Author Topic: I think I had an epiphany  (Read 18695 times)


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Re: I think I had an epiphany
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2015, 08:28:45 AM »
Oops meant to type Misdevio


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Re: I think I had an epiphany
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2015, 07:57:23 PM »
I find this interesting that it strategically goes through September 15...according to the harbinger prophesy the crap is gonna hit the fan in America by the 29 of Elul which is September 13... I honestly believe it's going to be Yellowstone's gonna cause clouds and billows of smoke, and will cause the sun to be darkened just like the bible states in revelations 6.. Then the on the 28th the final blood moon which will be a supermoon will occur...also talked about in revelations 6..then it talks about the fig tree being shaken by a mighty wind...which is israel...and it talks about stars falling from the heavens... I believe this signifies bombs and the start of some sort of war...if America is incapacitated by an Yellowstone explosion, the enemies of Israel will quickly see it as sign to attack her....we are running out of time..this is the eleventh hour....

Russian strategist, Konstantin Sivkov has suggested nuking Yellowstone to destroy the United States. The hope is to set off a supervolcano, basically destroying the whole continent. He believes Russia will suffer very little from the eruption. I think he is wrong. It will just take longer, but they will see what happens when the climate really changes in a hurry. He also suggested doing the same type of thing along the San Andreas Fault to try to trigger massive earthquakes and a tsunami that could hit 1,000 miles of the U.S. The largest earthquake ever is an end-time prophecy.

The Story:


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Re: I think I had an epiphany
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2015, 08:14:05 PM »

I know I may sound a bit extreme right know but I think as 11ers we need to start looking at a bigger picture ! We cannot just be noticing digital clocks, addresses, and such ! Adding numbers together that equal 11 or some other pattern ! Do you not think that the Enemy (satin) would love to have us all bound up looking at some number on a clock? and still be befuddled by that ?
We 11ers may be chosen to see sings, but I feel there is so much more !


I agree there is so much more... But I think its not about looking for numbers on clocks and whatnot. They are being put there by a force that I have to believe is God or angels of God... The crazy circumstances that lead us to places that we could in no way plan and having these signs put in front of us has to be from a creator. But I understand, we don't need to be fixated on adding everything up all the time, although often to those really in tune they jump out (not much adding needed). And it serves as further confirmation of what is going on. The amazing thing is that it seems to happen most when not looking for it. That's why I haven't ever tried to count or track how often it happens. I just know when it is getting ridiculous. When I try to notice it more it seems to happen quite a bit less.



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Re: I think I had an epiphany
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2015, 08:28:58 PM »
I know for me my life has gotten insanely busy... It's almost like with the awakening of the 11s so also came the busyness..the more I think about it it's almost like I'm purposefully being distracted to keep me from finding out the real truth..


I absolutely know what you are saying. It seems we are being distracted. This may not happen to everyone, but it has been a war with time for me. Every distraction and problem that can come it seems. It is part of our battle with evil. We are getting the reassurance of seeing the signs, but are being hammered with the distractions/ "busyness." I can only hope it is for a season and will soon pass. It has been a long season for me.

I know I am different from the rest of society..I don't follow the norm ..I don't follow trends..I am one who is an independent thinker and can read between the lines..if I can focus on a problem or situatin I can figure it out and crack the codes..I'm assuming many of you share similar traits?

I definitely don't follow the trends and believe in looking at all angles and opinions when I can before rushing to a conclusion. It is a curse of the times that there is a lynch mob mentality that is always looking to get someone or make a problem where it doesn't exist. I call this wave basically social media lynch mobs... It is not becoming to humanity or speak to any kind of evolution. Nothing will be fixed with this mindset and only more division will occur. It is hard not to get angry and get in the mud with such people. One of the countless ills in this late hour we live in.