Author Topic: Born on 11/11 at 11:11PM  (Read 10788 times)


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Born on 11/11 at 11:11PM
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:35:01 AM »
I've been "guided" by number 11 since I was born, and never really brought it up to anyone except 2-3 friends. I'm born on 11/11, and my birth certificate notes that the official time of my coming out was 11:11PM. Since I can remember, I was always "followed" by this number, all the time. Be it in clocks, price tags, address, whatever. It always has been too recurring and random for it to be coincidence or me "wanting" to find the number. My relationship with this number has grown from one of fear, to one of annoyance to finally one of love. 11 to me is like a guide, an external force / energy that reminds me always of its presence and to keep going.

The real reason? I'm not yet sure, but what I'm sure of is that it is something good. Everyone seems to have their own interpretation to this phenomena, ranging from the most basic speculations to more far-fetched theories relating directly to extra-terrestrials. That, to me, is very disappointing. People will always find ways to make themselves feel unique - which is fine, but "elitism" is certainly not the answer. No one is better than the other or more "chosen" than the other. Rather, we are all the one. Circulating in an experience as much complex as it is balanced that we call life on Earth. In my life, 11 is a guide, a friend, a guardian angel, and when times seem to get hard it makes its appearance. Sometimes randomly, sometimes at the exact right moment I want or need it to be there.

I am blessed enough to see "11" every day I come out of my home, and every day I come into it, by default. Every-single-day. How? I live on the 11th floor of my building, at apartment number: 1111. It really is as odd as it is interestingly amazing. "Life", "the universe", "God", whatever you may call it or whatever it may be, has chosen a really funny way to communicate with me. I could not be any more appreciative. I will not go on about my crazy experiences with 11/11, because they are simply so incredible that some of these things, need to be forever kept on a personal level.

Friends, we all connect on this same level. Know:we are not "better" or "more guided" than any body else, buying into imagination-filled stories will only slow you down from getting to The Truth. Be Men and Women of Wisdom and Understanding, and never let your basic emotions such as wanting to be part of an "elite of chosen people" or anything else, make you buy into an easy-go-to answer. The Truth is simple, but it is not easy.

Stay strong and be blessed my friends!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 11:41:52 AM by prince11 »

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Re: Born on 11/11 at 11:11PM
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2016, 09:47:38 PM »
Wow, well said. I agree with most of what u said, it's not that I feel we r better than anyone. I do feel this is happening to us for a reason. What it is I don't know. Not everyone sees 11 all the time. Foe me everyday all day and night. I hope someone will get to the root of this as I've been searching with no true answer. Most important with all my heart I feel this is a blessing.
There must b a reason that we r blesses and that is what make this so special. We are different we see 11 we are all here to get to the source of this blessing.
Think of times u see 11 and y others don't see. There is a reason. There is a reason and a purpose
for all things


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Re: Born on 11/11 at 11:11PM
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2016, 03:44:03 AM »
I agree with both of you. Prince11, you are totally right and I like your reasonable approach. I want to speak with you more I think.
11 started happening for me a number of years ago around the age of thirty. So not my whole life like you. But like my reply in the post 'Newbie' I had already experienced a full range of bizarre phenomena before 11 and I have for a long time seen signs. It was only after a couple of years being haunted by 11 that I looked it up on the net and was so suprised to find all of these others having a similar experience. It took me this long to look it up because I had simply written it off as just another bizarre phenomena that I was experiencing all be it a very aggressive persistant one. I had even confided in two different friends about 11 before I looked it up on the net, they may have thought I am crazy.
I say 11ers are a little bit special in that they are all see'ers of signs. I just think people don't seem to realise that this is actually a burden to bear rather than some kind of whimsical scenario.
What I mean by that is there is work to be done.


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Re: Born on 11/11 at 11:11PM
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2016, 04:00:45 AM »
So anyway here is one 11 experience you guys might enjoy. I am a New Zealander and I love rugby. Now for those of you who think its too violent and jock ridden - I agree with you. If I ever become perfect then giving up my love for rugby will be the last vice to go.
So I played the New Zealand Herald, Dreamteam fantasy rugby game during the world cup last year, I named my team 'The 11ers'. With one round left to play I was in 4th place overall out of 8000 teams. The guy in 1st place was too far ahead for me to even hope to beat. I could have got 2nd place had I made rational selections, but because 1st was unattainable I made selections based on a dream I had the night before. After the final round I scrolled down to see my final placement - you guessed it, 11th place, tied with another guy it read 1st, 2nd 3rd etc until 11th where it read 11th and another 11th. A further irony is that the guy in 1st place was named NN11ers.


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Re: Born on 11/11 at 11:11PM
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2016, 06:21:48 AM »
At the risk of talking to myself here I want to share one more experience. This one can only be verified by lie detector.

I was driving home alone late one night recently. This trip was a 4 hour drive and I was 1 hour into it. It was raining fairly heavily and I was in the middle of nowhere when it happened.

This was during a time period where the 11 was being particularly aggressive. As I was driving listening to am radio I was experiencing an uneasiness with my odometer. It was one item that often showed me 11s and I couldn't help feeling that the whole 7 numbers in the readout might be significant. I had boiled them down to a single number as I drove along adding.

Again I was feeling uneasy about my odometer.

My radio had been receiving only interference for a few minutes, it was doing some weird sounding high pitch garble as only AM can. And then came the really creepy warped voices of want sounded like movie ghosts through the radio.

I was feeling kind of hypersensitive, a small amount of sweat on the brow, slightly elevated heart rate, a feeling of uneasiness, creepy ghost voices on the radio. I had to just pull over for a sec and take a couple of breaths.

I saw a little driveway opening up ahead, it left the road in a curved shape up a slope, surrounded by long grass and bushes. I pulled in and just around the curve where you couldn't quite see from the road was a gate blocking the way, I stopped.

As I took a breath looking straight ahead at the gate in my headlights there was a long rectangle placard hanging on the gate. This placard was homemade from a thin sheet of unpainted wood, it had a 7 digit number messily painted on it in red.

I looked down at the 7 digits on my odometer. My heart almost exploded. Boom boom boom boom. The two 7 digit numbers were exactly the same.

I gapped it really fast. Just about soiled myself.


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Re: Born on 11/11 at 11:11PM
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2016, 07:43:18 PM »
Hello Kiwi and all the other Newbies!

You are not talking to yourself Kiwi...we are here....many are too shy to respond......I am happy that you are brave enough to share your story.  Yes, the numbers mean something......did you add them all up?  What number did you get?  That was an unbelievable synchronistic moment for you.  No doubt there's a message in those numbers.  I have experiences like that all the time.  Lately I get 777.....along with the constant 11's of course.  I know what my message is and what the Universe is trying to tell me....I am doing what it wants me to do.  I finally figured it out.  It took me a while but I finally figured it out. 

So New Zealand is safe!  Australia and New Zealand is on my bucket list and quite frankly I am running out of places to visit due to the unrest in the world.  I am happy to hear that New Zealand is a safe place to visit.  Now if I could only stand the plane ride I will visit.   :)

Dred, Steve, .....I miss you guys...I sent you personal messages sometime around the holidays.  I hope all is well and Dred I was happy to hear you were ok after your crash.  Your sister was an angel in disguise. blew me away with the post you found " EL EVEN".....God....balance.....I always knew the answer to our mystery was right in our face the entire time.  It's God communicating with those of us who receive the prompts.....GOD.  And even though we are all one.....only some of us receive the signs.....many of us but not all of us......yes we are indeed special, blessed and extremely fortunate.

Namaste my friends,