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Messages - phoenix911

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Hi, I've been away from this site for some time, months, due to commitments of work and life. I noticed that whilst I have been so intensely busy the frequency of seeing 11's appeared to drop dramatically, almost to the back of my mind with only a few being noticed each week, so I thought.
However, what I wasn't aware of, until I started to think about it today, that the numbers were and are still there; whether I chose to acknowledge them or not. Perhaps, after seeing 11's for so many years I have come to terms with them and now accept them, even though, like us all, I still don't know what it all means yet. I started a new job with a bus company four months ago and I recall that I still saw and see 11's on the clocks in the cabin, the route timetables, clocks at home and all the usual places. Even when my mind is totally off the thought of 11's they are still there letting me know that I must remain aware and that I am being kept awake?. Aware and awake of what will remain to be seen of course but, I am being reminded that I am still one of the very many, ever growing number of people with the 11 phenomenon in their lives.

My adding this post is not just to say HI after being away but, also to share with you one simple issue related to the recent change in my life.

The simple change of starting a new job, a job I really didn't want and don't like but am greatfull to have. A job, for some reason, I feel is an important part of the sequence in relation to my personal experience of the 11 phenomenon. It's very hard for me to explain but, even though I don't like the job at all I am aware that It's part of the path being there doing what I'm doing.
For those who have read my previous topics, I'm still in the situation of not being able to plan anything, this phenomenon or event prevents me from any long term plans, whatever I would like to do, when making plans of any kind, something always prevents the plans from coming to fruition or they become so delayed the initial plans become meaningless. Inwardly, I believe that the 11 phenomenon is playing a large part of what I do, where I go and what I'm supposed to be doing. My future seems to be in the hands of the phenomenon, perhaps that is God I don't know.
I do have a strong inner feeling that reassures me that I have nothing to worry about and to trust my intuition. Every time I see 11's I am reassured that I'm in the right place at the right time doing what I'm supposed to be doing. For what plan? I don't know of course.
Seeing the 11's seems more like a constant massage of reminder to me now, reminding me to stay awake, stay alert and focused. Almost as though I'm not meant to forget, it's my destiny and chosen path for me.
Although, like you, I just wish I knew what that was. :-\

11 Phenomenon Forum / Crop circles and the number 11?
« on: January 10, 2012, 10:00:55 PM »
I typed in the words 'number 11 and crop circles' in my browser window a few minutes ago and came across these two sites.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the connection and the many sites like it on the www.

Fascinating read.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 10, 2012, 07:11:04 AM »

The link you posted: -

Is a classic example as to how the 11 phenomenon is working in my life but, before I explain further I must also explain the numbers 9 and 6 also play an important role, although for what reason I don’t know yet. Alongside the number 11 I get a frequent re-occurrence of the number 9 and 6, sometime together and in varying combinations. Here are a few of the combinations.
9 with the 11 become an enforced 11 of course but, I often get 6 with the 11. 6 can be reverted upside down therefore becoming 911 or 119. 6 often occur to me when good things happen and have become associated with being in the right place at the right time although the 9 often means the opposite in many cases. 9 and 6 together add up to 15 then to 6.I get 33 a lot too, (33 adds up to 6 of course).
 It was this combination and a number of events that enforced my awareness of the number 11. You’ll perhaps remember, in an earlier post I sent, that in the early stages of my awareness almost 7 years ago now, I was made aware, by the numbers and a series of linked events, that lead me to view certain movies, each of which I now believe were telling me something, one of which I foresaw prior to it’s production (Knowing). Since  then I’ve not been able to shake off that perhaps 33 is more significant than we realise or perhaps just plays an important role for me personally.

Your link to the Carrington flare had me swamped with the combination above…

May 6, 2008: At 11:18 AM on the cloudless morning of Thursday, September 1, 1859, 33-year-old Richard Carrington—widely acknowledged to be one of England's foremost solar astronomers—was in his well-appointed private observatory. Just as usual on every sunny day, his telescope was projecting an 11-inch-wide image of the sun on a screen, and Carrington skillfully drew the sunspots he saw.

May 6 2008 = 21 (My first thought was 21st December)

11:18 = 11

Thursday, September 1st 1859 = 33 =6

Carrington was 33 at the time = 6

11-inch-wide image = 11 (of course lol)

Richard Carrington = 180 = 9

It’s this combination of number connections that are with me whenever I’m either doing the right thing or in the right place. It’s as thought whatever the situation I’m at or in is being enforced to my awareness so you posting that link is spot on.

