Author Topic: Somebody say something  (Read 27128 times)


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2014, 01:11:00 PM »
I'm back......

Could we be over analyzing this 11 prompt thing???? No disrespect, but sometimes I feel like we just need to relax and be patient with the prompts. I mentioned that I had not been receiving the prompts very much lately, but since logging back in they seem to have picked up again (or maybe I am being more aware?) Either way, I am sensing that we just need to be quiet in that moment, reflect and JUST BE. This is just my take currently, but I am always open to others views!

Have a PEACEFUL day.....Scloud11


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2014, 01:12:11 PM »
P.S  ;) I noticed my post was at 1:11 and my last post was number 11.....




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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2014, 06:11:12 PM »
   225 views and pretty much crickets.
   Should anybody want to, they could start their own subject on something but I just don't feel like folding anytime soon.
   I wonder how many viewers are coming back daily to see how the saga unfolds.
   I can tell you from experience that picking up the ball and running with it is a lot of fun when there isn't any resistance.
   I really thought that asking where you guys thought the 11s come from would get some dialog going but nada.
   I thought throwing out the idea of intelligent ancient civilizations having a connection with the cosmos in some way would get people talking but nothing, just the crickets chirping in silence.
   It was the same reaction to my thoughts on aliens from outer space. Crickets in space.
   Figured if I trotted out the idea about the pyramids being built with massive stones so that they couldn't be dismantled might get something going...but nothing. Nobody's even calling me bad names like %&@#(^%  and  &*($%^^&@# !
   Remaining in the darkness doesn't appeal to me, I'd rather try to find my way out even if, initially, I don't go in the right direction. Have any of you used a GPS device and have it say, "Make your next legal U-turn!" Even if you went in the wrong direction initially, it doesn't mean you cant ever get back on track. As a group, we are going nowhere fast and again, (and I'm sorry if you're getting tired of hearing it,) either lead, follow or get out of the way. We should be on track but we aren't.
   I asked yesterday if other 11ers saw 11 after on clocks more than anywhere else and how frequently. And do you miss days?
I'm just curious.
  Once I was watching a movie in a room with no clock and got this very odd feeling. It was so intense that I wondered what was happening. I wondered if it had anything to do with the 11s and I rolled my chair back so I could see the clock in the other room and it was 8:11 am. That's a true story. It happened another time too.
   What's your weird story? Can you post at particular times here or is that just a fluke? Just asking, 11erSteve


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2014, 06:14:09 PM »
Turns out you can but I CAST NO DOUBT ON ANYBODY. 11erSteve
EPT Estimated post Time 3:14:11 Pacific


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2014, 11:11:11 AM »
   260 views and nada.
   Really you guys, nothing?
   The majority of you speak English don't you?
   With nothing to say would it be fair to call it a dead subject? Nobody has any curiosity? Nobody cooperates...much. And I'm not scolding anyone, I'm just sayin'.
   I see 11s in all kinds of places. I was downtown and I was walking across that street and out of he corner of my eye I saw the number 11 on the pedestrian cross-walk. As the timer was counting down I just happened to catch the 11 , which was there for only one second. That's always more than enough time to see it if you are one of the people who witness the phenomenon.
   the other place I see it most is when I watch videos. There is a timeline associated with videos and you can fast forward or back up the video as you wish. I often put my cursor right in an 11 number, like 1:11, a minute and 11 seconds. That happens like it on clocks for me. It happens more times than could be considered coincidence. Isn't that how it happens for you too?
   The other thing is the post times here. It an be fixed so it looks like one posted right at a certain time. I know for a fact that a lot of 11ers have posted at whatever time they post and get those unusual post times that add up to 11 or are somehow connected with that number.
I am not calling anyone a fake. Not at all. I'm just answering my own question, "Can the time be rigged?" I brought up some time in the past.
Say something somebody. 11erSteve
I'll be trying to post right at 11:11:11


