Author Topic: So what does it all mean?  (Read 8918 times)


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So what does it all mean?
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:32:14 PM »
Hello 11ers!

     Its been a long long and what feels like a great deal of time since i last come to these boards.  I have amassed quite a bit of information on this phenomenon but like a unfinished jigsaw puzzle, the pieces are scattered everywhere.

Like a puzzle, you start with the borders first.  In this case...its 11 (numbers phenomenon, not "numerology"), the law of attraction, the law of vibration and synchronicity.

Then you've got the middle to put together.  This is where the stray pieces are like individual questions to your border pieces.  What links to what and what fits?

This is where more questions than answers come in....Why are we awakening, did we do this to ourselves?  Where do these messages or signs come from...why are awakeners recognizing that we are receivers, but don't understand or know the fact that we are ALSO...TRANSMITTERS.  And we are CONSTANTLY transmitting the vibration of our thoughts.  We just don't know where that particular energy goes...or who its being transmitted to....if we are transmitting to an entity or if it free flows outward from us and is received by who wishes to "tune in" to the particular frequency we are transmitting.

That, alone, is what makes human beings so special...but at the same time, naive to our own abilities.  that's no can you know what you were never taught?  But again, this is what makes human beings so special.  Our emotions vary on such an unbelievable scale...we can be at the most utterly lowest point we have ever been in our lives...or we can be elated, full of joy and love for whatever purpose.

As a person, whatever we are feeling and thinking, carries a vibration, or a frequency.  And like a radio station, our frequencies can be tuned in to.  That is what makes this phenomenon so special, beautiful and unique.  Because the difference in frequencies that we shoot out and any given point in time has to be tuned into....that means...something out there (and im heavily leaning towards the spiritual here, thats my opinion) is taking that time to stay in tune with YOU.  out of the seven billion people in this world...there is an entity that is tuned into YOU!  And once start to realize this....awaken as i like to put start getting the signs!  Its like some excited entity has also recognized that YOU have become aware of what "it" has been "it" tries hard to heavily communicate with establish a connection or a bond.

This is the most difficult time...because now you have to develop an understanding...almost like a language that only exists between YOU and IT.  IT is trying to communicate with YOU, but we lack the comprehension of what its saying...but it never seems to give up when it comes to trying to get through to us.

So now, this is where synchronicity pops in.  Its adding an extra depth of understanding...its expressing something personal to you.  An example of what i mean is, from an example i had gotten from the other post, is watching a show about Ancient Aliens...then laying down and thinking about you hear Katy Perry's E.T. song...and you convenient is it for that song to play as im thinking about this topic at that exact moment?

Case in point on what im getting at had thought of something, something particular. In this case, it was ancient aliens.  No matter what you were feeling at that time, your thought transmitted, with a frequency.  That frequency was picked up...and the E.T. was played as a response.

Its a very casual way of an entity saying...."I hear you....can you hear me?"

Despite all this, even I am having a very difficult time trying to carry on a one way conversation.  Its been two years now and still don't know the meaning of many signs.  And from what im reading from here and on many other boards is the same problem.....they can hear us...but we cant totally hear them.

So maybe we are approaching this the wrong way.  Perhaps what we are supposed to be doing is feeling the messages out on a personal level.  When we see an 11 or a sign of some sort, take a second and monitor what you were JUST thinking.

This could be why people feel 11's can be good or bad.  Because they send a sign during the good times and the instead of trying to find meaning to the signs, perhaps we should monitor what we think when we see a sign.  "They" may know us better than we know ourselves....


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2015, 03:46:43 PM »
Holy Shit Jason welcome back missed you friend.


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2015, 03:59:06 PM »
Totally the same back to you, Dred Ol' Buddy!



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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2015, 04:21:07 PM »
I've been going down many rabbit holes lately, one of the more interesting ones lately has been Michael Tsarion - The Earth is in Quarantine.  It's a 2 hour lecture about his belief that aliens have come to this planet and are basically locked up here and trying to leave.  But what blew my mind and got me to tear up a little was at the end when he describes how to fight back.  Listen to the last few minutes of it where he talks of shamanistic dancing.  I can't speak for other 11'rs but I'm a dancer always have been, it's just been my past time hobby, but my dance is not like other peoples, I listen to fast jungle beats and it is vibrational.  So I'm not sure if I've found my calling or just another crazy idea, but I think I have a good idea where I want to start looking.


