Author Topic: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger  (Read 8885 times)


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Hello everyone,

My name is Buddy and I see 11's, lot's of them. 9's are there also, but 11's dominate.

 I don't even know where to start. I am 53 yrs. old. I was born on 4 / 29 / 61. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't take any non-prescription drugs. I have read the equivalent of many hundreds of books, only one of them being fiction, which was required school curriculum. I was raised a Catholic, in a strict Catholic household, but I went my own way spiritually shortly after leaving home. I do not attend any church or preach anything spiritual to others. My belief system is my own and I keep it to myself.

 I have never given numerology more than a few minutes of time during my life, but I have studied many spiritual belief systems that have numerology associated with them, mostly in my mid to late 20's, as I sought direction early in my life. My most comfortable conclusions came from pieces of information gleaned from the Edgar Cayce readings that made the most confusing parts of life's puzzle fit rather well with the way I had come to understand things. 

Fast forward to the last 6 months or so. I don't know any other way to explain it, but the answers to many of life's mysteries I sought as a youngster started falling like dominoes. The answers were scary as hell and every time I thought it couldn't get any crazier, it did, tenfold. Long story short, I started seeing numbers and patterns in everything I came into contact with. I literally felt like I was a character in the Da Vinci code. I couldn't and can't turn it off.

Unfortunately, even my own family thinks I am crazy, despite numerous examples of what I am seeing that go so far beyond random chance that you would think they would start to get freaked out, but they continue to dismiss it as me seeing what I want to see. Please believe me when I tell you that I sat my daughter and her boyfriend in front of the TV the other night and predicted what numbers would come up during a segment of a TV talk show, without having ever seen it before. My daughter, who is 16, was amused, but not impressed. Her boyfriend seemed a little weirded out by it which made me feel a little better, but other than that, there is literally no one in my life that takes me serious about this at all.

The next night, as I was returning from my nieces graduation, I passed one of those temporary information signs that you occasionally see on the expressway and it read 11/11. I figured it was another crazy coincidence, but I was curious as to what the sign was placed there for. I told a friend of mine, that uses that expressway entrance each day, what I had seen and asked if he knew why the sign was there. He said, "yes, it is an information sign to tell you how long the backup at the bridge tunnel is expected to be". I then asked why it would have been lit with only 11/11, he laughed and said, "there must have been a bunch of lights out". Which brings me to last night.

 The biggest freakout of all happened last night, when doing research into a theory that I feel I am extremely close to proving, the video that I was watching on my computer made a sound just like the scratching of an old vinyl record and then the screen went black and an error message popped up. That in and of itself was real weird, considering the particular topic I was researching, but when I looked down at the timer for the video, it had stopped on 1:19. I freaked out for a second and figured it had to be some kind of joke associated with this particular video so I had my daughter's boyfriend try it on his phone but there was no problem.

 The video that had stopped on my computer then started itself back up, but only the audio was present. The screen remained black with the error message displayed. After it was done playing, I replayed the video and there were no problems at all. Another weird thing associated with this episode was that the video had received 3,883 views at the time I was watching it. I will let you guys do the math on that one.

 Maybe one person in 20 will attempt to digest what I am trying to tell them about current events and far less will give any plausibility to my theory at all because it is diametrically opposed to everything that they choose to believe. I am literally shouting from the rooftops and no one will listen. I have never been more frustrated in my life. It almost seems as if these peoples minds aren't prepared to handle the information I am sharing with them. When I look in a person's eyes and tell them things that should be extremely important to them and their families, if only a portion of it were true, it is as if their brain shuts down involuntary and doesn't allow it to enter. It's hard to explain. 

