Author Topic: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening  (Read 21240 times)


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11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: June 03, 2014, 12:43:13 PM »

Special attention: Bridge and Anamie. I believe the 11:11 prompt is a positive thing.  You are surrounded by Spirit who loves you unconditionally.  We all go through rough times in our lives.  No one escapes.....keep a positive mindset.   If something isn't working for you CHANGE it.  That's what I do, I find a way to make it better.  If it means leaving an abusive relationship then do it.  Seeing 11:11 makes me happy...I always smile when I see it.  We are receiving a gift from Spirit....11:11 is telling you that you are not alone!

Please watch Simran Singh's You tube video...she is an amazing woman.  You will see how 11:11 helped her through difficult times.

The name of the video is Coversations with the can google her also....

Love to all 11ers,


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2014, 04:05:30 PM »
Hey all,
    I couldn't agree more with Lin. You really hit the nail on the head. If you read some of the posts in the past you will see that there are others who harbor that same uneasiness about 11s, but like you, Lin, I think its all about good things. This is a positive thing and I do very strongly believe in Source Energy and that this form of Energy is communicating with us, but what the message is remains unclear.
    I'm going to tell you all that the reason I wrote "Sorting the Wheat From the Chaff" is because I am curious to find out how many people are 11ers. The post was written so I could find out on a day to day basis, how many people were reading what was posted. Within 24 hours 9 people had read the post. The following day there were 15 hits, then 20 then 23 then 32 and so on.
   A week later Lin posted her first letter and I started to watch the results for her too. They were almost identical. 9 hits the first day then 14 and 21 and 28 and 38 and so on.
   About all I can glean from these numbers is that there (I think) is a solid group of 9 or 10 members that are active here everyday, and I'll bet I can name each of you.
    After that there seems to be a large number of (I'm going to say this politely) stragglers.  11ers who may not be so excited by the prospect anymore.
   For the first time I went to 11:11 Angles .com and there are a lot of members there too! I was surprised.
   This little experiment I conducted might not mean anything to anyone but me, however I'm curious about a lot of things concerning 11 after the hour and how many people are picking up on the prompts is one of them.
   I really do ask people to read some of the past posts. Way before I became a member people were suggesting that they get together and try to figure this 11 thing out. Then I came along and made the same request, then Lin came along making the same suggestion. It's the same at the other site too, and it didn't seem like they were making any more progress than we are.
   Funny how that is the natural next step to take. There are a lot of people who would like to figure this 11 thing out but I understand why a lot of people don't comment. What can you say after a while. We are a pretty diverse group so trying to find out what we all have in common could be very difficult. Anyone have any suggestions? Please post 'em. See ya later, 11erSteve


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2014, 04:38:27 PM »

I could not have said it any better than 11er Steve.  I believe the purpose of this forum is to come together and try to discover the mystery of the 11:11 prompt.  I know there are thousands of us out there.  And I also know, that we are special people.  Not everyone receives the prompt.  I found two other 11ers quite by accident while taking a class in Ayurveda.  I happened to mention that I was getting the prompts (because it was driving me crazy) and a woman in the class literally froze and said that she received the prompts too.  Her husband also receives the prompts.  We are now the best of friends.  We have so much in common, such as age, career choice, birthdays etc....that we could be twins.  I feel as though I have known her my entire life.  I think she is a member of my soul family.  Neither of us know why we get the prompts.  We both think that spirit is trying to guide us in some way.

So yes, like 11er Steve says......the 11:11 phenomenon is a good thing....positive, loving, and I think trying to get us all together as one.   Maybe, just maybe if we all came together......we could discover something great....or do something wonderful for the world.

So don't be afraid of's good.....all is well.....the Universe is truly trying to tell us something....let's listen...let's talk to each other......

Thank you 11er Steve for saying it like is is........



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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2014, 11:11:18 PM »
We're being guided by fate I think.   I don't know what else to say, but someone above is pulling strings for me in my life that is for sure.  Everything falls in place for me, my impeccable timing never quits, the prompts get more and more lately we are getting near a breaking point.  I've also had an awakening in taking care  of myself and lost about 80lbs weight over the last 5 months or so from 250+ down to 175, gone almost complete veggie as well.  There is a reason all this is happening at once, time is close my friends.  We are in interesting times.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2014, 02:17:45 PM »
I don't totally agree with fate.  If we are on a predetermined path and nothing can change that, then why do we still look both ways before crossing the road?  ;D

Congratulations on your life change, Dred!  I, too, guided by intuition, did a sudden life change and quit my job after four years. I've never felt better!

It's like the "spirit guides" present an opportunity, but it's up to us as creatures of free will if we take the opportunity that's been offered.  I've gone against the grain of logical life over the past few months, and everything has complety changed for me and it's been for the better, no regrets!

Dred, i dont think there is anyone pulling the strings, so to speak.  When it came to your weight loss after your awakening, who was it that decided to do that diet?  Who was it that maintained the discipline needed to stay on that path?   that was ALLLLLL you, buddy.

