Author Topic: Connections between us 11'ers  (Read 18362 times)


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Connections between us 11'ers
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:18:34 AM »
I'm new here and I must say how amazed I am about the amount of people going through the same experience - I myself have been victim/gifted with the number 11 since I was around 16 years old (I'm now 21) for the couple of years I noticed it I didn't really think too much Into it however for the last 6 months to a year it's been appearing a concerning amount of times throughout my day.
Here are a few examples I've remembered today:
- I arrive at the team station to go to work this morning at 11:11 the electronic display says my tram will arrive in 11 minutes. I arrive you work and pause the music on my iPhone as I won't able to use it whilst at work I don't notice anything till later when commuting home and notice the song was paused at 11 seconds into the song with 3 minutes 11 investigating further and remembering my attempts to lock my iPhone earlier in the day resulted in me screenshotting (as iPhone users probably know this happens a lot) and guess what time the song was paused.. You guessed it 12:11!
- During my lunch hour I Noticed my lunch cooking in the microwave had 11 seconds remaining before it was ready.
- I checked the time probably around 6 times today and on 4 occasions each off these times ended in 11.

There's so many examples I have from the past but I just don't feel these things are coincidence - I don't want to sound like a mental health patient but I do beleive there is something that connects us all to this number! 
I have a few questions regarding this so we can see if we're categorised by age and beliefs etc!

- I've noticed a lot of people mentioning how the appearance of the number 11 has grown a lot stronger recently! Does anyone share this opinion?

- I'm intreguied as to what peoples thoughts are to the world ending in the years to come? I personally have always felt the nagging feeling that the Mayan Calender may hold some truth to our future.

- what age are people who are experiencing this?

As I've stated I'm 21 I've now been experiencing this number jumping out at me for 5 years or so- I feel concerned that by us discussing this we may be ruining some plan.. But the number has started to make me worry and panick!
I don't want to get too carried away in Hollywood style theories but could we be part of something bigger? Are we chosen for something? If so- why us? 

The main thing which I have mentioned several times through this post is the concern that all of us are experiencing this number a lot more often just recently but none of us know why it's showing up more often than ever before 


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 11:05:12 PM »
Hi Stephen.   I only joined today as I have been saturated in these 11s (as has my former partner, now best friend in his life) for the past 3 years or so.    I thought to reply to you as I was also running for my tram today, which is normally 112, but was running a shorter 11 service, after I had come down from my flat in the lift and saw the only button lit up in the lift was for 11th floor with no-one in it!   I cannot even tell you how many other line-ups of 11 and combinations of 11 were in front of me all at the same time.  What I do seem to notice so far is that those of us seeing this phenomenon are perhaps more "spiritually awake" (or awakening) and are somehow aware that the world is changing on some deeper level.  I'm still trawling the internet for more guidance but I do believe it is the Universe/God/Angels..something Divine calling us to align our minds with better thoughts and beliefs, moving forward with faith.


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 08:03:55 AM »
I also am thinking that we are supposed to do something special, but have no idea what.  My empty enquiries have lead me to start reading the bible with a hope that there is some answers in it that will be obvious to only those who are trying to find the truth.  All our lives we are told to "live by the bible", and yet we don't really know what it says.  We hear sermons from many different people, but is it really what the bible is saying.  How do we know if a wrong interpretation has been made, if we don't read it ourselves and make our own judgements.  The whole world revolves around the bible, laws, beliefs, values, wars, so it makes sense to me that I should really know for myself what it says with my own two eyes. 
I am not a person that goes to church, but I do believe there is a lot more out there than what we can see with our own human eyes.  I guess this is what you call faith that there is something greater and better than this world out there.  We should all be realising this as we have all been lead by the number 11 and that is not of this world.
Reading the bible is mammoth task, and I am finding out many new things that I did not know was in the bible, and I am still only in the old testament.
It is also worrying to me; Am I being lead in the right direction? How can you tell what is the right way and what is the wrong way?


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 01:04:28 PM »
Well ive been having this same 11 experience for at least two years,at least half a dozen
times a day i see 6:11 7:11 and so on.sometimes on license plates etc etc.I have been trying
to talk to my angels,jesus and god and i am by no means any holy roller.It seems to me it started
at about the same time i tried getting a hold of my higher powers just to talk about life in general.
Coinincidence,im not so sure anymore,there has to be some kind of connection we are missing.I
asked my wife but she thinks im a little off if you know what i mean.Just putting in my thoughts and
hope somebody also reads this and maybe has the same feelings,really dont know what to say than that
for now.


