Author Topic: Recent Epiphany/AHA Moment  (Read 2907 times)


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Recent Epiphany/AHA Moment
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:00:49 AM »
Hi 11ers,

I rarely post, but check out the forums often. I've been seeing 11's for about a year now. 2014 was a hell of a year for me, ups and downs, the best and worst of both worlds. 11's became a part of my life after discovering my life path number was 11; suddenly 11:11, XX:11 happened all the time. So much at first that I would laugh out loud. They went away for a couple months but started up again recently.

On Christmas I had this major epiphany for myself. I shared it with my wife, but she kind of shrugged it off saying, "well yeah of course." It's something I've always known but never truly lived or understood at a level where it just kind of clicked and seemed was a AHA moment for me.

Tonight we watched that movie I Origins, which brings up the 11:11 phenomenon, so naturally after I'm on Google searching for recent 11:11 sites since I'm still seeing them. I came across a blog talking about possible meaning(s) and it mentioned that maybe seeing 11:11 is a wake up call, or a sign to "Pay attention!". The last year for me has been 100% learning from mistakes to learning about who I am and where I'm going...what's my purpose type of kind of self re-discovery, so I'm totally in tune with the idea of this.

Reading the "Pay attention!" part reminded me about the epiphany on Christmas Day, driving to visit family and a grumpy attitude about going to see them. In recent years, it's been more of a pain to visit rather than the ideal celebration and fun family time you picture when it comes to the holidays. In addition, I've been dealing with questions for my life, doubts about where I'm at now, where I want to be in the future, etc. It's something that's really bothered me in 2014...the feeling that I'm not in control of my situation and I felt stuck and paralyzed.

I'm driving with the Frozen soundtrack playing in the background, pondering all of life's mysteries and my current situations. Suddenly all of the life lessons, Law of Attraction, fake it til you make it, and previous self-help mumbo-jumbo I've read/heard/seen hit me like a ton a bricks. It's like source code for the knowledge to get what you want was uploaded into my internal hard drive. It was surreal. I felt like I literally raised in vibration; had a clearer vision of what I call reality. It was an absolutely amazing feeling of awareness that I've only experienced a couple of times before.

Here goes, don't laugh or judge!

We control 99% of our experience. For the 1% we don't control, we control how we perceive and act as a result.

Instead of reacting to what's going on around me, I can create what's going on around me.

I control my surroundings, feelings, perceptions; I control how I interpret my interactions. If I want a change, I make that change. If I'm given news or put in a situation that in the past would cause me to REACT, I can choose to ACT in the way that I want which gives me the outcome I desire.


Simple isn't it?

But you already knew that, right?

That's funny, I thought I did too.

So maybe 11:11 IS a sort of wake up call, a PAY ATTENTION! type of message. I'm still seeing the 11:11's so maybe the 11's weren't exactly meant specifically for the Christmas Day epiphany, but you know what? Without those 11's, I probably wouldn't be so open to the idea accepting new information and ideas which lead to those aha moments.

Hopefully this post helps someone. Hopefully you are paying attention and being aware of yourself, surroundings, inner purpose and most importantly your thoughts because ultimately they control your experience in this realm.


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Re: Recent Epiphany/AHA Moment
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 08:57:42 AM »
Hi Jug was just watching a movie where they speak on similar concepts.  It is long though if you you got time.


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Re: Recent Epiphany/AHA Moment
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2015, 12:06:55 AM »
Thanks for the link, Dred. This is a great video so far!