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2014, 10:46:31 PM »
   Thanks for chiming in Lin. Funny how another of your post times adds up to 11.
   I thought that having a way to process photographs was a good idea. I think videos would be awesome too. I could send in a short clip of me banging my head on my desk because there have been 312 views and little to no conversations!
   The government and the Vatican breathing down our necks? Maybe. I hadn't thought about the Vatican. Of the two I'm a little more apprehensive of the Vatican.
   The Vatican does have its own modern telescopes that are for the most part run by men of the cloth and as we all know they are pretty good at keeping secrets.
   As for the government eavesdropping on us, I doubt it. I have a feeling that there are better ways to spend the taxpayers money than to monitor what we have to say, besides after the past few months I'm sure we have bored them out of their minds. Either way I'm not in a twist about it because I could be an agent of the government or the Pope for all you know.
   The Vatican and probably all governments, have secrets and people are no different. Remember being he Pope I have to go by 11erSteve, I hate to lie but sometimes I have no choice.
   Here's a new thought I have about being an 11er. What if all we are experiencing is something like a dog whistle! What if digital clocks make barely audible sounds that we hear like a dog hears a dog whistle? (Oh please, I know just how odd that one sounded, I wrote it.) But what if two ones together make up a certain ever so slightly louder tone and we respond by making the visual connection. I know, nuts huh? This is why people keep secrets huh? So yes, Lin, you're right, when we figure this one out we may want to keep it to ourselves. Especially if it's nothing more than hearing barely audible tones. The government and the Vatican both have access to YouTube and I don't want to be publicly humiliated. I can do that all by myself.
   Do I think that that barely audible tones are a plausible explanation? Absolutely not, but I'll throw it out there because no one has anything to add to the mix.
  Seriously, I don't know what to think about being an 11er. For me it's everyday and I've been seeing 11 minutes after the hour for way too long now and I'm tired of sitting around in the dark. I want to get busy doing something because I've had enough being stationary. Lead, follow or get out of the way. One way or another I'm moving along, with or without you guys.
 The Pope
aka 11erSteve


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2014, 12:10:35 AM »
I have a hard time sharing this and have been keeping it to myself for about a week now.  I had a hallucinogenic experience from smoking some Cannibis recently.  Which was extremely abnormal to say the least this is not he standard effect from smoking, and it only happened this once, I wasn't able to repeat the experience.  As I've stated in previous posts I've had a sudden lifestyle change about 9 months back and completely changed my diet lost a bunch of weight, part of the reason behind this was I was trying to decalcify my pineal gland because I live in a state that has flouridated water and I had read up on how flouride caclify's your pineal gland so it doesn't work.  Well I think it worked I think because sometimes I can feel a little pulsing sensation at where my third eye would be located.  Now back to last week, I got some smoke and hadn't had any for a 2-3 months so my system was also cleaned out of that, and yes it hit me like a train to say the least.  I discussed this experience with a friend and they think it happend because I had completely cleaned up and then tried smoking out.

I was seeing aura's, I also was seeing tons of little life forces in all objects around me, even what appeared at one point like triangle shaped entities or it could of just a distortion in my vision that appeared to have shapes I wasn't sure what I was perceiving.  During this state which seemed to last about an hour or so, my music that I was listening to seemed to sort of communicate with me.  My dancing felt smoother as well, but then I noticed that I really didn't want to dance because reaming extremely still seemed to enhance the visual.   So I sat down in meditative position and just perceived and this was where i started seeing all the shapes and life forces. 

As well I had an idea about the 11's while durring this state.  Not to say this is right because I was in an altered state of mind, but it seemed to make some sense.  What my theory was what if the 11's are a sign that our life is being guided.  How I cam to this conclusion I know someone who is very close to me and is psychic.  They can tell me things will happen, and then they do.  So I have known for a while regardless of the choices I make in life I am still lead by fate.  Now this is what got me thinking how could ones life be ruled by fate, we have free will doesn't that throw fate right out the window?  Because you take the least path of resistance in your life.  You follow the 1.  The 1 will turn your life upside down to get you on track.  Such as what bridge is going through, as he has stated his life has a number of problems but things have had a way of working out for him.  He is following the least path of resistance.  This is the only way I can think of explaining how fate works.

You brought up the Vatican Lin  hmm why would a religious figure care if we were able to use a plant to perceive what might possibly be the other side?

Steve you brought up the tones, I don't know about the rest of you but I often get a tinitis like ear ringing that comes and goes which I also think is a part of the awakening process, I've read about it on blogs and other sites that the ear ringing could be another side affect of the awakening.  So does anyone else ever hear the ringing or is it just me?