Most everything that I am trying to share, as crazy as it may sound to others, is provable beyond a reasonable doubt, if not a shadow of a doubt, with a few clicks of a mouse. I don't pick the answers I want, I go where the facts take me and then the answers reveal themselves. As disturbing as some of them have turned out to be, I have to pick myself up, dust myself off, regroup, wrap my mind around this new truth and keep moving forward. If someone is unwilling to do at least a few minutes of research before attacking me about something that they have given no thought to what-so-ever, other than what they have been told to believe, it says far more about them than it could ever say about me. I will not protect a lie or ignore one so profound, my conscious will not allow it.

 I don't know if any of this qualifies me to be part of your club, but I feel I need to talk to someone that might possibly understand what I am going through, that is why I am here. I am not looking for anything other than knowledge I don't currently have stored in my own memory. I think I have some significant pieces to the puzzle, many that I was surprised were not mentioned in the blog. Hopefully a few of you have some of the pieces that I am missing and together we can put this puzzle together in order to get a better idea of what we are up against.

Be prepared to have your entire belief system shaken to the core. I can prove that pure evil, beyond comprehension, exists all around us. It's the other side of the equation that I am desperately seeking help to understand. It is extremely important for me to find out if I am suppose to be a soldier, a general or simply a messenger. As it stands right now, I am finding it impossible to be a silent spectator.

Much more to come.


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2014, 10:03:20 PM »
The last thing I want to do is turn this site into a Conspiracy blog, but you either want the truth or you don't. I will preface everything I share with you very carefully. If I know it to be true, I will say so. If it is only my opinion based on a certain set of facts, I will share those facts and tell you it is my opinion and I will tell you where to go to get those facts.

 All conclusions are my own. Your conclusions must be your own also. I will never tell you what to think, only what I think based upon a set of facts I will ask each of you to research. If you are not willing to do minimal research, we are wasting each others time and time is not our friend right now.

I can provide shortcuts to the information I am sharing with you if you wish, but I prefer you set out to prove me wrong and in turn you will find the truth. As there are no shortcuts in life, there are no shortcuts to the truth. My truth relies on almost 40 yrs. of research, most of which I didn't know was research until an insignificant piece of information I learned from a particular book, early in life, would become invaluable to me being able to understand a much bigger mystery, later in life.

I have come to believe in the last few days that seeing the number 11 makes us special. We are specifically tuned and our senses are heightened, for whatever reason, to be able to see, feel and understand what others could not learn if they were taught a course in it. I believe we were born with the ability and we either realize it or we don't. Until very recently, I had given up my pursuit of the meaning of life and only when a somewhat significant health issue popped up, where I literally changed to a pseudo-vegan diet with the occasional fish, chicken and turkey, my body and my mind literally turned back on and tuned into things I had not experienced since I was young.

When I land on a big piece of the puzzle, it is often accompanied by an overall tingling sensation in my body to the point where tears of joy will roll down my cheeks. Can I say for sure that this anything other than coincidence ? No, of course not, but I think it has served me well when trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.

OK, on to the important stuff. Most everything you see on the National News that has longer than a 2 day shelf life is manufactured news. All the networks are in on it and none should be held in any higher regard than the others.

The 2 party system in this country is a ruse. They manufacture topics for your consumption no differently than Vince Mcmahon manufactures drama in the WWE. Do you think Vince cares whether you root for the good guys or the bad guys, as long as you pay to get through the door? Of course not, he wins either way and you are poorer for your involvement. There are no good guys in the govt. They are weeded out long before they could possibly have a chance of reaching office, especially high office.

Too much to cover in a quick update so I'll give you some red meat to chew on. Most all of the school shootings that we have had rammed down our throats lately are orchestrated drills, presented as real events for many reasons not including the 2nd amendment. They all have significant numerology associated with them that is key to understanding that they are fake. Once you know what you are looking for and you look at them through a different set of eyes, it will become so apparent that you will feel as if they are rubbing your nose in it, because they are.

