Author Topic: Somebody say something  (Read 27126 times)


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Somebody say something
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:48:02 PM »
Come on you guys, say something!


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2014, 06:55:31 AM »
I fear we are all turning in to a bunch of lurkers waiting for someone else start the ball rolling.  I come here daily to see what is said, but when no one has posted anything I wind up not posting as well.  Which isn't good, if we want this forum to grow and to attract more users we need to keep posting. 

Would adding extra sub forums for topics outside of 11 phenomenon help?  I know some people have come here before with interest of news/events especially when it comes to 11's being used in events.  Such as 9/11 and the trade towers, or 3/11 and Fukushima.  Do we limit ourselves by only delving into only one area of the 11 phenomenon and how it affects us?  When it can be looked at on a much grander scale as well.  I'm not suggesting turning this site into another conspiracy forum but I think there is a lot more that can be analyzed involving the 11's and synchronicity in news as well.

Maybe take suggestions for other ideas of looking at the 11's, from New Age Views, to Tarot, to the Secret.  Anything to generate more traffic, the more we post the we will likely bring.  So what I'm saying it trying to make the site a one stop shop for 11 phenomenon.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2014, 07:12:41 PM »
(Not to your response Dred)
Somebody wake me up when something happens, otherwise...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2014, 02:28:14 PM » has a forum that has the 11 phenom subbed into numerous categories, it keeps the forums with fresh ideas and new posts daily with responses.  Adding some sub topics would get more people talking


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2014, 11:23:06 AM »
   Well it turns out that I'm a light sleeper. Sub forums? I suppose so. Nothing wrong with trying something new.
   When new members join almost everyone who posts wants to figure out what seeing 11 after the hour means and tries to get input from others. I did it when I joined and so did Lin, as have others. And that's just about as far as we get. The reason we can't get much further is because we all run up against a brick wall. I've spilled my guts over and over to no avail. I've been seeing 11 after the hour for more than 4 years now and I'm no closer to figuring it out than I was years ago because there is little to no cooperation among members, and again it's because we all have run up against a brick wall, so I'm not casting blame.
   I think I am correct when I equate it with being a deer in the woods that has been tranquilized, studied, collared and released with no explanation. We all share the same phenomenon yet most people don't seem to put much stock into it. There is such a small group of "really interested" people, and we know who we are, that I find it odd that there is so little interest in figuring out what this phenomenon is all about.
   My subject "Sorting the Wheat From the Chaff" has been read more than 925 times. With 600 members I wonder who all these other people are. And I doubt that all 600 members have read my post, so the number of "lurkers" as Dred suggests, I think is rather high. I have my doubts about the majority of people who come here are 11ers because there is so little feedback, and if you're not one of us you'd have nothing to contribute. This is why I have my doubts that there are as many 11ers as we are lead to believe and I don't think anyone is intentionally deceiving us.
   I mentioned the 11 phenomenon to my new psychologist and she is fascinated with the prospect. She wanted to know what the consensus was and I told her we can't come up with one.
   Maybe sub-forums might help but being the purist that I am I want to keep hammering away at trying to figure out what this all means regardless of the afore mentioned brick wall. Believe me there is a way over, under or around it.
   A long time ago I mentioned that just the number 11 was enough information to figure out what this all means. I feel just as strongly about it today as I did a long time ago.
   Some time this past year I wrote a post and mentioned that I think that these 11 prompts come from another dimension, and they do. Prove me wrong if you can. Yes I'm getting up in your face, but not in a bad way. I'm trying to get a reaction out of you who ever you are, 11er or lurker. Prove me wrong if you think you can!
   I know for a fact that these 11s come from another dimension because there is no way some human somewhere can be magically put all of these 11s in front of, and it's not just me, but all 11ers. That cannot be done so all of these 11s we see are some sort communication from another dimension. PERIOD!!! And just like the biologist and the deer in the woods, as the tranquilized wears off, the biologist doesn't try to explain why he or she did what they did to the deer because we cannot communicate, verbally, with animals.
   This other dimension I speak of cannot speak English or any other human language either, which is why it can communicate  only by sending the 11 prompts to us directly. Thus the brick wall. 11 is the only way this other dimension can communicate with us, and that is a major accomplishment on it's behalf. I really have to take my hat off to this other dimension! Think about it! It has broken the code so to speak. This other dimension has figured out how to communicate with a very small, but growing, group of humanoids. That would be us, the true 11ers. That's an incredible accomplishment. And only the top tier of 11ers at this website are trying. So I think this is a major event, and if you are one of the 11ers who never have a thing to say either speak up or off off because this is no small thing. It's a BIG DEAL! This kind of a thing cannot be without purpose yet the overwhelming majority of 11ers don't want to or won't play along. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution.
   Once when I was a young man and got my first real job my boss, if he wanted to get my undivided attention would walk up to me place the tip of his nose on the tip of mine, puff cigar smoke in my face and he would then TELL me what he wanted in no uncertain terms. He made it crystal clear what he wanted and expected and I snapped to! He could really get me to perform. So why would I tell you this story? Because I've got the tip of my nose on the tip of yours. Whether you are a top tier 11er on this website (about 8 or 9 of us) or an un-participating 11er or a lurker, I'm blowing nasty cigar smoke in your face, trying to get you to perform. Yes, once again I'm all up in your face. Disprove my theory if you think you can! Say something or off off, because I don't think the majority of 11ers can even  grasp the depth of this phenomenon. I hope you all understand how perturbing it can be to be given the opportunity I think we've been given. To figure out what the 11 prompts means. And the majority of you all just play dead. What a shame. The answer is out there but it would take a group effort.
The top tier of contributors here, and I'm one of them, are growing tired of doing all of the heavy lifting and I think that's why lately I've been dozing off. I'm tired of doing all the work. Excuse me for now, I'm going back to bed. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2014, 11:24:57 AM »
Yahoo! Check out the posting time! Looks like an 11:11 Do you see it? 11erSteve