As I read further on the words “ two brilliant beads of blinding white light appeared over the sunspots, intensified rapidly, and became kidney-shaped” made me think 2 as in two lines, forming the shape of 11 in my mind instead of the kidney shape described in the paragraph.

The words “On returning within 60 seconds,” this made the time 11.19 when he returned.

This association continues throughout the report.

Now as far as hearing things, in respect of 11clouds experiences, I’m not hearing sounds like that of a tinnitus nature but instead I’m hearing the number 11 in conversations with others who have no knowledge or connection with the phenomenon, even those I don’t know. I do sometimes get a loud ringing tone on the odd occasion but, I was told for many years that it was just because someone turned on their T.V. lol. Perhaps I’ll take a more notice of this in future and take notes, I’m ruling nothing out. In respect of the T.V I have noticed there are more programmes being made and aired that relate to Armageddon etc and even the latest one on the Mayan Apocalypse which neither rubbished nor exaggerated anything, unusually neutral. It’s not that long ago that programmes like this were made to belittle events like this, it’s as though the media is slowly becoming aware. I can almost sense an “ errm “ in the air of production.

All things considered; I can’t help but feel that the phenomenon ‘is’ like a friend, in a way, a friend who is with me 24/7, like an unspoken conversation, constantly trying to communicate with me and I’m constantly failing to understand or hear but I know they are there.


After posting this and re-reading it, a thought came to mind I'd like to share..

'are numbers, (like hieroglyphics), a language?'

Just a thought.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 09, 2012, 07:17:36 AM »
Could that be tinnitus? I've suffered from that for the past 15 years and it comes and goes in varying strengths


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: God or Satan?
« on: January 08, 2012, 11:06:46 PM »
I would love to learn more about the things you are seeing. I consider my knowledge to be relatively limited and I'm still open hearted to all theories and keen the learn more. The more we all chat about and share our experiences the greater the chance we may have to peace things together and understand more, so yeah, I'm with you 100% on chatting more about all this :)

What kind of things are you seeing and in what way are they related to the 11 for you?


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: God or Satan?
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:22:24 PM »

It's natural to question your faith at this stage of events. I'm also a Christian and the 11 Phenomenon caused me to question my faith when the phenomenon started and some of those questions were very much like yours. It's healthy to question, seek and find, scripture explains this; so to question the 11 Phenomenon is normal. My advice as a Christian is to keep reading the scripture daily and stay strong in your belief and faith in God. Personally I have no beliefs in the Illuminati, my personal research concludes that Illuminati isn't what it seams, at the bottom of this message is a passage taken form a insert on Yahoo, I'm not the author but, it pretty much sums up my research. You are right in that Jesus said we shall not know when the end time will come but, he didn't say he wouldn't give us any further warnings as that time nears, almost like an absolute last chance during the final hour. I believe that any father who loves his children would offer at least that and Gods love is far greater  ;) . As to whether this is God or Satan, I believe the answer is in the book of Revelations but, ultimately, I doubt that any-one knows for sure as yet so my advice is to stay alert and not to worry too much, acceptance is the key to me.


The Illuminati did exist as a secret society but they were secret only to protect themselves from persecution by the all powerful Roman Catholic church. They were all very intelligent and respected scientists philosophers and logical thinkers. One of the original members was Galileo who proved that the Earth rotated around the sun (which it does) but the church held that the sun rotated around the Earth (which it doesn't) because the Earth was the centre of the universe. Even though he was right, he was forced to recant and was held under house arrest for many years.

Once the church lost its power, nearly 200 years ago, the Illuminati ceased to exist because science could be pursued openly and there was no need for secret societies. As a matter of interest, Galileo was a devout Roman Catholic. He also died about 200 years before the secret society was formed in Bavaria and the two groups may have been connected but were not the same entity.

The New World Order (or the Illuminati taking over the world) would have happened many decades ago if it was going to happen at all - but it wasn't because, like the Devil worship nonsense, the whole thing was a malicious rumour set about by the Church to discredit the Illuminati and to maintain their own dubious integrity. Rumours simply developed over time into conspiracy theories. The idea that they still exist and all the melodramatic rubbish that goes with it is perpetuated by those who educate themselves from comic books and movies - the truly great thinkers of the world.

In short, the Illuminati were not evil, they no longer exist but they have been replaced by a number of scams who claim to be Illuminati for their own financial benefit

If you happen to be American, you have nothing to worry about as they never made it to America except in Dan Brown novels, comic books, movies and spurious groups who claim to be the Illuminati.