For starters, all I ask is that you take a look at Sandy Hook. It is part of the evil little town of Newtown, which is located in a township called New Canaan. This place is straight out of a Stephen King novel. My father lives fairly close to Newtown and was actually having breakfast at a place on the edge of Newtown on the day of the supposed massacre. He called me as it was being reported and I should be able to get the cell phone records to prove it if anyone needs verification of this.

Long story short, it was somewhat common knowledge in that area that Sandy Hook elementary school had been closed for regular operations for at least 2 years. Once the final report was issued for the entire event, with the video evidence contained therein, it left little doubt that you were seeing a school that was not in operation for quite some time.

I will start another update with all the links necessary to reach your own conclusions as soon as I am done with this one. I am on the east coast so I will call it a night at 11, but I will get as much information to you as humanly possible. This is just the tip of the iceberg, it goes downhill from here, real fast. I promised and I will deliver, as long as you don't shoot the messenger first.

Feel free to ask any questions concerning recent current events. I have literally been consumed with getting to the bottom of this and I have many answers, but not all.  If I don't know the answer I can certainly point you in the direction of possibly finding it. Everything has been happening so fast that is almost impossible to keep up with but I won't stop until someone stops me.


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2014, 11:28:59 PM »
Here is the final, official Sandy Hook report, that was conveniently released on the last day before the Christmas break a year after the event. Feel free to show me any evidence whatsoever of the carnage that they said occurred that day. There is no pools of blood, no bullet holes, no nothing, just a filthy run down school that had obviously been closed for some time before the event.

I am always reluctant to choose any videos for people to look at because they are not of my making and some people have accused me of possibly cherry picking even though they never even attempt to disprove them.

  I will let you guys choose from any of these videos of the coroners press conference because they are extremely relevant to the story. If you have any intuition at all, and I am taking a leap of faith that most of you are very keen in this respect, watch the coroner and watch the policeman around him while he conducts the interview. Not a single one of them can look boldly into the camera with the confidence of a person that is integral to this incident. They are snickering and cowering because they are liars.

Not a single parent was permitted to see the bodies of their children to identify the remains, and not a single one of them objected. Once people started questioning the absurdity of this, they sent out a couple of parents to say that they eventually did see their child's body, which contradicted the original report.

If I remember correctly, some of the bodies were even left in the school overnight while they were doing autopsies on the others. It is simply impossible to believe that any real incident could be handled in this manner.

  I don't know how many of you are parents, but if my child was involved in an incident such as this, there is not a force on earth that could keep me from getting at least a quick look at my daughter one more time before she was put to rest.

The next big test for you is to find an interview where any of these parents and families members are crying with real tears rolling down their cheeks. Once again, let intuition be your guide. You will find plenty that show them smiling and sometimes laughing, but a single tear is extremely elusive. Good luck on that journey. You will see the face of true evil many times before your search is over.

I will be back tomorrow evening if I am not banned from the board before then. All I ask is that you do a tiny bit of research before you respond.

Take Care All.


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2014, 09:44:27 AM »
Welcome aboard BuddyM,  I don't know what the moderators expect of the forums if conspiracy theory is allowed or not.  I try not to push my views on others, because like you I have bad view of the world and governments atm so I don't like to rain on others parades.   Also you don't know who you can trust now a days, posting stuff online that speaks out against the system just puts a target on your head.  I don't need to do the research because I have already done it.  Like you and maybe others here as well I can't speak for them, I have that same damn urge to find out wtf is really going on in this matrix we live in.  Yea Sandy Hook stinks to high hell of orchestrated event, i've seen videos where the kids at the superbowl 2013 were compared to the kids of sandy hook and they all match up.  It's hard to know what is real truth now a days with so much propaganda at every corner.  But a lot of what you have said makes sense with me, such as the intense emotion and eye tearing up when you know something you shouldn't normally.  I think i have experienced the same.  I look forward to more conversation, just try not to paint to big a target so fast.


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2014, 08:50:01 PM »

 Thanks for the kind words. I have only attempted to discuss this information in a forum one other time, and you would have thought I was the one who killed those children from the responses I got.

