Author Topic: To be or not to be?  (Read 6152 times)


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To be or not to be?
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:19:40 PM »
Hello 11er friends,

I would like to start off by saying, I'm still seeing 11's most every day and am still wondering the significance of it.  I have been reading and posting here for a while and have had some deep thoughts and listened to some way out theories of the 11 phenomenon.  I guess I'm just starting to get frustrated because i still do not have confirmation, one way or the other to the meaning of all this.  We have on one hand the people that think this is the power of good.  Angels or divine communication.  Some people think it is a warning of bad thing.  We have subjective examples of both arguments and still no confirmation.  This site is good place to express our thoughts of our feelings and faith with out harsh response or judgment.  I have learned so much about our world and the different beliefs that people have and feel I am more balanced in my own beliefs, for that I am thankful to all of you. 
     Recently, I wanted to examine what 11 really is. Why examine this?  Well if we are getting some kind of prompt, shouldn't it have some significance?  My first objective was to ask, is the number 11 special?  I wanted to ask this question in the arena of our natural world.  I am not considering the language of mathematics as the natural world because mathematics is a language created by man.  Now this is not to  say that quantifying of objects is not natural, I'm just saying that nature can be described using our developed language of mathematics.  So, if i were to go for a walk in the park or mountains or on the beach, would 11 have any significance to my experience?  Well, what would I see?  I would see trees, plants animals waves, sand etc.  Where is the 11? Well some may say its in the stars or planets, but this is still mans created interpretation, nothing of nature.  I wanted to look closer at the thing we see in nature and geometry of fractals, aka chaos.  Now if you haven't checked this stuff out, I would suggest you do.  This is formally defined "as following inherently unpredictable yet generally deterministic rules based on nonlinear iterative equations". In other words, random generation to create a total pattern.  This we can see in nature all around us. For example, the shapes of leafs, cloud formations, the erosion patterns of the landscape.  These patterns are absolutely beautiful and all around us.  Ok so I'll try to wrap up my thought on this, starting to sound like Pointman :)  If, in my opinion, we are truly getting prompts from ???, we should see them everywhere we look.  We have naturally occurring patterns all around us that can be described using our language of mathematic yet we still see no 11 or something representing 11 (natural pattern). 
  In conclusion, I can not deny that I see this number more than just coincidence, however, I do not have any confirmation that this has any meaning at all.  We all see this mostly from modern technology and in the form of man made language.  How can this have anything to do with us?  I just don't see it naturally, what do you think?  I know this sounds like I'm rambling on with this but this is the only way I can vent to people who know what I'm experiencing.  You are my people ;) 

11ers unite!


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 11:54:10 AM »
    You know Mikehancho, any of us could have written that post, especially the first line. I feel exactly the same way, and I'll bet most other 11ers do too.
    Yesterday I saw 7:10 and a micro split second later I saw 7:11. Then I saw 8:11 an hour later and for the life of me I cannot make heads or tails out of the 11 prompt. I have ben seeing 11 after for around 4 years now on average twice a day, yet I still have no idea what it all means and I get frustrated too.
   I have a tendency to try different solutions for any problem that I encounter. Lately a thought that I have been dwelling on is that maybe being an 11er is a badge of honor, from the Universe, and nothing more. A sign that you have reached a certain level of maturity.
   I come here everyday to see what's new and if nothing else I am curious about what seems like an influx of new 11ers over that past few weeks. Does this mean everybody will see 11s eventually or is it a growing select group of people who are special in some way?
   This is why it's such a phenomenon, and enough to drive sane people crazy. I suppose that time will tell and I hope I have the strength to carry on until we reach conclusion. 11erSteve


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2014, 01:04:24 PM »
Thanks 11Steve for the reply.  I sure would like to know your thoughts on why we don't see 11 naturally.  I mean why use a digital clock (most of the time) to give out a prompt?  As crazy as it sounds, i sure would not mind getting a voice from above or even 11 pigeons landing on my car ;D


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2014, 05:10:36 PM »
   I'm going to try to address your question on why we don't see 11 naturally.
   If you are like me there was a time before we became aware of the 11 phenomenon. I distinctly remember seeing 11's as I went through the transition from being unaware and aware. In other words the moment I realized I was seeing 11 after the hour I remembered that I'd been seeing 11's previously but never made the connection. Is that how it is for you guys too?
   Maybe the reason we don't see it in nature is because we're not able to recognize it just yet. On the other hand maybe that's not how the prompt can be sent. I don't know. What I do know is that if you were to spot the prompt, in nature, you're supposed to, it's your destiny, and you will. You'll recognize it and possibly take something away from the experience.
   One of the best pieces of advise I've ever been given is that when you ask questions, answers come. I'd love to hear a voice from above too, and I ask quite frequently. Mentally I ask, "what's all this 11 stuff all about?" and to be honest I haven't gotten a reply. That doesn't mean that answers don't come nor does it mean I'll never get an answer.
   So here's the way it stands for most of us. We have awakened to something. We realize it. We see it daily and we cant figure it out (right now) We are a growing group of what I think are a select group for whatever reason.
   I mentioned about seeing 11's and seeing it as a badge of honor. Another way I see it, and I think it's more accurate is liking it to ripening. I think if you see the prompts then you have ripened. But for what? 11erSteve


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2014, 08:08:18 PM »
Mikehancho and All 11er's,

I may have another piece of this puzzle!  As you know, I, like every other 11er will not stop until I figure it out.  As I stated in previous posts...I get 11:11 all the time and not just from clocks....from everything.  I have been keeping a journal and discovered that most of the time when I receive a prompt the universe or source..whatever you want to call it is speaking to me.  Most of the time, something significant is going on in my life....good and bad because as I said no one escapes the bad stuff in life. 