What it sounded like to me after i read your post, was that an opportunity was offered and the road forked two ways.  One way was your way...the other, a suggested path that would make your life better in the long run.  What did your free will choose?

be they small trails, or huge life changing paths...its up to us to follow the suggestions that will make us better people.  I truly think, Dred, that your being guided and your accepting and putting that guidance into practice in your life.  I hope you know your gaurdians smile down on you, for listening when many choose not to hear anything ;)


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 02:37:51 PM »

Greetings my fellow 11er's,

I have a story to tell you and I am hoping that this story will nudge other 11er's to share their experiences.  I think it is important that we all unite.....yes meet as ONE.  I reiterate....seeing the 11:11 prompts, 333, 444,555, 222 or whatever numbers you see on a regular basis is the UNIVERSE trying to get your attention.  Please participate with us on this forum. 

I told you in a previous post how my nephew whom I was worried sick about in Afghanistan called me at exactly 11:11 to tell me he was ok.  That was just one of many, many 11:11 situations...I have been woken up...literally shaken during a deep sleep only to look at the clock and see 11:11.  I see it on my odometer, store receipts.....the house I live in currently is the master number 22, 11+11.  I met a friend I call a sister in my soul family quite by accident by mentioning the 1111 prompt...This has been going on for quite some time....I found out about it by looking up the significance of the number of 11:11 on the Internet and it was then and only then did I know that others were experiencing it too.  I don't see it seems I see it only when there is something significant going on.  In fact, if you view my profile and I recently just discovered this....I became a member of this forum on March 29 at exactly 3:33.9 pm. Here we go again...the universe is giving me the ok to talk about this.

So here is the last story I will share with you.  We want to hear from you now.....

A few months ago I was house hunting with my husband and wasn't having much luck at all.  Everything we looked at was not up to our standards....and then one day my realtor,who has no idea I am an 11er sent me an email describing a house at 1111 Keyway Rd.  As you can imagine, I almost dropped my iPad as I was reading the description of the home.  What fascinated me the most was that the house address was 1111 KEYWAY.....catch that?   KEYWAY Rd. about blowing my mind?

We did not buy the was not what we were looking for......but the fact that the address was 1111 Keyway blew my mind.  My husband is not an 11r so he cannot understand how I feel when I see the prompt.  My 11:11 soul sister in Canada was also blown away by the address...

So is 11:11 a key to the spirit world?......what is it folks,...what are your thoughts?  We would love to hear from you on this forum...let's hear from you.....

Love to all 11er's


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2014, 05:30:23 PM »
Hello to everyone and thanks for accepting my forum request,

I too have been experiencing these 11 prompts for awhile, but more frequently for the past 2 years or so.  When they first began I always took them as a sign of blessing, good vibes, guardian angel, faith, etc. There are so MANY times the 11 prompts have just TOLD me everything would be okay that I can no longer deny them! My sense of peace and just allowing life to happen has improved greatly. I have tried to explain it to my family, but I too get the sideways look and smile like okay, whatever.....

My most recent example of the 11 prompt came this Saturday.  My husband and I were watching the Belmont Stakes to see if there would be a triple crown winner.  Now you must know I know NOTHING about horse racing....However, when Tonalist came on TV when they were loading the horses. I told my husband "That horse is gonna win.....he wore the number 11 and his odds were 11:1!! Of course, my husband just laughed at me!  SOMETHING just TOLD me he was gonna win!  I really didn't even pay attention to the race because I KNEW the outcome....CRAZY? My husband now listens a little more to my 11 prompts! LOL

My 11 prompts are spiritual, calming and reassuring ALWAYS...At first they were a little scary, but I have come to embrace them and say a prayer of thanksgiving anytime it happens....

I will leave you with this, when the 11 prompts really became significant is when I was on FB one day and this random passage was posted: Hebrews 11:1, Faith is the confidence that we hope for will actually happen. It gives us assurance about things we cannot see!

Peace and love to you all.....I am so happy I searched more about this and found a place that understands!



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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2014, 07:17:13 PM »
Hi Group!

I asked for a sign that I desperately needed and received it yesterday.....while on the road I saw a Virginia plate number with the first three letters being the nickname of the person I need to help and the last four digits?  Yep...1111. 

In my hotel room tonight and my room number?  Yep....111.

I received my sign....I need to help this person.   Coincidence?  No .....not even a little.  Spirit is acknowledging that I need to step in and help before something serious unfolds....I have learned to listen and pay attention.

Namaste and love to all 11er's,


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2014, 05:32:23 PM »
Hi all,
it's really lovely to see all the wonderful experiences that people are having and the decisions that we are making in life from our intuition are leading to great things. We have to spread this positive association to our loved ones, even if we fear ridicule. It's one of the things we must overcome I feel. We sometimes have to throw ourselves in the deep end and allow ourselves to be put down when we know that what we are doing is for everyone's benefit.