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 10:05:38 PM »
   Welcome back pointman19, it's great to hear from you. I agree. Something is trying to communicate with us and we are tuned to a certain frequency. I think your posts are very insightful. keep them coming.
Hi Lin. 11erSteve


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2015, 06:21:39 PM »
Pointman19, I truely value your insight ! I too have had many experiences, such as I was attending a mainstream christian church . The pastor at the time talked about walking around certain buildings that we wanted to pray for whether it be your own home or others but in a non-intrusive way and praying !. ( I know it sounds weird but...!)
I have always had a heart for ( a certain church and the un-truths taught there ) I will not name this group !
Anyways,I was just out and about to buy groceries and I felt led to just stop by this church that was not of my christianity !  My son at the time was 3 maybe 4. I pulled in the church yard in the middle of the day, we got out and walked around the building 3 times and prayed for the community of this church. No harm no fowl !
Now I do normally listen to WBCI 105.9 here in Maine, but its almost always talk christian radio. As I was putting my son back in the van and started the engine the radio was blasting the song The walls of Gerico (spelling) and the walls came tumbling down -the words to the song !
This was 18 years ago ! It was so profound to me then and still is to this day ! Since then there have been many more instances of this !
I do believe that 11ers have been called to notice signs and wonders. We do seem to have the same caring aspect for our surroundings .
Im actually very fortunate to now have an adult son that is not an 11er but notices many other aspects of the hard truths that are going on around us ! But the truth brings light, and the light brings awareness !


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2015, 08:57:40 AM »
I think we all as 11ers have something to achieve.  But i think we aren't going to figure it out if we keep trying to understand something thats not meant for us to understand when it comes to the way our brains have been hardwired by society since birth.

"Your not good enough to fit in"
"If you want to blend with society, You need to act or be a certain way"
"Our religeon is better than theirs"
"If you dont believe what your told, your either A) an Idiot for not thinking with the mainstream or B) a person with crackpot ideas that has no has no valid reasoning simply because your in the status that you are in and we have degrees"

There are freaking tons upon tons of reasons that society or the higher ups try to keep people "in their place and in their ignorance".

The main reason im getting at is...we have to stop thinking like the masses.  We have to re-route the ol' electrical circuitry of our brains and become more open to different ideas.  Ideas like, for example, the 11 phenomenon.  We know that something is up and we also feel like "something" is trying to get our different attentions.  Not only on this board, but other like minded boards as well share this same principle. 

Its crazy how you dont see one forum troll, one person trying to get others riled up for their own enjoyment, on ANY of these, or the other boards i frequent.  That should be something we should all look at too.  We all put our heads together and try to figure out whats-waht...and no one mocks another for what they may think.

I find that rather incredible.

Anywho, im starting to get off topic and we know where my ramblings lead ;)  Bottom line....We have to re-wire our brains on what we have been told is real and what we have been told its all in our heads and ludicrous thought.  If we are to find out ANYTHING.......we have to change the way we think and be open to what we have been told is nonsense.

And the only way to start to change the way we perceive whats around us.

Big lion

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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2015, 11:36:09 AM »
so this is my first message. i must first sat thank you for you all being here. i felt i was alone for a long time seeing the number 11. ive asked so many people if anything like see 11 was happening to them. no one. so i stopped asking. man was i happy to find this web site. i see 11's everyday all day, all night.
i quess everyone is asking the same question that im asking WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
i vee bee seeing the 11 for about 2.5 years now and as i read some of the comments i agree that its getting more frequent.
Interesting web site you may want to look at is Angel talk 2 u. on that site they feel that its angels trying to communicate with us. I dont know. what i do know is that i have been having some dreams that are out of this world. ive been seeing things b 4 they happen in my dreams. i know im not crazy.
loking frwd to see what other have been experiencing in their own life.



