM »
I really want to talk about all the details, but I feel that the messages are very personal and to be treasured. I would talk about it if it was face to face, though. I am just a bit nervous shall we say about posting this stuff online. I'm sure people are watching.

No pressure to reveal any more than you want to, although you are among friends here. There are skeptics for just about everything so don't let them bother you.

The rest will think that we are crazy. If it were just me or only a couple people, maybe. But not with this many. I am sure some of them aren't genuine (a few crazy followers), BUT I have a hunch that the vast majority of us are telling the truth. These are not coincidences. I believe god is sending us all a message. Perhaps our angels, too?  :)
Like I said previously, this does feel like I am 'waking up'. Anyone agree??

As I have mentioned in other posts; due to the unusual nature of this and the fact that up till now most people never heard of such a phenomena until it happened to them it just cannot be explained away by insanity. If a million people saw a UFO tomorrow I could not chalk that up to insanity even if they were all nuts to begin with. Lol. They saw something. Since everyone has heard of UFOs since they were children that scenario would seem more likely to happen than for so many people to have this experience with the number 11.

I believe god is sending us all a message. Perhaps our angels, too?  :)
Like I said previously, this does feel like I am 'waking up'. Anyone agree??

Many people believe this is a wake-up call; To or from what is where a lot of people disagree. Those of us who believe in God believe that ultimately it is from God.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #54 on: January 10, 2012, 05:10:28 AM »
The date 12-21-12 reads as, A-B-B-A-A-B. When you consider that the Hebrew language is read from right to left, this date would read BA ABBA.

The Hebrew translation for BA ABBA is "Father comes" or "Father is coming"
This is fascinating. It is hard not to look at that as anything short of being a sign. When you consider everything else that is pointing to our general time period it seems impossible to ignore.

Another shocking revelation is the scientific timing of the alignment of our sun with the milk way galaxy. At 12/21/12 at 11:11 p.m Universal Time, this alignment will occur.

With the number 11 and 11:11 getting so many people’s attention how can we ignore this one? Also, if you add each digit of 12/21/2012 it comes to 11.

NASA also predicts the sun will reverse it's magnetic poles in 2012 and end it's 11 year sunspot cycle

I have heard this is way overdue to happen, although nobody seems to know for sure when. The protective magnetic field is weakening and that itself is not good news given NASA’s predictions of intense solar storms that could later this year and/or next year. These storms have the potential to devastate the power grid. A reversing of the magnetic field would leave us basically unprotected for a period of time. If it happened in the next couple of years we wouldn’t stand a chance. Even the reversing poles by themselves is a scary thought, although some scientists claim it isn’t a big deal. The ecosystem could be in trouble since a lot of life forms such as bees and birds use the magnetic fields to navigate. None of this sounds good to me.

In 1859 telegraph systems failed worldwide due to a large geomagnetic storm. Imagine what would happen if something like this occurred now considering our dependence on the power grid, satellites and the internet…


"Even more disconcerting, telegraph systems worldwide went haywire. Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. Even when telegraphers disconnected the batteries powering the lines, aurora-induced electric currents in the wires still allowed messages to be transmitted."


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2012, 07:11:04 AM »

The link you posted: -

Is a classic example as to how the 11 phenomenon is working in my life but, before I explain further I must also explain the numbers 9 and 6 also play an important role, although for what reason I don’t know yet. Alongside the number 11 I get a frequent re-occurrence of the number 9 and 6, sometime together and in varying combinations. Here are a few of the combinations.
9 with the 11 become an enforced 11 of course but, I often get 6 with the 11. 6 can be reverted upside down therefore becoming 911 or 119. 6 often occur to me when good things happen and have become associated with being in the right place at the right time although the 9 often means the opposite in many cases. 9 and 6 together add up to 15 then to 6.I get 33 a lot too, (33 adds up to 6 of course).
 It was this combination and a number of events that enforced my awareness of the number 11. You’ll perhaps remember, in an earlier post I sent, that in the early stages of my awareness almost 7 years ago now, I was made aware, by the numbers and a series of linked events, that lead me to view certain movies, each of which I now believe were telling me something, one of which I foresaw prior to it’s production (Knowing). Since  then I’ve not been able to shake off that perhaps 33 is more significant than we realise or perhaps just plays an important role for me personally.

Your link to the Carrington flare had me swamped with the combination above…

May 6, 2008: At 11:18 AM on the cloudless morning of Thursday, September 1, 1859, 33-year-old Richard Carrington—widely acknowledged to be one of England's foremost solar astronomers—was in his well-appointed private observatory. Just as usual on every sunny day, his telescope was projecting an 11-inch-wide image of the sun on a screen, and Carrington skillfully drew the sunspots he saw.

May 6 2008 = 21 (My first thought was 21st December)

11:18 = 11

Thursday, September 1st 1859 = 33 =6

Carrington was 33 at the time = 6

11-inch-wide image = 11 (of course lol)

Richard Carrington = 180 = 9

It’s this combination of number connections that are with me whenever I’m either doing the right thing or in the right place. It’s as thought whatever the situation I’m at or in is being enforced to my awareness so you posting that link is spot on.