Anybody who is, or claims to be, in the Illuminati is referring to one of the fake groups. Another point to think about is that if it is a secret society, nobody in it will talk about it. Besides this, the entry requirement was intelligence not cash or fame.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 07, 2012, 07:25:01 AM »
Hi 11Clouds,

I understand how you may feel about sharing your experiences. Like you, I believe that for most of us, the experiences are as much personal as they are global and, through my own experiences, I understand that there will be many personal events that will be linked to this phenomenon. Although the phenomenon appears to have it's simplicity it also holds a deep level of complexity that makes it very difficult to explain in writing how and why it is happening to us individually.
Normally I don't have difficulty in writing about things as writing is something I enjoy but; when it comes to writing about this it's got to be one of the hardest things I've done because of the level of personal and very private connections in my life to these experiences, some of which, from years back with hindsight.
I believe that what we're all experiencing is as much personal as global, which makes me believe that there could only be one cause. Gods cause. It's that cause alone that helps to remove most of the fear within me but, not the fear of Gods wrath. Although a level of acceptance has been reached I still hold that fear, deep down, so I personally relate to your fear 11Clouds and I'm certain that most of us here would feel some fear to some extent. However, I really do believe that acceptance of this phenomenon is important. At the moment, none of us can do anything so we should do nothing as yet except staying awake to the signs, remain alert, sharing and connecting our experiences with others. The reason I say this is because I personally believe that what is happening is a forewarning from God. Everything that is happening globally fits in with the promises made to us through his word and things are speeding up so I believe we are getting closer by the day. I sense that the biggest key to all of this is the uniting of so many people for the same cause so remaining connected is vital; although as to what level we each share of our personal experiences is down to the individual's comfort levels.
I'm betting there's not many of us who can explain clearly and precisely our personal experiences that don't make us sound weird so I can understand the frustration of not being able to express them in person, face to face. It would help release so much that is pent-up inside and perhaps, to some extent, help towards understanding our personal experiences and help towards acceptance. Our individual experience of this phenomenon goes very deep and personal; it's like an 'inner knowledge' we have but yet to understand. I have only a gut feeling, perhaps a fear, as to what this phenomenon is all about.

You're right 11Clods, I'm certain that only those who are experiencing this can understand and it's a wee bit scary putting our personal accounts on the net like this. I do feel though, that the more people who do, the more we will connect with each other and perhaps lead to understandings; something I do believe is important. I have a sense that the unity and bond that is being created through this phenomenon is a vital element and a wonderful thing and, perhaps, only a select number are chosen for very specific reasons, although there appears to be a vastly growing number of us, in proportion to global population, a small amount.

In respect of what you said 11Clouds, I would like to offer you, and anyone on this site, the freedom to message me confidentially and privately here or at my email address listed on my profile.

Thank you for sharing 11Clouds.



11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 03, 2012, 07:31:22 PM »

I feel your loss and my prayers are with you.

What I felt whilst reading your reply is what I feel that is within this 11 phenomenon experience and, what I feel deeply, is the common denominator that links and is linking us all. That being a 'bond', a bond that is growing daily and is uniting those of us who are experiencing this. I believe that what is happening is for the greater good. The way we have all become aware (or are being made aware) appears to be through the same pattern in general, from which it then expands in pretty much the same way and leads us to a site like this of Genes'. We are all being made aware of something by the way of digital means in this digital age, my hopes are the same as yours in that one day we will know, (that's if we don't already know sub-consciously or deep down) and I hope too that it's for the better world that, I think, most of the world craves. Your father was a good man indeed to believe, understand and research your experience, I empathize with you feeling alone, my thoughts and prayers are with you.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 03, 2012, 01:59:18 PM »
Hi 11dogs,

Welcome to 11Phenomenon. So sorry to here of your father's passing.

I've search and search the net for answers only to find that, for now at least, it's still a huge mystery to us all at the moment as to why this is happening. There are a vast array of theories on the www; many negative. Truth is, no-one knows as yet, perhaps were not meant to until the time is right but, for now, we are simply being made aware (awoken). As Gene said, there could well be an 'ah ha! moment' that may connect all the events, globally and individually. Although the experiences, alongside global events, holistically, point toward negativity; I'm not totally convinced. I do feel that there is a positiveness at the foundations of all this.

