Author Topic: What does 11:11 mean to you, personally?  (Read 3641 times)


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What does 11:11 mean to you, personally?
« on: November 17, 2013, 08:24:43 PM »
Hey 11ers!  its been a minute since i started a new topic.

     i read something while i was over on the 1111 angels board that made a lot of sense about how we all expeirence the number sequences, but how it seems to differ in meaning from person to person.

Honestly, this response was probably one of the best i ever read so far.  Read this quote, and possibly, tell me your thoughts on it.

Have a good day, friends! 


Also I'd like to add my opinion on attempting to create a one-size-fits-all definition for what these number sequences mean. This is only my personal belief based on intuition and nothing more and it should be taken with a grain of salt. I've never known the best word to use to accurately describe these unseen forces which appear to be intervening helpfully in our daily lives with these coded messages. For my own purposes I tend to refer to them somewhat vaguely as entities. You may choose to call them angels, guides or midwayers etc. To each his/her own.

Anyhow, I don't believe that these ethereal entities are interested in telling us what to believe or imposing their views upon us. I believe they do however know exactly what we are thinking and they compose their messages to us accordingly. I believe that they customize their messages based on the personal beliefs of every individual. In other words, if you have a particular understanding of what 11:11 represents to you, stick to it. Even if it happens to run completely contrary to what others believe or what you have been previously told. These entities are sentient and appear to know the difference and as a result "they" will adapt their message to each individuals working beliefs. I repeat for emphasis. They appear to know what you know. But if you tend to become dubious in your interpretations and keep changing your mind about the definitions of these sequences you will only complicate matters for yourself and the entities involved.

Think of it like Morse code. The sender and receiver of these codes must be in constant agreement as to what the signals mean in order for the transmission of the message to be successfully communicated. If you keep changing your mind along the way the message will inevitably become lost in translation.


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Re: What does 11:11 mean to you, personally?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2013, 10:55:33 AM »
Hi just like to respond to the above text, how do you know they appear to know what we know ? what proof do you have ? I agree, these entities may be everywhere and as a spiritulist i know what i mean when i call them entities, these beings continue to do whatever theyre here for, feels like we re at bottom of a petri glass, do others feel like this too ?


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Re: What does 11:11 mean to you, personally?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2013, 11:53:59 AM »
I dont think i could have proof to something thats spiritual and based on faith.  But there are at times, what seems to me at least, that some of the prompts relate to some things i find very personal in my life. Certain dreams that can have profound meaning...yet i cant truly understand what im being told.

We may be specks in the grand cosmic scheme, but im not sure what you mean by being at the bottom of a petri glass. I have a couple of ideas, but could you expand on what your meaning?  I think were being guided, like...a path can be molded and shaped for us to go, i feel thats what the prompts are for. To remind us that were not alone and to kind of guide us on to what were thinking at that moment in time.  If i see numbers that repeat, such as say, 22, 33, 44. its like the calling card of a particular entity or spiritual gaurdian.

 But as creatures of free will, its up to the individual to decide where to go in life and what road to take when you reach that fork in the path

When i see them repeat such as 222 or 3333, thats when i would get a little confused, but i always had this gut instinct like it was some kind of message.  I tried googling things like numbers that repeat in a row in sets of 3 and even 4 at times and i think i found a link that kinda helped.

Other than that, all i can say so far, and ive done so much digging on this...that this could be something that is, indeed, spiritual.  Ive come across what i thought were many different theories, some way off, some just silly sounding...but thats what some people who newly start to expeirence things like these do to try and understand what and why this phenomenon is happening to them.  It starts with 11:11 or 1:11 as a wakeup call. Some people aknowledge it, some consider it further, but most try to brush it off as coincidence.  The people that truly want to try and understand are the ones that search for answers.  Its the answers that seem the most logical to yourself, because this journey is something to personal to everyone.