I rarely post to forums, but follow quite a few. The discussion was about the FBI finally catching the guy who supposedly stole the 2 Sandy Hook signs. The reason I felt compelled to respond was because they were all discussing the horror of what this guy did and described numerous different ways that his flesh should be pecked from his body. You would not believe some of the things they were saying.

When I read the article they were commenting on, it said the guy was demented and he was on bond for trying to snatch an 8 yr. old girl off of a playground. It also said that he called the 2 families after stealing the signs and told them he did it because their children didn't exist.

Because I have such intimate knowledge about Sandy Hook, with family very near there, my common sense told me that there was no way in hell that this guy could have come up with the personal phone numbers of any of the families, let alone the 2 that he just happened to steal signs associated with.

My gut told me then and still tells me now that the guy probably doesn't exist and if he does, he probably agreed to a plea deal for some other charge to be the poster child for the face of the typical Sandy Hook truther.

I took it personal because I felt the real reason the story was most likely put out there was to deter people like myself from exposing their secret. It was just too perfect. Now, if I were to mention what I know to a casual acquaintance, the first thing that might pop into their head is, this guy could be a child molester.

I, as well as many others, have done advanced background checks on virtually all of the major players in this hoax and most of the people simply do not exist under the names we were given in media reports. Some of their real identities were eventually discovered and as it turns out, they were never residents of Newtown.

As you inferred, it has become the story that you are simply not allowed to question, despite the overwhelming evidence available that contradicts everything in the official report.

I am going to start another post, right after this one, that addresses much of your concerns with my original posts. It might help to make much more sense of it, but in the end, the truth is the truth, regardless of what we choose to believe.




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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2014, 09:08:17 PM »
Hi buddy, and welcome aboard

     I, for one, take a very keen interest in your forty years of research.  I think i can speak for many of us when i say that we can relate to some of your experiences.  I, too, have been trying to find an answer to something that i think none of us can learn unless we learn to listen to ourselves.  My numbers have been 11 and 44.  It USED to be just 11's when i started to "wake up".  Then i began to do research of my own and after a while, i learned that there may be no answer when it comes to why we see this in the physical world.

I, for one, think 11 is an awakening of some kind.  After a while,  when i hit a research roadblock, i turned to spirituality and there i got back in touch with my intuition.  Ever since then, its been 44 everywhere. I still see 11 and i still see it A LOT...but not nearly as much as i see 44 now.  The kinds of things i was researching to find a meaning to all of this is still so very much in its infancy....ive only been an 11er that woke up for the past year and a half now.  But heres some of the things ive come across when it comes to trying to fit puzzle peices together...and how deep into the rabbit hole i went.

Ive been noticing latley, and im glad you brought this up buddy because i was starting to wonder if it was only me that was seeing the pattern, that numerology seems to be playing into everyday events. Id like to very much hear more about what your opinions are on that if you ever find the time. Wether it be by reply here in this thread or message me/email me (My email is in the contact me section of my profile)

Many of us here have theories and ideas to whats going on to the people that see the master numbers on a frequent basis.  Read many of the threads here, some of us really burrow down that rabbit hole in our discussions.

And again, Welcome.  If theres at least one audience out there that will listen to you from the rooftops....were all ears


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2014, 12:05:45 AM »
Hello again everyone,

  Let me start out by telling you a little more about myself. I am in no way a stereotypical conspiracy theorist. Actually, I hate the term. I certainly don't hang out in my cellar, trolling conspiracy sites.

I am self employed and I do a wide range of blue collar work. I am a master carpenter, first class machinist and have a ton of hobbies. I work 6 days most weeks.

I love to go metal detecting. I have 3 different machines that cost over 1200.00 a piece. Each one is designed to excel in conditions that the other 2 may not. My water machine works in depths of 100 ft or more.