Acceptance is the route I've chosen to take personally. If there is nothing I can do about something, then nothing is what I will do. All the theories and stories my mind creates that consist of fear, worry etc are merely untruths until the truth is revealed. However, staying alert (and positive) is important and the more we can help each other to understand and live with what is happening, the better.

The more that people who are experiencing the number 11 join the site and share their stories, the more we may learn and understand.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: December 24, 2011, 06:38:54 PM »

Was wondering if you've read this and what your thoughts were on it....

and the sections on the NASA prediction and the Numerology section

NASA landed a satellite on Eros the asteroid and have come to the conclusion that Eros will be near earth object in Earth's path around January of 2012. When asked why they landed such a device on Eros they replied," They wanted to see if they could in case in the future that they had to plant explosives on an asteroid to try to prevent a collision"

Eros is an asteroid 26 miles in diameter. So immense that the explosives wouldn't work to stop the bulk of the 26 mile in diameter asteroid from hitting our world. If it does it will be planet killer, The Apocalypse of 2012.

The direct impact of Eros upon the earth's surface would destroy all mankind and animals, follage. The end of times, the Apocalypse, or Doomsday.

NASA also predicts the sun will reverse it's magnetic poles in 2012 and end it's 11 year sunspot cycle .

Numerology - Symbolism of The 2012 Apocalypse
In numerology every number has a corresponding letter associated with it. Each and every number also has it's own distinct set of meanings, emotions, gender, religious and/or astrological significance.

The date 12-21-12 reads as, A-B-B-A-A-B. When you consider that the Hebrew language is read from right to left, this date would read BA ABBA.

The Hebrew translation for BA ABBA is "Father comes" or "Father is coming"

Another shocking revelation is the scientific timing of the alignment of our sun with the milk way galaxy. At 12/21/12 at 11:11 p.m Universal Time, this alignment will occur.

The number '11' is the general number of magic or sorcery and energy tending to change. Uranus. This is the individual in confrontation with the world.  It is also the number of war and the battle with the demonic element.

The Number '12' is the "Hanged Man". Plunged into the world without being a part of it. Large Sacrifice.

The Number '21' is building a better world (apocalypse).

Thus at 11:11 UT on 12/21/12, there is a confrontation as the world of reason is plunged into to fight with demonic forces that involves a large sacrifice for the eventual betterment of the earth and all it's living creatures. The 2012 Apocalypse.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: December 03, 2011, 07:36:23 PM »
Hi guys,

I have a feeling this may be a tricky topic to approach, epsecially with the sceptics of our experiences but, has anyone noticed anything else unusual in their every-day lives? I would like to ask all members if they are now, or at any time, starting to 'hear' the numbers audibly in any way or experiencing any changes occuring, perhaps subtle changes. Perhaps changes in self beliefs, spiritual beliefs, religious beliefs or changes in their experiences with the numbers? etc.
My experiences of the phenomenon are beginning to shift slightly. Apart from the numbers becoming more pronounced and more frequent, other events are now starting to emerge and I'm trying to understand whether it's just me that's becoming more sensitive or more awake to the phenomenon or perhaps paranoid due to the lack of understanding.

I would also like to ask as to what extent this experience has had or is having on your lives.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:59:57 PM »

Thank you.

I agree 100%. To use a metaphor, the awakening we are experiencing is like that of a 'ring of the phone'. I believe that, one day, either we'll get the message and understand or we'll learn how to pick up the receiver to take the call. This is certainly about more than numbers.
My feelings are the same, our experiences are not just about the numbers and perhaps also in the early stages, evident by the fact that they are getting stronger.
It's odd how our experiences are more often, more pronounced and grow stronger and deeper when we're least thinking about it. Saying that, I actually caught myself mid experience yesterday (12th), half knowing that I was aware that I was about to be drawn to look at the clock, it's so complicated to explain I haven't yet worked out how to express it in words.

It would be interesting to set a servery to learn what we all have in common in respect of who we are, our beliefs and other experiences besides the ones we're having now. I'm wondering if the kind of person we are deep down has any baring on our experiences. In other words, why us?

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: November 11, 2011, 06:32:52 PM »
After having time to read properly the report Natalie Wolchover wrote on 'MSNBC' (referenced by Administrator Gene) there are a few discrepancies in Natalie's report. In it she began by saying -

"In medieval times, numerologists — those who searched for the mystical significance of numbers — believed all numbers had both positive and negative aspects … except for 11. In the words of the 16th century scholar Petrus Bungus, 11 "has no connection with divine things, no ladder reaching up to things above, nor any merit." Stuck between the divine numbers 10 and 12, 11 was pure evil, and represented sinners."

