Author Topic: Orbs and 11s  (Read 5719 times)


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is it a path?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 02:26:53 PM »
I recently traveled across country and couldn't tell you how many times I looked up and was at exit or mile marker 11. I was born on Jan. 11 but I never paid attention to the fact that my numbers are 01111968...double 11s. I know it all can't be coincidence...too many things in my life are connected to the number 11. Just as I said in my last post I just had my final court date in my divorce and it was on 11/11.


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Is it a path?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2014, 04:58:05 AM »
It could be a path Lisa, I do understand my life is guided by fate.  I have a friend who's a pretty good psychic she can tell me things will happen, even if they seem unlikely at the time, later down the road sure enough the things come true.  So in trying to understand how fate works  the only thing I can say to understand it is in life you will very likely take a path of least resistance, just like electricity.  So you go through your life making the best choices you can for yourself and likely following the path of least resistance and play right in to fate.  So it is very likely a path in a way, but how are you influenced to follow this path?  Is this God?  Angels?  Spirits?  It's definitely an unseen force that is for sure, and I feel I'm following the 111 as Lin would put it.  I don't believe this fully explains the phenomenon though, because it's every where for those of us who see it.  As this world gets crazier I can't help but think that is tied into the times we live in as well.


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Re: Orbs and 11s
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2014, 06:31:49 AM »
See, when it comes to Orbs, i feel that you cant beieve that every orb you see is an intellegent spirit...some of it truly is straight up dust.  Like when you put a link up for a google search on Orbs...thats not the best way to grab peoples attention you know?  75% of those pictures is dust, while the other 25% could actually be orbs.

I do believe in them, dont get me wrong. but you have to look at the situation, the picutre...etc.   One picture was kids playing on the playground at night with hundreds of little orbs...but underneath the playground was dirt they were kicking up so the cameras flash reflected off the dirt and particles still floating in the air.

Orbs can be such a very fickle topic :P


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Re: Orbs and 11s
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 01:10:56 AM »
Through out the the Mid Seventies and early Eighties before  the area became world renown my close friends and I would spend every  fall doing a ritual Halloween Run to a spot in the  High Sierras known as the Rubicon Trail in an area known as the Devils Playground. In those days there was always snow on the ground by that time of year making  for what we deemed as fun stuff. This  kept what few people who even knew about the place out and  basically granting us sole ownership for the weekend. Every year it was do what ever you want because NO ONE is out here. In 1984 I was camped at the Heliport overlooking the Desolation Wilderness area to the south and the Rubicon River canyon to the west. To the north the river drops into Hellhole. This area is dark and desolate. At about dusk on Saturday evening one of my buddies says "Hey there's some tail lights north up the canyon"." No way, there is no access out there". Several minutes later Ken exclaims look there they are again, and sure enough a faint reddish light is several miles to the north. The weather is very cold and there are low level mountain obscuration clouds about 500 ft above ground level giving some perspective and also glowing an orange hue. As the object started our direction it moved at varying speeds at which point we knew it was not a Jeep but rather something that seemed to float silently. The object floated parallel to a cliff band that was about 150 ft high and about 50 yards away. By this time the entire area was bathed in a soft orange sort of moonlight. The object was perfectly spherical, about the diameter of a basketball and semi translucent. The sphere stopped directly overhead and just hovered for several minutes seemingly observing the five of us watching it. I had actually instructed everyone to show no fear as it drew closer. The object slow departed to the west where across the canyon there was a bright blue/white light casting a glow on the low lying cloud cover. The orange ball of light slowly descended down into the bright area of light which was there the remainder of the night. The following night that area was pitch black. Energy plasma, ball lightning, St Elmo fire, intelligent entity or sensory probe ???? Hmmmmm.

About this time the crop formation phenomenon had just taken root in Southern England and folks claimed that balls of light were responsible for the circles in the fields. As technology progressed so did the size, complexity, and embedded codes within the the formations advance. The circle makers were signing there art with 1111. In 1990 the 13.3 mile long Sri Yantra formation appeared in Oregon. Now the formations are being formed globally. It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it waddles like a duck and it flies like a duck. Is there a connection? My gut says ehhhhh Probably.

Oh yeah by the way I have lots of orb photos that are dust. This is not that. Do your own research.

God Bless


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Re: Orbs and 11s
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2014, 04:19:37 AM »
Posted in in wrong thread heh,  orb's I've never seen oustide of pictures like shown above before, interesting concept.


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