I am an avid gardener and I get few greater pleasures in life than watching something grow and mature from seed. My current specialty is tomatoes. I only grow heirlooms, many of them rare or hard to find. I graft each of them to vigorous, disease resistant rootstock, which help otherwise small producing varieties to perform as well and sometimes better than your typical greenhouse hybrid variety.

I have always had a trust but verify attitude towards the government, mostly because at a young age, while digesting book after book on a wide range of topics, I became very familiar with many
of the,"no longer considered Conspiracy theories", perpetrated by our Govt.

For any of you that are mildly interested, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment, Operation Northwoods, The Nayirah testimony, MK Ultra, The Pentagon Papers/ Gulf of Tonkin incident, operation Mockingbird, Project shad, Iran Contra (the real story). I have probably left out a few, but you will get the idea.

Many of these now proven conspiracies involve some of the most vile acts of human on human crime and mass manipulation ever attempted, but somehow they have become footnotes in history and known or understood by very few.

I will never apologize for researching and studying history as a youth. I think it has served me very well over the years. I loved reading about ancient civilizations and understanding their rise and fall. I kind of fancy myself as bit of a historian, but some choose to label me a conspiracy theorist. Did I mention how much I hate that label. ;D

Along the line somewhere my mindset changed to, don't trust unless you can verify. Is it my fault that I became so keenly aware of just how morally bankrupt and corrupt our govt. is, at such an early age? I choose to think it is their fault, but that's just me.

Enough of the past, let me focus on the post 9/11 era. After the dust settled over the Trade Tower collapses and the emotions of shock and awe were behind me, instinct took over and I started taking a closer look at everything. Once I started figuring out the magnitude of what had actually happened that day, ( The truth is mind numbing) my life and worldview changed.

I literally trained my brain to see things in the abstract and I was probably one of the most linear thinkers on the planet at the time. I didn't watch the news for content, I watched it for what it was showing and how well it coordinated with what they were actually saying. I looked closely at the video and pictures in the newscasts and many times they simply didn't jive with the words.

Once I was armed with a DVR, it was game on. It was like playing the adventure game "Myst" many years ago. There were so many things in the news videos and pictures that didn't make sense and there were subliminal images in them that had no apparent meaning, if not used in a commercial. Shortly thereafter, I started to pick up on the numbers, letters and symbols that were a part of every major news story. Once my brain was deprogrammed from linear optics, everything started jumping out at me.

The numbers and patterns were repeating themselves. It was so far beyond coincidence that I became obsessed with trying to figure out their purpose. I was stuck in neutral for quite a while at that stage and I started to wonder if I was chasing a red herring.

Shortly after the school shootings and domestic terrorism started to become a frequent, current event, I started to pick up on more things that I had been missing earlier. Every time a tragedy would happen, the news reports were almost force fitting numbers and combinations of numbers into these broadcasts, things that had no significant relevance to the story such as temperature or age of a parent or sibling.

Once I was able to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt, in my mind, that Sandy Hook was nothing but a hoax, everything started to make sense. The significant news stories that had the numbers rammed down your throat were fake events. They were staged to look like real events, but no one was actually being killed or maimed.

The more research I did, the more my hypothesis was confirmed. I started landing on like minded individual's pages and they were all seeing the same thing. It got to the point where I could tell if a story was fake by just hearing a radio report of the event, if they mentioned numbers.

There is much more to the story, but I want to include a couple of things before I hit the sack so I will skip forward to the last month. I started doing research into numerology and it didn't take long to figure out that the numbers and patterns of numbers that I had been seeing were masonic, occult, illuminati or whatever you want to call them, numbers.

I didn't believe in this crap, but apparently they do, so I had no choice but to do research. Up until yesterday morning, I was only aware of my strange ability to see prime numbers and multiples of them. I never singled out 11 as being anything other than another prime number.  As recent as a four days ago, I reached out to my sister, who lives in Sedona, Arizona and asked her if she knew a numerologist I could talk to, because she has always been far more into that kind of thing than I ever have.