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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2015, 07:45:08 AM »
Welcome Lion I can say I've had a few precognitive dreams over the last year, nothing major, and yes I believe my dreams have become more vivid I recall a lot more of my dreaming as of late to the say the least. 


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2015, 11:30:33 AM »
Im going off topic here, but even i have had a dream that has come to just hoping the outcome isnt the same as the dream.

In my dream, there were two dark silhouettes outlines against a red background.  Like it was some kind of red glow.  These two silouettes met and we embraced.  I couldn't make out any features but her hair, which was red.  Then we embraced. (which at the time of the dream, i interpreted  it was a meaningful relationship with someone)

A year later, i met my girlfriend...who is 4 foot 11 with red hair...and ive never dated a redhead :P  This happened naturally, and i didnt remember the dream until after we had met.  I just remember the ending of the dream too...where a complication arose and we had to separate...the two of us drifting apart as we reached out for each other....

I hope the ending doesnt come true too...


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2015, 11:13:29 PM »
I too have had visions that have come to pass... Some have been dreams but most have occurred while I'm awake.. I will see something vividly and then some time passes and it happens.. It doesn't happen very often ...but when it does it always comes true.... I don't doubt where the visions come from, I know they are from the Lord..
As for my dreams they have been getting more vivid as well.. And more violent.. I probably should begin keeping a dream journal..
But that doesn't suprise me... In the bible acts 2:17 God says He will pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy,  your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams..

Maybe that's what's happening...a beginning of the outpouring of Gods spirit on all flesh.. But maybe only those receptive to hear are listening... I see the shows about the doomsday preppers and I see the members of this forum.. Some believe in God, others in aliens, others in nothing.., and I try to figure out what the common thread is.. Maybe the common thread is just the fulfillment of the scripture of God's outpouring on all flesh.. Believers an that people begin to search deeper for a deeper truth..


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2015, 08:42:41 PM »

"Your not good enough to fit in"
"If you want to blend with society, You need to act or be a certain way"
"Our religeon is better than theirs"
"If you dont believe what your told, your either A) an Idiot for not thinking with the mainstream or B) a person with crackpot ideas that has no has no valid reasoning simply because your in the status that you are in and we have degrees"

Its crazy how you dont see one forum troll, one person trying to get others riled up for their own enjoyment, on ANY of these, or the other boards i frequent.  That should be something we should all look at too.  We all put our heads together and try to figure out whats-waht...and no one mocks another for what they may think.


It seems you can't post on a forum or  comments thread on a news article without getting attacked. I have found myself getting into it with some of these guys and using their own tactics and hypocrisy to rile them up. Not the right thing to do, but they don't like it. A waste of time as well, but sometimes it can be hard to bite your tongue with such vicious people. It is really hard to share ideas these days or have a friendly debate. This is why very little positive progress gets made these days. I think most of the boards like this with good people looking for answers won't tolerate too much of that. I think disagreements are fine and even some healthy skepticism. But mockery and that kind of thing won't be tolerated here, that's for sure.


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2015, 08:51:31 PM »
While I believe many dreams have meaning, a lot don't come true. I have had long recurring dreams during my life that could no longer come true do to changes in certain areas that make them impossible... So whatever they meant wasn't what I thought they meant. So the ending could mean nothing or maybe it is just the natural fear of losing someone so important. Perhaps a reminder to do all you can to see it doesn't happen.


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Re: So what does it all mean?
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2015, 09:14:01 PM »
I see the shows about the doomsday preppers and I see the members of this forum.. Some believe in God, others in aliens, others in nothing.., and I try to figure out what the common thread is.. Maybe the common thread is just the fulfillment of the scripture of God's outpouring on all flesh.. Believers an that people begin to search deeper for a deeper truth..

I think all of that may be true. I think one common thread is that most people recognize that something big is going on. They believe we are on the brink of something. Some don't see the divine nature of things or see the source differently, but see we are headed in a bad direction from a worldwide standpoint. I really don't think anytime in history it has been quite like this.