Author Topic: My whole story on 11  (Read 8976 times)


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2014, 10:26:44 AM »
Hello Pointman and others. After reading these posts I have a few comments. And as usual I ask of others only to chime in and talk about the phenomenon we are all experiencing. We will figure this out I'm sure.
Like you Pointman I am a writer and am just a few chapters from finishing a new book and have made a deal with Trafford publishing to get self published just this past weekend. My last chapter is about being an 11er. When this hits the mainstream it will cast a wide net and 11er's who never knew there was others just like them may end yup here on 11phenom. In the mean time I think it would be a good idea to somehow advertise But how. I don't have all the answers, got any ideas anybody?
Like Pointman I am very good with numbers too. I have a lottery strategy that guarantees more winnings than accepting quick-picks. I know it's off subject but the point I'm trying to make is that I think one trait we might share is numerology.  Pointman and I both are intrigued with The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. He and I have never met but it affected us both in the same way. When I get in the right frequency nothing but good things happen.
Pointman also brought up the series Ancient Aliens and there is a lot of very logical information there, and some that is nonsense, but for the most part it's solid logic.
I used to point out 11's when I hung around with my former girlfriend and she never caught on to being an 11er. That's not how it works. For some reason ( I hope this doesn't sound silly) we are the chosen ones. Just like the people in Close encounters of the third kind.
I've abandoned organized religion years ago yet believe strongly in a God, our Creator. When ideas pop into my mind I feel as if it were a communication from a higher power. And yes, I do believe I am guided by a Higher Power.
I really encourage others to talk about their experiences with 11's, follow your feelings and be confident that they will guide you to the right place. 11erSteve