Author Topic: My 11 eleven experience  (Read 7153 times)


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My 11 eleven experience
« on: March 13, 2015, 10:01:46 PM »
First let me start out that I am glad that I'm not going crazy. I started to see the number 11 about 5-6 years ago. At first it was just a few times a week, it would see 9:11 several times a week.. I took note of it because of the significance of the number. I thought it was just my subconscious honing in on the numbers. I would see it in the time and on recipes... I thought it was a weird coincidence. In the back of my mind however I thought maybe there was something more to it.
But as time went on the frequency got greater and went from a few times a week to a few times a day. Then I started thinking that this is no coincidence.

However just in the past 6 months it's gotten uncontrollable. It used to be only the number 9:11, but now the number 11 is everywhere ..I litterally see it several times an hour. 1:11, 2:11, 3:11... Books fall on the floor and they open to the eleventh chapter, or the eleventh page.. My watch has frozen on 11:11.. Reciepts always have multiples of eleven ... I felt at one point I was loosing my mind. I searched the Internet in hopes of an answer but found nothing that resonated with me.. I found no answers.

Then I had an ahaha moment.  I'm a Christian and a strong believer... So I prayed and fasted in hopes of getting an answer from the Lord.. I thought I would hear something definitive but the only response I got is to get prepared. Get prepared because the eleventh hour is at hand..

After I got this word I went searching the Internet for the eleventh hour and I stumbled across this group.. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one this is happening to but then again being that each of you are experiencing the same thing makes me believe we are all connected and for a purpose. I'm still trying to figure out what that purpose is. All I know is time is not our friend and that whatever is coming is coming quick and somehow we are being warned or being given a message that we are to decode and warn others.

It's like we are the ones that are to be the town criers that awaken the rest that the bridegroom is coming (Matthew 25 5-7) everyone was asleep but there was one who was awake and cried out to the rest and woke up everyone so they would not miss the bridegroom's (Jesus') return.

What I'm taking out of this eleven experience is that God is telling me to wake up and draw close to Him, then tell everyone about His awesome love, and to get ready because He is coming back to restore His kingdom on earth. When this will happen no one knows, but I do believe we are closer today than we have ever been. I also believe that we are the generation that will see Christ comeback, it's not the if it's just the when...


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 10:12:07 PM »
Welcome Melbell, I can agree to us being in the 11th hour.  Not to be Mr. Doom and gloom but I think the fall of America is coming, I also think ww3 is on the horizon.  The value of our dollar is an illusion that will soon come crashing to an end, when economies fail countries go to war.  America has become a war machine for profit.  Banks fund both sides to keep the gears of the dollar system turning.  Yeah the time to get right with god and your fellow man is now.  Love is the only way we get through the evil.    I wish I had answers for you, but I am looking just like you.   Been a lot of speculation here on the forum but nothing solid.  One thing for sure I can't turn the 11's off even if I tried.  I'm a christian as well but I'm not attached to any church I think our institutions have been corrupted by devils.  I don't know how to wake the world up the information is out there, no one wants to read or hear it though.  To much distraction by design, TV, Movies, Sports, Games, whatever America has been dumbed down intentionally.


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2015, 08:14:23 PM »
I agree with you that something is gonna happen to America. I have been doing some research and found information on the Harbinger and the blood moons. Have you heard about it? There's a pastor/prophet Jonathan Cahn that wrote a book about the parellelism between Israel's destruction back in the days and the warning signs they received before their land was destroyed and the same exact warning signs that we in America are recieving. It started with our walls being breached on 9/11, the first attack on American soil, then exactly 7 years later (year of the shemitah) when the stock market fell 777points which equated to 7% in 2008 starting our Great Recession.. They have been warning that if America didn't turn back to God that in Sept 2015 America would be destroyed..

Then there is the blood moon phenomenon that's occuring.. That's when the earth, sun, and moon eclipse and the moon looks red like blood.  This is unprecedented where we have 4 blood moons back to back falling on Jewish holidays. Last year there were two and this year there are two. Last year the blood moons landed on Passover and feast of tabernacles, and this year the blood moons are landing on Passover and the feast of tabernacles. And in the middle there's a solar eclipse in April. Last time in history there 4 blood moons on Jewish holidays and a solar eclipse in the middle Christ was crucified. 

The blood moon tetrad (4 blood moons occuring back to back on Jewish holidays) has happened a few times in history...however every time it ends with something significant occuring to Israel....the last time it occurred was the six day war when Israel regained Jerusalem, the time before that was when Israel was officially recognized as a nation and the time before that was when the Jews found America... And of course now.. The next blood moon happens on Passover and The last blood moon happens in September of this year on the feast of tabernacles...and it also just so happens to be a super moon..

This is also a year of jubilee.. Which historically has been accompanied with a large return of Jews to Israel.. So the thought is that something big is going to happen to America and to Israel.


