Author Topic: Weird things in the atmosphere  (Read 21407 times)


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Weird things in the atmosphere
« on: March 19, 2015, 06:32:22 AM »
So tomorrow is the start of the spring equinox, it also is a solar eclipse, AND it's a supermoon... It's trifecta occurrence....
The Fourth Day: Sun, Moon, Stars- Genesis 1:14 states..
14Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;

God gave us the heavens...first to show us signs.., then for seasons then for days and years...
2015 is packed full with astronomical weird coincidences...that probably are not coincidences but divine signs...but signs indicating what?


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 08:58:42 AM »
Cern is supposed to turn on tomorrow Happy b-day Dred.


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 07:08:45 PM »
Hi Im a what you all call a "newbie" ! Although Im not new to this 11 past the hour issue-thing- or what ever any of us want to call it ! This has been going for nearly 7-8 years now  ! Im not sure if Im under the correct topic and such but as I was reading through this site it was Mellbell11 that seemed to be the most relatable to me !??!
So heres my story .... LOL ! I like many of you have seen 11 past the hour at a super ridiculous rate, enough to know "This is not Normal" !  I would see 11 on mailboxes, I would randomly go to call my husband and see 3:11, I would roll over in bed and see 11 past the hour 2-4 times in the coarse of a night, I would put something in the oven and see 11 past the hour, pretty much any thing I did would give me an 11 !
I thought Oh My Goodness Im going crazy..what is going on ?? I tried to tell friends and family as best I could without allowing them to think Im going crazy...So at first I went through an array of emotions from angry, sad, confused, befuddled, laughing, ignoring, and most of all praying about what the hec this was !?? Please know I have been going through this for soooooo long alone. And when I did a bit of research on this about 6 years ago I found issues of an occult and other things that I would and have NEVER been apart of . It was a dead end in my search for some sort of reasoning for this, which i have come to call " my stupid 11 issue" ! NO ONE IN MY FAMILY WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT IT ANYMORE ! I know they love and care about me, but THEY JUST DONT GET IT ! Ive tried to pray it away, but the Believer of Jesus Christ in me and the Holy Spirit that resides in me would not allow such a thing to keep occurring if not for a GOOD reason !
I work in the mental health field with clients that have many disorders from high functioning to low functioning .I thought maybe my work is getting to me ! But as the months went by I grew to know this wasnt work related. I am a God fearing woman, I asked the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into my heart at the age of 12 and I know that I know that I know, Im saved !
At this point I feel like Im all over the place with explaining my story ! Most likely due to how long Ive gone with dealing with this on my own ! Please know Im very sane, and theres a whole lot more to myself and relating to 11 !
Ive visited sites that deal with 11:11. THIS is not my case ! Yes Ive seen it but its not as relavent as 11 past the hour. Or some people see 2:22 and such, again I see that at times but its not the same !???
So to wrap this up for now, I would just like to know that others experience the same thing and whether one is Saved and God fearing or not, we all play a part in whats to come.
P.S. My father seems to believe me (although he hasnt any answers) he asked me to think about whats going on each time this occurs. So far I havent found a correlation ???
Thanks to all and any of you 11ners to take the time to read "my crazy story")