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2014, 12:24:00 AM »
   Wow that was a nice snooze. I wonder how many  hours I was asleep. I'll have o check the posting times. Hmmmm. Its been around twelve hours.
    As I check in there have been a total of 30 people at one time today and there have been 65 views and 5 replies on the subject; "Somebody say something"
    Two of those replies were from Pointman19 and Dred in the past couple of days. THANK YOU for your input you guys!
    Since I drifted off to sleep today and was out cold for hours I was just curious to see if anyone had responded to my last posting.
    And nothing.
    I thought I'd mix it up with you all since there's not much else to do! And I mean that in the most non-confrontational way I can possibly think of, although I am trying to ruffle your feathers a bit to see if I can get a reaction.
    Play along everybody who is tuning in, lets see where this thing shakes out. Could you possibly be so daring? Well in a way I have my doubts because as I have just stated there have been 65 views on this subject alone response so far today. Is it college football?
 Nope! It cant be, because 65 people viewed my last post and now I'm feeling like I cant wake up from a bad dream. People will not or cant for whatever reason, contribute. I am not upset in any fashion, I just don't get it.
   With that being said, I know that some of those views are due to the top tier 11ers here on 11Phonomneon.
    People Like Pointman, Lin, Gene, Dred, and everybody else. We all know who we are. But what I'm most curious about, as you know, is who are all these other readers? And why doesn't hardly anybody out of the 65 people not have a thing to say.
    Nothing? Really? Wow!
    Is it the stigma of being involved in a authentic phenomenon? Are some 11ers so caught up in the hype of the cyber boogieman that their are afraid to come out of the closet, so to speak? What is it?
    Really everybody?
     Hey? Guess what? I'm not crazy nor am I afraid of reality. I don't know what to make of 11 after the hour anymore. Don't know what to think of the other 11s I see as they present themselves through out the day either. I've put my true identity out before God and everybody else here, and nobody has caused me any grief. And I'm not expecting any. Some surely will think this kind of behavior, careless, but what I'm really trying to do is reach out, to you and others because of our inherent destiny of being who we are. People caught up in something we can't explain, just like the people in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
 If you remember there were a group of people who all had the same cosmic message that none of them could first. Some people drew pictures of the Devils Tower in Wyoming, for non apparent reason, and the character who Richard Dreyfus played, the guy who shoveled dirt into the kitchen window so he could make a smaller, scale vision of Devils Tower in the living room for the same non apparent reason.
    Up to a certain point all of those people looked like authentic crazy people, and I see where you're coming from, and I don't want to be locked up in the loony bin either. I want to spend the last years of my life like all other Americans; under bridge in a cardboard box, shivering in the cold. I deserve what I've earned over a life time of labor and I expect to get what I have coming. I already have my bridge all picked out! (I sure hope you guys have a sense of humor)
    But back to what I was pointing out. the people in close encounters looked like lunatics, but in reality they were drawn to something that served some sort of purpose. If you remember near the end of the movie a spaceship came down at Devils Tower, dropped off a bunch of abductees and took on a new set of human passengers/subjects/crew members. However you want to categorize them. See the relationship?
   Look you guys, I'm just trying to drum up some business. trying to get the blood flowing. trying to get some of you out of your coma. Get it? Nobody wants to say much anymore and I find it easy to let go and level with you. I don't have a problem speaking up. I think the answer is out there and I think the only way to figure it out is to talk, openly, about what we are a part of, like it or not. Personally I love an adventure and at some point, like you did, we fell into step with the movement and again like it or not, you're a part of the ever expanding group of people who see the 11 prompt in a way that can't be mistaken with coincidence. It has to mean something, it's a weird thing this 11 business.
   My my my look at the time. I'm bushed again. Night night.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2014, 09:10:36 AM »
well the cool thing about sub topics (im sorry i didnt read the responses steve, its 8am, just woke, and i still feel like i got cobwebs on mah eyes!) is that it splits things into different topics that everyone can contribute to.