 I told her some weird things were going on with numbers jumping out at me and I couldn't turn it off. I needed to understand what was happening and I needed to know ASAP. Two days later she told me that she didn't know of anyone right off hand.

 As a result, the first thing I did when I woke up yesterday morning was do a google search on " why am I seeing numbers and combinations of numbers" and as I was scrolling down the page I saw a link that said, "are you seeing elevens everywhere" or something to that affect. I immediately clicked on the link and it confirmed for me that I wasn't going crazy and I was not alone.

 After a short search, I found this blog, registered, and waited for a confirmation that I had been accepted and here I am.

I am only here to share information and receive information in return. I have no agenda other than understanding what the hell is happening right now. I have many things to share and some of you may not be ready to hear some of them, so I will try to stick to some of the less offensive revelations and provide you links to some significant current events, with some easily verified numerical anomalies like I referred to above. Them alone will help you to better understand the magnitude of what I am speaking of.

I will try to pop  back in tomorrow evening with some interesting links.

Take care   


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2014, 11:33:04 PM »
Hello again guys,

  This post may be disjointed and lack any logical flow because my thoughts have been racing and I just want to put some things out there for people to give thought to.
 In no way, shape or form do I expect any of you to take anything I say at face value. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about any of the things I tell you about myself. I am also willing to provide Gene with any information of a semi-personal nature that any of you feel is necessary to feel comfortable that I am not here to play games with people. No offense will be taken if you want to kick the hell out of the tires.

 I read many of the forum's posts while I waited to be confirmed and became comfortable enough with your small group to take a leap of faith that I would be taken seriously.

I don't know how active this board usually is and I don't know if Gene is the sole moderator or if several of you police things, but I have a friendly request.

We have a golden opportunity to test everything I think is going on, in real time. This whole ISIS thing stinks to high heaven. Just the name "ISIS" fits the pattern of events I have been speaking about. More on that later.

 We are being told that a bunch of camel jockeys on the back of Toyota pickup trucks have taken over most of the major cities, short of Baghdad, in less time than it took U.S forces to do the same thing, with the most sophisticated artillery on the planet.

Not only have they captured the cities, they were able to leave behind enough soldiers to maintain their hold on them. Simply put, it would take an incredible amount of manpower and technology to pull off such a feat.

If someone is willing to start a thread that focuses on the pictures and articles related to this story, where people can post links that show the numerology in play, I think a lot will be learned. I have seen several different photos with Iraqis in flawless fatigues that should be dirty. There are Iraqis running around in black and white numbered shirts. If you look, you will see them. CNN is the most overt pusher of numbers of all of the cable news sources.

None of you have anything to lose by participating and it helps the cause immensely. It is my credibility on the line, not yours. All I ask is a little help. I can not do it alone.

Familiarize yourself with Green Screen Imaging as well as CGI imaging. You will be seeing a lot of it and it helps to know some of the earmarks of it.

Is there a resident computer geek in the house. If so, your expertise would be invaluable.

How about a resident numerologist. Everything I know about numerology, I learned in the last month and an expert would help immensely. I am not sure if it is a code we are dealing with or if the numbers are being used as a protection of some sort. Any Ideas ? The occult is most definitely a part of it.

Also, I am uncomfortable posting everything I have to share, in this particular thread. Some people would rather not hear certain things and some people might want to hear it all. Please help me figure out how to dice this up into different threads so that people don't have to read half of a book to follow things and aren't exposed to things that would scare them off.

I have known most of what I know for a long time and my mind is conditioned to it. Finding some of these things out for the first time can be traumatic and that is not why I am here.

When I finally thought I had a grip on the numbers part of everything, I started researching the dates of historical events and the numbers kept popping up. When they continued back for many, many generations, I had to question my sanity, but everything fits too perfectly.   

