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Messages - number11number

Pages: [1]
Huum well that would be a biological issue  ;D....though you can certinally monitor its progression with a clock......Smiles at cha

                                                 TIME DOSN'T EXIST
There is no physical interaction whatsoever between our concept of time and any physical phenomenon.
As a consequence we cannot perceive physically our concept of time.
And as a consequence again we are unable to describe the alleged entity time.
Time fails both aspects of the double condition that could establish it's physical entity.
And that is true in the science of physics too! Richard Feynman, a renown physicist, suggested that "time runs independently of everything else."
Not connected to anything real, "time" is only a word of our language and "t" only a mathematical symbol in physics.
Time is non physical. Time does not exist in reality!

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: (111111 x 111111 = 12345654321).
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:30:11 AM »
umm yeah  kinda like were in a time continum ,.  ;D

11 Phenomenon Forum / (111111 x 111111 = 12345654321).
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:14:31 PM »
(111111 x 111111 = 12345654321). just something to think about

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« on: September 20, 2012, 07:11:33 PM »
Are you aware that a Shift in human consciousness is occurring even as you read these words that employs celestial triggers such as supernovas and Earth's alignment with Galactic Center in the years leading up to 2012 to trigger the evolution of our species? This Shift has been documented in a stimulating multimedia presentation entitled “Preparing for the Shift,” by Barry and Janae Weinhold, Ph.D.s. Over decades devoted to the study of consciousness and evolution, the Weinholds, both trained psychologists, have gathered overwhelming evidence that humanity is in the middle of a long-awaited Shift in consciousness predicted in hundreds of indigenous cultures worldwide.

Today this Shift is visible nearly every time you open a newspaper or turn on the TV. It can be seen in the breakdown of many old structures such as those that underpin governments, churches and corporations, as well as in families and individuals. It is also evident in the ecological breakdown of numerous Earth systems, a widespread perception time is accelerating, drastic changes in weather patterns, more people feeling overwhelmed by modern life's complexity, and increased polarization between groups, religions, and regions. :o

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:09:16 AM »
In response to your idea that the myan callander has an effect on on this phenomenon, could it be that all this is the sign to be aware that the callender is accurate, for example look at this:   add together these numbers : the winter soltice ,the allignment of the planets that are all part of this theory..
      12-21-2012   =  11       could the 11 be the sign to be aware of this event as the myans are predicting?
after all they invented the clock that we use today...... So in theory its a message that the time of awarenes is the winter soltice of 2012..... so be prepared RIGHT??

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