you can have one clickable link that leads to general 11phenom questions.  People that are trying to seek answers, ask their questions and get responses from many differnt people. that would be the one we currently have now.

One can be for Misc.  Events around the world or just any kind of story or experience that relate to 11's

another one could be for "Angels/Spirits in action"  Where people post experiences that they link to spiritual experiences, as well as possibly an actual "Spiritual" topic where people discuss topics and ideas on thinking the 11pheneom is a spiritual experience. 

As time goes by and more diverse ideas come about, you can tailor the topics and subtopics to your liking, adding more topic threads if they are needed. This will make newcomers feel more welcome as they can express their ideas from many different perspectives and angles ;) 

I think it wold work wonderfully


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2014, 01:20:53 PM »
Hello My 11er Family,

I will write more later on this ....I just want to add my two cents worth here......the people on this planet are scared to death between the violent global issues, health scares and the extreme weather we have been having.  So when people are scared they stick their heads in the sand......they don't want to deal with it.  So it is with the 11 scares the crap out of they experience it then want to deny it is happening to them and think it will go away.

But it doesn't go lingers shows up at weird times and it is truly baffling.  What we are trying to do in this forum is get people to open up about their experiences with number it 333 or 444 or 555.......I saw all of them today at different times including the 1111......who and what is trying to communicate?  Is it spirit?  If so what is it trying to tell us?  That is all we are trying to figure out.

Most of us on this forum are pretty normal everyday people.....I am a former sociology instructor....I have aMasters degree and analyze everything I see and/or experience......that's what I do....look at things from different perspectives.......if you do not share we cannot attempt to solve this puzzle.....simple as that.

11er Steve, Dred, Pointman etc....are correct....everyone should discuss what is going on so we can all come together as one.  There is nothing to fear here.....start a new topic if you like...respect everyone's opinion as we all have our own separate viewpoints....

So get your heads out of the more than ever we must come together to help heal this sick planet......come on let's do it.....everyone wake up........Shake it off.....let's do something........start by sharing.....I took the risk and told all of you about my experiences.....which have had a PROFOUND effect on me......there is more than meets the eye here....