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2014, 01:28:46 AM »
   Hey Dred, how are you doing. it's good to hear rom you.
   There's a lot to be said about marijuana. Why does it work on us like it does. I have always found it absurd to have made a plant, a part of nature, illegal. The times they are a changing. It will probably be legal here in Oregon soon and I'm not so sure how I feel about that.
   several months ago I had a Netflix account and there was a documentary on a guy who saw really strange things and he tried all kinds of things to get a handle on it like therapy, Psychics, meditation. ancient (Indian) cures and on and on. Nothing. he just kind of lives in his own little world and there is no explaining it.
   Every time I see 11 I can't help but think that I'm being watched over, kind of like a guardian angel.  That's what I thought when I saw 11 on the pedestrian cross walk signal. I see 11s as a signal, a message and/or a communication. And yes Dred, I think life is mostly destiny. Free will or not I have found that there is little I can do to direct anything.
   Psychics? I have only spoken to one in my whole life and some of what she told me were statements that were sort of in general and I enjoyed the experience but what flipped my lid was when she asked me, "You live in a big house don't you?"
   Well seeing that my last name is Casagranda... Italian for "Big House", I was floored because I do, sort of, live within myself. Coincidence? I think not. Somehow she knew something about me that she would have no business knowing.
   I think it's fair to say that we live in a world where anything can happen and there are weird lot of odd things happening to a lot of people.
   I did bring up tones. I know how off the handle that sounds but...we live in a world where anything can happen. Bridge66, Lin, Pointman19 and Harry Whitewolf all say they see multiples of 11 such as 3:33 4:44 and so on. If barely audible tones are the culprit (and I don't believe that they are) then the tone would be tripled at these times and maybe that's where they're coming from and why they are being picked up.
   And last but not least I have ringing in my ears too but that might be from a Motly Crue concert I attended years ago. To be honest I get those (tinnitus) ringing sounds a lot. I had one just yesterday starting in my left ear and a moment later in the other ear a different tone. The second tone changed pitch and went away. I can't help feel that all this is connected too.
   Great hearing from you Dred, and Lin. The Pope!


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2014, 03:11:13 AM »
I'm doing quite well actually besides the fact I had a completely mind altering experience recently.  My life is playing right into fate as my friend has somewhat shown me.  Work is steady, and more odd coincidences falling  in to place in my life that just make me shake my head amazed.  Leaving me to believe something might be steering this ship besides me.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2014, 11:11:11 AM »
   It's good to hear from people, my desk and forehead need a break. Don't worry about the desk, it'll be fine.
   343 views and at least some chat.
   Lin brought up the possibility of the government and or the Vatican keeping an eye on us. Anything is possible but I have my doubts.
   There are some things you can observe from this end if you can be open minded.
   When I started "Sorting the Wheat From The Chaff", I kept daily statistics for about a month to see how many people reacted to it, both in views and replies. I was more interested in the views because as you all know I'm curious as to who's reading our stories.
   I don't have the statistics anymore but I remember that there were enough views the first day to feel as though all of the top tier people here read the post. there were about the same number the next day and the day after. It tapers off after a while but about ten days after I posted there were a flood of views, going from 6 or 8 a day to over 20, then back to the usual 6 to 8 times in the days to follow.
   About a week after I posted "Sorting the Wheat" Lin began a new subject "Please Participate With Us." so I started keeping statistics on her column too. She had almost identical results including a flurry of views about ten days into it. Very strange, but that's not all. Sometime in the third week I got another flurry of views and the same thing happened on Lin's column about three weeks in.
   I cant help but think that someone somewhere is reading our posts and possibly sending a group email to others, alerting them to catch up on the latest gossip.
   Well here's todays dish. I saw 11 after the hour 3 times yesterday and two out of three times I was finishing something. I've mentioned this in the past. I am often starting or stopping something at 11 after the hour. Yesterday I was watching some lava flow videos on YouTube and when I had seen enough I went to click it off and noticed it was 11 after. That little red button in the upper right hand corner is right near the clock on my monitor and my eyes went right to it at 11 after.
   For some reason we all are in tune with this phenomenon yet none of us possess any special abilities. I wish I could levitate something but I'm just like everyone else, just a regular guy.
   It's too bad that this isn't as easy for us as it was for those people in Close Encounters of The Third Kind. They drew pictures of the Devils tower in Wyoming and Richard Dryfus' character shoveled dirt into his living room so he could make a scale model of it. Eventually a lot of them ended up in Wyoming and you know how that movie ended.
   I hope we figure out this phenomenon, which can only be done if we put our heads together. There is power in numbers people,in more ways than one!
   Estimated Post Time 11:11:11