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2015, 07:10:23 AM »
Oh of course I've heard of the Harbinger and the blood moons.  I'm a regular coast to coast / ground zero listener Jonathan Cahn has been on both shows to talk of his books.  I haven't read the books but I listened intently to his show's on the radio very interesting information for sure.  The year of the schmita (probably mispelled)  Cahn speculates sometime between now and october we will likely see a drastic market crash, even economists are saying the same.  September seems to be the date I hear the most, which also is about the same timing that china wants to be have everything in place for rolling out the Yuan for the reserve currency.  Lots of doom, I can't live in fear though for what is coming because it needs to happen in my opinion.  Americans worship their dollar, and care not for there fellow man, the only way as a human species we stand a chance at survival in my opinion is from the death of the dollar.  Man needs to start caring and respecting one another, as long as the dollar is in place this will never happen. 


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2015, 11:54:30 PM »
So very true, like God said you can't serve two masters God and money..and unfortunately America has turned away from serving the one true God and has been serving the almighty dollar. I haven't heard about the Yuan scenario...and that's tied to September as well..very interesting. I will need to look it up. You are right about not living in fear a believer you just gotta trust God and believe that what ever is going to happen He will see us through it... But on the other hand I do believe He is warning us about what's about to happen..hence all the signs... What's driving me crazy is..what are we supposed to actually do about it.. Is there something obvious that we are missing? Besides drawing closer to God and spending Hsi word, what else should we do to prepare?


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 07:35:34 AM »
You can't get through it alone, I think the wake up call is the death of the dollar, that's when man will have to come together to survive.  Cause it will get crazy.  We need each other almost as 1, because I'm not a doctor I can't heal, I'm not a mechanic I can't fix my car, get what I mean?  The American empire will do itself in, we have to come together to survive it. 


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2015, 11:10:02 AM »
trying to find where I heard about september being the date china was rolling out, can't remember where I read it though.


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2015, 11:43:29 PM »
Thanks for the links! I believe the dollar will collapse like you said, but something is going to cause it to happen. We know this is the final shemitah year before prophesied judgment, and we know the blood moons are occuring..

In Joel 2:31 the bible says "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31"The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood Before the great and awesome day of the LORD come"
Not many things in this world can scorch the sky and blot the sun out.and cause a great earthquake and result in crippling America thus leading to a economic collapse of the dollar.. .however the eruption of Yellowstone volcano would in fact fulfill all this.. 

As for the Third World War.. I believe that's at hand as well
God warns Iran (Persia), with Russia (Magog), and a coalition of allies (including Turkey, Libya, and Sudan) will attack and will invade Israel.  In Ezekiel 38-39 the Bible warns this coming war between Iran (Persia) and Israel will take place sometime after Israel has been re-gathered into Her land as a nation (which was fulfilled on May 14, 1948) …  this prophetic war has never yet taken place … the only time in history Persia (Iran) has ever gone to war against Israel was to help Israel throw off the yoke of the Byzantine Empire around 614 AD... But I believe that's what the blood moons are a coming sign of.. Right now America is the big brother to Israel we are there to protect her from harm .. However if we were to be removed or disabled .. Israel's enemies would seize the opportunity to attack..however the bible states that Israel will be victorious in the end. If I were to guess, it probably will result in Israel regaining full control of the Temple Mount and the start of the temple rebuild would begin. 
I think we are in the calm before the storm.. And it's a massive storm brewing right under our noses.. However we are all connected by this eleven phenomenon .. There is a reason behind this., this is not coincidental., it's divine we just gotta figure out the why behind it...


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2015, 07:33:43 PM »
Hello, I found your statement of being a strong believer in Jesus Christ and your 11 experience the most relatable to myself ! I think if I hadnt read your posts I would have passed by another site that claims to be 11ners ! So Thank you !
I look forward to hearing more from you and other likeminded 11ners !


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2015, 12:46:03 AM »

After I got this word I went searching the Internet for the eleventh hour and I stumbled across this group.. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one this is happening to but then again being that each of you are experiencing the same thing makes me believe we are all connected and for a purpose.

First of all, I want to welcome you and all new members to the site. So happy to have such great people come here and be part of the family.

When this first happened to me I had the same thoughts about the 11th hour. I would so frequently glance at the clock at 11 after just turning to 12 after... This just reaffirmed what I had been suspecting.

When this will happen no one knows, but I do believe we are closer today than we have ever been. I also believe that we are the generation that will see Christ comeback, it's not the if it's just the when...

It seems we are in those times. If we aren't then the Bible would seem to be wrong. It says we would know the times. There have been a lot of false alarms over the centuries, but this is the only time I believe that the majority of the church thought we were living in those times. With all the signs coming to pass before our eyes...


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Re: My 11 eleven experience
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2015, 12:57:50 AM »

It is funny, I listen sometimes to Coast to Coast and Clyde Lewis, but I seem to hear some of the shows you mention even though there are times when I don't listen for quite a while. Interestingly, the first time I heard George Noorey was one of his first shows. May have been his first or second, not sure. But I happened to turn it on and he was new to Coast to Coast and there was a segment about the number 11 on there. Never heard him before that and this had been happening for a short time (about a year) to me before I heard the show. Noorey was having this happen to him a lot at the time and had a personal interest in it.