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2015, 08:34:38 AM »
Welcome Misdevio, as I just looked at my clock and it is 11 after as I type this.  Yup I go through all the same things,  I've realised the phenomenon for a few years now.  I started noticing it at first due to my work.  I'd always be getting done at 11, 22, 33, 44 after an  hour almost daily.  I wasn't trying to it just happened that way.  Then I would get phantom rings from my phone, it would feel like my phone was vibrating I'd pull it out it'd be 1:11 am or something.  So then I started listening to numerology experts and they would often time compress numbers.  So I started compressing numbers in my ever where I went and that's where I saw 11's in almost everything.  My apt adds to 33, my boss's phone number has 1111 in it, my credit card security code would compress to 11, my b day compress's to 555, my birth time is 1:17 so that was another number i'd often see.  Then about a year ago I think I had some sort of awakening, I had this happy lovey dovey sensation come into my life and I came to realize anger was the problem and I didn't need to be mad anymore the lovey dovey feeling lasted about a week maybe 2 it's hard to explain and it really flipped my entire outlook on life at that point.  Since then the 11's have been non stop.  A company moved into the bldg that I clean  because I am a janitor, that has a digital clock right when you walk in and I swear to god they put this clock in there for me.  I get more crazy 11 coincidences from this clock then any other.  I can walk in there not knowing what time it is and clock will read for example 11:47 and 38 seconds.  (Remember the number compression 4 and 7 = 11, 3 and 8 = 11)  So later on they changed the lock on the door and I didn't get the key so I have to enter the company from another door, door #110.  Another bldg I clean is bldg number 1121 (11x11=121)  The door I enter that bldg has a number on it C-110.  (See 11?)  It's every where I go non stop.  I can go on and on and on, I think you get the picture.  But for sure it is more then just 11's I get all kinds of number patterns now. 111 222 333 444 12:21 12:51 or numbers that add to 11 like 8:21.  The phenomenon just amazes me, and because I can't turn it off I've gotten fairly obsessed over it and hence I'm here all the time posting trying to keep this forum going and encourage others to come forward and say something doesn't matter I just want to help understanding this.


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 10:32:54 AM »
Hi Dred, thanks so much for the welcome ! I as many of us NEVER wanted this 11 thing in my life. Due to the fact that I work with mentally challenged clients, Ive seen many behaviors and have been educated on what is or can be a disorder or not !
 When this started for me I think I kind of knew to not try to add numbers to = 11 or letters in ones name or address. I think that if I had taken that step it would or could have driven me insane. !! LOL The very fact that one sees 11 in any common way such as a birthday, mailbox, address, and of coarse the clocks. And I cant even begin to tell you how many times I get a text 11 past the hour !
 Im 44 yrs old and have been going through this for many many years now. Ive come to the point that there may be 2 different sides to this 11 thing. Meaning there may be a good/bad sides to this ! Most of the research Ive done in the past led me to topics I dont believe in, but since Ive found this site I found others that felt the same way and are searching scriptures and praying to Jesus Christ about showing what this all means. Please know Im in no way saying that is your case either way. :)
 My dad asked me to think about what was going on in my life or what i was doing each time i experience  this 11 thing !
I also want to express that this 11 thing is a part of my life, but I cant allow it to take over my life in a disruptive way and leave me mentally fatigued . The bigger question is why and what are we all apart of ??
Thanks again ! Misdevio


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2015, 12:11:40 PM »
Hello Misdevio, Dred, Lin and all 11ers,
   I had to take a trip to Denver from Portland because my mom was dying. She is gone now and we are at peace because she didn't suffer much at the end. She lived to be 95 years old.
   Why did I tell you this? Because the 11s were there with me the whole time. I spent a total of 13 days in Denver and to be honest it was one of the rare times when I didn't see 11 after the hour, at least for a day or two, in the beginning, then they started to show up again. And as usual it was 2 or 3 times a day. One morning after a shower as I was crossing the room my eyes just went to the clock and it was 6:10 and before I could turn away the clock snapped to 6:11.
   This happens often for me as it probably does with you. However, as time passes, I cant help but think that Source Energy keeps it's eye on a certain select group of people. When the clock snapped to 6:11 I couldn't help but think that Source Energy is a living thinking entity, and it has it's eye on me.  If you have read my posts in the past you know that I am a very spiritual person, a trait I think we all share, although I an not associated with any organized religion, I believe that these prompts come from another dimension. I also believe that Source Energy has broken some kind of barrier in order to have contact with us. If this is true I think it has profound possibilities. And if this is true I think it is our responsibility to figure out the mystery. I think we are obligated to figure it out.
   In the past I started a column titled "Somebody say something" because there is too much silence. With over 1400 views there is little debate, in fact practically none.
    Even today people write and express their revelation and then we never hear from them again, which I find odd. Yet the core group, the top tier 11ers keep on trying.
   Misdevio, I wouldn't worry about this phenomenon being a mental disorder. I can only speak for myself and I'll have you know that I am as far from a nutcase as you can get. I have private communications with other 11ers and they seem to be quite normal also.
   Once again I am offering a copy of my book Sherpa to anyone who wants one.
   10200000265676, 10200000265677, 10200000265678, these are code numbers that you can use at If you want a book, Sherpa, and claim it for yourself. You have to be fast and if by chance all 3 books get taken, and you want one please contact me here or... 
   I'll tell you a little something I now know for sure. In Sherpa I wrote that "giving" is the real currency here on Earth. When you give without expectation of compensation you may get what you want but you might also get what you deserve, in a good way.
   This has been my policy for most of my life. When you put the needs of other before your own, the universe knows and rewards you anyway. The publishing package cost me $1600.00 and I am dirt broke but I did it anyway. All of the royalties from Sherpa and my other book, "Presents of Mind" go to charities. Half of the royalty money from Sherpa goes to Doernbechers Children's Hospital in Portland and the other half goes to St. Jude's Children's hospital in Memphis Tenn.
   So far I've received 2 royalty checks and as promised those donations were made. My royalty checks are so small that I have to add some of my own money to make it worth the stamp to send it, and again I'm dirt broke. The donations are small but to the Universe,  's a big deal, and yes, I've been compensated for my efforts already, in a big way. So huge that I really would encourage everybody you try giving without expectation of compensation or reward, and then you get what you want or even better, you get what you deserve.
   Dred, I saw the mirror time on a recent post. Hahahaha,as usual huh?