More later,

Namaste and love to all,


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 12:09:19 PM »
   Well as of Monday morning we now have 98 views and 8 replies on the "Somebody say something" subject...and of course all responses come from the top tier of 11ers on this website and nobody else.
   Thank you Lin. Thank you Pointman. And just so you other top tier guys know, I'm not upset about not hearing from you. A lot of people have posted in the past, on other subjects and, for whatever reason I didn't respond. I'm not being sarcastic, I truly understand.
   Why wouldn't any of these other people have a thing to contribute?
   For me to suggest that these 11s come from another dimension is pretty outlandish and I might seem to come off as unbalanced, but I've got news for you! I'm not.
   To me that's the only other logical conclusion. 11s aren't being thrust at us by someone who has access to out clocks or our minds so for me these prompts have to come from somewhere else, another dimension. And I'll go out even further on the branch, I truly believe that this other intelligent dimension has found out how to communicate with us through the number 11 and that's the best it can do at this time. Once we are all faced with this prospect we all want to know what it means. And none of us can figure out the mystery and without any cooperation we never will and I'm about ready to fade away for good. It kind of feels like nobody cares and I think that picking up the prompts have some real meaning. I think the other top tier members here feel the same way and I always appreciate their input, even if I don't always agree.
   Since I feel that an intelligent force has, or is trying to communicate with us, I feel obligated to try to respond and just like every one else, I run smack into that brick wall, and yet, again there has to be a way over, under, around or through it.
   I've hit brick walls before, just not one this hard and I know one thing for sure. If you hit the wall and get knocked on your butt you can either sit there dumbfounded or get up and hit it again and again and again until you get results. And I'm sorry to say because there is so little input I have my doubts that we will ever understand this phenomenon.
   Looks like I'm on my own here...with my fellow top tier 11ers.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2014, 07:57:25 AM »
   Tuesday morning...109 views 9 replies-mostly mine and in the same breath thanks again to all of the top tier 11ers who replied too.
   I think it was Billy Idol who sung "I'm dancing with myself" I don't know why I bother...really.
   I suppose in part my theory of 11s being sent to us from another dimension is too far fetched for anyone to have much to say about it. Personally I can't see it any other way. These 11s we see aren't generated by humans so where else could they come from?
   Maybe some of the problem is that we all have our own slant on the phenomenon and sometimes I think that another persons ideas, well it can be difficult to get on board with what they are thinking. I guess that's why I feel like I'm dancing by myself.   
   I think the bottom line is so much like the deer and the biologist story I've told. We've been tagged and no matter who you are there is no escaping it and I don't think we will ever know why because this other dimension cannot communicate with us because of this language barrier.
   One thing is for sure, problems never get resolved by sitting around and doing nothing about them. That's why I don't like the idea of so many people reading our posts and then never contributing. Additionally people like me will eventually stop contributing as well. With such a lack of cooperation I wonder why I even bother. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2014, 03:00:32 PM »
Hello All,

I have to admit, I have not been on the forum for awhile......Why? I really can't answer, but it may be that the 11 prompts have not been that frequent for me lately or when they do occur I have not felt the same comfort that I have in the past. I really do MISS that comfort and feel like I am forcing the 11 prompts sometimes??? Not sure really, but it's interesting that I am logging back in now looking for the answers that we all seem to be searching for.....