Lets suppose she's right, the number being the only number of exception makes it a special number in it self, why would 11 have an exclusion to the other numbers? Why single out this number? Natalie also mentions, "11 has no divine connection, no ladder reaching up to things or any merit' but at the same time says "Stuck between the divine numbers 10 and 12, 11 was pure evil, and represented sinners." The bible teaches us of the countless sinners Christ walked with, loved and saved. Christ is all about saving the sinners, walking with the sinners, he died on the cross for the sake of sin and sinners. It's not just the number 11, 9 is also playing a significant role.

She goes on to say -

"That doesn't bode well for Nov. 11, 2011, the date when three 11s will align for the first time in a century. A new horror film, "11/11/11," has even been made for the occasion, and it plays on (or perhaps plays up) people's fear of coincidences surrounding the number. Film characters experience the so-called " 11:11 phenomenon," a tendency to look at the clock more often at 11:11 than at other times of the day. In the film, this is a warning of what's to come: "On the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year, a gateway will open … and on this day, innocent blood will spill," says a voiceover in the trailer."

The date 11/11/11 is only a period of time, that I feel, 'could' be being used to help serve the purpose of heightening peoples awareness, almost like using a metaphor to heighten the meaning of communication. Being made aware of just the number without something to substantiate or heighten it could be easily ignored or brushed aside. Using this date and time serves to emphasize awareness.
Film makers will make films about anything that makes money and entertains and horror films based on fact, or part fact, usually do well at the box office and make for popular viewing and a sure bet for making profit. There are a number of films that are similar like 'Numbers' staring Nicolas Cage. This film was made aware to me personally even before it's trailer release. Now, I know this will sound unbelievable but, with witnesses, I foresaw the trailer of this movie weeks before its release. Prior to that I was lead to 'Premonition' with Sandra Bullock and a couple others on similar lines that, combined, communicated a specific message to me personally that relate to my experiences of the phenomenon, however, that's another story that I'll be happy to share at a later date, in the meantime...

Natalie continues to say -

"Indeed, the 11:11 phenomenon is widely reported in real life, with entire online discussion forums dedicated to figuring out what the number means. People say they feel haunted by 11s, which appear to them eerily often. To them, the impending date is bound to seem ominous."

Evidence of our experiences being recognized as widely reported, not only are we not alone in this experience but the numbers are growing. I don't say this to side against Natalie but as a wow! This is bigger than we think! :/ I'm aware the figures are in the early millions but perhaps there's a lot more out there yet to come forward to a forum like this one.

She then says -

"On the flip side, some modern-day numerologists have deemed 11/11/11 auspicious, and according to local news sources around the country, an unusual number of couples have planned to marry on the day. The number 11 is also a favorite of gamblers — particularly blackjack and Keno players. So, amid all these alternative perspectives, what's the real deal about repeating 11s? Is there anything special about the numbers lining up? No"

She says "no" but if she takes a more detailed look at the forum sites and reads peoples genuine experiences of the phenomenon and takes into account the "unusual" number of people getting married on this date, that is recorded by news souses around the country, (another emphasis for awareness), how could she say 'no' so out-right without knowing the full truth yet? Even we don't know what the truth really is at this time and we're the ones experiencing this phenomenon? And, it's special enough for so many people around the globe to experiencing the same thing isn't it?

Natalie continues by saying -

"With regards to the 11:11 phenomenon, rather than being a supernatural warning sign, psychologists say it is a classic case of "apophenia," or the human tendency to find meaning or patterns in randomly occurring data. This condition feeds on itself, because the more conscious you are of something — such as repeating 11s — the more often you'll notice it in the world around you, and thus the more certain you'll become that the pattern is real."

This is a plausible explanation, we could be apophectics, however, this doesn't explain the details of all the accounts of peoples experiences recorded on the forums most starting, on average, 5 to 6 years ago, as Gene explained in her last post.
It's not just 11's and there is a sort of randomness in the patterns according to the individual's accounts and yet a unity in the phenomenon holistically. It's also humanistic to want to find a logic explanation to a phenomenon like this, especially among skeptics who need to rationalize.

She adds -  

"In online forums about the 11:11 phenomenon, people often say they didn't notice how many 11s appeared to them until hearing about the phenomenon from someone else. This is a tell-tale sign of apophenia: When they found out about the phenomenon, they subconsciously started keeping track of all the 11s they saw, with each new sighting seeming more significant than the last."