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2015, 08:37:13 AM »
Totally agree Steve the Universe rewards those who live the right path and I think I'm proof of that.  My life didn't start getting good until I started doing the right thing and quit drinking, and it wasn't an immediate reward it took a few years of sobriety and service to the companies I clean for.  Then things started falling in to place and the 11's started.  Wonder if there is corelation there?

Yes I'm pretty consistent with the numbers patterns to my post times it's so funny how it works to the second not like it's intentionally planned cause it can't be, unless we somehow do it subconsciously it amazes me still though after all this time.


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2015, 12:48:17 PM »
Hello all 11ers, So much to say now that I have a soapbox to stand on !!
 Id like to say my deepest condolences to 11erSteve and his Moms passing. A death in the family is never easy. Seems as though she lived a good long life, but we are never ready to see anyone depart from us. Blessings to you and your family.
 Lin, Im very interested about how you came to the understanding my thinking of the theory of good/bad with the 11 "thing" ? As a saved Christian at the age of 12, Ive always know the the Lord had great things for me !
  Along with understanding what and why we are all experiencing this 11 thing, My question is does anyone talk about it to your friends and family at all? How do they react ? Does anyone support you ? Or do you get a negative response ?
  I have very loving and supportive people in my life, for the most part... ! And they all know Im VERY Sane, (and here comes the BUT ) But no one understands and thinks its really weird to the point that Ive basically stopped talking about it . Every once in awhile Ill mention it but I usually get rolling eyes at me ! ( and I understand, to a point, but it bothers me at times when someone will say "oh look, 2:22 " and Im like thats NOT what Im talking about !!!
 Last night at work was not a good night for me ! Im allowed to rest through the night while my clients are sleeping and I was Abruptly woken up at 2:11am and again at 4:11am  and I felt in a panic (so to say) and nothing was going on in the home. All was very very quiet . Ive had this happen in the past a few times, but not like last night ! Oh Boy !
 I really intend on digging deeper for an understanding !
Thanks to all of you 11ers for your time...pardon the pun !


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2015, 07:10:25 PM »
MISDEVIO, you said in a previous post, "Ive come to the point that there may be 2 different sides to this 11 thing. Meaning there may be a good/bad sides to this !"   

Yes, I have now come to realize that there are good and bad sides to the 11 phenomenon.  For the most part, I think it is good.  I feel as though I am being contacted by spirit and various messages are being communicated.  Some of those messages have been good....and some bad!  I have had enough prompts to get my attention.  I keep an accurate diary of each prompt or repeating number and the circumstances under which I saw it and what is going on around me. 

I receive support from members of this forum along with two other friends who also receive the prompts.  My husband ( who is not an 11er) fully supports me because he realizes that I possess some psychic ability which he has observed first hand.  He does not doubt me at all. 

