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Topics - phoenix911

Pages: [1]
Hi, I've been away from this site for some time, months, due to commitments of work and life. I noticed that whilst I have been so intensely busy the frequency of seeing 11's appeared to drop dramatically, almost to the back of my mind with only a few being noticed each week, so I thought.
However, what I wasn't aware of, until I started to think about it today, that the numbers were and are still there; whether I chose to acknowledge them or not. Perhaps, after seeing 11's for so many years I have come to terms with them and now accept them, even though, like us all, I still don't know what it all means yet. I started a new job with a bus company four months ago and I recall that I still saw and see 11's on the clocks in the cabin, the route timetables, clocks at home and all the usual places. Even when my mind is totally off the thought of 11's they are still there letting me know that I must remain aware and that I am being kept awake?. Aware and awake of what will remain to be seen of course but, I am being reminded that I am still one of the very many, ever growing number of people with the 11 phenomenon in their lives.

My adding this post is not just to say HI after being away but, also to share with you one simple issue related to the recent change in my life.

The simple change of starting a new job, a job I really didn't want and don't like but am greatfull to have. A job, for some reason, I feel is an important part of the sequence in relation to my personal experience of the 11 phenomenon. It's very hard for me to explain but, even though I don't like the job at all I am aware that It's part of the path being there doing what I'm doing.
For those who have read my previous topics, I'm still in the situation of not being able to plan anything, this phenomenon or event prevents me from any long term plans, whatever I would like to do, when making plans of any kind, something always prevents the plans from coming to fruition or they become so delayed the initial plans become meaningless. Inwardly, I believe that the 11 phenomenon is playing a large part of what I do, where I go and what I'm supposed to be doing. My future seems to be in the hands of the phenomenon, perhaps that is God I don't know.
I do have a strong inner feeling that reassures me that I have nothing to worry about and to trust my intuition. Every time I see 11's I am reassured that I'm in the right place at the right time doing what I'm supposed to be doing. For what plan? I don't know of course.
Seeing the 11's seems more like a constant massage of reminder to me now, reminding me to stay awake, stay alert and focused. Almost as though I'm not meant to forget, it's my destiny and chosen path for me.
Although, like you, I just wish I knew what that was. :-\

11 Phenomenon Forum / Crop circles and the number 11?
« on: January 10, 2012, 10:00:55 PM »
I typed in the words 'number 11 and crop circles' in my browser window a few minutes ago and came across these two sites.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the connection and the many sites like it on the www.

Fascinating read.


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