As soon as this thing went from the material world to what I believe must be the supernatural, I freaked out as well. It's heavy stuff and it is happening faster than I can keep up with it at times.

Any suggestions and input are appreciated.

Here is a link I just grabbed, to just one of the many, way beyond random chance, numerically embedded tragedies.

Now check this out. 

This is the kind of stuff I am talking about and this is of the easy to stomach variety. Will check back tomorrow to gauge interest. Take care.


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2014, 12:59:25 AM »
Please help me figure out how to dice this up into different threads so that people don't have to read half of a book to follow things and aren't exposed to things that would scare them off.

I would try to label individual topics into clear categories, such as Sandy Hook Conspiracy or ISIS. If you are trying to connect various events then you will need to come up with something that would put them under an umbrella so to speak. You could also do a bit of both. For example, name the broader conspiracy/theory and then create separate topics if you are going to do a lot of elaborating on those segments or if you think people will want to expound on them. You can then just refer to those topics as needed. So the broader conspiracy category would include conspiracy a and conspiracy b or something like that. Lol.

Basically since most people are coming to the site because of the number 11 and repeating numbers and such you don't want them mistakenly going to a lot of content they have no interest in. I am sure there will be some that will be interested in that as well, but even if there is a correlation it still is politics and such for many and therefore a turn off... Having this stuff clearly labeled will also help you get people looking for your topics to your posts so it works best all the way around.


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2014, 01:09:17 AM »
I don’t have any great insights on Sandy Hook. At best, the interview with the coroner was scary/bizarre. It is difficult for me to think that this kind of conspiracy would be remotely possible to pull off. With that said, I don’t doubt the level that some in government would stoop to in order to create an atmosphere where they would take people’s guns. As you mentioned in another post there is evil in the world and I believe that regardless of the various positions well-meaning people have on guns, evil people want good people to be defenseless. I think that is one of the reasons there has been an increase in these things. Evil indwelled people believe their terrible acts may have the power to overturn the 2nd Amendment. A fair amount of these shooters gave great thought to their deeds while managing to carry out their day to day activities. That is why I use the word evil. Someone who simply snaps could do a million crazy things that would not include mass murder. Sadly, our government has become so untrustworthy that you can't rule anything out that is within the realm of possibility. What is possible is highly debatable.


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2014, 01:57:59 AM »
Hello everyone,

My name is Buddy and I see 11's, lot's of them. 9's are there also, but 11's dominate.

Welcome Buddy. We share the April 11 birthday so we have that as well as the numbers phenomenon in common.

Unfortunately, even my own family thinks I am crazy, despite numerous examples of what I am seeing that go so far beyond random chance that you would think they would start to get freaked out, but they continue to dismiss it as me seeing what I want to see.

I think trying to convince people full out on this who do not have knowledge of it might be a monumental task. I tend to use a more subtle approach. If I dare mention it I basically just say that it seems like the number 11 is showing up at an amazing rate in my life. But what is strange is that I found out through a search that there are a lot of people that are having the same thing happen. I tell them they should look it up. Then when they realize how many people are all in on this then you can elaborate more. That doesn’t mean they will understand it or believe it, but your chances are a lot better. Being too overzealous is like someone who pushes religion on people. Even if you already believe what someone is telling you there is a tendency to not want to have something hammered on you. I suppose it could be that way with just about anything. If you don’t want to talk about something you probably don’t want to listen to someone who does. This is especially true when you have absolutely no understanding of something. At least when you show people there are tons of people out there who are having this happen it could cause a curiosity. I can’t stress enough that when something so unusual happens to so many people it should make one consider that something amazing is going on.

I don't know if any of this qualifies me to be part of your club, but I feel I need to talk to someone that might possibly understand what I am going through, that is why I am here.

Your experience with numbers definitely qualifies you to be part of the club. While everyone has their own unique experiences, they tend to be amazingly similar.

