Author Topic: Decisions  (Read 5204 times)


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« on: May 20, 2017, 09:58:53 AM »
Hello everyone. Thanks for letting me be part of the 11ners. I'm glad that there others out there who experience the same phenomenon. I've been seeing a lot of 11:11 and combination of 1s for over a year and more recently the numbers show up more frequently throughout my day. I'm at the phase in my life where there could be a big transition in my relationship. I've been married to my husband for 4 years and have been in a relationship for 7 years. I have a 2 year old son. Since my son was born, I've begun to lose connection with my husband. I've found that we have very little in common and I cannot share my feelings with him. I have also experienced or discovered this spiritual path that I'm on. I feel disconnected from the social norm in general. I've lost interests in things that would normally excite me. I feel like I need a lot of alone time and solitude to feel grounded. I feel that my husband and I are from different planes. We've stoped talking for 6 months and I finally told him that I wanted to separate. Now my husband is wanting things to workout. He wants us to see couple counseling. I agreed to it only because I wanted us to try everything first. Deep in my heart, I have the feeling that it wouldn't matter much. The only thing that concern me the most is my son's happiness. I want him to be happy and be loved and not have to feel lacking in anyway. I keep asking God and the universe to give my a sign of what I'm doing is right and the path I'm about to embark is the right one and then I keep seeing the number 11s. I would like to ask for others' opinions in this matter. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.


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Re: Decisions
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2017, 03:02:28 AM »
I keep asking God and the universe to give my a sign of what I'm doing is right and the path I'm about to embark is the right one and then I keep seeing the number 11s. I would like to ask for others' opinions in this matter. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.

Welcome to the group! Sorry to hear you are going through these things. Of course, there is no way I can tell you if what you are thinking would be the right or wrong decision. But I think just about all of us can relate to asking for a sign and those of us experiencing these repeating numbers and patterns are given these signs regularly. The question is whether the sign is saying that you should make the decision you are thinking of making or whether it is just letting you know that things are going to get better as you suffer through this. I suspect you will ultimately make the right decision, whichever it is, and that things will become much better. The great thing about these signs are that you will keep getting them. So pay attention to how they make you feel and what you are thinking as you keep getting them. I know I have come to very often see them as telling me that things that I am going through are going to get better. And in a big way. A lot of of these things I have been going through still remain, but I don't know where I would be with everything that has happened without the frequent reassurances. I haven't gotten a lot of clear direction other than don't give up hope because they are going to pass. It seems clear enough through this and other things that there are powers that can make it happen. So when they communicate with us it seems positive and hopeful. I know a lot of people will be praying for you as they read your post, including myself.


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Re: Decisions
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2017, 07:36:47 AM »
Hello everyone. Thanks for letting me be part of the 11ners. I'm glad that there others out there who experience the same phenomenon. I've been seeing a lot of 11:11 and combination of 1s for over a year and more recently the numbers show up more frequently throughout my day. I'm at the phase in my life where there could be a big transition in my relationship. I've been married to my husband for 4 years and have been in a relationship for 7 years. I have a 2 year old son. Since my son was born, I've begun to lose connection with my husband. I've found that we have very little in common and I cannot share my feelings with him. I have also experienced or discovered this spiritual path that I'm on. I feel disconnected from the social norm in general. I've lost interests in things that would normally excite me. I feel like I need a lot of alone time and solitude to feel grounded. I feel that my husband and I are from different planes. We've stoped talking for 6 months and I finally told him that I wanted to separate. Now my husband is wanting things to workout. He wants us to see couple counseling. I agreed to it only because I wanted us to try everything first. Deep in my heart, I have the feeling that it wouldn't matter much. The only thing that concern me the most is my son's happiness. I want him to be happy and be loved and not have to feel lacking in anyway. I keep asking God and the universe to give my a sign of what I'm doing is right and the path I'm about to embark is the right one and then I keep seeing the number 11s. I would like to ask for others' opinions in this matter. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Katen11,

Sorry to hear about your situation. I found myself thinking the same way, the solitude, the need to be away from the city & the burgeoning responsibilities. I've actually been noticing this in a lot of my family. A lot of the ones who were spiritual while we were growing up seem very lost now. I tried to separate myself but I find that I do have to stick around to take care of the family, but I can see how confused they are in what is happening in the world around them.
I find that I find myself sitting on the fence more, enjoying the calm and certainty of indecision, always standing on a fork in the road.
( )
I would like to blame it all on the loss of the 'family' orientated communities but the truth is, a lot of us after the turn of the century, i've noticed, have become very selfish as a generalization.
I'd like to share with you a poem from an old Indian poet, its a translation so the wordplay is absent;

I now have the essence but no one to share,
I have seen the people, the family, and I cannot reach them, I'm only able to talk with the essence,
Those who converse with the essence have no prestige in presence of the worldly people,  or the family,
Worldly people bound to their ideas incite oppression in me,
The essence has allowed me to sift through the rough to find the fine,
The land has offered the plant, to be one with the land,
Come what may.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 07:42:23 AM by OneandOne »