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Messages - seeing11

Pages: [1]
« on: December 19, 2012, 08:24:24 AM »
I have been seeing 11s for a bout 8 years. (several times a day, every day)
THIS IS NOT "Coincidence"; it is VERY REAL..... And, very hard to explain!
Seeing 11 is comforting and puzzling at the same time.
I feel special... yet Alone! ~ No one I know understands.
Glad to know this site exists!!
I have been having premonition dreams for about a year now.
Over the last 3 months I have noticed these dreams are clearer and I remember "pieces".
At some point during the week those "pieces" Will happen.
Last week, for example: 12/10/12:
A shooting of 2 people, yellow house...on the news next evening.
A co-worker was super sick in a dream, called-in-sick next morning.
A silver truck crash I dreamed & then witnessed next morning... etc...

Also within the last 3 months, I can focus on any topic (or person) with thought, wish or prayer
and in some form this thought will happen, or person will contact me.

Last week:
I hadn't talked to or seen a friend in over 2 years.
*he called me* After I dreamed about & then focused thought on him.
Watching a show about a lady who was eating fish.
Made me hungry for fish... something I will cook, but rarely eat-out.
Without cell phones - With 100 choices out there, my hubby brought me fish for dinner.
I asked him why? He said "I really don't know why, you don't eat much fish".

Not lottery winner yet, But I'll continue wish! ;o)

Why Me? - I have OCD & ADD. This is driving me crazy!
My birthday... of  2013 = 11

Btw: 11:11:11 Universal Time = 5:11am Central Time.

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