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2012, 06:30:49 AM »
Hi gary.i dont know how many times youve been back to this site but i hope you get to read this. I feel too like we're missing something, i have a post on this site i hope youve read it, im looking for answers myself, i have a few theories too, i started seeing number 11:11 everywhere til it drove me to google looking for explanations, for years i saw it then a few years ago i started seeing double numbers like 02:20 or 21:12, i see more of 21:12 now than i see of 11:11 but i still see that too. About ten times a day i encounter double numbers, these are not coincidences, what is it that we are missing ?


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2012, 09:09:16 AM »
In response to your idea that the myan callander has an effect on on this phenomenon, could it be that all this is the sign to be aware that the callender is accurate, for example look at this:   add together these numbers : the winter soltice ,the allignment of the planets that are all part of this theory..
      12-21-2012   =  11       could the 11 be the sign to be aware of this event as the myans are predicting?
after all they invented the clock that we use today...... So in theory its a message that the time of awarenes is the winter soltice of 2012..... so be prepared RIGHT??


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2012, 06:27:27 AM »
Actually i did put 2 and 2 together and come up with that also (pardon the pun), you mean practically prepared dont you ? Cos i think mentally we are all prepared for something. Youd be a fool not to be !

Can i put this out there too ?

I wonder if anyone has had any weird dreams, or weird sensations/experiences or obe's just recently, or maybe go as far back as the new year ? would be interested to know ?


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2012, 08:15:57 AM »
I had a dream about a month ago that freaked me out.  I saw the valley that is the western side of Colorado collapse in a huge earthquake.  It was quite disturbing, but there were pinnacles left standing that were like life rafts and there were people standing on them. There were some other scary details that I don't want to remember.  I have never had a dream like this before.


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2012, 07:11:33 PM »
Are you aware that a Shift in human consciousness is occurring even as you read these words that employs celestial triggers such as supernovas and Earth's alignment with Galactic Center in the years leading up to 2012 to trigger the evolution of our species? This Shift has been documented in a stimulating multimedia presentation entitled “Preparing for the Shift,” by Barry and Janae Weinhold, Ph.D.s. Over decades devoted to the study of consciousness and evolution, the Weinholds, both trained psychologists, have gathered overwhelming evidence that humanity is in the middle of a long-awaited Shift in consciousness predicted in hundreds of indigenous cultures worldwide.

Today this Shift is visible nearly every time you open a newspaper or turn on the TV. It can be seen in the breakdown of many old structures such as those that underpin governments, churches and corporations, as well as in families and individuals. It is also evident in the ecological breakdown of numerous Earth systems, a widespread perception time is accelerating, drastic changes in weather patterns, more people feeling overwhelmed by modern life's complexity, and increased polarization between groups, religions, and regions. :o


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2012, 05:18:22 AM »
mikehancho11 can you add that message to my weird occurences post plz, think it will start peeps off.


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2012, 02:23:42 PM »
Angel i have beenreading up on a bunch of things about the 11s,i just saw a movie
called 11-11-11,chech it out if you can,it has a religious theme that might give you chills
but its worth the watch,i am also seeing the 11:12s and so on,looks like where getting on the same page
but i wouldnt be surprised if it is happening to a lot more people who have not brought it up.For some reason i keep going back to the rapture sought of happening,there is also a movie called knowing this
ya gotta see and all who are on this board,they use rocks and numberes instead of just 11s but same


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Re: Connections between us 11'ers
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2012, 05:19:34 AM »
Bridge i have seen that film i have quite a collection of similar films or weird films as i call them. Yes i agree with you since last on ere i read up about the rapture which i hadnt heard of before, look up Russell Boulding and read all you can about this guy and his organisation, its about the awakening. It explains lots of things which i have known to be true for a very long time now! I just never thought that anyone else has the same ideas as me let alone create an organisation all about channeling our energies towards a greater goal. The 11:11 is our awakening i believe, but it has served its purpose as all who have had it have been searching for a reason and we found each other and consequently lead us to the rapture, or healing earth ie; russell Boulding.  Anyway read what you find and let me know what you think! Something big is comming, I think this is what it is.