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Messages - K9Angel11

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Is there more than just 11
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:40:54 AM »
Yes it happens to me alot too.
I'll look at the time and it if it's not 11:11, it's sure to be 7.33 or 11.22 or 10.55. either that, or it's something that'll add up to 11 for eg. 8.30 or 7.40.

I have been experiencing the 11:11 phenonomen for over 15 years. I also see 33 and 22 several times throughout the day.
I too thought I was the only one up until recently when I did a google search and see there are many other people also experiencing it.
The number 11 is very prevelant in my life, from my birthdate, phone number, house numbers I have lived in, my name, my kids date of births and their names, I lost a good mate on the 11/11, the list goes on...
I went on a bit of a quest searching for answers and came up with all sorts of mysteries including the Rh negative blood. As most of you will already know Rh positive blood CAN be traced back to the Rhesus monkey but those with negative blood, like myself and others, cannot be traced back to anything...
Well not here on earth.
I have learned about Comet Elenin. The earthquakes that have happened when it's been in alignment with the earth and sun. I have even learned some history on the Sumerians and other ancient races.
I have seen spirits Includ. an Angel as a child, UFO's and even a bigfoot as a child. (there were 2 other witnesses)
I seem to be a magnet to these things... and also to animals. I attract all kinds of strays, from birds to dogs, cats and even lizards.
My thoughts on the 11:11 phenonomen is that it IS a wake up call of the changes to come....

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