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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2014, 10:42:37 PM »
YAHOO Thank you Scloud11.
See how easy it is people?
I don't know what got into me this weekend. I just felt like mixing it up with you all, even the mute ones, to get some dialog going and seeing that I'm all rested up I'm really ready to rock! In other words I'm not letting up on the subject. I think as in life in general and in the world of being an 11er you can either lead, follow or get out of the way.
I like being very honest with everyone in every facet of my life. I insist on being honest, so I'm going to say something that may sound conceited , but that just isn't so. I'm very proud to be in the top tier on There are just a few of us, and I wish there were more. I fashioned the phrase top tier this past weekend and if you come here almost daily you know who we are.
I really hope that you understand that I am not being pompous. The top tier people are leading the way, appreciate what they have to say or not, nothing's going to change if the majority remain silent.
What's that you say? Nothing! That's just got to stop. All of the top tier people here are all very up front even if we go by user names and secret passwords.
I'm Steve Casagranda and I live in Portland Oregon and I'm not the least bit apprehensive about being so open about it. Right in your face world! You can contact me here through email if you would like 11ers, lurkers or the silent.
Other top tier members are contactable through email via too.
Some or all may want to remain anonymous and I understand why. I'm in a slightly different position by authoring Sherpa and using my real name. But again I have nothing to fear.
Others and I have repeatedly gone out on a limb and have told stories, relayed unfathomable stories and to some degree, poured out hearts out for a long time, years, and over the past few months it's gone almost completely silent. Really? Nothing!
Lin is a top tier member. That girl found us,logged on and has contributed over and over. She is a true 11er, did you see her post time when she posted the other day? Adds up to 11! You cant fix that kind of thing. I saw a photo she took and the sunbeams captured in the picture actually looked like an 11.
It would be great if some of the people in the past, like Mikehancho, would start to post. It's great to hear from Scloud11 again. Sup dude? And where's Angamie? I know Angel is looking in on occasion.
Sub topics were mentioned and I've got a couple of ideas. The Top Tier Club. By invitation only. This could be a separate place where we could kick around some ideas with out every lurker and mute breathing down out neck. Membership should be difficult to obtain.That's what the Hell's Angels do and for good reason. Yu don't want to let just anybody into the club! Right?
The other thing I think is past due is a place for photos. I'd like to put a name with a face. Or I have a few special photos from Yellowstone national Park and I think, just for giggles, that I, or we could circulate some photos, cartoons, whatever.
Bye for now. I have free eBook's available for anyone who wants one. I can send you the code via email.
I could really use the help as all of my royalties from my book Sherpa,go to Doernbechers Children's Hospital here in Portland and the other half goes to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis Tennessee.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2014, 09:50:29 AM »
Wow! now we have 145 views and 12 replies to my original post and 7 of the replies are mine!
Again, thanks to everybody who replied. And here's where it gets weird for me. With 145 views, this is where the number of views will continue to grow and I would think that all of the future viewers would be new viewers. I think all of the top tier 11ers have read these posts and I don't think there are a lot of people who come here and re read these posts, so there are a lot of looky-loos.
Maybe the way to get some dialog going would be to continue to ask questions.
   I do believe that these 11 prompts come from another dimension. And because I believe in exploring all options, that would include some very far fetched ideas.
   In the past few years I've really enjoyed the DVD series Ancient Aliens which was broadcast on the History channel. If you watch the whole series there are some topics brought up and I think even some of the spokespeople had a hard time buying into. And then there are parts of the series that make a whole lot of sense, like how did people thousands of years ago move such massive stone blocks. And I'm not talking about just the pyramids in Egypt. There are several places around the world where ancient civilizations have measured, cut, moved and placed stone blocks that in some circumstances would be very difficult for people to maneuver today even with modern equipment.
   Sometimes I spend too much time thinking into things but I'm going to reveal a thought to you all in an effort to, hopefully, convince you that I am somewhat intelligent, and not a nut case.
   Ready? Here goes. I think ancient structures were built of massive blocks, not so much for their construction, but to keep the structures from ever being dismantled. I mean who would go to all that much trouble? Well in centuries past, vandals have removed almost all of the casing stones that once covered the 3 pyramids in Giza, Egypt. And there are other places on the pyramids where people have pried and tumbled some of the stones. Most notably at the very top, and some of the corner stones are missing too. So, someone, sometime, tried in vein to tear down the pyramids. What a bunch of knuckleheads. I can envision a group of men with iron pry bars toiling in the hot sun, and after toppling a couple of stones after hours and hours of hard work they come to the conclusion that this is a complete waste of time and effort.
   That probably happened at a time of lawlessness and now the Egyptian caretakers practically don't allow anybody to get anywhere near the pyramids.
   So I believe that the pyramids were made of massive blocks of stone so they couldn't be dismantled, and I think that is because the pyramids are a tool of some kind, or a piece of equipment that can/ will/ should be used for some purpose in the future. They were built centuries ago and they were meant to be permanent structures built for a purpose. 
   In the past the human being had abilities and knowledge that we no longer possess. It seems as the human being advances we have become more lame than we have intelligent.
   Another DVD I love is The Mystery of Chaco Canyon. Centuries ago, an ancient culture of human beings had unbelievable astronomical abilities. They knew all kinds of things about the moon and the stars. They knew that the moon followed an eighteen and a half year cycle. They knew the exact moment of both the winter and summer solstice, and built walls and buildings in line with certain directions for certain purposes, but nobody now, knows why. These civilizations had a knowledge that has been long gone, or maybe I should say probably extinct. And what a shame. There was some kind of a connection to those ancient people and the cosmos, and that connection may still be intact but it might be only a trace of what it once was.
   When you watch these videos you cant help but think that the people in these ancient civilizations were in a way, more advanced than we are today. They didn't have electronic technology to map the skies, the stars and the moon. They used their minds and/or possibly they had some help from...other places in the cosmos.
   Either way I think you'd have to agree that many civilizations around the planet, in history past, were more in tune with the experience of being human than we are today. And again, what a shame.
   So my question is; Could the 11s we see on a regular basis come from somewhere in the universe? From a different life form.
I have always felt that 11 after that hour is a communication. I also have felt that seeing 11s, like I do, is a symbol of achievement. Its been considered a sign of awakening by many members here and I concur.
   Could seeing 11s like we do be a communication from somewhere in the cosmos? If it were, it would fall inline with what I've been talking about. That whoever is sending the communications cannot speak any human dialect, so it has figured out only how to communicate with us by sending, and us picking up on, 11.
   I know this may sound nuts and I'm sure some of the 145 viewers are having the time of their lives reading all about what the crackpots have to say, but I yam who I yam, 11erSteve