Most recently I had to euthanize a rescue dog I only had for seven months.  I was crushed....devastated....totally depressed because I adored that dog....this happened on July 11th.  I saw the 333 prompts several times during that time.  The universe was trying to console me.  As I said, no one escapes hardship, hurt, and suffering.  NO ONE!

I have learned to pay attention.  I have learned not to ignore the signs I am receiving.  And, I receive many, many signs...not just 11:11 or the other prompts.

So I want to share with you my recent discovery.  I believe the 11er's are ascending.  That's it...we are ascending.  That means we have risen up...we are climbing...we are vibrating at a higher rate of speed than many humans on the planet.  We as a group, have a profound spiritual understanding and expansion of awareness.  We have the ability to be ONE with source, God, or whatever you'd like to call it.  I believe it is as simple as that. 

I found an interesting website for all of you to view.  It also provides ascension signs and symptoms...though I really don't know how they got this list I thought it was quite interesting as I meet the criteria for several of those signs.  Read through this site is

Let me know what you think!

Namaste and love to all 11er's


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2014, 09:09:51 PM »
I read though the list of signs and symptoms and like you I have to say that I am experiencing many of the symptoms.  This list sound like the side effects of some of the new drugs they advertise.  This may be a good bit of data to find a common link between us all but I think everybody at one time or another has some of these symptoms.

On another note, I have been using the prompts to pray and put out good "vibes". 

I hope y'all are picking up what I'm putting down.


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2014, 10:32:51 AM »
Thanks for sharing Lin, I read that list about 6 months ago or so when I started having my diet changes, and now to look back over it again there are a number of things I notice now that I hadn't before, so I agree there is some truth to this.  I'd say 6 months ago I was like 50% now it's more like 75% of the stuff on the list.


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2014, 03:07:33 PM »

I know what you are saying.....but I have no idea how they came up with that list.  But what I think I know for sure is that we are all encountering the ascension that I believe is what may be happening to all 11er' hard data to back it up but it sure does make sense!!



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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2014, 09:02:23 AM »
I think Lin is completely correct. Have any of you out there notice were just a little different than most?  We seem to be more aware of our surroundings...We seem to be in sync with "something" that other people are not.  Its not just the 11's that were going through, its a wake up call to something greater.

That doesnt mean its a wake up call to spirituality, people that see and question the phenomenon that they are going through just become aware that something is happening on a level that we all dont truly understand, and it makes us there a greater force out there trying desperatley to grab our attention?  And why is it trying so desperately to get out attention?!

Asking yourself this question is only natural...but trying on our end, to grasp something thats beyond our  limited capacity for understanding...well i think that, in the end, trying to find a logical explanation will only drive you mad...and it will drive you mad for years to come.

Heres the commonalities ive gathered...and how we can all, everyone on these forums guest and user alike, can apply to their and our lives.  You dont need to be spiritual, it helps, but if thats not your thing, you can still bring yourself to a higher vibration.

Now, how does vibration make any kind of impact when some of us dont understand the universal Law of Vibration?  The explanation is a bit winded, but i found a way to break it down and have it make sense for anyone on any kind of level of understanding...whether its someone who is just now starting to say "whoa, whats with all these 11's?" to people that have been going through it for over twenty years.

I wrote that last year...but over time since then, im sure i could refine or add more to it..but i still love this article and how i wrote it...i dont think i should be changing it.

Anyways, what i was getting at and the point of all im writing.

To bring your vibrations up, all you simply have to do is "be happy".  Thoughts that harbor happiness and joy make your thoughts vibrate at a higher level, while negative thoughts bring your vibrations way down.  try forcing yourself to be genuinely happy for three days.  When someone treats you like a verbal punching bag at work, as hard as it is, try to keep your head up and not let that person bring you down.

In time, you will see that the more happiness and confidence you exude, the more "good" will come back to you.  A perfect example i have is that, over the Xmas holidays, i was working my previous job in Retail.  I had just watched "The Secret" ( which was going over the Law of Attraction that goes hand in hand with the Law of Vibration. 

I went to work and, in the beginning, there were nasty holiday shoppers.  After a week of still being nice to them, even forgiving their actions on the inside, i noticed soon after that i never once got any more nasty customers...all of them, no exaggeration, all of them from then on, were eitehr very kind to me or kept their negativity to themselves.

I was kind of shocked and after the holidays were over, i kept trying to stay happy and not let the little nitpicking things keep me down. For a year and a half, i never got any more nasty customers. My attitude spread to the employees and when i was there, we literally had a "happy store"....with happy customers. 

So imagine working at the verbal abuse from customer to cashier or customer to employee thats working the aisles. Imagine that for the next year and a half, you keep your thoughts imagine never getting a rude customer again!

I know many of you think that keeping your thoughts positive or never getting a nasty customer in that line of work is impossible...but it IS and CAN be possible if you apply what ive said.  Dont doubt this right off the bat and dismiss it...just give it a try, whats the worst that can happen, honestly?  Thats what i asked myself when is started this....and im walking proof, at least in my own mind, that when you stay positive, LIKE attracts LIKE and thats all their is to it.

You put your thoughts out to the universe and they all have a vibrational frequency...what you put what you get back.

Try it...what have you got to lose other than the possibility of having a happier life?


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2014, 07:19:39 PM »
Lin, and everyone else thats reading.

I came across a really inspiring four minute video about waking up.  You may find this very interesting


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Re: To be or not to be?
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2014, 05:42:18 PM »
Amen to Pointman's post!  Now if we could get the entire planet to think this way it would be heaven on earth.  And, the video was beautiful....loved it.  Thanks for sending.
