Author Topic: Just seems to get worse and worse  (Read 6427 times)


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Just seems to get worse and worse
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:34:00 AM »
Sorry for the opening for this topic,but i have to know if any other 11ers are getting same results.Ive been on the board for
a while now,and it all started good.Seeing 11s meant a good day was coming.Now i have been seeing more and more of the 11s almost daily mostly at least 5 at a time and usually all in sequence,such as 7:11 8:11 9:11 on and on usually till i reach around five or six in a row.This has always meant latley something pretty bad was coming,latley its always had to do with bad,in the begging about 3 years ago is when this started to change.Back then it was mostly good some not so good,
but the last 6 months have changed drastically for the not so good,now i can tell by the sequence alone,im really not trying to bring anybody down with this,just curious if anybody else has seen anything change either way in the last 6 months or so
this is more for my mental well being as well as to do with 11s,any feedback would be great and hope this is only me.
Bridge 66 :o
« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 11:37:37 AM by bridge66 »


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2014, 02:31:09 PM »
Bridge, can you elaborate on what kind of bad things happen after you see 11's or after you see a sequence of 11's?
For me in the past 6 months or so I've been seeing 11's more than average. In the second or third week of August I saw 11 after the hour 5 times a day for 5 days straight. That is very unusual for me, but now its usually 3 to 5 times a day then sometimes it tapers off.
The other thing I've noticed is that there seems to be an uptick in new membership over the past 6 months. (Is that so Gene? Got any stats?)
You're not alone with these kind of negative feelings connected with 11, Bridge, although I just don't see it that way.
   In general over the past 6 years most of the industrialized nations around the globe have faced a serious recession so things have gotten worse and worse for most everybody, 11's or not. So I'm curious as to what kind of bad things happen to you.
   I'll say this one thing before I sign off for the day. In Rhonda Byrnes DVD, The Secret, Mike Dooley states that "Thoughts become things." So what you hold in your head, with conviction, can and will materialize whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not, and whether you want it to or not.
   I've been on both sides of the fence and I can tell you from experience that its much easier to bring bad things into your life that it is the good things. I know this from experience too, that you can change the thoughts you have for the better, and in turn, those thoughts will change your life for the better. You either control your mind or your mind controls you. How do you want it?
I just hate it when my mind starts to run loose and thinks stupid thoughts so I have to ride myself like a dirt bike.
   Please chime in bridge. Thanks  11erSteve


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2014, 12:31:20 AM »
I don't know if you read one of the articles I posted in one of the other threads.  But yes I believe 11's can mean good or bad,  I think it can mean we are going though changes, as changes to what who knows.  Here's the article,   The guy that wrote this as it states went through a divorce and became homeless for five years.  So obviously the 11's to him seemed to be a bad sign as first as well.  But he pushed through and turned his life around, it's interesting read I'm not sure if it is what you want to hear, but it may shed some light as to what is going on in your world.  He doesn't start talking about his experiences with the  11's till about half way down the page, he also talks about 2012 which has come and past so skip past that if you want, and if you are intrested in the mayan stuff or not you can skip that too.  Maybe it's a test I'm not sure man.  I didn't start noticing 11's till after rock bottomed out got my dui and starting putting my life back in order, I still get the 11's frequently I don't know if that means more changes are coming or not, but looking at world politics and all I fear for america and I'm doing my best to be ready for the next big event to hit.


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2014, 10:43:47 AM »
11er Steve,well to start off im 63 and insteadm of doing good at the prime it only gets worse between my wife and drug addict son,110k for part of retirement down the tubes because of the drugs,and my wife is no help,i said to her today i came so close to just pointing the car into a head on with a tractor trialer things are getting so bad and her response was that would have been the best thing you could have done all year.And thats been the good part,and thats after seeing 5 11s in a row starting at 4:11 this morning,i mean what do you do with people like these,when all you try to do is make there lives better,my wife hasnt gone food shopping for 5 years or cooked a meal about the same time,im dont know but the 11s keep coming more and more frequently to go along with all of this,im still a firm believer that the 11s are good.The best soloution i can see now is running into tractor trailer,the only thing that frightens me is i might live,all puns,not ready yet,so there is where we stand cant seem to catch a break,all i can say is better 11s tommorow.Thanks for answereing back.


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2014, 01:51:02 PM »
Bridge66, I feel for you buddy! I'm in nearly the same situation, I'm 59 and have a financially bleak future thanks to the recession.
A lot of people experience these feelings at one time or another during their lives and thankfully most don't act on it. Its really tragic for the families involved. Since things are as bad as you say I'd suggest seeing a psychologist. I've had a couple sessions lately and I think it can be a big help. I told him about my 11 after phenomenon without a response.
You also talk about an increase in the number of times you see 11's. This is what is all about. When you asked I answered. I do, and have been seeing 11 after the hour way more frequently than before. Today for example I've seen it 4 times and I'm writing this post at 10:37 am Pacific time. I got up out of bed and went into the kitchen for a drink of water last night and noticed it was 12:11 am then I saw it at 6:11, 8:11 and 10:11. This could be another day when I see it 8 or 9 times. So yes for the past 3 months or so, I've noticed an uptick in prompts. Anyone else? Any uptick in membership? It seems so.
For me the 11 after thing is so much like an apparition. Not everybody sees it and not everybody will. For those of us that do,it still remains rather elusive yet we continually experience it and hear from people who regularity awaken to it. Seems to happen more frequently than in years past. Anyone else want to add anything? Hang tight Bridge66, 11erSteve


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2014, 06:59:20 PM »
Why do you stay with someone who who suggests that driving into a tractor trailer would be the best idea you had all year?  You can't fix a addict he has to do that himself.  Maybe it's time to rethink your options on where and what you should be doing in your life.  Fresh start at 63 sounds scary but it's way better then ending it all.  That's the selfish way out.  Maybe the 11's are queing you to make some life changes?