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2014, 10:55:47 AM »
   190 views!  (Insert the sound of a single cricket chirping in silence here.)
   It's football season and I think it's customary for someone to pick up the ball and run with it, so I am. I feel like I have my own column in an unusual newspaper. The subscription numbers are low but I'm doing everything I can think of to boost the ratings and build on what we have.
   I do like to investigate and I noticed that a member, who used to post, had logged in yesterday. I was expecting to see a new post, from that person, but nothing. It's cool. I checked in on occasion yesterday just to see how many people would be online.
   About 45 people read the latest post yesterday and at some point it will be like my other topic, Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff. As of today there have been more than 950 views yet we only have 600 members. (Insert the sound of a single cricket chirping in silence here!)
   I brought up the idea that the 11s we see so frequently are some sort of communication, sent from who know where, and we pick it up for some reason. Yesterday I brought up a few things like civilizations in the past who appear to be more advanced than we are today.
   I also mentioned why I think the pyramids in Egypt were made with such massive stones, to keep them from being dismantled. And that's an original idea, not something I've read about or have seen on a documentary. Building those structures with massive blocks would assure that, for the most part, they would remain intact, just like they have, even through times when we humans behaved in more primitive ways than we currently do.
   Why were the people who lived centuries ago in the Chaco Canyon area so in tune with the cosmos? Because they had nothing else to do? Of course not. There was a connection between human beings and the, unknown and explainable, cosmos. I don't think anyone can argue with that.   
   I mentioned alien intelligence in yesterdays post as one of a gazillion possibilities of why we see so many 11s, and its not because I'm unbalanced.
   I have never seen a UFO nor have I ever been abducted by Aliens from outer space. However I do believe that there are intelligent beings in other places in the universe. I'd venture to say that there must be tens if not hundreds of thousands of unique, advanced alien life forms in our endless universe and I doubt that any of them speak a human dialect, however I could be wrong about that.
   I didn't bring up all of these subjects because I'm off my rocker, I brought them up for just the opposite reason; to make the case that I'm not an unbalanced person. I mean really, I can take the criticism. I see 11 minutes after the hour on a regular basis but when I post, do I sound irrational? I think I'm a regular Joe and I have to ask, are my observations way off base? I don't think so.
   I think the idea of using massive stone blocks to keep the pyramids from being dismantled is a valid argument.
   I've put my best foot forward and like I said a couple of days ago, I'm all rested up and ready to rock.
   I've picked up the ball and I'm running with it. I'm blowing cigar smoke in your face again. The reason I have posted what I've posted so far is to get the crickets to pipe down, and that will happen when anybody wants to chime in.
   The only way to make our way out of the darkness is to take one careful step after another. I don't know where I'm going with this thought but I'm not sitting around in the dark anymore. Lead, follow or get out of the way.
   I'm throwing out ideas, reasonable or not, because the only way to resolve the puzzle is to do something, anything about it. It's better to initially go in the wrong direction than it is to remain stationary. I may not know where I'm going, but at least I'm making progress.
   Metaphorically speaking, trying to unlock the mystery of seeing 11s, could be like looking at a sink of dirty dishes. If you want things cleared up, it doesn't matter where you begin as long as you get started.
   That's all I'm trying to do here, is to get something started. I think someone should ask questions, throw out some thoughts and ideas, mix it up a little. So I have a few more questions.
   I see 11 after on clocks more than anything else, is it that way for you? I see them mostly on my kitchen stove, a lot of the time it's first thing I see in the morning, like 3:11, 5:11 and so on. The other place I see a lot of 11s is on my computer monitor, and you guys know how small that clock is.
   One day last week I saw 11 after the hour 5 times, the next day I saw it twice, and the following day, just once. For a little while I thought I might be seeing 4:44 on a regular basis but I don't.
   Also, there are very few days in the past 4 years when I didn't see 11 after the hour. Usually when I'm outdoors all day, I don't wear a watch.
   Is it that way for you guys too? It's pretty much everyday for me. For a long time I'd see 11 after the hour twice a day. There have been two times when I've seen it 8 times in a day, and now its not unusual to see it 3 to 5 times a day, almost every day.  It's almost every day, and usually multiple times. Is it that way for you guys too or do you go for periods when you don't see it?
   Does anybody have anything to say or do the crickets rule? 11erSteve