It is extremely important for me to find out if I am suppose to be a soldier, a general or simply a messenger. As it stands right now, I am finding it impossible to be a silent spectator.     

I am so often amazed at all the great posts from the members of this site. Even the questions people ask can be a great contribution to how we think about things. Your question is an example. So many of us question the meaning of these things, but your post sums a lot of that up and looks at our role in all of this. There is some thought that we are passive players in this and that there will be grand revelation on the meaning at some point. But what if we are expected to play a bigger role in this?

What you ask are things that would describe great movements, such as religious or political movements. This is not a political phenomenon, but of all the unexplained things out there, this could well be at the top of the list of potential movements because of the incredible nature of it. It seems at the least to be a very important sign. If it is religious is it something new or an extension on what most of us already believe? How many people ask for a sign from God? Some do this and immediately believe that God answered this when they hear a bird chirp or something. I’m not saying that is not possible, but that could a million times more easily written off as coincidence than something like this. Those of us who are sure this has happened at a rate beyond any reasonable mathematical possibility have gotten that sign. There is something out there bigger than what the eye can see.

Most phenomena out there the majority of people have known about since a young age, such as reports of UFO’s and various things. So when people look into the sky and see something strange their minds immediately think maybe it is aliens. That is not to say everyone who has reported something is imagining it, but certainly there are many that come from people who want to see these things… That is what makes this phenomenon with the number 11 and repeating numbers and such so amazing. Most people that this has happened to never knew it was happening to others until they experienced it so often they looked it up or they eventually heard someone else mention it.  That will change as this continues to grow, but with the unusual nature of this it is just not rational to think so many people are by chance experiencing such a thing. Of all the things people could convince themselves of, where would someone even come up with this as something to imagine? This is why you are having difficulty talking to people who have no knowledge of this. If you told someone that you saw a pink horseshoe last night when you looked up in the sky people would have little choice but to think you might be a little off. Yet if you saw this and found out a million other people saw something like that last night it would be foolish not to think that something beyond our understanding happened. In other words, something so bizarre would not be seen by so many people unless something indeed is happening.

So all this brings us back to your question. What is our role? Obviously we also want to know "why us?" I suspect that will become clearer in the near future...


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2014, 07:26:15 AM »
Thanks for the response Gene, it means a lot. I am hoping more people are willing to step in from the shadows and contribute, but I also understand the fear factor. It is certainly not for the meek, but I feel as if I have been groomed for this day and time for some strange reason and it is impossible for me to stay silent.

This is typical the kind of pictures I mentioned last night. The black and white has major significance somehow. The numbers, of course, play the biggest part. These are not happenstance photos as you will see once you feel compelled to look a little closer.

Hopefully this will jump start things. Now I am off to work. Take care.



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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2014, 02:28:29 AM »

This is typical the kind of pictures I mentioned last night. The black and white has major significance somehow. The numbers, of course, play the biggest part. These are not happenstance photos as you will see once you feel compelled to look a little closer.

The first thing that came to mind was yin and yang with the black and white. I never gave much though to this, but when you think about the amazing number of things that apply in the world there is something there (good and evil, light and dark, female and male, cold and hot, north and south, up and down). These opposing forces are actually complementary. They create balance/harmony. They can't exist without the other.

This is a big jump from the real world examples, but its food for thought. Regardless of the things people are doing, in many cases they are no doubt involved with the number 11 without even realizing. Just like all of us seeing it so frequently there are those who are displaying it to others... In some cases they are enlightening people and probably in others they are on the other side being driven by evil forces.

There are a lot of ideas related to yin and yang that I am not familiar with so I can't give an opinion one way or another regarding much more than what I've posted. Where the number 11 fits in is up to debate. But no doubt it does. Being parallel lines perhaps it is a dividing line of sorts or at the center of it all...


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Re: An important message from an extremely insignificant messenger
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2014, 01:57:08 AM »
Hey Buddy, you encouraged me to join. Looking to hear more from you.