Author Topic: New Boards Added to the Site  (Read 2265 times)


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New Boards Added to the Site
« on: November 21, 2014, 02:58:06 AM »
I have created some new boards on the site at (screenshot below). I’d like to thank Jason for his feedback. Although I am hoping the new boards help with bringing the mystery of the 11 phenomenon together, nothing really changes regarding the main 11 Phenomenon board.  Feel free to post here as usual even if it touches on subjects in the other boards. The other boards can be used if people want to delve more specifically into those subjects. You can also refer/point to other boards as needed/desired. You can bookmark this board and bypass the others altogether if you prefer. We have great members here so I’m not worried about it.

The main hope is to get some new members with an interest in various phenomena to help shed new light on the 11 phenomenon even if they don't immediately see the connection or are unaware altogether of it. It may also be a light bulb moment for people who are experiencing this but still writing it off to a personal coincidence. There are a lot of people like that out there.
This is going to be a work in progress. I wanted to make the categories broad enough to cover most everything that could be related without creating a ton of boards. In the interest of being open minded I want to allow discussion on things a lot of people are passionate about even if I don’t necessarily agree or goes against my own belief system. There are too many unanswered questions to be rigid. I expect I will need to tweak these as we go, possibly adding some categories or combining depending on how things go. One of the difficult things with the 11 phenomenon is how so many things can relate and how those things relate to each other. It makes it difficult to index things because there are multiple categories different topics can fit in. There are a number of ways to do things with pros and cons for each. Will just have to play it by ear and adjust as things play out.

I wouldn’t expect much for some time on these boards since most people find the site through the search engines. It’s going to take time for them to start showing up in searches. We have some great new members and hopefully this will help us better understand things and expand our knowledge while adding to the participation rate.