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Messages - Manogna

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in fact if i add my year and date of birth all come to 11, my name put together adds to 77 wch is mutliple of 11x7=77.
Not that few days on am seeing 777 999 333 as i have to think about it as having a meaning or just as people / family say ignore it??
what do these numbers 11.11 or all 1111's and the above ones mean at all??

Hi people...well..i am a newbie here but certainly not for the 11's. its been a year now that i am constantly seeing this on a daily basis nite or day, even though many hours in a day, my eyes chk the time and its 11.11 95% and rest of the times 20.20 19.19 22.22 like dat. same number repetition. all the more freaked me earlier was i wud see the time 11.11 then the games i play were on level 111 , the cars license plates i see are 1111 or 4111 like that. When i shared this with family they think am bit crazy and giving too mch importance to all this rubbish. But my question is, how can it be co incidence if its happening since a year now and occurs almost on a daily basis?? i was told questioning God and all is not right am nobody to that, but am curious and also definitely wnna know what and why. is that a sin??

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