I have mentioned in a previous post, but will mention it again that I see 11 and other combinations all the time. Every morning I am greeting with 11 facebook notifications (I take a screen shot every time). I see it in the car on the way to work, I see it on number plates, I see it in posts I write, I see it every-friggin-where. I started seeing it more when I welcomed it a few months back. Although I have always seen them, the triggering incident was when my grandmother died and I met someone at the same time who was deeply involved in all of this (I didn't know at the time). I started reading more into our history as human being's on this planet, bloodlines, the occult, religions, ET's, spiritual awakenings, out of body experiences and near death experiences bla bla and I had this moment of realisation that it was all connected. The logical processes in my mind put the whole puzzle together, it was scary at first but then very enlightening, but there is still some work to do. Each day I get closer to the truth the more I see the numbers. After my moment of clarity I recognised my path and what these numbers were telling me and I literally said out loud, 'OK I get it now', then I saw 11 again and I said 'Yes, OK I get it!' but then I said 'however don't stop as I still want to see this guidance'. Then I shit you not, it's just non stop, everywhere all the time. I'm not scared as I know at the end of the day I can ignore it and I won't see it any longer and that I have control over my free will and my future, but I don't want to do that.

Always seek the truth people, don't let anyone tell you how it is or should be, find the answers for yourself and trust your intuition and then help others find the same. :) That is why we are here!!
All the best to everyone.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2014, 03:02:42 PM »
Steve, Dred, Pointman,

Sitting In an airport with nothing to do so I thought I would respond to your recent posts Steve....looks like it's just us on the forum!  Or, maybe with all those lurkers out there ......there a few from our trustworthy government,  and maybe even a few from our trustworthy Vatican....what do you's obvious that our trustworthy government and our trustworthy Vatican know  something we don't ey?

Maybe the 11's have something to do with the alien savior they're looking for?  Not kidding either....when we do figure it out and we will....we will not post it on the's that for secrecy ???

It definitely means oneness....people who have come back from NDE's have said the spirit realm is all about oneness.  Food for thought....



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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2014, 10:04:40 PM »
Ok...checked into my hotel yesterday...they gave me room 111.....second time in three months I checked into a hotel and was given room 111.   This is SO NOT A COINCIDENCE .....!!!!!    Spirit talking to me again...



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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2014, 10:22:19 PM »
I knew I was forgetting to mention something....Dred.....I too get that ringing sensation in my's fairly new for me......been going on for several months now and I never had it before........meant to tell you that.



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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2014, 08:49:39 PM »
Hello?  Hello?  I am calling in for Steve or Dred, or Pointman?  Anyone there besides Steve?  OK I will talk to myself.....I think there are a lot of 11ers out there .....and just maybe it's one of those mysteries that may never be solved .......but I am hell bent on finding out exactly what it is and why we receive these prompts.  My experiences have been significant enough to make me want to know how and why.....I will continue to pursue this.....with or without your participation.

So maybe you are correct's least dead enough that people are mum about the issue but not dead enough for people to read all the posts because it seems as though a lot of people are reading posts from the top tier of this forum .....people who continue to get the prompts....there is some doubt.....who are these people?

I suggest we stop writing about our experiences ......I am done.  I am signing off.....moving on.....good luck to all of you ....

Namaste and Love to all 11er's


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2014, 04:00:57 AM »
Check back from time to time if you could still  please Lin, yes the state of the forums are too quiet.  Too much distraction in the world now, who can be bothered to care about a repeating number phenomenon.  Though staying connected might be in our best interest for those of us who understand their is more to this phenomenon then just seeing numbers on a clock.  Till there is a solid answer, we never know it could very well be related to the turn of events in the world and the times we are living in.  I won't rule anything out I've seen to much to take anything for granted now a days.  Though I agree it on posting experiences, this isn't a tabloid we are writing for others entertainment.  Good Luck your voice will be missed.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2014, 04:33:34 PM »
Im still around but im dealing with a major life change. i browse, but i havent contributed in some time.  I now have a job that allows me to travel...and my hotel rooms im assinged blow my mind...123, 129, 333, you get the idea.

And i, too, constantly deal with the ringing in the ears. 

Ive put in so much input over the year on things but its the same voices that respond.   I believe this is a great forum to start your journey...but for some...its just not enough. We move on, we look deeper, we keep trying to find answers....I have a very foundational belief system since this whole thing has kicked off for me....and i need more, you know?  I need to keep looking.

Does that mean ive given up on this forum, not no, but hell no. i still come on to check to see if there are any new members or new ideas being proposed.  But i do look elsewhere for answers...because i know i dont have any. I have ideas to contribute, but thats what they are....ideas.  I WANT to keep learning and i WANT to keep expanding my awareness to a phenomenon that not many can put a finger on as to why it happens.

So i keep looking.  One site that i frequent a great deal, and has many members, input, fresh threads and topics is George Barnard's discussion forum on what they believe the 11 phenom is all about.  which is....  Youll see me on there. Ive made threads and i go by the same name, Pointman19.  But over there, its like a huge family...they even know my first name is Jason ;)  So i find that to be a pretty cool bunch to shoot the poop with :P

For many, this isnt your cup of tea...and thats perfectly fine. theres nothing wrong with that, this experience is your own personal journey.

But never give up, keep looking...keep digging...and perhaps one day the truth shall set us free!