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2014, 04:15:35 AM »
I've had a lot of recent 11 sightings in the last 6 months. At first I thought it was funny, but things started changing, like some pretty bad things. Lately I see that it's a change for the best; sometimes things get bad before they get worse. I'm not saying the 11s are related to change, but it's just a coincidence. During the really bad times I didn't notice the 11s but now things are are getting better and they've come back's weird.

I've read your history, bridge. I feel like you need some soul searching my friend. Your negative experiences mixed with 11s are a sign that you need a change...something has got to give; listen to you gut my friend.


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2014, 05:19:34 PM »
Hi Bridge,

I just wanted to put my 2 bobs on to your post. Seeing 11's doesn't always mean good, it only is good if you allow it to be. Everything is based on your perceptions and only you can control your future. 11's act as a guide, and awakening of some sort. Although your wife and son influence your life, at the end of the day you are the main driver of you. Take a hold of you and withdraw yourself from this negativity you feel. Go back to the beginning, go back to where you were happy and find out how to be like that again. I am sorry to here about your unfortunate family circumstances. It's always important to help others, but don't do it to the detriment of your health, well being and spirituality. It's really hard to get those bad thoughts out of your head, but you must persist, ending your life is NOT an option, it's the easy way out (sorry, but I feel it is).
Good will always come from bad, it's the nature of the universe, but you have to allow it to happen as it is up to your free will. As you start to act in positive ways your probabilities of a positive outcome will align. Remember you are the observer and what you observe will manifest, but it's like a path, if you stray away you may have to take the long way through uncleared track to get back onto the right one. Take control of you and your situation, there are always many other options but you just need to take a risk sometimes.

Stay true to yourself and don't let fear overtake you. You already know this though, you have just forgotten and we are here to remind you.

All the best.



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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2014, 11:35:23 AM »
Well AKD,thanks for taking the time to respond.But i must tell you im not even coming close to the severity of whats been happening.The 11s have a lot to do with it and i mean a lot.Like i said in previous posts i was very happy to see them coming,now not so much actually they are scaring me,when i see the sequence 6:11 7:11 8:11 doesnt have to be in that order but the order always has to be in a row such as 11:11 12:11 1:11 you get the idea.Im not one of these people who think the devil has anything to do with it but im starting to wonder.When things start going dinky dow after the 11 sequence theres a lot of yelling and screaming going on for no apparent the wife starts in then the kid does something really stupid,but its not just,things at home they could be at work or just driving,the driving is strange because the person coming the other way always beeps the horn at me for no reason.If something with the 11s is coming its coming soon because this is not getting any better.Befour the 11s started my life was pretty uneventful except for a terrible breakup with my ex things were pretty out of hand but no 11s were involved.I cant be the only person on the board where 11s have either gotten worse or hopefully gotten much better.If things are getting like this for other 11ers please chime in.Thanks for who ever is reading this.HAVE A HAPPY 11 DAY and i mean that with all my heart.


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Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2014, 05:10:05 PM »
I wish I could help you in some sort of way. I really feel for you and the negativity that you are experiencing. It's easy for me to say 'keep positive' or 'push the negativity out of your life', but at the end of the day my forum post can't jump out of the screen and do anything for you. The only person that can do anything about your situation is you. You sound like a good person with good intentions that has been caught up in a whirlwind of drama's that you cannot escape. I can assure you that you are not the only one that goes through this. Yelling and screaming with your loved ones will destroy your love and happiness, therefore it needs to be avoided at all costs. I have been caught up in this before myself, but I try to catch myself in these situations and consciously tell myself to just stop, shut up and that I can't always be 'right' or the 'winner' in an argument. I am not implying that this is how your behaving, but from my many experiences with arguing there usually is a problem on both ends, as arguing can only happen if there is a response to someone instigating negativity.
I almost lost my relationship with my parents and partner as a result of our ego's and constant arguing, it was a nightmare and a very dark sad period of my life. I couldn't take it anymore as I was literally drained emotionally and I only felt things were snowballing and getting worse. I started having issues with work my real estate agent, money, you name it everything was f*cked. All I could think of was, 'what did I do to deserve this shitty life?', as I felt this was an ongoing battle since my childhood. I can't remember exactly what happened, but something in my head clicked when I was thinking about it all and becoming more aware of the situation. It was time for a change, I pushed the bad feelings out and just started to concentrate on the small things that were going well in life. I lived near the beach, surely that was a good thing, so I started to go for little bike rides and I would invite my partner along. If they didn't want to go, then no big deal I would just go on my own for 10 minutes. I used the air in my face while riding to clear my thoughts and just think about peddling, I started exercising, I changed my diet and I felt better for it. It was hard to get motivated, but once I did it was easy. Then we had an opportunity to move house, it could have been a negative thing, but instead I thought of it as a new beginning and moved to the country side. Sure I drive hours to get to work, but it's worth it to live where I live! Since then my relationships have healed and I couldn't be any happier. The only thing that I get upset about now is seeing other people struggle.
Now I'm not saying this is what you should do, but I guess I'm trying to highlight what a big difference your frame of mind can make on your life, it's far more stronger than you realise. STOP FEARING THE 11'S AND CONNECTING IT With negativity. Sorry for the caps, the caps lock turned on without me pressing, I may have inadvertently pressed it, but it was definitely not deliberate. I left it because I don't think that things always happen by chance and perhaps this was an important thing to be highlighted.
I think I will leave my post as it is, as I could go on forever.