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2014, 10:01:18 AM »
   Over the weekend the views on this subject has risen to 398 and still no communication, no jibber-jabber, no nothing.
   Instead of banging my head on the desk I think I'll just sit here and contemplate and wonder who all these readers are?
   Mostly people who are experiencing the 11 phenomenon I would think but there have to be others. Some of those people could be people that have stumbled upon this website and tune in on occasion for the drama. There could be observers from anywhere you can think of too. Like the Vatican, (any) government, and aliens from outer space.
   As for the number of views, 398, doesn't accurately reflect the true numbers. Some people must have read my posts once and moved on. Some of the same people could be repeat readers and/or return readers, checking in daily. If that is so there are more people reading our posts than there are top tier people. So who are the rest? And how come nobody speaks up?
   This is why sometimes I feel that the true number of 11ers is really much smaller than we think.
   I suppose that people are busy with life and don't want to bother with posting and that's too bad. I really intended to get something going with you all....................................but nothing.
   I can always think of something to write about but without any input, why bother?  It's like having a radio talk show and no callers. I've been trying to make the phones light up....but nothing and I'm thinking this might as well be a dead subject.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2014, 04:08:12 AM »
Yup Steve we've attacked almost all angles of this topic with almost no outside input.  As I stated in the other post this isn't a tabloid for entertainment, and it's really starting to get that feeling without others input.  For all we know we could be getting snooped on to make sure we aren't a threat or to use as evidence against us if they disagree with our beliefs.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2014, 10:14:46 AM »
Well 11ers i have not said much latley because usually my news is not that good.But latley the 11s have been killing me,in other words every time i look at the clock i see the famous 11s,more now than in the past 6mos,every time i see them i say good luck 11 today,the home life has gotten a little better which is a very good thing,also watched the video Lin put up,and i have to say i could not have said it better my self.This woman could not be any closer to the truth to whats happening around us,but i still have to say all my mistakes are still haunting me every day something new that i did comes back like i had just done the wrong thing,im going back to when i was sitting in a high chair and getting somrthing dumprd on my head for not eating,mind you this was 63 years ago.Every day something from the past comes back some good some bad and always with the 11s proceeding the vision and always when on see the 11s in sequence 6:11 7:11 8:11 not always in that sequence but you get the idea,something is happening and i sure dont know what it is.Its like looking at a scanning machine that is showing your life to you like you will be going on a journey and need to remember these thins.There is definatley a reincarnation and it can be proved just bring up science of the soul.It was a documentary that showed a
kid very young that said he died previously in a plane crash in wwII and named the men he flew with and
his father looked up the ship he talked about and a sister who lived many states away and she had a book he kept talking about that she and her dead brother had known about.The family got a hold of the sister and this small child was right on the money where it was,there was no he could have known this,im just bringing this up to why im getting so many thoughts about the past,mostly its dachu or auschwich im not jewish but keep having visions about this,this whole documentary was about do we really have souls somehow the 11s have been much more noticible in the last 6 months something is coming and i know it has to do with all these 11s,well thats it for me today everybody have a good and
safe 11 day.
bridge66 8)


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2014, 08:53:16 PM »
Well 11ers i have not said much latley because usually my news is not that good.

Sadly, I am one of the ones who have been away, although I do glance at posts from time to time. I apologize to everyone. My life has been under siege from all sides by the evil forces of this world. I have just been trying to hang on from all the attacks. For those who don't believe in evil forces you won't understand. But I know Bridge and some others on here have had some terrible times and I am sure others who don't come forward probably have too. On the other side there are those who have the opposite kind of experiences/luck. Some have been on both sides of the coin. I think part of that is that its another reminder that things are not random. The 11 phenomenon is not random as most people out there reading this know by now. Neither are our other experiences in life. But I promise I will do my best to not be away for such long periods. Putting other things as priorities have not worked out so I might as well try to go where I am led.
But latley the 11s have been killing me,in \ i still have to say all my mistakes are still haunting me every day something new that i did comes back like....

Its like looking at a scanning machine that is showing your life to you like you will be going on a journey and need to remember these thins.

It is interesting because I have had the same type of thing going on where all kinds of things from the past are coming to my memory. Often very little things, but often reminders of past errors. Even some things from way back such as thinking about some old friends from school and wondering if I hurt their feelings unknowingly by razzing them like so many kids do. I am thinking of friends so I assume it wasn't too bad, but at that age you don't think about how people have certain complexes such as being nerdy and such. When they hear it from a lot of people it probably isn't funny even though they are laughing. Some of the things are also from how I didn't have a very good upbringing. Some of those memories have been fresh lately.


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Re: Somebody say something
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2014, 09:21:10 PM »
Yup Steve we've attacked almost all angles of this topic with almost no outside input.  As I stated in the other post this isn't a tabloid for entertainment, and it's really starting to get that feeling without others input.  For all we know we could be getting snooped on to make sure we aren't a threat or to use as evidence against us if they disagree with our beliefs.

I doubt anyone is snooping on us. Maybe on me wondering why my tax returns have gotten so small. lol. :-\ But I think we encompass a somewhat wide range of beliefs, both political and religious. In fact, we might be the most independent group out there because of our open mindedness to the truth. Independent thinkers can be viewed as a threat, but we are not on the same frequency as those people. Even if we find out with full assurance the answers to this mystery only people like us who want the answers will believe it. Those people who do the spying are too busy thinking they are God to worry or believe we have become enlightened, in my opinion.