Author Topic: Books about 11 Phenomenon  (Read 17524 times)


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Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2014, 06:51:20 PM »

That was the absolute best book list!  Thanks for sharing.  I just read Hilary Carter's NO Name, No Number book and I thought it was very good.  Also read Numerology Made Easy and thought that was quite good as well.  Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum.


Harry Whitewolf

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Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2014, 11:14:44 AM »
Hi Lin,

Many thanks! Glad the list has been of some use- I've been gradually finding and adding books, but I think it's pretty comprehensive now! I've been meaning to read No Name No Number ever since I read the author's 11:11 Code years ago. I'll get on to it soon, as I know Hilary Carter has a new book called Number Woman (great title!) coming out soon.

Love, light and elevenses,



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Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2014, 01:35:50 PM »
WOW Harry did you see your post time? 11:14:44 Yikes!
And just a short thank you to the mystery 11ers who purchased my book Sherpa. I got my first royalty check for $7.24 last week! That means that I sold 3 eBooks and a paperback! I divvied up the proceeds, threw in a few extra dollars and sent them off to the children's hospitals who are the beneficiaries. thank you for your purchases! Love to all, especially Lin and Pointman19. 11erSteve

Harry Whitewolf

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Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2014, 01:35:30 PM »
Ha! No, Steve, I hadn't noticed that! Mad as well, 'cos I've been experiencing 444s a helluva lot lately!
What's your book Sherpa? Is it 11:11 related?



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Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2014, 02:18:39 PM »
Me too! i had some days where it was all 444 or 999. For the past three days though, its been constant double repeaters, but the ones that stick out the most is 222 and 2222.  I saw it so much in one day, i documented in a little notepad if i saw any more of the 2's, i had 222 marked upwards to five times. Ive had it at least three times today with 222 and its not even 2:30 pm yet...its really blowing my mind on its meaning...


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Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2014, 03:48:28 PM »
Hello Harry Whitewolf, Pointman and all other 11ers,
   Harry, to you, welcome. We would love any input that you have on the 11 subject. Dred got me to notice the posting times because over and over somehow 11's or multiples of 11, show up. (I was in Yellowstone a couple of weeks ago and on my first day I came across a beautiful white wolf. She came within about 20 feet of my car. She was so beautiful.)
   I am offering a free eBook or a paperback copy of my book Sherpa to anyone who wants a copy, and the last chapter, which just happens to be chapter 11 is all about my experiences with the number 11. is mentioned over and over. If you or anyone else wants a copy just contact me here or get a copy off of Amazon. The title is Sherpa and my name is Steve Casagranda. All of my royalties go to charity, half to Doernbechers Children's Hospital here in Portland Oregon and the other half goes to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis Tenn..
   And Pointman we had a private email exchange a couple of months ago and you mentioned that you had been seeing 444 a lot, well now I'm seeing it, not regularly but in the past couple of months I might be seeing it at least once a week. No other numbers are repeating so I wonder what's up with that. Like 11's it cant be coincidence. I've said it before and I'll say it again, your user name "Pointman" is so appropriate. You do seem to take the lead and I trust every word you speak. Sometimes I feel that you are the most advanced 11er on this website followed closely by Lin.
   I come here everyday to read the new posts and its too bad that Angamie and Angel don't post much anymore and whatever happened to Mikehancho? Mike, you're also one of my favorite 11ers. Still watching The Secret on occasion?
   In closing I have mentioned before that being an 11er can be likened to being a deer in the forest who has been tranquilized, studied, collared and released by a biologist without any explanation. I doubt that we will ever understand why we see 11s the way we do. So in a way I feel as though we have been tagged for some reason that we may never understand, but I think we are special to whoever or whatever sends the 11 prompts.
   And Bridge66 I hope and pray for a positive change in your life. I know you not but that doesn't mean that perfect strangers don't care about your well being. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
   See u all later, 11erSteve

Harry Whitewolf

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Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2014, 10:22:37 AM »
Hey Steve,

Thanks for the warm words. I have now added your book Sherpa to the Goodreads 11:11 Phenomenon Book List

I wish you every success with it, and I would happily read and review it for you if you're able to provide a pdf copy. Fancy doing a swap? My own book Route Number 11: Argentina, Angels & Alcohol is chiefly a beat style, spiritual, travel book, but my own experiences with the 11:11 Phenomenon forms the backdrop. Would be happy to send you a pdf copy if you're interested. No worries if not. And, heck, I might as well invite anyone on this site to a free pdf of Route Number 11.
Just message me at my author e-mail:

I've been experiencing 11:11 for over a decade, and it's got to the point now where it doesn't eve feel phenomenal any more. If it's not 1111, then it's 2:22 or 3:33 or 4:44 or... always occurring for a short spout and then 11:11 returns again.
I mean, just the other day, I'd written a short blurb and saw the word count was 111. Then I logged into Goodreads only to become somebody's 222nd friend. Shortly after someone became my 111th friend, and I became their 11th. Then a friend emails me to say he's started going crazy with 11s too after I started mentioning it. He woke up at 3.44 a.m. (4+4+3=11)... But as I say, that's kind of just normal life for me these days.

I'm a spiritual guy, but I could as easily be a 'quantum physicistic' because I don't believe in segregation within groups that are looking for truth. It's all about the love, man!  ;D So, for me, the 11:11 fits into this world being an illusion that is indeed  held in place by a sort of matrix- partially made up of numbers, and, I believe with much significance of the Fibonacci sequence. Ah, but there's so much to say! I'll leave it for another time!