However, I am cautious about speaking of the phenomenon around some family members.  I have four brothers who would have a blast if they knew about this!  LOL.  I am sure they would label me the WooWoo sister or better yet, "the Witch Sister."  So I would never discuss any of this with them.

So I hope I have answered some of your questions.  But know this.....there are many of us out there....I believe thousands...perhaps millions that experience the 11's all the time.  Something is up and we are being prompted to take note.  There is no doubt in my mind that receiving the prompts from a universe made of numbers is one more step in human evolution.  The Universe is talking to us.....and I think we all need to bring God back into our lives.  NOW!

Namaste and live to all 11er's,


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2015, 07:11:29 PM »
That's Namaste and LOVE to all 11er's!!



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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2015, 07:22:35 PM »
Oh for crying out loud!  Note the time I sent my last post!  7:11:29.....9 and 2 equals 11.  I can't get away from it either.....!!   It never ends!!!!    LOL



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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2015, 10:01:52 AM »
Lin, thanks so much for your reply ! I would say you are very Blessed to have friends that also experience the 11's, as I for many years felt a little odd with this whole thing !

My husband loves me Very much, but I cant say he supports this. He's not upset or mean about it, he just doesn't  understand, and I think a lot of non 11ers just don't get it ! 

One of the reasons why I stopped researching this years ago was because I was only finding (so to say) bad, demonic, or the "drink the coolaid" Occult, sort of things. Thats when I thought to myself, theres no way I can be apart of this 11 thing !
  I may be new to corresponding with other 11ers and this forum, but Im not new as an 11er. I have walked this road alone for a very long time.

The one good thing that I did read at some point was the 11ers are The Keepers of Light . Im interested in learning more about that. In the Bible,  Light normally deals with Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Its very interesting to me that with all the 11ers on here and all the posts, that it seems to me we are a distance away from understanding this ? I know we all come from different backgrounds and age, but seems to me we should have some progress in understanding this !?

Once again thanks for your time


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2015, 10:22:36 AM »
Hello to all 11ers, Would anyone like to comment about the difference of seeing 11:11 and seeing 11 in any and all things ?? I saw that Facebook has a site for the 11:11ers . I DID NOT find anything on there that pertains to "us 11ers" . Note= I didnt read the entire site or feeds, I was not impressed so to say, with what I did read. Maybe Im wrong ???? Maybe Im right !!!
  Thanks, Misdevio


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2015, 12:31:21 PM »
Sorry I've been offline for a few days, 11erSterve sorry to hear about your mom, my prayers are with you and your family.
Ok so things are really really starting to get weird... I'm seeing the normal 11:11, along with 2:11,3:11 and all the other eleven series, Im seeing the triple numbers 111,222,333,444,777 all the my phone and my electronics are acting extremely weird..when I open my phone the time will show 11:11 on the lock screen but the time is not 11:11..last is was 12:30...the same has shown up in my car and on my tv, I'm like what the heck is going on?? It's freezing on 11:11 randomly ... How is that even possible? We all need to band together, pray corporately or something because the answer lies with us.. We just gotta unlock what the mystery is...
When I tell others, everyone thinks I'm crazy , only you guys who are experiencing the same thing know what I'm going through...


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Re: Weird things in the atmosphere
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2015, 02:02:33 PM »
Mellbell, and other 11ers, I surely do know how you feel ! As much as I try to keep this 11 thing under control (as in NOT have a big reaction to it each time it occurs)..... towards the people that surround me, so I dont seam like a weirdo.
Im thinking that each one of us go through more dramatic 11 sightings at different times. And when this happens to us its VERY NOTICEABLE ! Almost like a fluctuation at random times for each of us !? I know when I have high driven 11 days and other days not so much . It always makes me say to myself what the heck is going on !??

My 11's are at a higher rate now too. And thats without trying to add numbers when I see them to see if they =11 ! Im seriously afraid to do that ! I think I will spend to much time in my head trying to figure this 11 thing out ! ( not to say others shouldnt ) just that I dont feel I could spend quality time with my 2 sons, husband and work if I went in that direction ! Some 11ers may be able to do this ..but I know its too much for me !!

Still searching for answers...Misdevio