This is not my experience, nor my experience of reading members accounts. In most cases member have reported that they thought they were 'alone' in experiencing the numbers and I'd like to bet they have also experienced other events that they haven't dared to express or found too complicated to write about or haven't dared to in fear of reprisals or being branded crazy. I have personally had other events take place that coincide with my 9's and 11's such as dreams, premonitions, de-ja-vou's etc. Many of us also, at some point, have tried to brush the experience away and tried to ignore it because it can be frustrating and annoying, sometimes scary but, the numbers appear elsewhere and/or in other forms and patterns and randomness.

She then says -

"Just as there is nothing to fear about 11/11/11, there is no reason to be optimistic about the date, either.
According to Alan Lenzi, professor of religious studies at University of the Pacific who studies biblical numerology, seeking meaning in numbers is a natural human tendency. "Cognitive scientists have demonstrated that the human brain is hard-wired to look for meaningful patterns in the sensory data it collects from the world," Lenzi told Life's Little Mysteries."

Aren't these 'professors' of religious studies at University of the Pacific who studies biblical numerology, seeking a meaning in numbers for themselves too however, but in an enforced method still driven to find meaning? They are searching the meanings enforceabley or voluntarily as the Cognitive scientists have demonstrated? We are too but from real experiences. :/

And finally Natalie says -  

In most situations, this cognitive wiring helps us: It enables us to pick important information out of a background of random noise. But sometimes we overdo it by finding patterns where they aren't — from faces seen in the clouds to numerical coincidences. Once found, these patterns "are easily imbued with imaginative meaning," he said.
There is nothing unusual about the time 11:11 or the date 11/11/11, but our brains can't help noticing the repeating digits, and seeing them as meaningful. "Numbers that are already significant to us, such as calendar dates that also coincidentally fall into an obvious pattern, become doubly significant," Lenzi said. "11/11/11 is another example of people doing what people are cognitively prone to do: find significance."
As 11/11/11 looms, fabric fanatics go overboard for cord
The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions
13 Strange Things that Happened on Friday the 13th
What's So Special About the Date 10/10/10?"

She could be right, I'm still open hearted on this even though my experiences are as they are and feel very real to me, through no auto-suggestion or wild fantasy thinking, I was alone when this started and I'm self aware of who I am and what my mind does. I'm aware of Cognitive behavior patters, self awareness etc. I, like many others, have a gut feeling about this phenomenon, a real, deep down gut feeling that whatever it is, is real.
Scientists are often wrong and are often proven wrong. We could be wrong. But, something about all this is telling me that there is meaning behind our experiences and I don't believe in coincidences and nor should scientists, truth be known. I can't even say I want it to be either true or false but, This is too big to be a mere coincidence or superstition and I'm not superstitious either. The number 13 has never bothered be nor has any specific date. It's not just didgets on a digital clock, it's til receipts, it's events, accidents at sports venues. For me it's 9's and 11's in any configuration 1:9:1, 11:9, 9:11, 119, 911, 191, numbers that add up to 9 and/or 11. It's not just digits on a digital clock, it's on analogue clocks and other non-digital items but the digits on a clock are the most heightened because they are most easily recognized. How can I be suddenly draw to a house numbers I have never seen before, in a town I only ever visited that once, on licence plates of a cars I've never seen before etc etc?

Like I said, I'm not pulling against Natalie, just searching for the truth.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:03:15 AM »
Hi Gene,

I couldn't agree more with you and substantiate what you have said. I also am one for who this was happening to about 6 years ago, who questioned my own sanity and thought I was alone with this experience until through frustration I searched the net only to be blown away by so many people with exact experiences. I am of sound, stable and balanced mind and I question everything but, without question, this is real and is happening without doubt. I have a gut feeling that 'msnbc' will be reporting a different story in the not too distant future and, I agree with you, "Despite their skepticism, they are actually confirming that it is happening"; it's picking up pace.
Just a thought but, there seems to be a distinct difference between the people experiencing the 11 phenomenon and those who don't. I Can't quite express it properly in words just now but, it does feel like we, who are experiencing this, 'are' chosen because of the nature of who we are. Hope that makes sense.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11 is everywhere
« on: November 06, 2011, 06:32:07 PM »
Hi gazza,

Welcome to 11Phenomenon.

Can't wait to hear your story Garry. Speak soon :)

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