As I read further on the words “ two brilliant beads of blinding white light appeared over the sunspots, intensified rapidly, and became kidney-shaped” made me think 2 as in two lines, forming the shape of 11 in my mind instead of the kidney shape described in the paragraph.

The words “On returning within 60 seconds,” this made the time 11.19 when he returned.

This association continues throughout the report.

Now as far as hearing things, in respect of 11clouds experiences, I’m not hearing sounds like that of a tinnitus nature but instead I’m hearing the number 11 in conversations with others who have no knowledge or connection with the phenomenon, even those I don’t know. I do sometimes get a loud ringing tone on the odd occasion but, I was told for many years that it was just because someone turned on their T.V. lol. Perhaps I’ll take a more notice of this in future and take notes, I’m ruling nothing out. In respect of the T.V I have noticed there are more programmes being made and aired that relate to Armageddon etc and even the latest one on the Mayan Apocalypse which neither rubbished nor exaggerated anything, unusually neutral. It’s not that long ago that programmes like this were made to belittle events like this, it’s as though the media is slowly becoming aware. I can almost sense an “ errm “ in the air of production.

All things considered; I can’t help but feel that the phenomenon ‘is’ like a friend, in a way, a friend who is with me 24/7, like an unspoken conversation, constantly trying to communicate with me and I’m constantly failing to understand or hear but I know they are there.


After posting this and re-reading it, a thought came to mind I'd like to share..

'are numbers, (like hieroglyphics), a language?'

Just a thought.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 07:20:49 AM by phoenix911 »
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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2012, 08:05:47 PM »
'are numbers, (like hieroglyphics), a language?'

Just a thought.

Definitely. Of course numbers are a language. Everyone, of virtually every language, uses the 'language' of numbers. It's universal and of the universe. It is the language of the universe. Trying to decode that language is a puzzle, though. :-\


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #57 on: January 22, 2012, 04:23:27 AM »
WOW! I loved to have found this forum! I had no idea my adventures with the 11 were so popular!!!

OK, here's my story. I'm César, from Sao Paulo Brasil.

First time the 11 "hit" me was on the 11th day after Christmas: 01/05/2012. I was minding my own business at the balcony and I noticed Pres. Obama was delivering a speech on CNN. And I noticed CNN was showing 11:10.

I already knew about the 11s in Obama, so I thought "no way!!!" and ran for my cell phone to shoot it - just in case he ended the speech at precisely 11:11. What happened?

Here's the video LOL:

Turns out, 01/05/2012 sums up 11, it was the 11th day after Chrismas and the speech, at "The Pentagon" - 11 letters, started at 11:00 and ended at 11:11.
From then on, the 11 started popping up everywhere. 11:11 in clocks, 11 here, 11 there. And I started "searching" for more elevens in my life.

And it came as a shocker. His a summary so this post won't be too extensive:

- Big things in my life happened at 11-related ages: 11) parents got divorced; 22) I graduated as an Engineer; 29) Moved from my hometown to Sao Paulo, first time alone; 33) started my own business; 38 (now) - my awareness.

- I was born in 06/12/1973, which sums up "29"

- I opened my second store last year. Due to several delays that costed me a lot of money, my store was finally ready only on 11/10/2011. So - somehow - I was "forced" to open it on 11.11.11.

- The store is located in a Shopping Mall in Sao Paulo. Store number? 2111

- On 01/19 (=11) I got home crazy for a free pizza with my coupons. Needed 12, right? There were only 11 coupons. So I called the place and asked for a pizza. Do you know how much did it cost? R$ 22.00 LOL

After that I started searching the internet for this 11 thing and eventually I found this forum.

Thanks guys! Let's enjoy the 11 ride because the 21/12/2012 is right around the corner. OOOPS another 11 with solstice at 11:11 GMT ROFLMAO!!!!


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #58 on: January 22, 2012, 05:59:33 AM »
You just blew my mind, cesarnc! Honestly, all this is becoming comical to me. Everything fits like some weird messed up puzzle and instead of being scared, maybe I should just see it all as a comedy. :D


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #59 on: January 22, 2012, 09:04:47 AM »
You just blew my mind, cesarnc! Honestly, all this is becoming comical to me. Everything fits like some weird messed up puzzle and instead of being scared, maybe I should just see it all as a comedy. :D

I'm trying to figure it out yet, 11Clouds. See what pattern develops a)- after I see an 11 b)- before I see an 11 c)- 11-related days, so forth.

Maybe the message reveals itself this way. Or... maybe not! LOL

Just recently
01/19 (11) - The Pizza Event
01/21 (22) - Interesting day with my daughter, but nothing too spetacular to mention
01/22 (22) - Nothing happened yet
01/23/2012 (sums up 11) - Awaiting something BIG! LOL

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 09:18:44 AM by cesarnc »